//------------------------------// // Part One // Story: The Sword and The Shield // by Doctor Umbrae //------------------------------// This was originally a story that we wrote for a competition for our forum. I think it ended up much better than the story with Fimfiction ^.^'. Anyway to those new to our stories, I hope you enjoy it and feel free to criticise or give us advice. All comments are appreciated. To those who follow our other stories, I just give a quick apology. I originally didn't intend for the wait to be this long, and I'll try to have the others updated as soon as possible. The Sword and The Shield Part One    The moon shone fully on Canterlot’s inhabitants. Steps resounded quietly through the royal garden. Tap, tap, tap. No louder than a whisper in the wind, her hooves stepped on the stone walkway. Garbed in full black with her navy blue coat barely visible. Her mane fell loosely onto her shoulders and her tail swung melodically behind her. Her eyes were that of a hawk’s, analytical and ready at the slightest indication of danger. She scanned the area around her and smiled to herself. Around her laid five white pegasi, all knocked unconscious.    “Eight seconds... I’m slipping.” Her voice exuded an aura of confidence and pride. The mare then turned her gaze skyward to where a large castle sat. A grunt behind her interrupted the mare from her gaze, she turned around, quickly unsheathing her katana that sat on her back. She looked to see that one of the guard ponies was writhing, attempting to move. “W-Why? Why can’t I move?” The guard stared with expectant eyes at the mare.    The mare shook her head and gave a small exasperated sigh. She reached back into a small bag latched onto her leg and pulled out a small bottle that has a thin needle inside of it. “This is a narcotic. It’s used to paralyze and knock ponies unconscious. I must have not given you enough.” The mare said this with a small scowl as she plucked the needle from its bottle.    The guard shifted uncomfortable as he watched the mare start walking toward him. “Who are you!? Are you a demon?!” His voice was angry and uncontrolled. The mare grinned at the question as she plucked the needle in tot he colt’s neck. The colt started to daze off immediately.    “The name’s Saru. As for me being a demon or not...” She beamed  a smile at the stallion.”That still hasn’t been decided.”  The colt’s eyes fell and he joined the other guards into a blissful sleep.    Saru, proud of her work, turned away from the guards. She reached into her pack and pulled out a sheet of paper. The paper had a picture of a white alicorn with a rainbow mane flowing behind her. And this is my target... Saru scanned the paper, finally stopping at the message. Dear Saru: We eagerly request your services in dealing with a certain Princess. The revolt has been going on for nearly four months now, and at the rate things are going, her forces may be able to put down our rebellion. We ask for your assistance and putting down the Princess while there is still supplies enough for us to overrun her army. Rumors suggest that she has even ordered CIA operatives to be some of her increased guard. I have the utmost faith that they wont be a problem though. Good luck and I hope to hear soon that you have Celestia’s head on a pike. Long live the Revolution! ~Eous Saru stared at the letter. She shook her head.  A noble cause and the pays good. Can’t ask for a better job.  She turned back to see the unconscious guards behind her. With a  thoughtful glance, she lightly bit into their coats. One by one she hauled each of the sleeping guards into nearby hedges. After a minute of dragging, she inspected the path. Now empty, she smiled as she walked toward the impending castle. Be ready Celestia. “Kim! Wake up!” A voice shouted in the young mare’s ear. Kim groaned as she tried to kick away whoever was waking her up. “Just give me a few minutes.” Kim replied, her voice muffled by the pillow her face was currently stuck to.    Kim then felt somepony grab her hind leg and give a powerful yank. Kim gasped as she was pulled from her bed and onto the ground. “Ow...” Kim mumbled as she pulled herself up to see an Earth pony who was clad in red armor. “You awake, your highness?” the pony chided. Kim put on an embarrassed smile.    “Yes Captain!” Kim stared at the pony in front of her. Her captain had a long black mane that contrasted her white coat. Her eyes were big and blue. The red armor she sported was symbolic of her being the captain of the guard. The captain shook her head, but a smile had already formed  on her lips. “CIA agents, even ones who are stuck with the night shift, should always be prepared for their duties.” the mare started. The mare then continued to scold Kim. Kim scowled at the scolding and tried to act like she was actually listening to her. Every now and again Kim would chide in with “I know” or “I’m sorry.” After a few moments of the scolding the captain finally put on a sad smile. Kim sighed at the smile. The same smile. Everypony who had heard of Kim would do one of two things. They would either laugh and insult her, or they would smile and pity her.  Kim wasn’t sure which she hated more. “I’ll just get ready.” Kim finally said as she left her captain in the room. She walked into the small bathroom found in the quarters. The bathroom was nothing special, which wasn’t surprising considering the fact that everyone in the quarters were all ‘guards for hire’. Kim turned on a small faucet and washed her face trying to get the sleep from her eyes. She lifted her face and stared into the mirror. Her grey coat was now damp with water. Her white mane, which was normally long and tied up into a pony tail, was now sticking up in random places. Kim stretched her limps as she straightened her hair, being persistent in combing around her horn. Kim craned her neck then walked back into the living quarters, where she had spent most of the day asleep. The quarters held two rows of five beds each. Each bed was empty, signifying that it was the night shift. Kim quietly left her room and walked toward the entrance hall where the guards were always supposed to meet before heading to their shift. The halls of the castle were long and elegant, stained glass windows littered the halls, which added to the beauty, but would prove to be a stupid idea if the castle were to come under attack. Kim’s eyes kept falling as she walked toward the entrance hall. Whose idea was it to let us only have three hours of sleep? Kim sighed as a small group of ponies walked next to her. Both ponies had shades of green as their coat color. Both ponies stopped short as they say Kim pass by and snickered. “They assigned the fire cracker to here? What were they thinking?!” One of the green mares laughed. The other mare laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. Kim’s eyes lowered in annoyance as she ignored the two and kept on walking. Stupid jokes... you make a mistake, and everypony sees you differently. Kim thought bitterly as she walked in to the entrance hall. I just want to get this over with. Saru hid away in one of the bushes connected to the castle wall. They’re switching guards now? That’s no good for me... Saru thought as she chanced a gaze out of her shrub. Saru saw many of the guards looking around and walking to different areas. The young mare sighed as she realized she would have to wait for paths to open up. The mare sat back against the cold castle wall and stared into the sky above. I guess I’ll be here until they believe there is nopony here. Saru yearned to just fly over every pony with her wings but trying to fly, even at night, was a horrible idea for an assassin. Too uncertain. The mare closed her eyes. The ponies won’t have to live like that anymore once the Princess is lynched. Saru smiled to herself starting to imagine a society ruled by a benevolent ruler. Her smile turned into a  scowl as her memories of the tribal society returned to her. It’s hard to believe it was only a week ago that this started for me. *** It had all started with a letter. Not even a mention of a job, only a small note that said Please come see us, and a small map showing concise directions on how to get there. Saru was originally planing on simply disregarding the note. Why even bother if there isn’t even a job mentioned? she originally thought to herself at the time. The note, however, would always stay on her mind until Saru eventually gave in and decided to go to the town listed. The town wasn’t a town at all. The town was filled with tents all around. Many of the ponies looked ragged and exhausted. In the northern part of the village, one could barely make out a rather large group of ponies who were sharpening weapons and practicing. I suppose it is a revolution.  Saru thought to herself as she landed in the small encampment. Many of the ponies looked as if they hadn’t eaten in months. Their rib cages showed their lack of food. Saru cringed at the scene. “Horrible isn’t it?” A voice came from behind her, and she turned quickly to see a pony with a gentle smile. Saru’s eyes went wide as she saw the pony.          The pony looked at the mare with a confused expression on his face. “Why do you look like you’re in a state of shock.” Saru shook her head. “Forgive me, but I wasn’t aware that their was any more alicorns in the world.” Saru responded. The pony in front of her had a pitch black coat with a long spiraling horn on his head. His face was square, and his body was sculpted. His wings were long and elegant and looked like they could create tornadoes with a mere flap. The alicorn gave a hearty laugh. “I suppose you really don’t hear much about alicorns besides Celestia, and maybe her sister.” Saru gave a confused glance toward the alicorn. “Celestia has a sister?” The alicorn smiled. “She once did, but because of Celestia’s lust for power she sealed up her own sister in order to not have to share her kingdom.” Saru blinked at the alicorn. “I-I had no idea.” Saru exhaled. “Not many do my friend. However, you are a very interesting pegasus indeed.” The black pony smiled. “You’ve supposedly trained long and hard up in the mountains to the north of this madness. Care to show me some of your prowess?” The black alicorn gave a huge grin as he stood ready for a fight. “I’m not sure that’s the greatest idea.” Saru reitereated. “I promise that you wont be hurt severely if you agree.” The stallion laughed. “I was just worried about accidentally killing the revolution’s leader.” Saru gave a cocky smile at the alicorn. The alicorn gave a loud laugh that boomed though the area. Many of the ponies around them turned toward the two. Some had awe exuding from them for their beloved alicorn leader. “Confidence... I like that Miss Saru.” The alicorn stated as he readied himself for a fight. “May I have your name?” Saru asked as she unsheathed her trusty katana. “Eous” The alicorn responded simply as a black aura crowded his horn. Saru charged first, her wings arched back and she flew at lightning speeds toward the alicorn. Eous dodged out of the way as Saru striked with her sword. Eous nodded his head and Saru felt her body suddenly become propelled to the ground.   “You’re definitely a quick one” Eous noted as he prepared another strike. “You’re not too shabby yourself, Eous.” Saru rushed again with her sword outstretched. Eous dodged out of the way and he summoned a small ball of pure energy. He swung his head and shot the ball of energy at Saru. Saru rolled out of the way and dashed forward once again.    “You can’t keep using the same tricks my dear.” Eous laughed as he summoned energy and lowered his head. The strike threw Saru to the ground. Saru gave a small grin and sped past Eous, not  trying to slash him this time. Eous, however, took the opportunity and threw his magic into a wall of power which charged Saru and sent her to a nearby tree. “I’m sorry to say, but I honestly expected more of you my dear Saru.” Eous said with a shrug.   Saru flashed the alicorn a smile. She picked her self up, picked up her sword. “Do you know what the problem with solely using magic is?” Saru asked. Eous looked at Saru with a questioning glance. “What is it my dear?”    “You need to concentrate. Now let me ask you, how well can you concentrate when razor wire cuts you inch by inch.” Eous looked at Saru questioningly as Saru started to circle Eous. “I wouldn’t recommending moving right this second by the way. Eous continued to keep his gaze on the black cladded pegasus until she finally reached a spot that was in direct sunlight.    Eous smiled. Ten wires were around him. Each wire was just inches off of his body, and each wire was tied to Saru’s small pack. “And when I do this.” Saru pulled on the wires from her end and the wires on Eous’ body contracted in on his body. He winced as thin droplets of blood escaped from his body. “When you rely on magic, you tend to stay in one location because it’s easier to simply focus magic while standing and moving very little. So while you took out my pawns.” A small grin appeared on her face. “I surrounded your king. Checkmate.”    Eous looked at the wire then looked at Saru. “Impressive my dear. Truly impressive. I severely underestimated you.” He said this with a beaming smile on his face.    Saru gave a small laugh as she reached in to her bag. After a moment, the wires that were once lodged in the ground beside Eous reeled up from the ground and once again made it’s home inside of Saru’s bag.    “You’re absolutely perfect for what I have in mind.” He flashed Saru a beaming smile. Saru scratched the back of her head in appreciation of the compliments. “Well what did you have in mind?” she asked. “I’ll fill you in about it later. For now, I want to show you something.” The black alicorn beckoned for Saru to follow him, and Saru readily followed. “Before I tell you exactly what I want you to do and before you can even make a decision about it, I want to show you what you’d be fighting for and what you’d be fighting against.” He told Saru as they started to walk around town. He must want me to participate in the war effort.  Saru thought to herself as she was led through town. In the middle of town a large arena was built. Saru stopped short and turned toward it. “What is that?” Saru asked. Eous stopped short and turned to where she was gesturing. His expression suddenly grew solemn. “Saru, this here is what you’re fighting against. This is what I am fighting against. This arena was built to determine who obtained supplies and food. They would have two ponies from very poor families fight one another till the death. Whoever bet on the winner, and the winner, would then receive food for themselves. The losers would then be forced to go about finding a different way of getting food. Saru stared at the arena with wide eyes. “That’s horrible!” “It’s one of the many ways Celestia has chosen to keep the peasants under her hoof. Eous shook his head with a large frown present on his face. Saru stared at the arena only a moment longer before seeing Eous already moving on. Eous showed her many things. From foals crying over lost parents, to the bloodied remains of innocent mares and foals. Saru’s face turned to one of anger as she was shown these things. Eous finally lead Saru to a large tent in the back of the camp. The tent was large and about the size of a house. it held a bed in one of the corners and the floor was covered by a thick carpet. Thin pillars appeared in the tent in order to keep the structure standing. “I came here four months ago in search of a friendly home. Instead I found this... Trust me when I say that this place used to be even worse than it is now. Ponies would kill other ponies just to loot the remains, many cities would be burned down or obliterated for no reason at all, and the beloved Princess would only sit back as this happened. Saru could feel her face contorting to express anger and resentment. Eous nodded at the mare as he walked toward a chair and sat down. “Now for the reason I called you here.” He heaved a sigh. “I want you to assassinate the Princess.” Saru’s eyes went wide at the comment, and she stared at the alicorn. “Before you answer, I want you to think about everything you’ve seen today. All the hunger, all the pain, all the death. Now tell me... do you think you can do it?” Eous looked at Saru expectantly. How could I not do it? Celestia has to go down! Saru looked up at Eous with determined eyes. “Of course I can!” Saru said with a  broad smile. Eous returned the smile and got up from his chair. He went to a  small desk behind his chair and picked up a folder. “I prepared this in case you did agree, in here is a way to get in, times, bribes to pay off guards, and some other equipment you may find useful.” Saru graciously accepted the Manila folder. She opened it and quickly pulled out a folded piece of paper.    “Ah. That. That is a letter from me to you. Celestia is a liar and a cheater. She will resort to nothing to convince you of her innocence. I want you to read that if you ever start to doubt your mission.” Eous told Saru. Saru gave a small nod at his comment and placed the note inside of her folder. “So, when do I go?” the mare asked.    Eous gave a smile. “In three days from today, I want you to infiltrate the castle. Before then, feel free to rest up.” Eous gave a small smile, and Saru sat up ready to leave the tent.                  “I’ll make sure this world becomes a better one!” Saru said with a happy salute as she walked out of the tent. There’s no way I’ll fail. ***    Saru shook the memories away and looked to see the guards had stopped walking around and were now walking back to their stations. Time for the fun to begin. Kim was rushing through the halls. I didn’t think I had slept in so long that the guards already switched. The guards were to be given their stations in entrance hall and then scour the gardens and castle for intruders. She ran past many of the other passing guards in the castle. Many would stop and say “Oh! Is the Firecracker late again?! I guess she can’t do anything right.” they would laugh, and Kim would try to turn away, but it got harder and harder the more times she heard the nick name. Kim finally ran into the entrance hall where the base of operations was primarily held. On the second floor in a secluded room is where Celestia was supposedly held, and whoever was trying to get to her would one hard time getting there because of all the guards. The entrance hall was a humongous room. The stairs were draped with a red carpet matching the floor below Kim’s feet. A large golden chandelier sat on the ceiling above her, reflecting the light from its bulbs. The captain sat on top of the stairs, waiting for her. With an apologetic expression already forming on her face, Kim walked up the stairs to see her captain ready to scold her. The captain heaved a sigh. “Alright Kim, I suppose it is better late than never.” “I’m sorry captain.” Kim replied with her head bowed. “Don’t bow your head to me. Lets just forget it, and just start your job.” “Where am I stationed?” Kim asked. I hate when she’s mad at me. The air always feels so tense.          “I stationed you to guard The Princess’ room.” The captain said nonchalantly. Kim stared at her captain with wide eyes. “Are you sure captain, I mean are you sure I’m the right pony to do that?” “You’re a powerful unicorn Kim, I have faith that you can protect the Princess if it comes to it.” “But...” Kim started.    “But nothing. I know there are rumors spreading around about your magic, but you shouldn’t let that get you down.” Her captain stated. Kim gave a small nod. But they aren’t just rumors. Unwilling to say that part out loud, Kim walked up the stairs and into the hall that led to Celestia’s room. The hall was long and regal much like the other parts of the castle. There were, however, noticeable difference between this particular hall and the other halls of the castle. This hall held no windows and was only lighted by hanging bulbs that led down to a room at the end of the hall. There was also only one room on this hall opposed to the nine or ten rooms found on most of the other halls. Kim walked down the hall in a state of melancholy. What if I can’t do it? What if an attack happens and the Princess dies because of me? Trying to shift her thoughts aside, she turned the corner to see a lone door. The room was placed after a turn in the hall way to avoid a charge, at least that’s what Kim assumed.  In front of the bronze door stood a stallion with a tan coat. He wore steal pads on his chest, and his eyes were hard and unyielding. He took one look at Kim and scoffed. “What do you want Firecracker?” He snapped. Kim nearly cowered away from the response. Had to be him...    The colt in front of her went by the name Temere. He raised through the ranks quickly, and was regarded as a strong and respectful pony.   Of course they’d have him though. “I’m here to relieve you of your position. I’ll be protecting Celestia here for now.” Kim stated, trying to sound confident. Temere stared at her and suppressed a laugh. “You?!” “Yes...” Kim whispered. “Why would they choose you?!” He laughed. “She looks very capable, I don’t see why not.” A voice behind Temere interrupted their chat. Temere turned with a shocked expression to see a beautiful white alicorn behind him. “My Princess! Forgive me, but you are wrong. She is one if the most incapable here!” Temere bellowed. Kim scowled. Why don’t you just shut up? “That’s quite okay Temere, she looks perfect for the job. I relinquish you from your duties.” Temere opened his mouth to say something, but instead simply shook his head and left the two ponies alone. “Hello miss...?” “Oh! I’m Kim...” Kim said as she bowed her head to the Princess. Celestia placed a smile on her face before inviting Kim in to the room. Kim followed behind Celestia. The room, like everything else in the castle, was absolutely astonishing. Filled with a variety of colors it felt almost intimidating of how beautifully everything was arranged. The carpet held the same red carpet as the halls, but the walls were a wondrous shade of blue that truly made the cream color of the roof pop. The gold trimming on the walls only added to the effect. “Forgive me, but I like to know my guards before I station them. It just seems like good courtesy to know the one’s who are protecting you.” Celestia said with a small smile. Kim gave a small nod. “So Kim... how do you like the castle?” Kim gave a shy smile. “It’s very intimidating.” Celestia smiled as if she knew why, but she asked anyway. “Why do you say that?” “Everything here is so colorful, regal, and large. It’s just astonishing.” Celestia nodded. “I hold a very similar view to yours. Just being in this castle makes me want to be a better ruler, so I can somehow live up to the beauty of this place.” Kim smiled at the Princess’ response. “You don’t have to answer, but I’m curious. Why did Temere originally call you ‘Firecracker?’.” Kim’s smile faded. “Like I said you don’t have to answer, I was only curious.” Celestia amended. Kim shook her head. “No it’s fine. He calls me Firecracker because it’s a nickname that’s been given me because of my... lack of control I guess.” Celestia tilted her head. “Lack of control?” “Yeah, with magic, I apparently have a powerful supply of magic, but I can’t control it enough to be able to defeat something without destroying everything else around it. At first ponies really didn’t mind. I mean as long as you get the job done, it really didn’t matter what happened to the area around them, but we had a mission where we were supposed to protect an ambassador of a foreign country, but when things got heated... I-I.” Kim stopped herself. Celestia nodded in understanding and patted Kim’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for asking, but don’t hold the mistake over your head. You can’t change the past.” Kim gave a small nod, but her eyes still welled up. I’m such an idiot... crying in front of the Princess of all of Equestria. Celestia then wore a sad smile. “I suppose I should talk about myself now.” Kim looked up at her. “No Princess you really don’t have to.” Celestia shook her head. “I made you remember something you should forget, and besides, I tell my guards about myself because I want to make sure they know who they’re risking their lives for.”  She explained this with true care lacing her voice. “...Okay.” Kim responded. “Kim... Did you know that at one time two alicorns ruled this land?” Celestia started with. Kim stared at Celestia with confusion on her face. “Equestria was ruled by two alicorns?” Kim asked. I’ve never heard of that... “Yes... in about a hundred years it’ll be the thousand year anniversary of me ruling alone...” Celestia sighed. “You don’t have to tell me the details...” Kim said as she sat up. Celestia smiled. “That’s sweet of you, but I feel like I honestly feel like I should. My sister, her name was Luna, was sealed into the moon by me nearly a thousand years ago. We at one time ruled Equestria harmoniously, but soon it became impossible for us to work together. I’m still not sure as to why, but Luna went against me and fought me for control of the kingdom. It was horrible. Canterlot was destroyed... and the castle was in shambles. I had to repair it by myself.” A tear fell down from Celestia’s eye. “It was the hardest thing I had ever had to do.” Kim stared at Celestia with a glow in her eye. She’s amazing. Kim thought to herself. “That’s so amazing that you were able to do that.” Kim said with a smile. Celestia gave a small laugh. “I suppose that depends on who you ask.”  Celestia sighed. “What do you mean?” Kim asked expectantly. “Many tribes and small cities have decided to revolt against me because of a new alicorn. The new alicorn has promised things that are really impossible to give.” Kim stared at Celestia with a  look of confusion on her face. Celestia interpreted the look as a question. “He promised longer growing seasons, longer lasting food, and supplied of water from even the strongest deserts. It’s just not possible to do all of this without upsetting the balance of the world, yet ponies still listen to his lies, and now many have revolted against me...” Celestia heaved a sigh. “Enough with my rant though.” she said with a small smile. “Thank you for talking with me Kim.” “It was my pleasure Princess.” Kim said as she stood up and started to walk out of the room. “You’re a strong pony, don’t let anypony tell you differently.” Celestia said as Kim left the room.   Kim left the room with a sad smile on her face.    Saru quietly stepped through the castle, careful not to alert anypony else. She sighed as she looked behind her to where a pony with a white coat laid. A symbol on her armor automatically made her stand out. Must be the captain of the guard... Saru thought to herself as she continued through the halls. After a few minutes of walking Saru found the entrance hall. She quickly leaned against the wall to avoid being seen. Out on top of the stairs stood a tan stallion who appeared to be sulking in silence.         Saru sighed as she reached in to her pack and brought out a smooth stone. I’m not here to kill anypony besides the Princess. She reeled her arm back and threw the stone across the entrance hall and into another hall. The rock made a satisfied “thunk” which resounded throughout the entrance hall. The stallion on top of the stairs suddenly turned his attention to the other hall.    “Anypony there!?” He yelled out. After not earning a response, he took a look around. He steadily climbed down the stairs and turned down the hall. Stupid guards are an assassin’s best friend. Saru thought to herself as she quickly trotted up the steps. Saru went over the map of the castle in her mind. She turned left down a hall with no windows. This should be the way. The hall was long and winding, and it surprised her by how dark it was despite the light bulbs. At the end of the all there was a small turn in to another hallway. She walked around the corner, and cursed herself for not peeking. In front of a bronze door was a grey unicorn with a white mane stared back at her. On the mare’s flank stood a thin line of fire. A stupid assassin makes a dead one.  Saru reeled back. “Who are you!?” Kim shouted at Saru. Saru ran back into the long winding hallway. This isn’t good.    Kim stared at where Saru used to be. “Princess stay in your room!” Kim shouted through the bronze door. She then ran in to the long hallway, chasing after the pony dressed in black. Kim took note of Saru. The black garb that Saru wore wrapped around her whole body only showing her mouth and her eyes. The black garb looked more like silk than any other cloth. “Answer me! Why are you here?!” Kim shouted. Saru scowled. “I can’t waste time with you, I have somepony I need to kill.” I can’t let her get to the Princess. Kim thought sourly as she braced herself. “You don’t want to fight me.” Saru said as she unsheathed her katana. “I can promise you that I do.” Kim said as a sea blue aura formed around her. Saru dashed at Kim with her katana in her mouth. She closed the distance quickly and slashed down on to the grey unicorn. Kim side stepped the slash and brought her head down in an attempt to ground the pegasus. Saru rolled out of Kim’s sight before the spell could finish. “Have to be faster than that if you want me!” Saru called out as she opened her pack and took out five shurikan. She threw the stars at Kim. Kim dodged the five shurikan easily and prepared another spell to take down the acrobatic pegasus. She took a step forward and her leg started to bleed. She reeled back after the small cut. When she stepped back she felt another cut on her hind leg. “What’s going on!?” Kim roared. Saru laughed as landed on the ground. “Wires hold you in place. If you move much more than an inch or so, I can kill you here.” Saru’s voice had a dark undertone inside of it now. “Give up and let me pass and I won’t kill you.” Saru threatened. Kim stared at Saru for  a few seconds.  You’re a strong pony, don’t let anypony tell you differently. Kim thought back to the last thing the Princess had said to her. Her teeth clenched and she stared at Saru with hate filled eyes. “Who do you think you are?!” She roared. Her aura expanded to her whole body. Where her aura touched the ground a small ember had appeared. Saru stared at the first with a confused look on her face. Fire? Saru thought to herself as she started to pull on the wires to contract them. The wires closed in on Kim’s body, but as soon as the wires touch her aura, they burst in to flame. The flame spread up the wires to Saru. Flabbergasted, Saru quickly threw her pack to the ground where it ignited in flame. In less than a second the wires had turn to ash. “How about we start with a real fight?” Kim asked. Each step she took ignited a flame on her hoof, creating scorch marks on the carpet. Saru beamed a smile at the unicorn. “A smart guard? What is this madness?” Saru joked as she armed her katana. Kim charged this time. She left a trail of fire as she trotted forward. Saru jumped out into the main entrance way to dodge the charge. Kim’s horn shined as her aura changed from sea blue to orange. Fire then started to replace her aura as she chased after the pegasus. What powerful magic. Saru thought to herself as she flew in to the air. Kim stepped into the entrance hall with a scowl on her face. She took a quick scan around the entrance. “What have you done with the other guards?” Kim asked. “Merely put to sleep most of them.” Saru stated, her wings flapping melodically. Kim’s horn started to glow as her aura of fire branched out and like it was guided flew at Saru. The pegasus dodged out of the way of the fire. The fire lit part of the wall on fire. Saru stared back at Kim to see her aura starting to create arrows made of raw fire. The arrows shot toward Saru. Saru did a barrel roll to dodge the arrows. She then took her katana and charged at Kim. She brought the sword down on air as Kim rolled out of the way. Kim’s horn started to glow as a large snake escaped from her aura and chased after Saru. What power!  Saru thought to herself as she jumped into the air again to avoid the fire. The roof was starting to catch on fire due to the use of so much fire. Saru dodged out of the way of the snake once again and it struck another wall setting it aflame. That’s it! Saru thought to herself as she turned to face Kim, who was exuding energy for the fire snake. Saru waited in mid air until the fire started coming toward her. She then charged at Kim with a sword ready to stab the unicorn. Kim’s aura strengthened and the heat in the area raised exponentially. I wont let you get the Princess! Kim thought as her aura increased and the trail of fire behind Saru sped up even more. Almost there. Saru thought to herself as she sped through the heat. What is she thinking?! Kim thought as the heat reached upward of two hundred and fifty degrees. Now! Saru pulled up from her dive, and the trail of fire smacked into Kim. Saru panted as she flew herself up from the disaster. A large ball of fire had accumulated where the attack had taken place. Saru couldn’t help but smile at what had happen. She was too strong...   Saru thought to herself. She lowered herself on to the ground that was starting to catch on fire. I need to hurry. She started to proceed back up the stairs. “Yo-You’re n-not for-forgetting about me, are you?” Saru stopped cold and turned to face unicorn climbing out of the ball of fire. The pony was limping, the pony was sweating, the pony was panting, but she was definitely alive. “Why? Why are you trying so hard to die for this tyrant!?” Saru yelled at Kim. Kim smiled and pushed herself to a standing position. “A tyrant? Is a tyrant somepony who for the first time since it happened didn’t pity me, the first pony since that time not to blame me, a pony who opened up to me and told me I was strong? I believe we’re talking about different ponies.” She said as she limped to face Saru face to face. Saru stared at the unicorn with a sad expression on her face. “I assume you won’t get out of the way?” Saru said with a sad undertone. “You assume correctly.” Kim said as she stood in front of Saru, guarding the only way back down the hall to Celestia. “Then I’m very sorry.” Saru took her katana and steadied it. “But I have to kill her, the tyrant must die!” She raised her sword and Kim closed her eyes. The strike never came. “I’m sorry, but do you have qualms with me? If so, I would like if you didn’t try to kill my friends.” A familiar voice rang from behind. With a shocked expression on her face, Kim turned to see the white alicorn princess behind her. Her face was scrunched up with her eyes showing only hatred. Saru stared at the alicorn for a moment. “Good to finally meet you Princess.” Saru said as she readied her katana. “Princess, don’t put yourself in danger for my sake!” Kim shouted. Celestia simply smiled at the unicorn as if to tell her “don’t worry.” She walked past Kim and stared down at Saru. Saru stood ready for a fight. “That’s enough you three.” The voice shook all three of them from their thoughts as a new pony walked in to the fire infested castle. “Eous?” Saru asked reluctantly as she saw a black alicorn enter. “Hello there dear Saru, you’ve proved very effective indeed. I was hoping you would of actually killed the guards in your way, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers. I was able to make short work of them anyway.” The black alicorn smiled as he walked through. “You killed my subjects?!” Celestia bellowed as she stared down with the black alicorn. “You should get stronger subjects Mistress.” Eous said calmly as he stepped out of the way letting another pony enter behind him. The pony sported a tan coat, and wore steel chest plates. “Temere?” Kim whispered in shock. The pony looked the same as he had only thirty minutes earlier, but now his eyes were completely black, and held no iris or pupil. “Hello Firecracker, I see you’ve lived up to your name.” He noted as he looked around at the entrance hall which was completely on fire. Kim shied away from the comment. “Temere, why have you went with him?” Celestia cringed. “Nothing personal Princess, but you have to choose the winning side.” An evil grin had appear on his face as he stared at the two. Eous is different. I thought... I thought he was a kind pony. Saru stared down at the dark alicorn, confused out of her mind. “I don’t understand!” Saru shouted at Eous. “You told me you wanted to be a benevolent ruler, but now... now it’s like you’re a different pony.” Saru yelled at the alicorn. He smiled at her. “Just do your job Saru.”  Saru growled at the alicorn. “Tell me who you really are!” Saru yelled as she redirected her sword to Eous.         “I’m an alicorn wishing for this tyrant to be put out of power, that is all.” He gestured toward Celestia. “You’re the leader of the revolution then?” Celestia said as her horn gained a golden aura. “Why yes. However, it is probably better to say that I am the future of Equestria.” He said with a large smile on his face. “You lied to me!” Saru yelled at him.    “Naivety is a harder trait to find than you would think, but you, Saru, proved easy to trick. Saru barred her teeth at the alicorn and charged at him and swung her horn down. Temere raised his staff and blocked the attack. He pushed the mare away with a beaming smile on his face.    “Thank you so much for this.” Temere said to Eous as he stared at Saru, hoping that she was to come at him again, so he could beat her to within an inch of her life.    “No problem at all my servant. Now back to us Celestia. I would very much like if you were to die now.” His aura suddenly flared, and a small tremor spread throughout the castle.    “Was that his power?” Kim asked. She turned to face Celestia, and what she saw nearly made her jaw drop. Celestia had wide eyes, and her mouth was open in shock. “Princess, what’s wrong?!” Kim asked.    “She’s realized that there isn’t a way for her to escape.” Eous started. “My army is coming, and they are going to flatten this castle and kill the Princess in the process.” Eous said this with a broad smile as he stepped toward the stairs. “What do we do...?” Kim asked exasperated. “I-I don’t know.” Celestia said with fear laced in her voice. “You two are going to leave here.” Saru said as she landed beside them. “What?” Kim asked.    “I’m going to kill him” Saru angrily pointed toward Temere. “And then I’m going to mutilate him.” She pointed toward the smiling alicorn. “I don’t take to well to liars, and as I make sure that they beg for their lives, I want you two to escape and regroup with whatever army you may have.”  Saru didn’t even wait for a response she started walking down the fire infested doors, angry beyond reason. “Princess?” Kim asked Celestia. “There is a way out through my chambers... we can escape through there.” Celestia said with a slight hesitation.    Kim nodded, and then both started to race down the hall. Kim stopped short and turned back toward Saru. “You better live you stupid pegasus! We didn’t get to finish our fight!”    Saru smiled as she walked down the stairs to face Temere at the bottom of them. Temere’s eyes were full of blood thirst, and a maniacal smile crossed his lips. Saru mirrored the face completely. “You think you can kill both of us my dear?” Eous asked the mare.”Are you insane?” “Do you two really think you can beat me?” Saru raised her sword high in to the air. “Are you insane?!” Kim and Celestia ran into the bedchamber. “How do we get out?” Kim asked. Celestia, already on it, pressed a single stone on a stone fireplace that was located in her room. The Fireplace then extended, and opened a pathway that led underground. “Lets get out now.” Celestia said with urgency as she climbed down the steps. The way out was a long and winding one. The  trail was only lighted by the occasional torch on the wall, and the trail seemed to extend far inside of the mountain the castle sat on. After a few minutes an opening emerged and brought them to a small tunnel at the base of the mountain. “Light finally!” Kim said graciously. Her smile was quickly nerfed as she saw Celestia’s expression. Kim followed Celestia’s gaze to see she was looking at Canterlot and the castle, or what was left of the castle. Canterlot was in flames. The castle was broken up, and was now nearly non existent. They killed them... Kim’s thoughts drifted to her captain who had so much faith in her. They killed her.  Kim looked up to see a small chariot was carrying to specific ponies. Eous and Temure... That assassin died, and I don’t even know her name. Kim’s legs buckled, the full magnitude of the situation hit her all at once. I’m so useless!  She started to punch the ground below them. Celestia stared up in quiet empathy for her lost kingdom. Even from the base of the mountain one could hear the chants of the army. Long live the revolution! Long live the revolution!! Long live the revolution!!! Part One End