//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - The Find // Story: My Little Lyra // by Autum Breeze //------------------------------// My Little Lyra Chapter 1 The Find _____________________________________________________________________ “Thanks,” I said to the bus driver as I get off the bus, flinching a little as I left the cool interior of the air-conditioned bus and stepped into the terrible heat of the day outside. “Sure, mate,” the bus driver said, being polite and the door closed behind me. I lifted my drink bottle (an empty Lipton Raspberry Ice Tea that I’d gotten several weeks before and reused) and started heading down the path and turned into a suburb that was a little off-track from where I lived. It was Wednesday, the last day of work for me this week and I was wiped, not helped by the heat of the day and was really looking forward to getting home and realizing in the air-conditioned place. Despite being twenty-one, I still live with my parents, since I have a mild brain injury. It doesn’t affect me too much, but chances I’ll be moving out anytime soon are slim. I live in a family of eight, so the house can get pretty noisy. Luckily, I have my own room and once in there, door closed, TV on, I can lose myself in my own world of televised enjoyment and my own imagination. As I walked down the street, I look at my drink bottle. It holds up to 1.25 litres of water, and I’m shocked it’s still three quarters full. Though that would explain why my mouth felt so dry. I sometimes take this path home, even though it makes the trip a bit longer for several reasons, the most regular one being that I missed the bus that goes straight to the lake by my house and I have to catch another and then walk the rest of the way. It takes about fifteen minutes to get from the bus stop to my house, but it’s better than walking all the way home, which can take two or more hours and on a hot day like today, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. As I pass by a house I’ve passed tons of times going down this street, I heard a small rustling in. Now, I can be a bit paranoid at times and when I hear a sound I’m not used to or expecting, my brain goes on defence. I glanced to where I’d heard the sound. It was a small bush near a tree in the front yard of the house I was passing. Now, my first thought after this is “It’s probably a bird or something. Nothing to worry about,” but then I noticed something. A sound. I listened closely and realized it sounded like whimpering. Almost like a little kid’s whimpering. Now I was curious. I cautiously took a few steps forward, put my drink bottle down and pushed the leafs of the bush aside. What I saw made my mouth drop wide open. In the bush, struggling to pull its right foreleg out of a small vine that, at another time, I’d wonder why it was there in the first place, was a small mint-green coloured unicorn with filly with a similar coloured mane and tail, with a bit of white. Now, I’m no brony, at least that’s what I tell myself. I only started paying attention to anything MLP FiM since listening to MicTheMicrophone’s reading of the fic My Little Dashie on a whim. This filly I could tell was from that show. Lyra, I think her name was. Now, the main thing going through my mind right now is... How is a cartoon pony standing in front of me right now? I mean, that shouldn’t be possible, right? I listened to My Little Dashie, but was it actually possible that something like that could really happen? Wait. What am I saying? Of course it’s possible, I’m looking at one right now! Next I wonder why she’s here in the first place. Is it like Rainbow Dash in My Little Dashie? Was she caught in some powerful, explainable magic burst that sent her here, to the real world and regressed her to a filly? Judging from her current appearance she’s around three, maybe four-years-old, by pony standards, though I don't really know what those are, not having really paid much attention to the show. Hey! I barely looked into the thing yet, okay? I only listened to My Little Dashie about a week ago. It’s at this moment I noticed Lyra’s noticed me. The look on her face, it... I don’t know why, but it broke my heart. It was a look of utter fear, her golden eyes staring at me like a was a monster. Well, I guess, to a three-year-old pony of Equestria, a human would be seen as a monster, since we tower over them in height. I noticed her lips were really dry. I want to slap myself on the head, but don’t, in case it would scare her more. It’s 42 bloody degrees today and she’s got a fur coat on, for crying out loud! Of course she’d have dry lips. She must be boiling. I slowly reached towards her, which she responds with by trying to move away, only to trip and fall onto her side. “It’s okay,” I said quietly, reaching into the knee pocket on my right-leg, pulling out my wallet, which contained my backdoor key. “I’m just gonna cut you free. You don’t have to worry, Lyra. I won’t hurt you.” Maybe it was my tone, my words or maybe that fact that I’d used her name, but Lyra calms down and stops fidgeting. I opened my wallet and move my backdoor key to the vine and start trying to cut it. If I blunt the key it won’t matter. The screen door part of our backdoor was removed months ago, and this key’s been pretty much useless til now. It took about three minutes, but I finally managed to cut the vine. Once she was free from the bindings that had been keeping her there, I more than half expected Lyra to run off and leave me worried for her safety in the real world. Well, she did try that. But when she put pressure on the foreleg that had been trapped she yelped and sat on her haunches, whimpering again. I moved toward her and took as best a look at it as I could with her trying to keep her distance from me. It didn’t seem too bad. A rather nasty cut, but nothing serious. though, i noticed she had a lot of cuts around her hooves, which didn't look like they'd been made by the bush. I looked to my drink bottle and nodded to myself, picked it up, took off the lid and held it out to her. She flinched at first, then hesitated, though I could see her eyes fixed on the beautiful water within. “Thirsty?” I asked, sitting down closer to her and holding it out a bit more. “You look like you need this more than I do right now.” She looked up at me, as if trying to figure something out, then leaned her muzzle toward the bottle. I tilted it up so the water would slowly drizzle into her mouth. She gulped it down quickly, almost choking a few times. When she was done, the bottle was only a quarter full, maybe less. She licked her lips, a smile on her muzzle. “Liked it, huh?” I chuckled and she nodded. She then tilted her head at me, a curious look on her face. I put the lid back on the bottle, took my purple bag off my back (hey, it’s only so people don’t lose me in a crowd, okay?), stored the bottle inside and strapped it back over my shoulders. I put a hand to my chest. “James,” I said, then pointed at her. “Lyra. James. Lyra.” I did this a few times before she seemed to understand and nodded. “So,” I said, scratching my neck nervously as I realized I was having a conversation with a cartoon character. A pony at that. “Can you talk?” She just tilted her head. Guess that was a “no”. I was going to ask further, when the heat of the day seemed to decide it was sick of being ignored at smacked me in the face by blowing hot air on my face. I decided I’d wait til later to ask her. I stood up, then bent down and picked the small filly up. She didn’t protest. If anything, she looked excited. I quickly made my way down the street, carrying the small pony in my arms, making sure no one was around to see me. This was for several reasons, the most selfish of which was that I didn’t want anyone seeing me with an MLP pony, thus, labeling me as a brony. The more realistic reason was because I wasn’t sure how others would react to seeing a cartoon pony being carried in some random guy's arms as he walks down the street. Luckily, the area around the lake seemed to be deserted today. Understandable, since it was so hot and no one wanted to be out in this heat longer than necessary. I had to take my time though, cutting through the pathways that whined around the lake around, staying out of sight of the road. It made me wish today had started out colder. I’d have worn my jumper to work and could hide Lyra in that. But, I made do with my situation. A lot of ducks and geese were quacking and hooking as we made our way through the parkland surrounding the lake. Lyra seemed very interested in the other animals, but I couldn’t let her go exploring right now. I had to get her back to my house and out of sight of anyone else so I could try and figure this out. After ten minutes I managed to get across the lake and passed the road, entering my suburb, where I knew not many people would be likely to be out at this time. Another three minutes or so later I was walking down the side of the street my family’s house it situated on. As I got closer, I noticed neither of the cars, my brother’s nor the family care were parked in the drive way and sighed with relief. I’d been worried what my family was say, or rather, how they’d react if I walked through the front door carrying a cartoon pony. I’m careful to get my keys out of my right-thigh pocket and unlocked the doors, so that I don't drop Lyra in the process. We have a screen door, followed by a wooden door. I push the door open and walk inside, closing the door behind me. As I walked in, I let out a huge sigh of relief and the cool air within the house envelops me. God, I missed this feeling whenever I had to walk out into the scorching heat. Lyra also seemed very happy as I felt her sigh and cuddle a little closer to me. I felt my heart skip a beat. It was so cute that I almost Daa’wwed before I regained my mind and carried her to the kitchen. I placed her on the counter and opened the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. I’m always a bit hungry after work and Lyra could probably use something to eat herself. I noticed a couple of vegetables that we’d had for dinner the previous night sealed in a plastic box and took them out. I took two small plates out of the cupboard, placing a few of the carrot slices from last night on one plate and handed them to Lyra, then turned to the pantry, intent on getting myself a peanut butter sandwich. As I turned back around with two slices of bread and the jar of peanut butter, I smiled as I watched Lyra chewing on some of the carrot slices. Seemed she was able to eat solid foods. That was a relief. Though, since she’s a cartoon pony, anything's possible, right? I put the bread of my plate, took a butter knife out of the top draw and spread some peanut butter on one slice, then put the other slice on top. I took a bite and relished in the feeling of finally eating something. I heard a small burp and turned to see Lyra blushing. I almost choked on my bite of peanut butter sandwich from laughing and had to thump my chest a few times before I could get it down. Lyra looked a little worried, but I smiled and shook my head, telling her I was fine. Once the two of us were done, I helped her down and we went into my parents’ lounge room. There’s two in our house, and my room is next to it, so I have to walk through it to get to my room anyway. But, unlike most days after a week at work, I decided I didn’t want to hang in my room. That was until I saw Lyra trot in there. I followed and saw her trying to climb up onto my bed. I smiled, walked over and helped her up. Once on the mattress, she curled up and went to sleep. My smile deepened and I moved my chair that I usually sit in when watching my TV and just sat, watching as the little unicorn slept. I thought of something and left the room to turn on the family computer in the main lounge room. I knew from My Little Dashie looking for any info on how this all could’ve happened was useless. But, if I went on Wikipedia, I was bound to be able to find Lyra’s full name and all the info I’d need to know about her character in the show. It would help me in the long run, since I’d know what her personality is and what to expect from her. I’d do this quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeping filly in my room. It may sound cliché, but, until I learn whether or not I’ll end up going through the same thing as the guy in My Little Dashie went through, regarding the pony’s return to Equestria, she’s my little filly. Shes... my little Lyra.