//------------------------------// // Get Serious: 4 // Story: Just Another Cross To Bear: // by Ponyess //------------------------------// . This was starting to get interesting. The walls are packed with guards, looking seriously curious and amused. I didn't bother delving into motivations, they are sure to get all the entertainment they could have been prepared for, or hope for. Maybe it is hilarious to them, to see a mere Earth Pony against two Alicorns in full Armour? I guess I could see the point, even from my position, since I wear nothing but a bracelet, even if it is the Witch Blade, but they couldn't know that. It isn't of this world, even that could have been said where I came from too. “This will be interesting. Should I go easy on her?” Luna called out to the crowd. “Just to a point, or they will all miss the point!” Celestia pointed out. “What point?” a new guard enquired. “That is exactly what I'm going to demonstrate, with the assistance of a new friend and instructor. She has travelled all the way to Canterlot castle, for your benefit!” Celestia responded. “We could as well get started, then we can make the points!” I suggested. I merely lifted my right hoof, and the bracelet started to change from what seems to be mere jewellery, and into what was clearly a piece of armour. “How did she do that?” a guard whispered to a friend close by. “If it isn't Celestias doing, I don't have the faintest clue, she is an Earth Pony, she is incapable of pulling of this level of magic!” the friend responded. “Her horn isn't glowing, she is clearly not doing anything yet, and the same goes for Luna!” came the reply. “In that case, that has to be one mean amulet!” interjected a third friend. “You think, Glimmer?” the first friend pondered. “May I chance that it could even rival the Alicorn Amulet, if a mere Earth Pony could use it in such a fluid and effortless manner?” Glimmer responded. “I guess it is time to warm up!” Celestia pointed out, as she readied her blade. “This demonstration will commence, starting out, one-on-one!” Luna declared. At this point, I slowly started top move towards Celestia, who in turn moved closer towards me as well. Then I merely blocked her first thrust with the tip of my own blade, clearly demonstrating a point. Once I had stopped her blade, I extended my own in a similar attack, just slightly faster, which she easily managed to block in return, which pleased me, since I had no intent to actually hurt her. A few more blow for blow, easily blocked was exchanged, each faster than the one before. Just as more power had been placed behind the thrust. Then I playfully choose to extend my blade to double the original length, just for a show. There was a gasp from the audience. After a few more blows had been exchanged, I hear Luna giggle in amusement. Or is this just my out of body sensitivity playing ghost tricks on me again. Either way, I couldn't help it, as a smile spread over my face such as it is now. Knowing this armour, like none in Equestria ever did, in part due to experiences, aside from the hits and lectures I had been given, firstly by the two men, and then, from the one who is closer than any living being ever could. The essence within the Bracelet itself. Only I couldn't reveal this secret right now, though I would give a few hints soon. For now, I was merely focusing on the task at hoof. Even when certain words did come out as strange to me, even as they started to make sense to me, in the form I had been given. I had been taken out of time, and then even out of my body and self, then returned to a land of dreams and Ponies in various forms, where I'm merely one of them. Though I may be looked up to by some, and feared by others. That's the way of things, it is what I had been born into. I knew my armour could forsake me, at the drop of a hat, as it were, just as it could save me, if it felt like it. Apparently, now it felt like staying with me. Or is that just me forsaking it in my subconscious, then blaming it on the bracelet? I know just how easy it is. That's the way we are, blame anything outside of yourself, particularly when you are the one to screw up. By now, my blade is about as long as my arm, or rather foreleg, as it is referred to. I'm a Pony, I have no arms, the way I had where and when I lived and came from. Not that I mind being a pony, not since every other some Pony are ponies too. Maybe if I had been the only Pony, but this isn't the case. Moving on all fours makes for intricate changes in everything, not just how I move, but I still managed to wield my blade, just about as nimbly as you could ever have imagined. Maybe some of my grace had followed me into this form. All of a sudden I hear a noise I had not expected, which instantly startled me, but a moment later as I realised what it was, just another glove, or shoe. As a Pony, I now have two front shoes, rather than just the first. Then it dawned upon me, I wasn't the one to be hit the hardest, at least it wasn't Celestia, or Luna, but the entire group of guards. The second shoe had apparently set them off, maybe in part due to the silly detail, I'm an Earth Pony, and as such, I'm supposed not to wield magic, which is how the tale went. Both my shoes, or boots now reaching half way up my legs. They may look heavy, but on my hooves, they're almost as light as feathers. Maybe this is part of how the local magic works, but it sure is convenient to me. Then I see the ghost of my armour looking back at me, as if winking to me, trying to convey a message, or imbue with all the courage I could hold. I knew I had nothing to fear, but it still is a nice feeling to it. If I'm the only Pony to see it, but I sure know I had seen it. Most of my visions are private, I'm the one who see them. Then I laugh, before I lifted my left hoof, striking a new blow towards her, she barely managed to block it, as I push harder still. I could see something in her eye, but I couldn't put a hoof to it, or find the words right now. Something she certainly had not expected. There was a gasp from the spectators. “See that? You need to be prepared for a second blade, as well as facing it in any situation!” Luna pointed out with a crooked grin on her face, as she addressed the guards. The guards fell flat, as the words sank in, where they stood, looking at the spectacle. I dare say, this isn't what they had expected to see as late as a week ago. It isn't so much that I'm duelling the Princess, is it. Maybe it was Luna's words that so harshly cut them down. She sure have a sharp tongue, if she had something to say, maybe this is part of what went down, a millennia back in time? Then it just struck me, just what a fine day it is. Is it a coincidence, or is this how it always is in Equestria. I'm new here, so I may as well ask, but I'd keep this for after this show, the demonstration and duel for the benefit of the guards. I just laughed for a moment, but allowed for nothing more, just a grin, as I step forwards, slipping in a new thrust, only to be blocked and pushed to the side, once more, just as I had expected. Then she made a thrust of her own as response, moving up the level just one more step. Like this it went on, moving back and forth, blow by blow, thrusts and blocks, no longer really stopping to count scores. That was never the intent in the first place. It had been pointed out, and now the point is to see, just how long it would take for either to make a slip, but the slip never really came. Now the duel had turned into more of a dance, where we moved around one another, pushing blows blocking and sliding thrusts. In one sense, she had the advantage, but in the next case, I could hammer down a point of how the advantage is all mine. I can see it all before it actually happened, in a way at least most ponies never could. I can't tell how far in advance she saw, but the guards never saw the blows coming. After a while, it is more fun than anything else, and so long as I trust in myself, and the blade, I know I am perfectly safe. Now, this is another shock on the poor guards, they still would refuse to see how my armour could advance. I've seen and experienced it, and first hoof at that. Nothing beats a first hoof experience, now does it. I had realised, a few things are different here. Not just am I a pony, and an Earth Pony, even if it is a clear change on me. That's not the real change. The change had nothing to do with my visions either. What had changed, is the connection to the blade. I certainly still is the 'Witch Blade', it had never changed, it still is my destiny. What had changed is my connection to it. When I was pulled in, something in the connection changed, as vaguely as it may seem, it is definitely a change, and now I could feel it. Maybe it is as if I had been pulled in as a person, and the blade is a part of me, just as surely as my head. Maybe this should have been a shock? Now, there it was again, a large shadow looming, but it didn't prevent me from seeing what was about to happen, as if it had already happened. Once Luna stepped in, and stepped up the anti, I already knew it. I'm prepared and faced her as I face Celestia. This made for an impression on the guards, gawking. The move had been fairly well timed, short of the fact that I knew it beforehoof, and thus had all the time in the world to prepare and take action. I had been facing her as she stepped in, though she had stepped in as I had turned tail on her. At this point, With Luna circling me, I had less time to act, but still managed to keep them from making a hit, just by blocking off each attack. The fact that I knew my armour was going to stop each and every blow was something I did not let on, as if not both Celestia and Luna would know it, just by the demonstration of blocking their thrusts alone. I'm not making a mistake as easy as playing them for fools, they had been around for far too long for that. Besides, the way they had taken the place they are holding should speak loudly enough, all by itself, wouldn't it. I felt the gaze from each pony, as they observed my every move, I had apparently managed to keep them interested. In the end, I had realised I was enjoying it, and quite royally so. Could you blame me, if so, why. Only now, it looks as if it is the guards that are slowly starting to waver. Knowing they are not Alicorns made it easier to follow the position. Even if I'm not an Alicorn myself, but I'm not relaying on being a specific type of Pony. I had my training, my experience, and I am the Witch Blade. There is a difference I had finally learned to trust, and in an entirely new and very different way. I could feel it within me. “I think we've taken up enough of the time of our guards. I can feel them lingering. There is no point in prolonging this, just to see who will falter first!” Luna pointed out. This is when the guards finally snapped back to full attention, if just for long enough to realise this show was about to be over. “Yes, it is time. You're dismissed, have something to eat, then rest. You certainly do have something to contemplate now!” Celestia pointed out. That's when I saw it again, only now it is two shadows, and distinct enough, only when I look up, the individuals behind the shadows are already gone. I didn't mention the shadows, they either saw them, or not. Just as it may as well have been a premonition, in which case it was no point in bothering, or worrying anyone with what I had seen. Then I noticed the guards had already left, as had Luna. “That would be the toughest sparing I've had, since I could remember!” Celestia pointed out. “Thanks, but there can't have been a Pony like me here before?” I pondered. “No, it certainly haven't. Where did the armour come from?” Celestia responded. “I have no idea. I stumbled upon the bracelet in a museum, and it apparently chose me. It's the Witch Blade. The bracelet apparently create the armour every time I need it!” I pondered. “That is curious. I have never heard, or seen an artefact quite like it, in all my years!” Celestia responded. “I guess I could see that. There can never be all that many with quite this power!” I suggested. “Now, you're right about that. Though I think it is time for a meal, I'm hungry!” Celestia pointed out. With that, she turned towards the dining hall with me in tow, only the armour now entirely out of sight.