//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy // Story: The Disturbing Dreams of Twilight Sparkle // by pjabrony //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy Fluttershy slapped Twilight Sparkle as hard as she could right in the face. “OW!” she called out, before the pegasus advanced on her again. This time she shoved with both her front hooves, sending Twilight reeling and falling against a wall. Fluttershy followed after, leaping on top and kicking her in the chest. “What are you doing, Fluttershy?!” “Isn’t that obvious? I’m beating you up. Maybe I should see if I can’t jar some sense into you.” She punctuated her sentence with another blow to the head. “But why? What did I do to you?” “You didn’t do anything. This is something I should have done a long time ago. You’re really in need of a good flank-kicking.” She grabbed Twilight’s mane in her mouth and yanked, eliciting another yelp of pain from the unicorn. “Plus it’s just so fun.” Fluttershy kicked her in the ribs again, then followed up by leaning on one hoof on the spot she had just attacked, causing more pain. Twilight noticed that they were in Fluttershy’s cottage, though she couldn’t remember how she got there or what it was that had set off her friend. But she had no time to think as she was set on again, being picked up and slammed to the ground, then flung across the room into the dining set, scattering chairs around the room. “Stop, please!” “But I don’t want to stop. It’s you who should stop crying out. It’s interrupting my enjoyment of laying in to you.” She flew over and cuffed Twilight in the mouth again and bit her on the shoulder. The pain of the bite focused her, and she used her magic to throw Fluttershy off, landing her about ten feet away, but that failed to stop the assault. The normally kind pony ran back and tackled her down against the back wall, and looked ready to strike more. Twilight concentrated and cast the kick-off spell again, this time getting to her feet quickly and using a protective spell to put up a magical wall that held Fluttershy at bay. Pain and anger suffused Twilight’s mind. “This isn’t you!” she cried. “You’re being controlled—,” realization hit her as she saw that Fluttershy’s normally bright yellow coat had turned dingy, “just like you were by Discord! Remember!” She released her spell, but as soon as the enraged pegasus charged, she used the memory spell that had brought all her friends back to their selves during the old battle. Recollections of caring for small animals, being scared of dragons, flying bravely to save her friends, all these and more flowed from Twilight’s mind into that of her assailant. Fluttershy stopped, and she saw that her coat turned back to its proper coloring. “Oh, Twilight! What have I been doing? It was awful. Some horrible spirit was controlling me. I’m so sorry for hurting you. Let me get the first aid kit.” She trotted off into the next room, giving Twilight a chance to take stock of the situation. Whatever had gotten into her friend, she thought, at least it was gone now. She looked over her own body and saw that the damage did not look too bad, though she realized that bruises might not be as vivid against her skin which was already purple. Fluttershy came back in holding bandages and antiseptic liquid. “Come here, you poor thing, and let’s take care of some of those wounds.” Twilight walked over, ready to ask what had brought on the attack. As soon as she got close, though, Fluttershy kneed her in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her and making her collapse to the ground. “Ha, ha! Oh, Twilight, you’re so wonderfully simple. A little yellow food coloring is all it takes to make you look stupid!” She kicked her again in the gut, causing even more intense pain. “I don’t know which is more fun: tricking you or kicking you.” Twilight gasped for breath, unable to argue or refocus to cast any spells. Fluttershy laid to again and struck her in the face. “Nope, it’s definitely kicking you,” she said. Twilight sucked in air. “This isn’t real. This has to be another bad dream.” “Oh, Twilight, of course this is another bad dream. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy beating the stuffing out of you. Nor does it mean that because you figured it out I’m going to stop.” Fluttershy rained down more blows on the unicorns body, alternating between slapping her with her wings, biting and head-butting her, and kicking her with her hooves. Twilight curled into a ball and no longer fought back. “It’s too cruel!” she cried. “Cruel?” responded Fluttershy. “No, Discord’s Fluttershy was cruel. I like to think I’m more. . . sadistic.” And she put on a terrifying grin as she leaned in close to Twilight’s face. “You know, I think I’ve found something more fun that hitting you. That’s knowing that you know. You now know that your sweet, innocent Fluttershy has been turned into me, who loves to see you in pain, and that it’s your own mind that did it!” Twilight gave a piercing scream as she sat up in bed. She cried like a newborn foal. Spike ran in from the other room. “Twilight! Was it another bad dream?” “Someone make them stop! I can’t take it anymore! It hurts so much!” “Twilight!” “Oh, Spike, it was so horrible! I don’t want to sleep any more, it’s just awful!” She looked toward the window and saw a wan light. She sniffled. “At least it’s morning now.” Spike looked at the window where she was also looking. “Twilight, that’s the setting sun. You said you were tired when you went to bed an hour ago.” What the little dragon had said reached her, and the truth of it let her fatigue come through, crushing her spirit. “I was! I am! I’m so tired, and I can’t go to bed! Somepony help me, I’m exhausted and I can’t go to sleep!” “Calm down. You’ll just have to try again. It’s only nine o’clock.” “No! I can’t try again. Don’t you understand? If I go back to sleep it’ll be you this time, you’ll hurt me or insult me or leave me, and it’ll be my fault, because I’ll be the one making you do it! You can’t do that to me, and I can’t do that to you!” “I’m going to get the others.” “Spike, you can’t go and wake everypony else up just because I can’t sleep.” “I told you, it’s only nine. Probably nopony else has gone to bed yet. I honestly don’t know what to do, so we need to talk to your friends about this. We’ll go over to Fluttershy’s house.” “Not Fluttershy’s!” she screamed, recalling the dream again. “All right, how about Sweet Apple Acres? That’s closer, at least.” The previous night came back to her. “No! Not there! And not Rarity’s or Rainbow Dash’s either!” she said, despite the fact that her earlier dreams had not taken place at those ponies’ homes. “Sugar Cube Corner? Can we go there?” “All right, we have to go somewhere, let’s go to Sugar Cube Corner. I can get some sweets to give me the energy to keep going, since I’m not getting to sleep ever again.” They headed over to the sweet shop and knocked on the door, Twilight groggily being led along by the little dragon. Pinkie Pie answered. She had been getting ready for bed herself, but still had boundless energy. “Hey, Twlight! Hey, Spike! What’s up? You two in the need for a midnight snack a few hours early?” “It’s more serious than that,” said Spike. “Twilght’s really in a bad way. She’s had scary dreams the past few nights and now she’s refusing to go back to sleep. Can you go round up the others so we can figure out how to help?” “Sure I can! You take her inside and get her something to drink. I’ll be back in a jiffy!” “Please hurry, Pinkie Pie. I don’t know what she might do like this.” “Don’t you worry now. There’s nopony that I can’t find when I really want to!” And she galloped off into the setting sun to find the rest of Twilight’s friends.