My Little Lyra

by Autum Breeze

Chapter 2 - First Night

Chapter 2

First Night


I sighed loudly as I leaned back, rubbing my neck. I’ve been online for at least an hour and what I’ve learned is both really helpful, while at the same time absolutely useless to me.

Lyra’s full name is Lyra Heartstrings. According to the fandom, she is the partner of Bon-Bon, an Earth Pony (I rolled my eyes as I read that was the description for non-unicorns or pegasi) and only ever had one line in the show and that wasn’t til the second-to-last episode of season 2.

Something that interested me is it said she’s obsessed with humans. This made me raise an eyebrow.

Humans? How could she be obsessed with humans? From what I read about the show, humans don’t exist in Equestria... wait a minute.

I quickly typed in something someone from work had mentioned a while back that I’d ignored since I’d been trying to prove I wasn’t into MLP, despite listening to and enjoying My Little Dashie.

My search yielded nothing. I’d tried Equestria Girls, the MLP movie that had come out in fall... which, despite claiming I'm not a brony, I have on DVD. From what I could find, Lyra doesn’t even appear in that, which made me feel a little insulted for Lyra, not to mention it was a dead end.

It was at that moment my body decided to remind me that it was the last day of work for the week and I almost dropped onto the keyboard.

I shook my head and went back to my room. Being as quiet and careful as possible, so as not to wake the sleeping unicorn, I took my pajamas out from under my pillow and headed for the bathroom.

I closed the door, undressed, turned on the water and started showering.

Half way through, however, I stopped, just letting the water pour down on me. It finally sunk it. Lyra Heartstrings is here, in my house. She’s sleeping on my bed. She’s a filly and she’s real!

Once I’m done in the shower I turn off the water, dry myself and put on my pajamas (boxer shrots and a T-shirt not fit to be anything else anymore).

At that moment I hear something. It’s like a scratching on the bathroom door; expect it doesn’t sound like claws on wood, though. More like... hooves.

I roll my eyes. Who else would it be?

I wrap my clothes up into a bundle and open the door. As I expected, Lyra was sitting in front of the doorway, a few tears in her eyes. She must have woken up while I was in the shower and wondered where I’d gone.

I bend down and scratch her behind the ears. She seemed to like this, closing her eyes and giggling. Then she comes closer and nuzzles my cheek. I can’t help but chuckle.

I stand up and start off towards the laundry to put my clothes in the washing machine. In our house, when it comes to work clothes, I have to wash my own. I stuff my clothes into the washing machine, put in the powder, set the timer for fifty and push start.

Lyra watched me the whole time, curious. When the machine started, however, she yelped and ran out and back to my room. I found her hiding underneath my bed, shivering.

I sat down and quietly explained to her that the washing machine wasn’t going to hurt her. I must have tapped into my inner parent voice or something because she calmed down and came out from under the bed, which I lifted her on top of so we’d be closer to eye level.

At that moment my phone went off, telling me I’d received a message. Unfortunately it was on Work Profile, so the message tone was loud music that sounds like it’s from a Japanese festival.

The noise was so loud it startled Lyra, who leaped up and fell back, followed by a flash of golden light. When the light faded, Lyra was standing on the other side of window, her hooves pressed to the glass, her eyes wide with fear.

My eyes were wide with fear too, not at the fact that I’d just seen magic for the first time, nor that Lyra had managed to teleport, which, from what I read online, is one of the hardest spells for unicorns to perform. No, my fear was because of the family dog. He’s a Jack Russel named Jack Russel... I know, such a creative name, right?

Anyway, I was scared for Lyra now, because Jack has a real gripe about territory. He doesn’t even like other dogs when we take him for walks that are clearly nowhere near our house, but he still gets angry about other dogs coming near. You don’t even wanna know what he once did to a bird stupid enough to fly into our backyard and taunt him.

“Lyra, stay there!” I told her, hold my hands up to try and emphasis how important it is she listen and do as I say.

She seemed to understand, nodding in response, but her eyes were filled with fear.

I hurried out the room and to the backdoor. As I opened it, Jack came running from around the corner leading to the gate, his tongue wagging.

I bent down, forgetting I was in my pajamas, and grabbed him. He thought it was a game or something, and started panting as I carried him towards the open door to the shed. It’s where he’s lived since the day we got him and he knows when you close the door, he’s meant to be stay in there, not that he has a choice, since there’s no other way out. His area of the shed is a small closed off area, so he doesn’t go sniffing around everything in there or run out when we open the shed doors.

As soon as I put him down, Jack realized he needed to stay in there for a while and sat while I closed the door.

After that I quickly ran across the yard, turned down the straight where our old swings from when my youngest siblings were little are and came to the other corner, leading down to our rain water tank (which, for whatever reason we haven’t used in years, by the way) that also goes passed my bedroom.

I could see Lyra down there, looking at my window with fear.

“Lyra!” I called, cupping my hands.

She turned, saw me and bounded down the small path towards me. When she got close enough she leaped up and I caught her, holding her close. She was crying, sobbing into my shoulder and I let her. I’d be lying if i said i hadn't been just as scared as she was, if not more. I didn’t even wanna think about what Jack might’ve done if he’d noticed Lyra before I could get to her.

I took her inside, placed her down in the bean bags we had out in this lounge room instead of couches, told her to wait and went back outside, closely the backdoor behind me so Jack wouldn’t run inside.

Soon as I opened the shed door he ran out of the shed, panting, his tongue hanging out, thinking I wanted to play.

I just walked back to the backdoor and stopped. He’d hurried after and was now sitting by the door, waiting for me to open it so he could get inside too.

I was suddenly thankful my mother had decided to paint over the glass, because it blocked out most of the inside from view from the outside. However, there is a small rectangle down the bottom, at Jack’s height, so he can see inside.

He suddenly tensed and my heart skip at beat. He’d noticed Lyra. Before he could do anything, I moved my foot between him and the door. He protested, trying to get passed, but a few angry “Jack”s made him sit, though I could tell he would run in as soon as I opened the door.

This meant I had to go back in the most annoying way possible with the backdoor. I had to slid it open enough for one of my feet to slid through and then slowly slid the rest of me through, making sure to keep the door blocked, then closed the door behind me as the last bit of my right foot got in.

I bent down and glared at Jack, who slumped, knowing he’d done something wrong.

I turned around to see Lyra standing in the purple bean bag, a look of worry and concern on her face.

I walked over, picked her up and held her close, murmuring, “He won’t hurt you. In time, I’m sure he’ll see you like he sees me. A member of the family.”

Now, I only half believed myself about the family part. I knew from My Little Dashie that if I let myself get too attached to Lyra, I’d be the more heart broken when she had to return home, and I knew she would. Whether it was Celestia or Twilight arriving to bring her back or she’d just poof away, I don’t know. I just know it will happen.

It was about 6:23. Not quite time for dinner, plus, none of my family were back yet... or would be til tomorrow.

When I returned to my room after remembering the whole reason Lyra had teleported outside in the first place, I went to check my phone.

James, wont be back til tomorrow. Your brother’s hanging with Alex and your sisters are staying over at Hannah’s for the night.

There should be some leftovers in the fridge, or you could make something yourself.

Have a good night.


I rolled my eyes. Why did Mum always have to end her texts to me with XO?

I changed into new and cleaner pajamas, since my current ones were now covered in dog hair and went back out into the lounge room.

Lyra was sitting in the kitchen, looking up at the fridge. I decided to have an early dinner and opened the fridge to see what we could have. The first thing I knew was not for Lyra was the meats like ham on the top shelf. I didn’t need to be told she didn’t eat meat. She’s a pony, for lord’s sake. Even here in the real world ponies don’t eat meat. I did however find some corn on the cob and some peas.

I took them out of the fridge, got a plate out of the cupboard under the counter, took a steak knife and cut the corn of the cob. Then, I put the corn and the peas onto the plate and the plate in the oven, setting it for a minute on Express.

Lyra titled her head at me. I just grinned. She had a lot to learn about this world. When the vegetables were finished cooking, I took the plate out and left it on the counter to cool, while I put some chicken and some of the leftover schnitzel on another plate and heated it up for myself.

While the meat was reheating, I took a can of SPC baked beans from the pantry and emptied it into two bowls, one for myself and one for Lyra.

When the meats were done cooking, I took them to the table, along with the other vegetables. I think took two glasses from the counter cupboard, as well as a straw from a nearby box we keep them in and poured some raspberry cordial into each glass, putting the straw in hers.

I said grace, which Lyra looked puzzled by, then we started eating. Though she glanced at my meat a few times, I shake from my head to her it wasn’t for her.

She found the baked beans interesting. She chewed them with a slight frown, as if trying to understand the flavour. Guess they don’t have baked beans, back in Equestria.

Once we were done with dinner, I decided I’d treat her. I went into the fridge, but then realized Dad hadn’t bought anything dessert worthy for a few weeks that I could really give Lyra.

It was as I was standing and about to close the door that I noticed the small section of the fridge Dad reserves for his own stuff, mostly chocolate and the like. There was a half a bar of Cadbury Milk Chocolate in there.

Now, my first thought (other than if Dad finds out you took that, you’re up shit creek) was could Lyra eat chocolate, being a pony? This was imminently followed by me slapping myself on the forehead. With the little I had looked into MLP, the characters could pretty much eat anything we humans eat, save meat.

So, deciding Dad would understand (after fainting from shock, maybe) I took the bar out of the fridge and went back to the table, breaking it in two, one half for me, the other for Lyra.

At first she looked at the slab of chocolate in front of her, to me as I bit down into mine. I nodded and she picked it up with her hooves (something that almost made me choke on my own chocolate) and bit into it. At once her eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree and she began chewing happily.

When we’d finished eating, Lyra yawned and rubbed her eye with a hoof.

I decided, after everything that had happened, I was pretty tired myself. It was only 7:32, but an early night wouldn’t hurt. I hadn’t really had anything planned anyway. So I picked Lyra up and carried her to my room.

I gently laid down on my bed and held Lyra close to me. She was so warm and her gentle breathing was making my heart do back flips.

Oh, yeah. With the aircon keeping the house cool, being warm in bed, even on hot nights, feels nice. Don’t ask me why, I’ve tried to figure it out for the last four years.

I close my eyes and, for the first time in ages, didn’t need my medication to fall asleep. With Lyra snuggled against my chest, the warmth of the bed overtook me and I was sleep in seconds.