death of the main six

by Astra sky

The hunt

When Spike got back to Ponyville, he tricked the ponies. "Spike, you tried to kill Fluttershy. You aren't the dragon I remember before the incident," said Twilight, calmly. But spiked could tell she wasn't off guard.

"Don't worry. I killed guards and animals all the way out of jail, and across Equestria to get to you and the others. To BE with you and the others," said Spike, gently. He got to bed. Another week later, he didn't have a plan put together.

His scales were dirty, his eyes were red, his voice was scratchy and low, and he was shaking. At about 9:30 PM, he went to Pinkie Pie's kitchen, and got what he was expecting. A sharp and.clean cake knife. He walked through the house silently. When he remembered that the six ponies had a sleepover at Rarity's house, he headed there. The streets were filled with fog, and nopony was outside

When he got to the target building, he slowly walked in. He walked through the house, and to the room with Sweetie Belle. He stabbed her through the side of her head, and to keep it quiet, he had his claws over her mouth. When he found the ponies he came for, he waited. Then his time was now.

He expected an ambush to work, but it just alerted everypony. He jumped on Pinkie's back and stabbed repeatively. Blood was everywhere. The ponies scattered around the house, terrified of what they ran from. The next thing he did was look out of a window.

He turned as he heard Rarity scream in horror. He walked in, and she was crying over Sweetie Belle's body. He swung the blade into her neck. Then he hacked repeatively. The bone of her neck was crimson and shiny, along with her pure and bright coat.

He slowly walked through the house, calling out now. "Fluttershy......... Fluttershy....... Spikey wikey wants to talk about your tiny friends........... I wont hurt them..... Just you." But Fluttershy made the stupidest mistake ever. She called back!

"If you hurt me, you hurt them!"He got to her hiding spot, and jumped her like before. But this time, he wasn't choking her. He stabbed into her stomach, and worked the knife side by side. Her guts and inestines came out. He went downstairs and saw Twilight leave.

He purposely belched until a fire started. A GOOD fire. Then he slowly walked out to the street. "TWILIGHT!" His voice wasn't scratchy now. His voice was like like a barking dog or a howling wolf. "TWILIGHT!"

He kept walking, and kept calling out. "TWILIGHT SPAAAAARRRRKLE!" And when she magically picked him up, before she could slam him into something, he cried. She cried too. Finally, he dropped the knife, and collapsed from hunger.

Then a party of thugs ran up. The second they got there, they used swords and maces to kill Spike for a bounty. They also killed Twilight because one of them was careless and got her when they raised a sword up. Rainbow Dash and Applejack died in the fire at the house.