//------------------------------// // The Crew // Story: Beyond The shadow Himself. // by Teddybear07 //------------------------------// Im an idiot. As you can see. I aimed my gun at the thing. It gasped in horror of what I was doing. I was a threat to it for now, because I just barged in like nothing. But I knew it spoke English. Which confused me the most. It ran down a pair Of stairs, with some kind of other alien, or, thing. It followed the purple one. It ran quickly, and with great speeds. I decided to follow the thing, whatever it was doing, I knew it could be trouble. And apparently I was right, after she ran out of the House a pair of, armored things, aliens, I don't know how to describe them, were at the front. All I could think was "Crap". I waited for their first move, and their intentions were the same. So basically we just stared at each other. Then I took the honor to speak first. "Hello?" They all looked at each other, gaping at what they had heard. They just found out I speak their language. But still, their intentions were to kill me. So I aimed my gun at them, looking through the scope, waiting for one to move. And eventually, one did. " Attack! " A spear went right for me, at my face. Quickly I moved out of the way and started firing down a rain of bullets. Each bullet colliding with the heads, killing the owner. All of them were dead quickly. These guys were easier to take down than just a regular P.A.C. I walked outside the house, my armor clinking and clacking against the other parts. It made a loud Ruckus. I see a bunch of other, aliens running around, they were scared of their lives. Until I heard the word "everypony" I guessed that they were called ponies. I had to hide, Therefore I took an ally way down, and just sat their. I, Of course was scared also. With me thinking of no way back to my home, and staying in this, colorful place with everyone scared of me, I was pretty mad and scared. Afterwards I heard a lot, and I mean a lot, of screaming coming from above me. And the last thing I saw, was my Squad, falling straight down were I was.