//------------------------------// // Discord // Story: Portal to Canterlot // by RikaChan //------------------------------// Ugh. I fell back onto the bed. It felt so good to lie down...My mind was tired, and my body was tired. I couldn't wait for a nice time at the beach, swimming in the water...lying in the sun... I sat up in bed, my heart pounding. Nightmares..."I hate nightmares..." I muttered. I had had a dream that Carrot Top took me to a deserted island, and left me there all alone... I got up and walked downstairs. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep...I wondered what time it was. Probably 3:00 or something. I stopped at a window. I had seen this window on the way to my room, but I had been too tired to notice it. It had a picture made of colored glass on it. It looked like 6 ponies Turning some sort of weird monster to stone. Then, the monster moved. Or at least it looked like it did. I thought it was just my imagination, but when it started talking I decided something was really happening. "Who are you?" I asked the monster. "I am Discord," it replied. Then it jumped from one window to the next. I looked back at the ponies. they were still there, as if nothing had happened. Maybe I should tell Celestia... I thought. but then I thought, no, she'd just think I'm crazy. Well I guess I could at least ask her who Discord is. I decided. So I continued walking downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" I heard the window ask. "I'm going downstairs, to ask Celestia who Discord is." I answered. So I did, and I just hoped, if I knew the answers, that my mind would stop playing tricks with me.