//------------------------------// // Prologue: // Story: My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem // by Pika53 //------------------------------// Disclaimer - I do not own My Little Pony or Portal. In a chamber located deep beneath the surface of Equestria, a strange mind performed analyses and calculations as lines of binary code flickered rapidly across a nonexistent surface, interrupted occasionally by coherent lines of text that resembled remnants of the thought processes of something biological. The mind belonged to a large mechanical device suspended from the center of the room called the Galactic Lunar and Deferent Orbital System or GLaDOS for short. After what had to be ages of inactivity, the system had recently come back to life… and judging by the state of decay within the facility, the years hadn’t been kind. The chamber the device resided in was like an arena with large walls coated in a mixture of gray and white. Except for the main body, half a dozen large computer monitors, and a small platform beneath, the room itself was relatively empty. To say that GLaDOS was busy would be an understatement as she over-saw the reconstruction of the Equestrian Science Magic-aided Enrichment Center, re-stabilized the nuclear reactors, repositioned the chutes, brought the neurotoxin system back online, cleared out the waste and prepped the testing chambers acid mix, worked on fixing up the glitches in the system, and finally over-saw the production line of the turrets and the construction of some of the most complicated and well-designed test chambers for use by guests. Her job wasn't exactly easy. She had to keep constant vigilance over the entire enrichment facility in order to make sure everything was up and running for when the time came to challenge subjects on their mental abilities and accelerate the age of science. The exact purpose her creators had given her. . . Speaking of subjects, GLaDOS made a note to acquire some of the locals for testing purposes. Glancing at one of the many monitors, she noted that reconstruction of many of the upper test chambers to mimic the surface world above was progressing nicely. It wouldn’t be long before testing would begin. As she continued watching, GLaDOS had to wonder why good help was so hard to find these days. Speaking of good help, you would think that being a super computer who had been crafted by the world's most brilliant scientific minds to ever grace the Equestrian Science Magic-aided Enrichment Center; that one of them would've left GLaDOS with a few decent A.I. programs for her to fiddle with? However, all she could do with the A.I's present was to create a pair of brilliantly made, but less-than brilliant performing pair of stooges she’d affectionately named: Atlas and P-body. On another monitor, GLaDOS watched the said workers as they tried to figure out how to carry the Equestrian Science Weighted Storage Cube through the Emancipation Grill without disintegrating it. Honestly, it was such a simple puzzle; even she couldn't help, but mock them for it . . . no more than usual that is. Of course, she was mostly in it for the science, but would it kill anyone to show her a little appreciation every once in a while? She was currently holding the pair on recording, so if she missed anything important (which she doubted) she could just rewind and watch it again. The thought suddenly occurred to GLaDOS that she might be able to maximize her efforts if she had a body beyond a suspended hunk of uninspired metal and a single eye-piece. A quick series of calculations confirmed all possible effects of such a radical transformation. Moments later, a gentle glow began on the platform beneath GLaDOS’ main body. When the glow faded, a semi-solid, regal looking, alicorn mare stood with its eyes closed. Opening its eyes, the mare trotted down from the platform and took in its surroundings with a newfound sense of intrigue. Dropping her gaze from the now silent machine, the mare smirked to herself. Although they were psychically connected, the possibilities this new body presented were too great to ignore. Raising a foreleg, the mare summoned a mirrored panel and took in her new appearance. She had a lush dark coat with large wings, folded ever so neatly. Her mane was like stardust and it flickered like angry blue fire around her grinning face. Her eyes, large and aquamarine, took in every detail with profound interest. “This form shall do nicely.” GLaDOS’ voice purred from the mare’s lips. As the panel disappeared from view, GLaDOS noted that Atlas and P-body had reached the next test chamber. This one requiring participants to carry the Equestrian Science Weighted Storage Cube up a shaft and through another Emancipation Grill without disintegrating it; all while avoiding a series of strategically placed spike plates. Neither of her minions seemed particularly skilled at the task. “I can’t decide which is my favorite; the crushers for crushing you or the reassembly machine for putting you back together so you can be crushed again.” GLaDOS mocked over the intercom; rolling her eyes at the spectacle. It was times like these; she wished that the Euphoric System would work its magic as it did for her so very long ago. If only her body hadn't built up such an immunity to it, she probably would've been (somewhat) kinder to the pair. But again, what did it really matter; they couldn’t die… and they had no way to communicate if they felt pain or not. “Well, back to work.” she murmured, turning her attention to another screen as she began calling up information on the world above. After all, there was a great deal for her to learn. *************** Sitting in a library built into a giant tree, a young violet unicorn sat staring through a telescope, stargazing. It was a bright, clear, starry night with a light breeze and she marveled at all the surrounding stars and constellations; knowing that Princess Luna put great effort into her creations. Even though she didn't have her Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy, the young unicorn wasn’t worried. She could remember most of it anyway. Chuckling softly to herself, Twilight Sparkle turned away from the telescope and let her gaze drift around the room. Lying in a basket not far away was her number one assistant ‘Spike’. He was mumbling softly to himself in his sleep, prompting Twilight to giggle again as she made her way downstairs to get something to drink. Upon returning to the room the pair shared, Twilight decided to forgo using the telescope and let her gaze idly drift toward Canterlot. She hadn’t heard from Princess Celestia in a while and wondered what her friend and mentor was up to. After staring dreamily at the capital for a few minutes, Twilight was startled by a sudden flash of light outside her window that made her feel somewhat dizzy. Groaning, Twilight blinked and shook her head; a troubled look crossing her features as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Minutes later, the light appeared again. A panic the likes of which she hadn't felt in some time gripped Twilight as she bolted to her hooves; recognizing where the light was coming from. The Everfree Forest. She was about to shout at Spike to take a letter, but the peaceful look on the baby dragon’s face changed her mind. Instead, she rushed downstairs and quickly wrote a note explaining her actions before frantically packing her saddlebag with supplies and exiting the library to investigate the source of the strange light she’d seen. Sometime later, Twilight stood at the edge of a tall cliff. Behind her loomed the dark woods, even more dangerous and frightening in the middle of the night. Before her was a rickety plank bridge, swaying ominously with the cool wind. On the other side of the bridge lay the ruins of a once-majestic castle, reduced now to mere walls for moss to grow on. The breeze swept through her mane, lifting it off of her neck and waving it like a triumphant banner. She took a step onto the bridge, steadying it with a hoof before breaking out into a brisk walk. The planks nearly disintegrated under her back hooves as her weight left them, but she pressed on, a look of determination on her face. It didn’t take very long to reach the other side and the ruins beyond. Trotting across the moss-covered ground, she was almost disappointed to find the area empty. She strolled into the ante-chamber, or what was left of it. Two tall, black-stoned walls stood like stoic guards, ignoring her presence as she passed them. In the middle of the ante-chamber was a large statuesque piece, like an inverted chandelier. Seven spokes drew out of the center of the ornament, ending in empty, curved bowls. Twilight was certain that the light she’d witnessed had come from this very place, and she had a sickening feeling that whatever was here was up to no good. As she continued, Twilight illuminated her horn; a purple light glowing a small aura around her. It wasn't much light but it would be enough to search by. She stopped, listening. A strange, quiet grinding noise, like metal gears, caught her attention. It was muffled as if far beneath her. As far as she knew, as far as she remembered from that panicked night, there was no basement to this castle. What would be making such a noise? More importantly, who would be making it? She gulped and pressed on through the ante-chamber, entering the throne room proper. Dim moonlight seeped in from a large hole in the far wall. Moth-eaten remnants of royal carpet led up to a small rise where two thrones had once sat. Thieves, probably, had made off with the royal seating, as the rise was now bare. As she approached, stepping lightly onto the center of the rise, Twilight noted that the grinding was louder here; echoing from deep below the ruins, a hollow, miserable sound. The ancient stones, sitting dormant for hundreds of years without knowing the weight of a pony, began to shift under her hooves. Moments later, the ground broke. In her panic, there wasn't time to teleport away. She fell... *************** Wandering through the world famous Canterlot Sculpture Garden by moonlight would be considered by most ponies to be a romantic affair for two star-crossed lovers; but for Trixie, it was nothing of the sort. An upcoming show, the biggest of her life, weighed heavily on her thoughts, and she needed this time to calm her mind. Turning her head back and forth to gaze at all the different statues around her, each of which represented a different aspect of harmony; Trixie, formerly the Great and Powerful Trixie, would have found the experience inspirational had she not had her mind focused on tomorrow night. ‘This is it, Trixie.’ the light blue unicorn thought to herself as she made her way through the darkened hedges. Only a few firefly filled lights, hanging from wooden poles, lit the grounds below them, just enough for the showmare to see by. ‘This is your big comeback. You can't screw it up. It's taken you too long to get to this point and there are no more second chances.’ The harsh sounds of her hooves clopping against the ground, much harder than was necessary, broke her out of her musings. Trixie frowned and forced herself to trot at a more sedate pace. She couldn't allow that particular nervous habit of hers to potentially chip a hoof on a stray rock. It would be one of many things that she didn't need to deal with in preparing for the following night's show. “Calm down, girl.” Trixie said aloud, hoping the sound of her voice would quell the growing unease that she felt. “You'll do fine. In fact, better than fine. To really impress those stuck up nobles, you need to see that statue. Everything will be perfect once you do.” Trixie grinned, now imagining the shocked looks of the aristocracy before her. “I can't wait to see their faces. I'll bring the worst threat this world has ever seen right before them. They'll never see it coming. Tomorrow, I'll knock 'em dead! The premiere showing at the Grand Galloping Gala!” Trixie's face lit up with a joyous grin as she reared up on her hind legs and neighed in delight. Finally, her chance had come! Just a little more research and she'd have the most perfect performance of her life! A surge of excitement coursed through her, and with that, Trixie lowered herself down to all fours and took off into the depths of the sculpture garden. Sometime later, Trixie stood in front of the object she sought. It had taken a while to find, but Trixie now stood before the stone statue in the absolute center of the garden. She gazed up at the misshapen form of a draconequus, its already gruesome form made all the worse by the horrified expression it had on its face. It was hard to look at and not grimace what with all the random parts of other animals making up its body. She could certainly see why this thing was called Discord. “Ugh. What a hideous beast.” Trixie muttered but didn't hesitate and began circling the statue. She took in every detail, all the way from its goat horn and deer antler, down its serpentine like body to finish at the lizard and goat appendages that made up its legs. She swished her tail back and forth as she went, causing some dust that had accumulated on the statue's feet to flutter off. After a few orbits, she sat down in front of the statue and concentrated. A soft light, colored a light purple to match her eyes, surrounded her horn. Soon, an image began to take form just above her. The image began with an outline of the draconequus, but more details were added in as the unicorn focused more of her magic into it. Eventually, hovering just above her, a transparent but otherwise perfect copy of the statue resting above her. ‘Much better than those fireworks I used to use, but this is just the start.’ Trixie thought with a smile. ‘Now that it looks right, let's add some color. Can't impress anypony with it being all grey. Let's see, what did that window in the tower look like again? Ah, like this!’ She focused harder, using the color scheme of the stained window depicting Discord to, as the teachers would say in school, "Color within the lines." Partway through the painting process, Trixie was startled by a sudden flash of light that made her feel somewhat dizzy. Groaning, Trixie blinked and shook her head; a troubled look crossing her features as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Seeing nothing, she returned to her work. In moments, she was finished. The draconequus was no longer just a grey figure with a stone texture. Instead, a light brown covered the fur on the serpentine body; a deep red flowed down the dragon like tail, yellow and green spread across the hands and feet and finally, yellow filled in the eyes with a set of asymmetrical red pupils. Trixie's illusion was finished. Discord had come back to life. “Not bad, little filly.” A feminine voice suddenly spoke up. Trixie blinked and looked around to see who had snuck up on her and had spoken. “Who's there?” Despite turning in a full circle, the unicorn didn't see another soul in sight. “I think you’ll do nicely.” The voice said again. “Show yourself to Trixie!” “Soon enough; but first I need you to take part in a few tests for me.” “Trixie will not!” she retorted hotly and quickly dispelled the image of Discord. Her horn glowed brightly, ready to fire off one of the new spells she had learned just in case she came across something bigger than herself. The incident with the Ursa Minor would never happen again. “Whoever you are, you'll be sorry for messing with me!” The voice chuckled. “We'll see.” Unfortunately, nothing could have prepared Trixie for what happened next. Her eyes widened in surprise as a strange glow suddenly enveloped the area around her. Panic and worry covered her muzzle as she squeezed her eyes shut and frantically shook her head in response to a shrill noise that made her head feel like it would explode. Almost as quickly as it began, the noise faded away into silence. After a few seconds of nothing happening, Trixie relaxed slightly and sighed in relief. And then her whole world went white.