//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 Behold The Cutie Mark // Story: Tales of A lost Pegasus // by Midnight Galaxy //------------------------------// I awake in a blackened plane. “Hello,” I say as it echos around in the empty space. I feel a almost burning sensation in my right flank. Doing my best to ignore it, I try to find something, anything. I attempt to walk, but end up falling to the ground. “Never thought I'd see you here,” a voice says from somewhere in the darkness. “Show yourself!” I demand gritting my teeth in pain. A blue unicorn with black and white mane and tail walks into what little light there was in this dark place. “Who are you?” I ask looking at the pony, he looks like me. “I was your twin, but I died before we could be born,” he says stepping closer to me. “Why are you here?” I ask trying to back away a little. “I'm trying to keep you alive. You die here, it's over. You have accomplished nothing!” he exclaims swinging his hoof. “Where are we?” I ask trying to stand again. He walks over and helps me up. I put one of my legs over his shoulder to help me balance. “As to where we are, this is your subconscious. I'm your bodies last resort to keep you alive. Do you remember mom and dad?” he asks looking at me. “I can't seem to remember anything about them,” I say looking into the blackness. My dream flashes in the black. As it plays I look at the other pony with me. “That's them,” he says with a smile. “Fleethoof and Iron Wings, the best war ponies anypony has ever seen,” he says watching my dream. I fall to the ground once more, screaming in pain. My heart begins to race and my head starts hurting. “Looks like someone wants you back.... See you again brother.... someday,” I see him smile as he and his voice fades into the black. ††††††† I sit up gasping for air. I hear Amelia scream and quickly put her coat on. She rushes over to me and puts a cold rag on my head, laying me back down. “What happened? Where am I?” I ask frantically. “Calm down. You are in my bed. You've been out for almost a week,” she says dabbing my forehead. “The only thing I remember is the other ship exploding,” I say rubbing my head. “You pushed me out of the and got hit with a large piece of wood. It mangled you pretty good. I don't think anything got broken,” she says pulling the blankets up to my chin. “Now you just lay here and rest,” she says with a loving smile. She walks over and picks up the bowl of water she was dabbing the rag into. “I... I know who my parents are,” I say. She drops the bowl of water she was carrying and stands there with her mouth open. “Wha... wha... how?” was all she could stammer out. “It's hard to explain,” I say looking at her. She rubs a hoof against her head. “I just... don't understand. How could you have found out who they are?” she asks. Her confusion was only intensified as I try to explain. “While I was unconscious, I met my dead twin brother. He told me about them,” I say. She shakes her head, only more confused by the whole situation. “I need some air,” she says walking outside. “I have to find them,” I say looking at my hooves. “I know they are out there,” I say gritting my teeth. Throwing the covers off I try and get out of the bed. Unable to move my right hind leg I stumble a little but manage to get out of the bed. I can feel the pain pulsing through my leg, but I can't let that stop me. I hobble to the door, pushing it open I hear Amelia gasp. I stumble a little, but manage to catch myself. “You should be in bed resting,” her panicked tone tells me she cares that much. “I've been sleeping for over a week ma'am. I think I need to try and help some,” I say with a half hearted smile. I can feel everypony watching me, but I am okay with that. I want them to see that I am strong, that I can do this. I stumble a few steps but manage to make it to the bow. I can feel the pain but I ignore it as much as I could while I watch the setting sun. I lay here and watch as it dips below the horizon. The stars begin to come out, one at a time, until the night sky is full to the breaking with them. I know, somewhere, they are looking at the same stars that I am. After a while I decide to go back to the captain's cabin to sleep. It takes me a moment, but I eventually make it up. I hobble my way back to the cabin. Pushing the door open I hear Amelia quickly slide her curtain shut. “What is she hiding?” I ask myself. I shrug it off and head to my bunk. I close my curtain and lay down. I stare at the wooden ceiling for what seems like and eternity, until I finally drift off to sleep. ††††††† The next month is spent trying to get my leg to heal and being able to walk properly. Much time is spent falling on my face. By the end of the end of the fourth week I was finally able to stand on my hind legs without falling. I had to retrain myself on how to balance. The wound on my flank has healed, but a long wide scare is there in its place. After much rest and begging, Amelia has agreed to train me again. I can tell by the way she acts around me that she blames herself for my injury. I can see it in her eyes as she watches me walk. I walk up to her after a training session. “I know you blame yourself for what happened to me...” “But..” she tries to interrupt, but I continue talking. “But it isn't your fault. I chose my actions and knew what might be the consequences of that action,” I say looking at her. I can see tears in her eyes. “Now, don't be doing that. There is not need to cry. I am fine and everything will be as it was,” I say with a smile as I wipe the tears off her cheek. She breaks down there in her cabin. She slumps to the floor, sobbing. I sit there and wait as she cries her eyes out. “I'm.... I'm sorry you had to see that,” she says standing up. She wipes her eyes with a snotty sniff. “It's just... It's the same way that my son had died. He... he was killed by pirates, he was very young when it happened, and.... and I thought I was going to lose you,” her eyes tear up again as she sniffs again. I put my hoof on her shoulder. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I am still here. I'm still breathing,” I say with a smile. She rubs her nose and stands to her feet. She smiles at me and picks her sword up. “Let's get back to training again then,” she stands on her hind legs and I do the same. We continue my training for the next week. I can still fell a pain in my flank, but it is endurable. We are about half way through our journey to The Breach. We can see them on the horizon. I lay my head on the railing of the ship and let out a sigh. “Everythin' alright lil' one?” Mr. Silver asks as he joins me. I let out another sigh, my mind elsewhere. “I know how it feels to have lost something,” he says sitting down. “My parents were taken from me when I was 'bout yer age,” he says, looking off into the sun. “I might not be the smartest pony ye ever met, but I know a thing or two,” he lets out as sigh. “I don't even know who they are, but I know what they look like now,” I say standing up. “I... I could draw them for ya,” he says jumping to his feet. He pulls out a small sketch book and pencil from the pouch on his left flank. “You'd do that for me?” I ask looking at the stark white pony. “Well, yeah. I love drawin' in the first place,” he says with an excited smile. “Thank yo...” I start saying before I hear the captain yell. “SILVER!!! GET YOU FLANK BACK IN THAT KITCHEN!!!” she screams at him from the helm. He quickly picks up his book and pencil and rushes back to where he belongs. “Young one! Climb those shrouds and keep your eye out for storms!” she yells pointing to the top of the main mast. I hesitantly start climbing. The ship seems to sway more when you are off of the deck. I slip a little, but catch myself. I climb to the top of the mast to see better. The wind is much stronger up here. The wind picks up and catches the sails, making the ship shift forward. Knocking me from the top of the mast. I can hear Amelia screaming over the rush of wind through my eyes. I manage to catch a rope on the way down. Nearly ripped my legs off, but I stopped falling. Using the rope I climb my way back down. As my hooves touch the ground I get tackled to the ground. “Are you alright?!” Amelia asks, almost yelling. “I'll be fine, once I can stand up,” I say with a chuckle. She quickly lets me up, clearly embarrassed by the color of her cheeks. I roll each of my joints, making sure everything was where it was suppose to be. “I believe I'll be fine. I will just be sore for a few days,” I say with a smile. She lets out a nervous chuckle, I could tell she was still shaken by it. My smile quickly turns as I hear something off in the distance. My ears perk up and start turning to find the noise. “What is it?” she asks looking around. I quickly run, rather hobble, to the bow. I close my eyes for a moment and open them back up. Scanning the horizon in search for whatever make the noise. I hear it again, but closer this time. I look up and see a large bird flying over head. Instinctively, I whistle. The bird circles down and lands on the deck in front of me. I attempt to hide from it with no avail. It walks around Amelia and nudges me with its head. “It's a messenger hawk, and he seems to like ya,” she says with a smile. The bird stands about as tall as I do. The captain tries to untie the message from the hawks leg. It quickly turns around and screeches at her. “It's alright. She's a friend,” I say stroking its chest. I bend down and retrieve the message from its leg. I hand it to her and turn my attention back to the hawk. Amelia mumbles to herself as she reads the letter. The hawk nuzzles its head against my chest, throwing me off balance. The crew laughs as they gather around to see what the commotion was about. “Looks like we will be havin' us an escort the rest of the way. The Breach is sending a ship to meet us so we can restock on some supplies and finish the trip. One of their special ships should be here by morning,” she says rolling the letter up again. She chuckles as the hawk knocks me over and keeps nuzzling me with its head. “And looks like you've made a new friend,” she says with another chuckle. “Looks like you fond somethin' else too,” she says nodding toward me. I look at my flank and see it glowing. A hawk and a coil of rope show up on my flank. I sit there for a moment, not sure what to do. The crew lets out a loud cheer. “Hard cider all around tonight!” one of them yells over the crowd, making them even more excited. I sit there, confused. After a moment, Amelia catches onto my confusion. “You alright little one?” she asks walking up to me. “I'm not sure why everyone is so excited,” I say, looking around at all the happy faces. “It's a big deal when a foal gets their cutie mark. It is their identity. It signifies their special talents and when a pony figures out theirs, it is a special day. That is why everyone is so happy,” she says motioning to the crew. I smile as the hawk knocks me over again. I start laughing along with the crew. The rest of the day was spent celebrating. Everyone on the ship was drinking and being happy, all but one that is. I spent the time on the bowsprit, thinking of my parents. A moment like this and I can't share it with them. I sit there and watch the stars come out as the sun begins to set. “I wonder... if they can see the same stars that I am seeing right now. I wonder... if they can see the moon as I see it now,” I say looking up at the bright night stars. The hawk flaps his wings as he lands in front of me. “Looks like you won't be leaving me any time soon,” I say with a chuckle as I stroke his feathers. “Keep an eyes out for our escort, if you would,” I say as he takes off into the sky. I envy him, I really do. Being able to fly up there. I haven't been off the ground to fly in a long time. It is really hard to so so while at sea though. I have a feeling that I'll have to use my wings a lot here in the near future. “Calm night, ain't it?” Silver asks walking up behind me. “Sure is,” I say looking at the water. “Thinking about your parents?” he asks with concern in his voice. I only nod my head. “Do you miss your parents?” I ask after a moment. He puts his hoof to his chin as if picking his words carefully. “Some nights are harder than others, but I manage. I know that they loved me with all their hearts and that even now they are lookin' over me,” he says looking up at the stars. “Now isn't the time to be thinkin' of such things! You should be celebrating!” he says changing the subject. I smile and say, “But I'm too young to drink.” We both laugh as I walk down the bowsprit and join the white stallion on the deck. “I think I am gonna hit the hay. I've had enough excitement for the day,” I say with a smile. “We'll see ya in the mornin' then,” Silver says with a smile. I nod as I head into the captain's cabin. I can hear everpony having fun down in the galley. Yelling and drinking to their hearts content. All of this because an image appeared on my flank. Maybe I just don't see the significance of it yet. I let out a heavy sigh as I undo the buttons on my jacket. I stand up on my hind legs and let it fall to the floor. I stretch out my wings. I can feel every feather and muscle tighten and relax. I put my front hooves back on the floor and let out another sigh. I lay down in my bunk and think about all that had happened in the day that had past. I slowly drift off to sleep.