Portal to Canterlot

by RikaChan

Last time at Carrot Top's house

When I got there, I expected to be alone, and have enough time to pack and leave without having to encounter Carrot Top. But when I got there, it was the complete opposite. Carrot Top, was right there, on the bed, hugging my stuff. It was such a shock, I staggered back and hit the wall, which was a dumb thing to do, because Carrot Top heard it. She sat up, and her eyes widened when she saw me.
"Kotori?" she said. "Is that you? Or is this another dream?" That surprised me. She's been dreaming about me? I thought.
"I'm just here to pack my stuff, and then I'll be out of your way." I tried to say in my iciest voice.
"I-Kotori I'm sorry..."
"For what."
"You don't even know what you're sorry for."
"What ever, just let me pack and leave."
"Whose house are you staying at?" Carrot Top couldn't help being curious.
"Princess Celestia's." I said.
"Just let me pack!"
I was getting tired of this. I grabbed all my stuff, and dumped in the shopping bag from the store. "Give me back my t-shirt," I growled. Carrot Top threw me the shirt she had been hugging. I took that, and teleported without even saying bye.

Teleporting get's really tiring, especially if you're a beginner at magic like me."Welcome back Birdy!" Luna greeted me at the door.
"Thanks Lulu..." I said.
"What's wrong?" asked Luna."You seem down."
"I'm just exhausted from teleporting..."
"Oh! I'll show you to your room."
"Thanks Lulu."