//------------------------------// // *Star of the Show // Story: I Will Hunt You Down // by TGM //------------------------------// “It’s going this way!” “Cut it off!” Get out of my way you damn horses!  I sprinted through the gardens, a fresh troop of guards recently alerted to my none-too-subtle return hot on my heels. A group of them clustered together in front of me, shields and spears raised to block my path.  Gonna have to do better than that. I moved my right shoulder to my front, charging straight at them. “It’s not slowing down!” “Hold steady!” Their resolve lasted all of about five more seconds before I charged straight through their blockade, knocking several of them unconscious in the process. While this isn’t how I would have liked for things to go, I had to admit that being able to run around and take out battalions of sun-butt’s guards again felt pretty good. It seemed like she really hadn’t kept up their training for the last thousand years, and she was going to regret that.  I left the dazed guards behind me, continuing my urgent search for the exit to this damn garden maze. As I rounded the corner into a particularly long stretch of bushes though, I noticed a lone guardsmare clad in golden, reflective armor standing in the narrow path, directly in my way. Move or I’ll make you move! Is what I wanted to say, but what escaped my mouth was simply “STAAAAARS!”  She didn’t flinch, and instead reared up on her hind legs before smashing her forelegs into the ground, and a stream of golden magic shot from her horn before forming a golden bubble in a wide area all around me.  I roared and charged straight at it, which I came to regret almost immediately as the magic bubble stopped me dead in my tracks. It pushed me back, forcing me to dig my heels into the dirt as my available space visibly shrank, tightening into a small circle I could barely move in. Okay… maybe I spoke too soon. I really wish I had my rocket launcher right now.. I shifted my stance and delivered a punch straight into the wall. It rattled, but didn’t break. I could see the mare on the other side glaring at me.  “I won’t let you pass, you monster. Guards! He’s over here! I’ve stopped him!”  I didn’t break out of a thousand year goddamn stone prison to go right back in! I thought, anger clouding my thoughts as I lifted my fist and started wailing on the magical wall with an angry roar. The mare’s shaking worsened with every blow, and I felt it starting to give an inch. That turned to six inches, then a couple of feet, and my available space became much wider. Every blow onto my prison formed more cracks, and in a minute I’d be out.  But I didn’t have a minute.  After another punch, the golden bubble started to form cracks. I thrust my arm through a weaker portion of the barrier and a tentacle shot from my wrist, winding around the mare’s body. She only managed to get out a gasp of surprise as I pulled her towards me. She smashed into her own spell, which broke with a sound like shattering glass. I turned and threw her over my shoulder, straight into a rapidly approaching group of guards. They let out a short yell before she smacked into them, knocking them all over like bowling pins.  “Golden shield!” I heard one of the guards call out, but I ignored it and broke into my run once again. With that obstacle out of the way, I was free to widen the gap between me and my pursuers, and before long I heard the stomping hooves fade away.  As I came into a wide area of the maze I allowed myself to lean against the hedge wall for a moment to catch my breath, though I wasn’t physically tired it felt like my mind was running a mile a minute. I rolled my shoulders and straightened myself up again, taking note of my surroundings. Now, if I were a dumbass princess of a kingdom full of talking ponies, who only locked things away in metaphorical closets to deal with them later, where would I— “NEMMY!” JESUS CHRIST! I spun around, prepared to knock whatever had scared me half to death into next week, only to have two yellow eyes with red irises take up my entire vision.  “Long time no see, Nemmy. Whatcha been up to? Read any good books lately? Gone on any adventurous quests? I for one ha- GAK!” My hand closed around the draconequus’s neck, cutting off his air supply immediately. Discord. My thoughts clouded with anger as I immediately recognized the traitorous draconequus.  “N-now, Nemmy, I knew we were close, but you’re hugging me a bit too mu- GRRK!” I tightened my grip again, my thoughts seething with hatred. Don’t give me that shit! You sold me out! After I promised to find a way to get you out, you stabbed me in the back, then left me to rot! I should kill you right now. I growled as the memories came flooding back, I suddenly didn’t feel so tired anymore.  Discord shook for several minutes before he suddenly turned blue, his eyes rolling back into his head as his body melted into liquid, which slipped through my fingers and turned into a small body of water around me.  What the-?! I lost my balance and fell entirely into the water with a loud splash.  “Ohahahah! That trick never gets old!” Discord appeared in the air above with a flash of light, doubled over in laughter.  I grabbed the edges of the small puddle and pulled myself out of the water, a growl ripped from my throat. “Now, Nemmy, don’t be a spoil sport. After all, if you were to kill me, how could I give you this?” He turned away from me for a moment and started rummaging through his fur. I heard sounds like shattering glass, a woman screaming, dogs barking, but after a moment he  pulled out a long, sleek, black rocket launcher with the ‘Umbrella’ logo embedded on its side.  My eye widened. How did you…?  “Ohhh, a spirit of chaos has his ways, yes? Consider it an apology gift! Catch!” He tossed the launcher towards me, which I caught on its handle.  Almost immediately, it felt like a massive weight lifted from my shoulders. I couldn’t really explain it, nor could most creatures I don’t think, but having the launcher felt… right. Whenever I held it, everyone around me who wasn’t an alicorn or spirit like Celestia, Luna, and Discord were able to hear my thoughts, my real voice. To say it made communicating easier would be putting it lightly. It also made magic, at least magic from ponies, basically completely ignore me. I didn’t really understand it, but I suspect it was some sort of enchantment or spell placed on it by the merchant who gave it to me. Definitely would have helped against that golden guardsmare from earlier.  I looked back at Discord. ...This doesn’t change what you did, but it’s a start. “I’ll take that as a ‘Thank you, you magnificent draconquus! I love you!’” That’s laying it on a bit thick. “Ooooh, but everyone loves me! Just take a look at Ponyville!” Just then, a beeping sound came from Discord. He lifted his wrist to his face, looking at what seemed to be a watch. Then the watch face opened and a pie fired from it, smacking him in the face. “Oh yes! Ponyville! I almost forgot!” He twirled, tossing some of what remained of the pie from him and onto me. “Toodles, Nemmy! It’s been great catching up with you again, I’ll be sure to let the Princesses know you said ‘staaaaars!’” And with a puff of confetti, the spirit of chaos was gone.  I gave an annoyed growl before I wiped the remnants of the pie off of me. I knew I couldn’t trust Discord, he may have helped me in the past but he’d all but proven his loyalty when he told the princesses about my magic immunity from my launcher. Despite giving it back to me now, he still wasn’t trustworthy, and I had to be sure to watch my back when it came to him. I turned and looked at the two exits to the area I was in, and suddenly remembered that I was still stuck in the depths of a hedge maze. ...Now how in the hell do I get out of here? Suddenly, with a burst of chaos magic, the hedges started growing higher, and rearranging themselves. Mother f- ~Twilight Sparkle~ “I’ll tell you what we’ve learned, Discord! We’ve learned that friendship isn’t always easy, but there’s no doubt it’s worth fighting for!” “Ugh! Gag! Fine, go ahead, use your little elements to ‘friend’ me!” Discord vanished in a flash, reappearing on his throne at the top of the hill. “Just make it quick, I’m missing some excellent chaos here!”  “Alright, ladies!” Twilight’s friends gathered around her, glaring at the spirit of chaos. “Let’s show him what friendship can do!” “Waitwaitwaitwait!” The pleas came from a certain pink mare, who was holding her mouth open underneath a cotton candy cloud that was dropping its chocolate contents onto her. She gave a happy sigh before joining her friends with a growl, staring down Discord as well.  Discord gave out a yawn as Twilight closed her eyes, focusing on her bonds with her friends. Slowly, she felt the magic build up in her body, and she could feel her friends reacting to it too. Though her eyes were closed, she could hear Discord ask, “Hm? What’s this?” When Twilight opened her eyes again, everything was glowing. The power reached a pinnacle, and then there was a bright flash, a trail of rainbow shooting from her and her friends towards Discord. “Nooooooooo!!!!” Discord shouted, unable to do much else as his body turned to stone once more. There was another bright flash, and all the changes Discord had made to Ponyville were washed away in an instant. Discord’s statue fell to the ground with a distinct ‘thud.’  Twilight and her friend were about to burst into cheers when two bright flashes came from Discord’s side. Standing there were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.  Twilight immediately bowed, as did Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Princess Celestia smiled at them and bid them to rise with her hoof.  “Well done, my student, you succeeded against Discord, just as I knew you would.” Luna trotted up next to her. “Alas, tis not the time for celebration. While you were dueling with Discord, another enemy arose.”  Twilight frowned. “Another one? So soon? Is he just as bad as Discord?”  “Pft, I’m not worried!” Rainbow Dash spoke up, jabbing at the air with her hooves. “We’ll just give ‘em the one-two, zap him with some harmony magic, and that’ll be that!” “I don’t think this enemy can be simply ‘zapped’ away, my friends. He is...peculiar.” Celestia said ominously. “How so, princess?” Rarity cocked her head as she asked. The Princess closed her eyes as she recalled how they met. “You see… it all started one thousand years ago…” ~Nemesis~ I sailed through the air with ease, landing in a large open square-like area with a crash, bending my knees with the impact. Well that maze was far harder to get out of then it should have been, but at least I’m free now..  The cool thing about super-strength is that you can get around VERY easily, faster than almost any other form of land transport. I was close to the exterior of Canterlot now, once I made it to the Everfree I could see how far the problem with the virus had spread since Celestia locked me away. I couldn’t imagine anything good, but I find in situations like this it’s best to remain optimistic. I was about to jump again when, speaking of the devil, I heard a very familiar and very unwelcome voice.  “Nemesis!” I stopped, turning to face Sun-butt. She wasn’t alone, flanking her left was Luna, or as I liked to call her, Moony Mare, and on her right were six other ponies I didn’t recognize, all six of them wearing necklaces of some kind.  “Staaaaars…” My eye glowed red as I glared at her. It’s been a long time, Sunny. I growled, glaring at Celestia. You look just like I remember you. Alicorn immortality does wonders, though it doesn’t look like it hides all that cake you’ve been eating very well. Celestia blinked in surprise before glancing back at her withers, though she shook her head before facing me again.  “We’re not simply going to let you leave, Nemesis. I can’t allow you to infect the land with your presence as you did in the past.” Harsh. Coming from the Princess who started the whole thing. “Lies! Blasphemous lies straight from Tartarus’ self!” Luna spoke up suddenly, and I directed my gaze to her.  And Luna. How was your imprisonment on the moon? Is it made of cheese after all? “Silence monster! We will end your reign of terror here!” She brandished a crescent-shaped scythe engulfed in a blue glow of magic.  “Girls, quickly, the elements, before he tries to run!” Celestia produced her own weapon, a broadsword with a symbol of the sun embedded on the hilt, before both her and Luna suddenly rushed at me.  My eye widened in surprise and I brought my launcher in front of me. Steel met steel, and sparks flew between us.  “You got it, Princess!” The purple mare spoke up, closing her eyes as they began to glow. Elements…? That rang a distant memory. I recalled something like that associated with Luna’s imprisonment, though I didn’t have much time to process it as Luna and Celestia continued their assault. As their weapons connected, I threw my weapon forward and pushed them off. I made a swing for Luna, though she deftly dodged my attack as Celestia quickly maneuvered to the side, and swung at me from my vulnerable side.  I was able to swing my launcher around to block her attack, the force of her blow lifted me off the ground and pushed me back several feet. Celestia’s horn started to glow and she shot off several blasts of magic, which all fizzled out before they could reach me. Did you forget? I asked before I shot my tentacle out, which wrapped around her leg. She gasped as I swung her around and threw her at Luna. Luna was forced to move,and I took the break in combat as a chance to look at the six mares from earlier.  Slowly, rainbows began to connect the six friends as a prism-colored light covered them.  Oh hell no. Thanks to experience, I knew to avoid anything remotely rainbow-colored when it came to Equestria. I remembered where I had heard of the elements before, Celestia and Luna used them to imprison me, and Celestia had used them on her sister as well. I was getting a literal deus ex machina pointed in my direction, and I didn’t have an intention of letting it get fired. I raised my launcher to point at the six mares, but after hesitating for a moment I angled it down to point at the floor near them. “What’s that…?” I heard one of them ask. Celestia and Luna recovered, just in time to see my weapon pointed towards them. Celestia’s eyes widened. “GIRLS! MOVE!” Too late. I pulled the trigger, and I heard a sound like a jet as a rocket erupted from the end of my launcher, striking the ground a good distance in front of the group.  KABOOOM!!! Flames launched high into the air, and the force from the explosion blew the tail of my overcoat behind me. It lit the entire area in an orange glow. I waited, until I felt debris raining down around me, smoke and flame concealing the ponies I was aiming to stop. I stepped through the smoke to examine the situation.  Luna laid off to the side, her back to me but I could tell she was breathing. The other six as well, laid scattered around the area. Bruised, and maybe some singed fur, but they were breathing. Celestia laid off to the side as well, her eyes closed.  Rocket beats rainbow. I let a bit of elation seep into my voice. Seemed like they were down for the count, so I decided to take the chance to make my escape before they could recover. I turned my back to the group and started to make my exit. The sound of shifting stone made me pause, then I heard the telltale ringing of magic charging up before I spun around, raising my launcher in front of myself as a beam from Sun-butt’s horn hit it dead on, and it reflected off into a nearby street sign. The foundation melted from the sheer power behind the attack, and it fell over. I growled.  “STAAAAAAARSSSS!” I yelled, before rushing towards Celestia. She stumbled backwards, firing off more magic from her horn. I swatted each attack aside with my launcher before several tendrils shot from my wrist, wrapping around Celestia’s front hooves. She faltered and fell, and I slowed my pace to a walk as I dragged her towards me. She dug her hooves into the ground to resist, but I simply applied more tendrils to her back hooves, her neck, and I wrapped one around her horn for good measure. I pulled her up to me so we were face to face. I growled. I am going to say this only once. Back off. One thousand years of imprisonment is a long time to think, and I’m willing to come to a compromise. You leave me alone, and I’ll return the favor. She spat in my face. My eye twitched slightly before I growled. Have it your way then, Princess… with a roar, I turned and threw her into a nearby building. She flew through the wall, which collapsed into a pile of debris around her. I walked over and carefully sifted through the destruction until I found her. Eyes closed, and still breathing. A lingering flicker of anger told me to finish the job, but that would be stupid. Kill Celestia, and I’d be the monster she’d always said that I was.  I stood up and looked around at the destruction I had wrought. A large crater was now in the center of the square, and ponies all around were cowering in fear of me. I merely growled before turning and walking away, leaving behind a city that surely had a lot of questions for their princesses...