My Monster of a Mail Order Bride!

by trahzo

Ch.3: Reconciling with the Apple Sisters.

"So, that's what happened?"

"Yep, Twilight got us as this midget's bride! We're so happy to finally be out of that hazardous swamp. Don't worry, it may take some time but we'll learn to be vegitarians like you guys, besides, we're already 1/3rd a herbivore."

"Haha, clever." Sweetie Belle said with sarcastic fear.

"Also, since I now know that you Applebloom, and your sister Applejack live here in this town, I can finally reconcile & apologize for what I tried to do to you 2 back when we 1st met."

"Well alright then, I'll go tell my sis about you, it doesn't look like Twilight will be waking any time soon anyway! Bye Spike, by Mera! Let's go girls." then they backed away as fast as they can, but then tripped, and fell all over a trail of ants that Fluttershy was leading.

*Sob!* *Sob!* *Sob!* "They were so young!" Then she flew away looking like a waterfall.

"Fluttershy wait, we're sorry!"

"Wow." Said Spike

"I know, but hey, I'll go and lock the door, then we can be private and have relations only married couples can have."

"Wait, but I'm still a kid."

"Drat! Well, in that case, I guess I'm now a pedophile!" Then she grabbed him by the tail & they went up stairs.

"Twilight awoke minutes later to some strange sounds."

"Buttons, who are you talking to?" His mom asked.

"Nopony! I'm rehearsing my narrator role for the school play."

As I was saying, Twilight was curious, and decided to follow the sound, it seemed to be coming from the bedroom. She saw the door slightly opened, she pushed, and was introduced to great horror!

"Wait Twi, before you faint on us again, Applejack invited the 3 of us to dinner at her place!"

"Thanks for the tip, and with that, I fall!"


"How come you say 3 of us even we technically make 5?"

"You 3 heads share the same body, it's not like you'll be separated any time soon, and speaking of soon, incoming load 15!"

Twilight woke-up, but then fainted again at the horrible & very sweaty sight.

Later that night, hey sight & night! I just rhymed without realising it till now!


"Ah, welcome guys, dinner will be served once ya'll are at the table (let's see if you were fibbing or not about turning a new leaf Miss Mera!)" A.J. then stared at her with suspicious eye. You know, she should really be more concerned about the Fluttershy sized bat attacking her crops and beating up Snips & Snails. So inside the house, all of them stared at Mera while she ate like a, well, monster!

*Chomp!* *Chomp!* *Chomp!* *Chomp!* *Chomp!*

"Well, I've lost my appetite!" Big Mac said.

Then Mera pulled her heads out of the plate.

"So, please forgive us, you know how un domesticated creatures are, killing others for food."

"That reminds me how'd you register yourself online as a mail order bride?"

"We have a laptop, and the swamp actually has incredible reception."

Then everyone fell over like in an anime.

"You guys okay?"

"Yeah, but are you telling us the honest truth?"

"Yes, if we can tell a female celebrity she looks fat and stupid on stage to her face, then we can tell you, that we're going straight!"

"Well alright then. Me and Applejack can forgive you, for now atleast."


"Hey, that's my li..."

"Shut-up Big Mac!" Said Applejack.

"Sweet, I can tell this is the start of a great that fire outside?"

They all looked out the window.

"Holy Mackeral! Granny, call everypony, AB, Big Mac, Twi, Spike, Mera, get buckets of water & help me douse these flames!"

Without hesitation, they all did as they were told, washing away the flames on the trees.

"Who in Equestria would do this to me!?"

"HAHAHAHAHA! Look at sissy scaredy faces on you guys!"

"That voice!" Exclaimed Twilight & Spike. "GARBLE!!!"

"That's right, this is my revenge! Now I'll kill you!" Then he swooped at him.

"I don't think so!" Then Mera jumped inbetween them.

"What the?"

"Garble, meet my wife Mera."

"WTF!? Grr... no sweat, I'll tear your wife to shreds, then you squirt!"

"Try it!"