Days Gone By: TwiDash

by LunaTheia

Life With a Mare Part 1: The Best Day Ever

Life With a Mare Part 1: The Best Day Ever


The place that brought me so much happiness. And it wasn’t just the town. Oh no. It was one of the residents of the town. A certain librarian. A beautiful, lavender unicorn. A Sparkle of the Twilight variety. She was the reason the town of Ponyville gave me so much happiness. Well, one of the reasons. Of course, I had my other friends who lived there. But I don’t think much else can bring you as much happiness as a marefriend. Except possibly one of Pinkie’s parties. But only at a stretch. And probably only if Twilight was there.

I always remember the days I spent with her, especially when it became known that we were dating. Of course, there was the occasional, unavoidable ‘filly-fooler’ remark, a phrase that still makes me laugh, but life was good. And not just good. It was bucking awesome! And although some ponies were hesitant at first to accept it, it was soon perfectly fine. Nopony questioned us if we went to a restaurant or to see a movie. Nopony would point us out if they saw us together. Life was bliss. That has got to be one of the sappiest things I’ve ever said.

I often recall the time when all I wanted to do was become a Wonderbolt. Then, when Twilight and I started dating, I realised that there was nowhere I’d rather be that at her side. Understandably, it was hard to give up the dream, but I told myself it was for the best, and that, after all, it was my idea.

Every day I spent with that lavender pony was total happiness. We never argued about anything, excepting the occasional dispute over the storyline of the latest Daring Do book. Like that time when Daring kissed Silver, and I thought she should be with Rosetta, and Twilight didn’t understand it. That was funny.

And even our lazy days were enjoyable; one of us would wake up earlier, (usually Twilight,) and would make breakfast for the two of us, (often ending in disaster.) Then we would probably just go back to bed. Those days were the most relaxed I ever was. Just spending the entire day doing nothing in particular with my favourite pony in the whole of Equestria.

It was with a warm fondness that I thought of these days, and it was how I looked forward to them.

And it was one of those days that one of the best things that ever happened to me happened.

We had just had one of the rare occasions of being able to eat a delicious breakfast of pancakes cooked by the ever-surprising Twilight. We had then gathered a couple of the books Twilight had been trying to get me into, and had climbed straight back into bed.

To her credit, Twilight tried extremely hard to try and make me interested in the books, but all I was interested in was her eyes as she looked at me, and listening to the sound of her voice. It was a shame really, because I know I read those same books now, but she was just too adorable.

I finally gave up and told her that it was no use, and that I simply couldn’t concentrate. She asked if there was anything I’d rather do. I mentioned the fact that my wings needed preening and that I would go and do that. I couldn’t believe when she offered to do it. She said she’d read plenty of books on pegasus anatomy, so she knew what she was doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t read a single page about pegasus relationships. Now, of course, it took me a minute to actually decide what to tell her, but in the end I decided it was worth it. She was my marefriend after all.

I laid down on my underbelly on Twilight’s bed and spread my wings so Twilight could work on them. To be quite honest, I probably couldn’t have stopped them extending if my life depended on it. The next few minutes were amazing. There are no words to describe the pleasure of having somepony else touch your wings. I could only shudder at the contact. Oh, her face when she noticed! I did all I could to stifle a laugh, but to no avail. She did a big, ‘Oh no, did I do something wrong’ bit, it was hilarious. We both were laughing for ages, until I asked if her horn needed working on, which resulted in an extreme bout of blushing on her part and more laughter on mine. After a while, Twilight went back to my wings, which were still spread out, though I hadn’t noticed.

Now, having a Twilight sparkle in your life is amazing. Seriously. But having an egghead in your life in an entirely different matter. It kinda rubs off on you. And, yes, I’ll admit that there was a bit of rubbing involved, but that’s beside the point. The point is that I found that Twilight’s horn would be just about as sensitive as my wings. Now that, my friends, is what you call a great discovery.

So, after several more minutes of preening and laughing, I finally managed to retract my wings and pull Twilight into an embrace. She was startled at first, but quickly realised what was happening. I made a small, but definite motion with my hoof upwards, but Twilight didn’t seem to notice. I slowly brought it up until it was relatively close to my target. Twilight was still oblivious, so I decided that now was as good a time as any, and made my move. Twilight squeaked in surprise as my hoof made contact with the rather sensitive surface of her horn.

I laughed at the sound, but was quickly shut up at an unexpected reaction that sent my wings out again.

Namely, her lips pressed up against mine.

Now it was my turn to squeak, as her hooves ran up and down my wings, though now with a very different intention. I shuddered again.

I was completely at the mercy of the violet unicorn, a thought that both scared me and filled me with excitement all at the same time.

Twilight continued to overpower me, a feat that not many ponies, if any, are able to do, with the tiny, intricate movements of her hooves. I was surprised by her actions; this was unlike the Twilight I knew. I knew a Twilight who spent most of the day buried in books and talking with her friends. I’d never seen this Twilight before. She continued to hold back my ability to move, but I wasn’t complaining. At that moment, I couldn’t have wanted anything else than to stay still. The shivers kept on coming through my wings and down my spine, slowly pushing me further and further into the realms of ecstasy. My hooves hung limp at my side, unable to put up any resistance, and I couldn’t speak. I could barely make any noise at all, save the occasional squeak or moan. I felt like pushing Twilight over onto her back and putting her into the place I was, but my body wouldn’t respond. My mind was slowly being eaten away by pleasure, my conscious thoughts slowly melting away into happiness. I couldn’t keep myself back for long.

The remaining portion of me still able to think began to panic. Twilight couldn’t possibly know what she was doing to me. She must know about it, she’s a grown mare, but from the look on her face she had no idea. The small part of my mind was racing to try and find a solution to the problem, with the rest of it trying to bring it down under the cover of pleasure and happiness. I was fighting to resist now, finding it to become harder and more of a struggle as the seconds ticked by. Just as I felt that I could go no longer, Twilight must have seen something, because the shivers and waves of pleasure quickly stopped, and I felt the pressure leave. But I was still far from being able to talk. I could only watch Twilight’s eyes as a concerned look came upon her.

“What’s wrong?”


“Rainbow? Are you al- Oh.”

My thoughts were moving faster that I was able to think them as I wondered what had happened. I could still feel a small pressure, but it was quickly receding, and I was still worried. My mouth tried to form words, respond to Twilight in some fashion, but no noise came out. I must have looked like some sort of fish.

Realisation soon dawned on her face. “Rainbow, you know you don’t need to do that. Just go with it. I don’t mind. In fact, it could be rather entertaining.”

I felt myself blush at that, and Twilight’s words gave me the confirmation that I was fine. The pressure was building again, but this time I didn’t fight it. It increased as Twilight began to run her hooves across my sensitive appendages again. I felt it rush over me in one big wave. Then, as quickly as it started, it was gone. I was left feeling tired, warm and fuzzy, the scattered remains of my melted mind feeling nothing but delight. I felt like sleeping.

Twilight saw what had happened and ceased her endeavours. “Wow, I didn’t know it was that good.”