//------------------------------// // Episode 3: Wii Games Summer 2010 Competion On Wii // Story: The Adorable/Awesome Video Game Colt // by Matthais Unidostres //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle's white hoof pressed the play button on Button's CD player, and the music for his theme song started to play. Button Mash plopped down on the floor of his room and picked up his NES controller. He's gonna play some games from past And also recent games while they last Sweetie Belle came out from behind Button Mash and continued singing. He'd rather have. . . An evil juice box. . . Call him a looser, than play a bad game! Button's mouth hangs open as he stares at his laptop screen. He then slams it closed angrily. Button shouts in fear as Silver Spoon grabs him as Diamond Tiara tries to take his Joy Boy from him. He'd rather drink. . . A freezing milkshake. . . And get brain freeze for an entire day! Button Mash bangs his head on his rectangular handheld and throws it. Button's eyes grow wide with fear as he sees the FRI logo on a game cartridge. Button hits Diamond Tiara with a Fus Do Rah. He's just the cutest gamer you'll ever behold He's the adorable Nintendo Colt Button stacks a bunch of video game boxes to make a fort. Button put blocks down over some lava in Minecraft, but then Sweetie Belle, covered in Glowstone dust, falls down and knocks him into the lava. He's the adorable Joy Boy/Sega Colt He's The Adorable Video Game Colt! Button went to all of his consoles. His NES. SNES, SEGA Genesis, N64, Gamecube, Ponystation, Wii, and XBOX 360. So tune you TV to channel 3 Unless you're using a Magigame Button turned on his green Magigame gaming screen system. He's chocolate brown, He's eight years old, He's got a brother, a mom, and a dad. Button cried out desperately as his mother tried to pry his Joy Bot out of his hooves at the dinner table. He's got a propeller hat, He says Humgolian words, And with on his Joy Boy he'll take big Bosses down. Button shouted a Humgolian swear as he ripped a game cartridge out of his Joy Boy and threw out the open window. He's just the cutest gamer you'll ever behold He's the adorable Nintendo Colt He's the adorable Joy Boy/Sega Colt He's The Adorable Video Game Colt! Button sat wearing a Hum Drum costume as he played Injustice: Power Ponies Among Us. He doesn't have his Cutie Mark yet, But he really doesn't care much at all about that. But bad games make him throw a fit, And when they get too hard, he just shouts- "RAGE QUIT!" Button shouted, throwing his hooves up after loosing all his stuff in Minecraft. He'll play all night and not care one bit, Too bad his mom just doesn't get it Button's jaw hit the floor when his mother unplugged his game. How did she know Humgolian? Why can't he wear the stache? Where is the last Lambda ammo/health stash? Button looked through his numerous achievements, badges, and cards on his Steam Account. This strategy guide is wrong! Why're the load times so long? Who even liked playing Pong anyway? Button lay in front of his parents Pong console, pounding on it in grief. He's just the cutest gamer you'll ever behold He finds the secrets and cheats so it just never gets old He's the cutest most adorable gaming colt He's the Adorable NES, SNES, SEGA Genesis, CDI, N64, Gamecube, Ponystation, Magigame, Wii, XBOX 360, Joy Boy, Laptop, Nintendo Colt. He's the Adorable. . . Video Game. . . Colt. . . Button put a game into his Magigame console. and started it up. The Angry Video Game Colt Episode 3: Wii Games Summer 2010 Competition On Wii Author's Note: This game does not exist. No such disk was created for the Wii Games Summer 2010 Competition. Button Mash is sitting in his room, a big cardboard box in front of him. The box is nearly as big as he is. Button Mash looks really excited as he eagerly rubs his fore hooves together. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this is the greatest day of my life! Do ya know what's in this box? Do ya know? Do ya? A super duper rare Wii game!" Button Mash put his hoof to his chest took a deep breath. He held his hoof out in front of him as he let his breath out. "Whew. Learned that from Princess Twilight. Comes in handy. Anyway, let me tell ya about this. You see, I bought this box of games online. I read the list, and it was mostly Joy Boy and Wii games I already had. But one of the games was Wii Games Summer 2010! Ya see, back in the summer of 2010, Nintendo set up a tournament where families or teams of friends could compete in a bunch of Nintendo's greatest hits on the Wii to win a trip to the finals in Las Pegasus to win awesome prizes like a golden Wii and tons of other cool stuff!" Button began to moan and cry dramatically. "Oh, why! Why! Why wasn't I born 4 years earlier!" Button looked at the large box, and instantly cheered right up. "Anyway, what many people don't know is that Nintendo released a bunch of special Wii Games Summer 2010 Competition game disks that contained all the games that were in the competition." Button ran to his disk and dug though a drawer. He pulled out an issue of Nintendo Power and opened it up to an article on the Wii Games Summer 2010 Competition. It should ponies holding Wiimotes, their faces twisted with concentration as they used them. Other ponies were moving their hips as they stood on Wii Balance Boards. "These games came in gold cases, same color as the disk," Button said as he pointed to a picture of the legendary game, "And they were only given to the finalists. A couple more were given out to the people who weren't at the finals through a special contest in Nintendo Power magazine. So, there's gotta be less than a hundred of these things out there. And maybe, just maybe, the poor guy who was selling this box didn't realize how rare the game he had really was." Button shrugged, "Well, I doubt the guy was a true gamer then, and only a true gamer deserves such a rare game." Button smiled eagerly, "Oh boy, oh boy I'm so excited! It's like Hearths Warming Eve! I can't wait anymore, I'm opening this thing up!" Button ripped of the tape and opened up the cardboard box. Looking at the game list, he sorted through the games. He soon had two piles of games on the floor next to him. Soon, there were only a couple of game boxes left in the big box. They were all plain, except for one that shined bright yellow. Button's eyes grew wider then ever as he shakily reached in, picked up the game, and held it up to his face. The words "Wii Games Summer 2010" were printed on the case, but when Button read the words under it, his heart pretty much shattered. Reproduction Disk Button immediately began crying. "MOOOOOOOOM!" he shouted tearfully. That night, Button found himself floating down the purple goo river of Super Mareo Bros. Wii World 5. However, instead of a raft, he was standing the box of the Summer Games reproduction disk. Button looked up, and gasped. Floating up above him was the actual true game, glowing gold and spinning in mid air. Button ran up and jumped with all his might, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't reach it. "Al. . .most. . .got it!" Button groaned in exertion. Suddenly, Button noticed some Tortoise Troopises landing on the box raft. Smiling, Button ran up to one of them, landed on its head, and sprang up to the golden box. He cheered as he reached to grab it. POW! "Hey!" Button exclaimed as he and the box fell out of the sky, Button landed on the raft, but the golden box landed in the purple goo. "NOOOO!" Button shouted. He turned around and saw that a pair of Tortoises had hit a POW block. Button landed hard on his box raft, which suddenly split into four smaller rafts. "Ahhh!" Button exclaimed as he clung to one of the pieces and was washed down river, away from the golden game box. "NO!" Button exclaimed as he started to float away. Worse still, his platform was sinking. "AHH! Help! HELP!" Button exclaimed as the deadly purple goo got closer and closer. Suddenly, something swooped down through the trees and scooped Button Mash up just as the raft sunk beneath the purple goo. Button was carried up on an overhead platform and set down gently. "Whoa. . ." Button gasped, "You're. . .Princess Luna!" Luna smiled, "Yes, indeed, my little pony. It seems that you have been struck with a grave disappointment." Button blinked and nodded, "Yes, Princess. It was awful to see that I got so excited over a reproduction disk. I didn't think I'd have a nightmare over it." Button suddenly got excited, his propeller hat spinning twice as fast, "But on the bright side, I got to meet you! This is so cool!" "Well," Luna said happily, "I'm glad to hear that doing my royal duties has brought a smile to your face." "Sure did!" Button said, "I've always wanted to meet you, ever since we became Nemeses in Friendship Fortress 2!" Luna gave a Button a confused look, "I beg your pardon?" "You know," Button said, "Lotus Group? 2Fort? Capture the Flag?" Luna let out an amused chuckled and shook her head, "I honestly don't know what you're trying to say." "Oh, come on, Princess! It's me! TheStache!" Button said. Luna's eyes widened in shock, "You're TheSta- I-I-I mean I don't know what you're talking about!" Luna looked around nervously, visibly shaken. "Aw, come on, Princess! I didn't tell anyone, if that's what you're worried about. Gamer's Honor!" Button said, putting a hoof solemnly over his heart. Luna sighed and closed her eyes in what appeared to be shame. "If only I hadn't slipped up then. But I must ask how you could've possibly known." "Your screen name was Huzzah2xFUN. And Pipsqueak doesn't play Friendship Fortress 2, so who else could it be?" Button asked rhetorically. "Were you living in Ponyville on that Nightmare Night?" Luna asked. "No. But the kids at school told me all about it." "I see. . ." Luna hung her head in shame. "Why are you so sad, Princess?" Button asked. He didn't wait for her to answer, and continued on with a reassuring smile, "It's not a bad thing to like video games. I like video games, and I got lots of friends!" Luna looked up and gave an embarrassed smile, "True. But I am a Princess. I have to work to keep up the appearance that the ponies of Equestria expect me to. I doubt a gamer princess would bode over well." "Twilight is a Princess, and she's a really messy eater!" Button said cheekily. Luna couldn't help but let out a laugh at the way Button said this. "Well, Twilight has spent much time among the populace." "You spend time in Ponyville every Nightmare Night! That's a start! And liking video games shows that you like to have fun and aren't boring and really friendly!" Button said. "Well, it is my desire to better connect to the ponies of Equestria," Luna mused. "And a Gamer Princess sounds super cool!" Button cheered, "You're the only one who can beat me in FF2! You must be a strategy master!" The more Button spoke, the better Luna felt, and she found it quite amazing. Luna chuckled and lifted Button's chin with her hoof, "I believe that I am very fortunate to have entered your dream, Button Mash. I discovered the joy of the modern invention of video games not long after my first Nightmare Night after the end of my 1000 year banishment. The fun I had there was nothing compared to what I experience in the world of gaming. Part of me felt that playing video games was unfit for a ruler of Equestria," Luna smiled mischievously, "But I just loved video games too much to stop!" "Great!" Button said. "Yes. And you have helped me to be better accepting my own likes. Perhaps I should repay you in some way. . ." a knowing smile grew on her face as an idea came to her, "In fact. . .what would you say if I told you I had a copy of that game?" Button nodded enthusiastically, "Aha! I figured you would! You're a real gamer! You're worthy of it!" "You're too kind," Luna said, "You see, as I got more into gaming and amassed quite a a decent game collection, I one day came across the rare game for question for sale online, and I purchased it. But maybe it would mean more to you than it would to me." Button gasped, "You'd give it to me?" Luna nodded. "No!" Button exclaimed, but then he remembered his manners and quickly bowed down, "I'm sorry, Princess. But, I couldn't just take a rare game from another true Gamer." "Stand tall, Button. You needn't bow and scrape to me," Luna said kindly, "I honestly believe that the game would be more at home at your collection. You clearly want it more than I do." "Sure," Button said happily, "Of course I want the game, but what kind of Gamer would I be if I just took a super rare game off of a fellow Gamer?" Button then jumped up and said dramatically, "Princess Luna! I challenge you to a video game competition! The game will be the one we're playing for: Wii Games Summer 2010! The place will be my room! The time will be tomorrow night! Do you accept?" Luna's inner Gamer was greatly excited by this challenge, and she reared up on her hind legs and spread her wings. With a twinkle in her eyes, she said, "I most certainly do accept, Button Mash! Although I suggest you get your parents permission first. I wouldn't want to shock them with a surprise visit from the Princess of the Night." "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll say yes!" Button said as the dream world began to melt away. "Contact me through Spike once you get their approval!" "Okay!" "Prepare yourself, young Button Mash!" And then Button Mash woke up. "Mom! Dad! Can Princess Luna come over to play tonight?" "Sure Sweetie." "Heh. Fine by me." "YAY!" Milano Mash was washing dishes when there was a knock at the door. She blinked in shock, wondering if she had imagined it, but then the knocking came again. "It couldn't be," Button's mother thought as she walked towards the door. She opened it, and there was Princess Luna, smiling and wearing a black computer headset. "Your Majesty!" Milano gasped as she fell down into a bow. "Rise, my subject. There's no need for that," Luna said in a pleasant, yet clearly excited tone, "Is Button ready?" "Oh, um, he certainly is. Yes," Milano said with a smile. "I thought Button was joking!" she thought nervously. As Luna entered the house, Milano swallowed hard and said, "Uh. . .can I get you anything?" "Oh, you needn't go to any trouble, Mrs. Mash," Luna said as she arrived at the door to Button's room and knocked. "Password?" "FUS DO RAH!!!!" Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice. The door opened and Luna eagerly pranced in. Milano stared blankly at the door, and turned around to see Mr. Mash and Button's older brother staring in shock. All Milano could do in response was shrug and say, "Stranger things have happened." "That Shout was AWESOME!" Button exclaimed. "Well, it did take years to perfect," Luna said bashfully. She turned and waved at Sweetie Belle who was behind the camera. "Uh? Why are you wearing those funny headphones?" Button asked. "This is my headset!" Luna said in shock, "This is a must for any Gamer, and I decided to wear it for luck." Button shrugged, "Okay. So, can we-." "My, you have quite the collection here, young Button," Luna remarked as she admired Button's shelf of games. "You certainly have plenty of games from the Cartridge Age." Button nodded, "Thanks Luna. Now, let's-." "I myself enjoy more modern games mostly. The Disk Age and onward." "Okay, that's fine. So, where's the-" "And a Magigame screen and cartridge player combo!" Luna said, sounding impressed, "I have most certainly herd of these. They've received many positive reviews. And I assume you have a laptop or desktop on which you partake in Friendship Fortress 2-." "Are you stalling?" Button said with a sly grin. This silenced Luna nearly instantly. The two Gamers eyed each other seriously, sizing each other up as they stood face to face, moments away from the beginning of their tournament. Using her magic, Luna opened her saddle bag and took out the golden box, the words "Wii Games Summer 2010" printed on it within it's logo. Button's breath caught in his chest as he beheld the legendary game. "Are you ready?" Luna asked, as she opened the case and surrounded the gold disk in her blue magical aura. "NO! DON'T TAKE IT OUT OF THE BOX!" Button exclaimed in terror. Luna blinked in shock, "Um. . .you do realize we have to be able to play it?" Button nodded, "Yeah, using the reproduction disk! Not the real deal! We gotta keep that disk in mint condition!" "Well, well, you sure do take games seriously," Luna remarked as she closed the case and placed it on top of the game screen. She smiled and winked, "I like that." Button returned the smile, and he went over to turn on the screen. The Wii was already on, and the game was already set up, and the title screen showed up with the Competition's logo in front of a white background with dramatic music like in Super Mareo Galaxy. Button picked up a Wiimote and went to the main screen. He selected two players, which only had the option for one-on-one, unlike the options for four players or more, which allowed for teams. Then, the Ponii selection menu came up. There were already Ponii versions of Button Mash and his friends and family. But there was also one new Ponii. Luna gasped, and nearly squealed with delight when she saw the dark blue long maned game avatar, "You made a Ponii for me!" Button handed the Wiimote to Luna, "Ladies first!" "Such a little gentlecolt," Luna said as she took the remote with her magic, "Alright. Winner of the competition gets the game. No two out of threes. Just one competition. Correct." "Wouldn't have it any other way," Button said seriously. "Well then, let us partake in some serious fun!" Luna declared as she started the game. "This game follows the same format as the actual Wii Summer Games 2010 Competition," Button explained. "The first event is a time trial in Mushroom Gorge from Mareo Kart Wii." "Hmm. . .a racing game. How quaint," Luna mused as she picked the standard kart over the standard bike. For the drifting, she chose automatic. The course came on screen and the race was about to begin. "You have three Super Mushroom Speed Boosts, Luna! You hit down on the directional pad to use one," Button advised. "Don't help me!" Luna said as she focused her attention on the game. "I don't want an unfair advantage," Button said. "I did research on the games on this disk." "Wow. You're good." The race began, and the Luna Pomii took off in her kart. Button watched anxiously as Luna drove up to the huge mushrooms and bounced off of them, occasionally shaking the Wiimote to perform a mid-air trick which gained her a speed boost. "This is far too easy," Luna said as she used a Super Mushroom to fly down a straight away. "But are you fast enough?" Button asked cheekily. "There's nothing to slow me down. No obstacles at all. Only a noob would fall down these pits," Luna remarked dryly. Before long, Luna had completed the race and received her time. "Alright! Next game!" Button said. "What? No victory lap?" Luna asked. "Next is World 5-4 Coin Battle from Super Mareo Sisters Wii!" Button said, and he got really excited to the point that his propeller spun really fast, "And in this special part, they made it so instead of Mareo, you play as you Pomii!" "That is a clever touch," Luna said as the level began. Luna dodged a few falling Goombas and entered a pipe. She quickly hit a block after exiting the pipe and grabbed a Super Mushroom as the raft she was on began to move. Outlines of coins that turned into coins after begin touched were all over the screen. Luna jumped all around to collect the coins while dodging falling enemies and dispatching them. Soon she hit a block and received an Ice Flower to freeze and smash enemies. "Star Coin ahead!" Luna said as she bounced off an enemy to grab the big coin. "Huzzah! How many coins do I receive!?" "Ten," Button said. "That's all?" Luna asked disappointingly. Luna played well through the level, not getting hit once and decimating all the enemies. She hit a pow block to clear a bunch of Mini Goombas. "Sweet sister!" Luna exclaimed when a Giant Piranha plant fell from the sky and landed on her. Button couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Oh, it's on now!" Luna said as she got her game face on, knocking out the giant plant with a Bob-omb. She soon reached the end of the level, and even managed to blow up a wall with a Bob-omb and grab the third Star Coin. "What? What happened to the second coin?" Luna said, confusion in her expression. Luna went through the exit pipe, and jumped to the very top of the flagpole. "Huzzah!" Luna cheered as her Pomii character back-flipped and clapped her hooves before entering the fort. "Alright, last game," Button said with a mischievous grin on his face. "Oh yes," Luna said. Button chuckled as he dragged out his Wii Balance Board. "Good thing mom got worried about me not getting enough exercise!" he said as he put the board in front of the TV and tapped the power button with his hoof. "Starting up. . ." "I believe I will be the clear winner of this. I do have great stamina," Luna said, sounding confident. "Step on." Luna stepped onto the board. "Keep still . . .ready!" "Time for something Applebloom's case if Cutie Pox inspired! Wii Fit Loopty Hooping for one minute!" Button cheered. The timer began, and Luna moved and rolled her midsection while standing on the Balance Board, causing the Pomii character to spin the hoop around its body. "I'm quite sure my sister could not handle this. Too much cake," Luna said with a grin. Button Mash started laugh, "Oh yeah! I saw that Gabby Gums article once!" A generic Pomii character held up another hoop and tossed it to Luna's Pomii. "Crumpets!" Luna said in frustration as the hoop hit her Pomii's head and bounced off. Button had to stifle a few chuckles. "Come on. Come on. . ." Luna hissed as she continued moving her body to the peppy game music. Soon, another Pomii tossed another hoop. Luna leaned just in time to catch it. "Huzzah! The fun has been doubled!" she cheered. "Aha! You said it! I knew you'd say it!" Button cheered. "Of course," Luna said with a smile. Luna managed to get a third hoop, but by then, there was only a few seconds left. "That went far too quickly. . ." Luna remarked as the time ran out. "Alright! My turn!" Button said as he picked up the Wiimote. "Good luck. . .you shall need it," Luna said. "Ohhhhhh! We'll see about that!" Button challenged. "Oh yes," Luna said, bending down to hold her face close to Button's, "Yes, we shall." Button picked his Pomii, and his turn then began. For Mareo Kart, Button chose a bike, and set the controls to manual .This allowed Button drift and pull off tons of Mini-Turbos, all of which caused Luna's jaw to drop. But what shocked her most was how Button used the Super Mushrooms to boost across a section of grass, effectively making a shortcut in every lap. "Wha- you- it-?" Luna stammered. "You lost that one, Princess," Button said. "I shall still win this Gamer's War!" Luna asserted. Button then started up the Coin Battle section. He ran up in the game and hit a series of invisible blocks, one of which contained a Super Mushroom. "It was invisible?!" Luna exclaimed. "The Mareo games are well known for invisible blocks. You gotta check everywhere for them," Button explained. Button played through the level like a pro. He evaded all the enemies and tosses Tortoises across the raft in order to collect the lines of coins. He even saved the POW Block for a few seconds, and then threw it at the right time to bring down the second Star Coin. "Oh, for goodness sake!" Luna shouted. "You didn't see that little line of coins in the air by themselves? That was a clue!" Button said. Before long, Button had breezed through the level with all three Star Coins, and it was time for the final game. "Okay. . ." Button said, turning very serious. He picked up a juice box on his desk, and drank it all down. He breathed in, breathed out, and stepped onto the Balance Board. "I may not play Wii Fit much. . ." Button turned back to Luna and gave a confident look, "But I think I've played it enough." And then, he was off. Luna watched as Button moved slightly faster than she had. He also had extra subtle movements on the Balance Board that seemed to make the game's rotation counter go up a bit faster. Button didn't miss a single hoop, and quickly racked up points as he spun four hoops at once. the whistle sounded, and Button's turn was over. "Phenomenal," Luna declared. The screen then moved to the Results Screen, and a drum roll played as the point totals were about to be displayed. After a tense few seconds, the predictable outcome arrived. Button's Pomii jumped around and cheered as he was declared the winner, and the announcer said, "Congratulations!" in an excited tone. "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Button cheered loudly. "I did it! I won it! Woo Hooooo!" "Good show, Button! Very good show!" Luna said as she clapped for him, "You certainly do deserve to posses this rare game." Button ran his hoof along the ground modestly, "Aww. . .well, I don't know. . ." "Seriously, young Button," Luna said, then she pointed to herself and said, "It's clear that I feel more at home in First and Third Person Shooters and Role Playing Games than races and side-scrollers." Button ran up and hugged Luna, saying, "You're still one of the best Gamers I know, especially in Friendship Fortress 2!" "Indeed," Luna said as he patted the colt on the back. "I've had so much fun tonight, Button. But I must be getting back to Canterlot and my Royal Duties as Princess of the Night." Button let go of Luna and nodded, "I understand, Princess." "I know you'll treasure that game, I'm sure," Luna said. "Sure thing," Button said, and then a sudden thought struck him. "Oh! Wait a minute!" Button ran over to his Wii, took the reproduction disk out, and put it back into its box. "I know we had our competition, and I won the game, but I still don't want for there to be a hole in your collection. So. . .I thought that you could have the reproduction disk? I know it's kinda worthless-." Button was cut off when Luna put a hoof over his mouth. "Don't say that, Button," Luna said softly as her eyes glistened with joy. She took her hoof away and continued, "This game is not worthless. Not anymore. In fact, to me, this game is worth just as much, maybe even more, than the official copy. Do you know why?" Button blinked, and shook his head silently. Luna smiled broadly, "It's because it is a gift, from a dear friend." "Awwwww!" Sweetie Belle said from behind the camera. At that moment, Button understood completely, and he smiled and gave Luna another hug. "Thanks for a great night, Princess." "Button, you can call me 'Gamer Luna'," the Princess of the Night said with a playful little wink. Button just had to laugh. Everyone in the house said their goodbyes and watched the Princess go, and Button related the whole story to his family. And that night, after placing his rare copy of Wii Games Summer 2010 in a protective glass case, Button Mash slept better than ever before. Credits AVGN- Nintendo World Championships by Cinemassacre Ask Gamer Luna by Sally (sallymon.tumbmlr.com) Wii Games Summer 2010- Nintendo Image: Luna and Button Mash by Sanddy273