//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Confusions // Story: Grey Heart // by Flamepony2229 //------------------------------// The day carried on as usual; I sat up, ponder on things that I'm surprised I can even comprehend and then the next day would begin. Though, the next day, would not be an ordinary day, tomorrow, I planed to ask Rose out. I had absolutely no idea how I would go about it, I just knew I wanted too. I initially came up with a simple, yet effective plan; I would trot up to her shop, give a knock, and then start simple small talk to attempt to heighten my confidence at asking her out for a coffee, or maybe a visit to the park. I just had one problem I needed to overcome; I sucked at small talk. Staring intently into the mirror that crowded my small bathroom bench space I began to start talking with myself. "Hello Rose! How are you today?" No, no, no that's too simple. Why not just go there now, forget this thing called 'small talk', just go and ask her. Haven't you learnt anything brain? This is Rose we are talking about here, I can't just simply go and ask, we need to be nice to her, and if we succeed, then we have one less night to think of anything but drowning ourselves in alcohol. Obviously you haven't then if you just want me to crash and burn. How about I shut myself off and you go in with your wits and a sleeping brain, where will that take you? Probably further then you could. And there it is, I'm off now. Good luck. And at that moment my brain simply went dead and I couldn't think in a clear and concise line anymore, to put it simply: I was brain dead. After sorting out my brain and eventually waking it up (turns out all it needed was a head desk) I began to set off towards Rose's shop. The sights of ponyville had never been so uplifting; birds singing, ponies shopping around the place, Pinkie Pie putting on another one of her random singing moments. Today was just great. Making my way through Ponyville I start getting closer and closer to her shop. I honestly can't say I've never felt so fucking nervous in my life, and that just isn't what I need right now. I quickly shut that feeling away and try trotting along with my head held high like a noble in Canterlot. Some of the ponies give me a few looks of confusion, but I couldn't really give a shit. And there it is. Rose's shop. I almost instantly freeze up, my nerves instantly returning quickly. What should I say? Has it not been enough time? How am I supposed to do this? I stand there, dumbfounded by nerves, unsure of my next move....