//------------------------------// // How I Remember You // Story: Days Gone By: TwiDash // by LunaTheia //------------------------------// How I Remember You That beautiful smile. Those lovely eyes. The violet mane and tail, with a pink streak running through them. That was Twilight Sparkle, the intelligent, caring egghead of ponyville. But most importantly, my marefriend. Every day I spent with her was a day that I was guaranteed a good time. Anything she planned for us would always go perfectly, often ending in a kiss. That cute and smart unicorn was absolutely adorable. I sometimes wonder how I, Rainbow Dash, the fastest, coolest and awesomest (yeah that’s a word) Pegasus in all of Equestria, fell for Twilight Sparkle, the nerdiest and most bookwormish egghead in the entirety of Ponyville. But other days, I just don’t care. I only care that it happened, and that it has got to be the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I remember when we first told our friends that we were together. It was some ‘random’ picnic that we organised specially for it. I know that it was after we ate that we admitted it. It was mostly Twilight speaking, with me just adding the occasional bit. She was always better with words. I remember Applejack’s reaction the most. When Twilight told her, she was all, “Really? You and her?” All Twilight replied with was, “Mhm.” “But you’re like, polar opposites.” “We know,” I said. “Well congratulations then!” Twilight and I would always share a good laugh with AJ when we talked about that. It was quite funny, she had to admit. Another time I remember was when Pinkie pie threw us a ‘Congratulations Twilight and Rainbow for becoming marefriend and marefriend’ party. That was a blast. Applejack brought in some of her best cider and Pinkie backed the most amazing cupcakes I’ve ever tasted. I literally had to carry Twilight home after the two entire mugs of cider she drank. I know, right? Talk about weak. Or strong cider. But we had a laugh about it nonetheless, and it did lead to one of the best nights of my life, so I can’t complain. And no, no questions. I also remember those days when I would just hang out with her at her house. We would just read curled up on the sofa. Often I would be the first to pick a book off the shelf while Twilight finished off whatever it was she was doing, but she would quickly come and sit next to me, a book open in front of her. And sometimes we would just do nothing. We would just lie in bed and not care about anything. Perhaps talk about the latest Daring Do book or converse about the week gone by. Those were some of my favourite days. I guess my point to all this is that if I had to sum up Twilight in a couple of words I would say she was smart, kind and a bit eggheady. She was – I mean is – sweet, beautiful and caring. And she is absolutely amazing. In short, she’s perfect.