
by Fire Blossom of Farcasa


You Can Go On, But You Will Be Stopped By Death

Well, Fuck. Celestia is still the leader of Equestria and half of Ponyville has left and what was left of a joyful town know stands barren compared to the other half of Equestria. It has been 3 weeks since the incident with Luna. Luna has now returned to office but is ALWAYS on guard with 2 men at the front of her door. Her window has been shielded off with metal bars from the Equestrian Mine, hardened steel, with a bit of iron. I'm one of the few ponies who either stayed in Ponyville, or died in the hospital fire. 24 Foals were killed along with 43 nurses and doctors. 3 buildings were burned. Including Sweet Apple Acres, and half of the town. The town has been grayer than ever.

But something even more devastating has happened to the morale of EVERYONE in Equestria... Twilight was murdered. By Celestia. In the palace. In front of her brother. The whole scenario went down like this...

"Hey, Celestia!" said the young Alicorn
"Yes? (Whisper) Young Bitch..." said Celestia
"Do you have the restoration spell for me?" Said Twilight
"Yes... It's on this scroll" Celestia mumbled
"But there is one thing."
"What is that?" Asked Twilight
" I'll need to use it on you!" Yelled Celestia

Just then, Celestia pounced on Twi and stab her horn straight through the base of her skull. Then, she took Twi by the ears and used her magic to throw her out a window.

Celestia was subdued on the evening of Falkor, the 4th month in the year, at 6:32 PM. Twilight's body had several bruises and a left fracture in her skull, with a broken leg and broken horn, Twilight is confirmed dead by M.D.D. Bandari Schreikera. - Royal Guard Catacombs

"Twilight was obviously murdered by Celestia when her horn punctured the base of her skull. Celestia was arrested and is being held at the Canterlot Mental Hospital, 23 Oak Street." - Bandari

So... Ah Fuck It. I'm going there to get some GOD DAMN ANSWERS. I decided to bring my audio log as if I'm a police officer.

Well, here's the log...
Recording Case 4- Under Military Supervision
Supervised by E. G. (Equestrian Guard)

Subject: What... The fuck... Do you want...?
Interrogator: You know. Give me some God damn answers about the whole Luna and Twilight shit.
Subject: Why you fucking-
Interrogator: Shut It. Stop acting tough. You pull one thing on me and trust me, I WILL NOT hesitate to send a nice bolt through your skull.
Subject: Alright. Fair enough. Just gimme a fuckin' minute.
(Undistinctive rattle/wrapper sounds)
Interrogator: Put the fucking drugs away, Celestia. I'm done with your shit.
(Rattling, like a can with nails in it)
Subject: FUCK YOU!
*Recording End*

Celestia than tried to grab my throat, only to be stopped by a taser.

3 Months went by. I left Ponyville about 3 weeks ago. After the war started. Chrysalis and her Changelings invaded Manehattan and destroyed all the buildings. That's when shit started to go down. You see, when a Princess is immobilized, a different princess can take her place. Which is why Chrysy is here. Oh, fuck I forgot about Luna. Luna has been traveling with me ever since the war. She was hit with a magical bolt when the rest of Ponyville was destroyed in the crossfire. The world is coming towards its end. I can feel it in the earth.

Ok. I never wanted to say this. But... Buck it. Fallout. This is literally fallout.

War. Deaths. Deaths... More than you could ever count. An army of 4 million, going against a citizen rebellion of 60,000.

Equestria has fallen. And it's never gonna be the same.