//------------------------------// // Speedster of the West // Story: Europony 24h // by Pipsqueak_Moontroting //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash flew across the sun lit sky, the warmth covering her flapping wings. She enjoyed flying around on days like this. Sunny, warm spring days. She flew above Twilight’s library. She looked down, Twilight wanted to meet with her for some reason. She dove down and landed in front of Twilight’s door. She knocked impatiently and loudly. Twilight opened the door and pulled her in before she could say anything. Rainbow Dash looked up and noticed a familiar face. An apple-red stallion. “Enzo?” She hadn’t seen that face or said that name in over three months. “Hey Dashie!” He greeted with a wide smile. “Hey man! How’s everything been?” The red pony looked down at his leg. He sighed. “Not very well.” He said with his head down. “My leg… got broken.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “Was it an accident, did you crash or something?” He looked at her. “It was at a race… but it was no accident.” Enzo ran as fast as he could, about to pass another stallion. The stallion extended his hoof, tripping Enzo. Enzo rolled across the course until he was stopped by the safety rail. His leg hit the rail, causing it to break in two. “AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Enzo writhed in pain as he wrapped his forelegs around his left leg. The crowd gasped, looking in horror at the downed Earth Pony. Enzo tried to get up but the pain only allowed him to scream louder “I was about break the sound barrier, about to overlap another racer.” His face dissolved into a look of anger. "He didn't want that to happen." Enzo closed his eyes, trying to recall what the stallion said. “Sorry Enzo, but you’ve won enough trophies…” Enzo barely heard those words through his screaming. He tried crawling, still no end to his pain. "In the end, only the strong survive. Fairness, Integrity and Sportsmanship don't represent Strength, do they?" Enzo's leg cracked again after crawling causing him to scream again, louder than before. "No, Intelligence and the will to do what it takes to get your way... That represents strength." The stallion turned around and got close to Enzo's face. "And it looks like you're not fit to survive..." He galloped away, taking the lead and the victory from Enzo. “It was out of envy, out of hatred.” He looked out the window. “He got first place and I get carried out by paramedics, finishing in last.” He looks back at his leg. “And with a painful reminder of how he didn’t win with integrity or passion, just out of the love for victory….” Rainbow Dash started to say something, but the words didn’t leave her lips. She just nodded silently with big, sad eyes. "He didn't love racing, he didn't love competition. All he cared about was the prize money and the fame." Rainbow Dash thought about how she sometimes cheats to win. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes in disappointment of herself. “Somepony, Get him a doctor!” A woman called out in terror. Enzo couldn’t stop screaming, tears now running down his face. A few pegasi pulled him out of the circuit, Enzo’s screams stopped only by small sobs. "It appears Enzo has an injury. He will be unavoidably disqualified." The announcer said softly. "Those few words echoed in my mind the whole ride to the hospital." Enzo had a serious look on his face as he reminded himself. Rainbow Dash sighed. "I...I..." Rainbow Dash stopped trying to speak, she couldn't find the words she needed. “But I’m fine now!” He smiled again. “And I have something for you…” Enzo trotted over to his saddlebag that he had dropped in a corner, he would be staying in the library for a few nights. "This is really cool, you're gonna like this." He reaches in and pulls out a letter. His sleeping bag falls over. "Argh!" He ignores it and trots back to Rainbow Dash. “I’ve been racing in Europony for 3 years now…” Rainbow Dash grabs the letter and opens it. “Dear Rainbow Dash, You have been selected to participate in the yearly Europony 24h Race. This race is only for the strongest, the fastest and the most competitive of the world. Possibly you and 9 other ponies will have the honor of racing in the traditional twenty-four hour race. This race has been going on for over 50 years, being one of the most historic sport events of every year. This year, you are the sole representative of the Canterlot Region. Qualifying rounds are May 12th this year. We hope to see you there. Sincerely, the members of the ERB (Equestrian Racing Board)” Rainbow Dash looked in shock at the letter. “How did they find out about me?” She turned her eyes to Enzo. “Eh, When I returned to Europony, I told them about my tour here. They were very interested in having you compete as soon as I told them about you.” She looked back at the letter. “They wanted you to represent as the only competitor from The Canterlot area." Enzo grinned. "Besides, you'd be the only true competition there." He chuckled. Rainbow’s mouth swung open, she didn’t know what to say. Enzo smiled as he handed her an airship ticket and a map of the circuit. The circuit was about 10 miles long and had a lot of twist and turns. “All of your friends are coming too, no?” He said as he pulled out another 4 tickets, Spike and Twilight already having one in their possession. Rainbow Dash hugged Enzo, squealing in happiness. She pulled away. “So, when do we leave?” “Three days… Now C’mon, let’s find your friends, no?” Enzo began walking out the door. “Spike, prepare my bags please.” Spike sighed and went upstairs. “Rainbow Dash, you’re gonna need a pit crew. Maybe some of your friends can provide water and food for you.” Rainbow Dash simply nodded, still trying to calm herself from the excitement. To Be Continued…