//------------------------------// // Chapter 18 - Get it through your thick head // Story: Headless, not Heartless // by Thadius0 //------------------------------// "What do ye mean, ye don't hate the sisters?!" I sighed at Silver's outburst. It was the third day of our little trek down to where the volcano was, and he'd asked me why I hated the sisters. To which I replied that I didn't. It's simple enough to lay out, but complex to understand. I don't hate anyone, save for the Wise One. I conserve my wrath for they that think themselves monsters, and that leaves anger for the sisters. Silver tilted his head to the side in confusion. "They're not all the same?" I snorted then, shaking my body in the negative. I make distinctions between the differing levels of dislike. Anger's just a flash in the pan. It's momentary, can be satisfied easily with things like pranks or minor revenge on the one to earn it. Silver nodded slowly as the words sunk in, and I continued my definitions. Wrath is a bit more forceful. At least for me. I conserve my wrath for they that step out into the dark. I make sure to use up my wrath, never let it build. It is the desire to inflict harm upon another because of who they are or what they've done. And hate. I hate only the Wise One. Hate is, to me, declaring someone your foe for as long as either of you live. Despite what the sisters did to me, I don't truly hate them. I've been angry with them multiple times, and even now, I refute any and all attempts of theirs to make peace with me, but I don't hate them. It's anger bordering on wrath. Silver laughed a bit then. "Holdin' a grudge fer fifteen hundred years seems like a mite bit more than anger. Y'sure it's not wrath?" I nodded. If they ever truly tried, if they ever saw things from my perspective, saw what I did and why I did it...If they admitted, publicly, to my existence and purpose, along with what they'd done to me and how WRONG they were. Then I would forgive them. Then we could stop antagonizing one another, even minorly. There was no more talk then, as Silver turned over to go to sleep, and I kept watch. ----- When nearly a week had passed and the volcano was in sight, Silver asked me another question. "Do I seem too angry to you?" I pondered it for a moment. Well, those of Mars do tend to be more prone to anger. So your normal weekly routine of getting in at least one minor argument? That falls within operational parameters. It's still a bit on the high end, though. And the few things that you get really passionate about? You tend to get passionate enough that you leave scorch marks on the grass. That's when I have to say that yes, you have issues. Silver sighed then. "Growin' up, I could see the Djinn. They talked to me, gave me stories of you, of what you did. When I grew older and knew right from wrong more firmly, I realized I wanted to share what you did, and built a church. 'S when I got my mark. And when I realized that no matter the amount I preached, if I didn't practice it as well...that's when I started to draw her eye to me. Ten years ago, she took it all away, dismantled my life's work around me. I want to repay that nag for what she did. And you say I'm too angry." I sighed then. There are two sides to every story, two sides to every coin. But things are not white or black in reality. Many things are shades of grey, or just otherwise different. Those who divide the world into two groups and claim the moral high ground of their own are half the problem. Silver sat there stunned for a moment before I added something that I knew he'd find shocking. Besides. I was chained up for fifteen hundred years, and the closest I got to truly hating them was when I realized how long it had been once I was free, how I'd likely lost everything and everyone I ever knew. Afterwards it simmered back into mere anger. If I can't hate them for that, who are you to claim otherwise? Silver's jaw damn near dislocated with how far it dropped, and he was silent for the rest of the evening. ----- It took us an entire day to get to the summit of the volcano, and Silver and I looked into it. Sitting on a crag of rock that had somehow not melted near the middle of the lava pool was a pillar of obsidian. I pointed at it and sighed. Ten bits says that's what needs to be hit with the light from the Mars Star. Silver shook his head then. "No bet. How're we gonna get to it?" I turned to 'look' at him and stared for a second. I'm pretty sure we won't have to. If you're ready, you just have to touch the Mars Star and channel the power towards it. I held the Star in one hand, and Silver put his hoof out to touch it. Nothing happened. I looked back to him and thought over what it could possibly be that he needed to confront. Silver, you realize that by living away from her, living in a community she has no sway in, you're hurting her near as bad as she hurt you, right? Silver tilted his head to the side, and I continued. She 'loves' all 'her little ponies' and wants only 'what's best for them.' But by showing her that we can manage without her and don't bow to her, we're proving her wrong. We're taking something from her that she's held to be true since time immemorial. We're taking her argument away from her. We're showing her she is not infallible. And to those in authority, that cuts like nothing else, especially if they actually care, and doubly so if it's proven the new way is better than the old. Silver blinked a few times and nodded once. Silver...let it go. Let the hate go. Let the wrath go. She'll be hurting as long as Newvale exists. As long as ponies live who don't bow to her, she'll be hurting worse than she hurt you. Let. It. Go. At this, he protested. "I can't! I can't just let her get away with what she did to me!" And who said she would? File your grievances. Reopen your church in Newvale. But do not let your past define your future! Put the weight of your hatred down! Do not forgive, do not forget, but do not make it the sum of what you are! Silver breathed deeply once, twice... And on the third exhale, the Star shattered. Silver gained a massive red aura, and it jumped from him to the obsidian pillar. A ball of red light formed and hovered over the volcano, and I 'nodded' once at him. I'm glad I can still do this. Teleport! And with that, we left the Mars Light behind. ----- The next week in Newvale passed quickly for me. I made it my mission to pass all of the unaligned Psynergies into appropriate vessels. Painful, necessary work. We finally had a road to connect us to the main thoroughfare, and ponies occasionally visited Newvale now. We were getting non-Adept residents now, and it was...well, interesting, to say the least. I very nearly had to put my foot down on the pranking some ponies and Djinn did with their Psynergy to the poor souls. And they eventually got used to our dislike of the Princesses. Some of them even opened shop in our town. Really, by now one of the few distinctions we could use to distinguish it from any other pony town was the sheer number of species and the decidedly not pony/horse related pun name. Finally, ShiverSpine informed me he was ready. The eight Jupiter Djinn hovering around him confirmed this to me, and I sighed. Give me three days to get into position, then go to Cloudsdale. And with that, I handed over the Jupiter Star, left my Sanctum, and headed back to Mt. Canterlot. ----- As the third day dawned on the mountain, I got a most unexpected guest. "Dully!" With a pop and a flash, Discord showed up in front of me and gave me a hug. Discord? How, what, why? He laughed at me a little and summoned a glass of chocolate milk, then proceeded to somehow drink it in reverse. "Tia decided that I was worth her trouble and had little Fluttershy reform me. Now I'm not quite as bothersome to her. Most of the time." I laughed a bit. Makes me wonder if I had anything to do with it. Discord scratched the back of his head with his lion paw. "You just might have. After all, the way you keep showing her that she was wrong about you probably made her think she was wrong about me as well." Discord sat on a conjured armchair (that let out a whoopie cushion noise as he sat on it) and looked at me. "So I've got good news and bad news." Bad news first. "Well, the bad news is, this Wise One? Yeah, I can't stop him. He's too close. It'd only be putting it off, and that'd only work once. If you managed to deal with him, weaken him? Then I could sort of 'veil' this dimension from his sight, and as long as I'm alive, he wouldn't be able to find us." ...Was that also the good news? "Nope, the good news is better! It's only the Wise One that you have to deal with! I stopped everything else from that particular dimension from drifting over." And if I know you, there's a secret, mystery, third news. At this, Discord laughed a bit. "You do know me well! There's actually two more bits of news. The first is that I ran the numbers, he'll be here soon. Within another week sort of soon. And the second is that the royal sisters are right behind you." Ignoring the flood of stampeding numbers underfoot, I turned behind me to see the sisters standing at the edge of the mountain. I sighed again. You lot, and that includes you Dissy, need to get off the mountain. I don't know when it'll happen, but I know it'll happen today! You need to not be here, I don't know what it'll do to you! They looked startled for a moment before taking flight and hovering about a hundred feet away. Discord merely smiled and snapped his way back to...hopefully somewhere safe. Lulu began to assault me with her voice from her range. "DULLAHAN, IF THOU ATTEMPTS TO USE THIS POWER AGAINST EQUESTRIA, KNOWEST NOW THAT WE WILL-" She didn't get to finish. On the horizon, I could see the Light of Jupiter igniting, and then the tension in the air increased a hundredfold. Streaking across the sky were ribbons of light. Green, red, blue, and violet. They gathered above me and merged into a golden orb. Just in time for a very familiar floating blue-eyed boulder to appear and glare at me.