Arrows are Beautiful

by Voxyl the Game Dragon


Flim was resting on the couch, watching TV. Emerald had brought him in and patched him up. She was now in the kitchen making apple cider.

He levitated the remote and changed the channel.

"Cider's done," she called from the kitchen.

Emerald walked out with a white apron on and a tray on her head. She set it down in front of Flim. She took her place next to him on the couch. He scooted toward her just a bit.

"So, what happened?"

Flim looked at her, mouth full of grape fritter. He swallowed and looked downcast.

"My brother Flam and I were known-"

"You told me that already," Emerald said, laying down.

"Oh, right. So anyway...."

*Flashback ripple*

(Anything in Flim's story that's in parenthesis is Flim narrating)

(It was an ordinary day. Flam and I were up to our usual no-good.)

"And you see, ponies, this sparkling apple juice is delicious and nutritious," Flam lied.

"It'll make you feel 10 times happier," Flim joined in.

(Everything was going fine. We're scamming everypony! Using lies and actors to get cash. Then a brown filly, wearing a grey scarf and about 7 inches shorter than the rest, spoke up.)

"I'd like to buy one!"

(We happily took the small bag of bits and handed over the bottle of faulty sparkling apple juice.)

"Don't drink-"

(But it was too late. The filly had downed the whole bottle. She spat it out and demanded her money back. We we're forced to give it to her and were ran out of town. Again. When we finally found a hotel, Flam began yelling at me.)

"You idiot! I told you to make it taste good," Flam shouted.

"I told you to get me fresh ingredients," Flim shot back.

(We kept bickering, even to the point of butting heads. But then I yelled something I never should have.)

"Maybe it'll be better if I just packed up my things and left!"

"Great idea!"

(I levitated all my things into my closed cart and trotted out the door. I took one last look at Flam's face before leaving.)

"Goodbye, you no good horse," Flim mumbled.

(I began trotting to city to city, looking for someone to stay with. I had run outta bits, and no one would take me in, so I was sleeping outside for a few days. I finally made it to Ponyville, but was instantly ambushed by those crazy mares.)

"What are you doing here," AppleJack asked.

(I was being interrogated. Thank Celestia, you arrived. If you hadn't, I probably would have been jailed.)

*Flashback end*

"So, you see, because Flam overreacted, I was forced to leave," Flim said. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Emerald's hoof batted it away. She snuggled into Flim's warm body.

"Don't cry. Flam sounds like her didn't appreciate you one bit. But don't you worry. You can stay with me for as long as you *yawn* need to."

Flim smiled as the mare fell asleep, snuggled up against him. He levitated a blanket above them, wrapped his neck around her, and drifted off into sleep.