Portal to Canterlot

by RikaChan

A new home

I knocked on the door. In 3 seconds flat, the doors opened, a light blue magic swirl around the handle. "Hello Sirs," I said, remembering what Carrot Top said. "I would like to speak to Princess Celestia." I said imitating Carrot Top's voice. They nodded, and I walked inside.

"Can I really stay here?!" I squealed.
"Of course!" said Princess Celestia. "You can have the guest bedroom!"
"Thanks so much!" I said, grinning liek a maniac.
"Where is Carrot Top?" asked Princess Celestia, causing both of us to stop laughing.
"Hey, yeah, she didn't come with you." said Luna, looking behind me just to make sure.
"That's the whole point..." I said, my voice getting colder. "She was too embarrassed to have me around...so I told her I would go live with someone else...and she said that no one cared for me and that I'd end up living in the streets..."
"Oh!" said Luna. "That's not like Carrot Top..." Princess Celestia frowned.
"Oh yes," said Princess Celestia, "Don't call me Princess Celestia any more since you'll be around me all the time, call me-"
"Tia!" Luna finished.
"Yes Lulu?" said Celestia.
"Nothing, I was just saying that Kotori could call you Tia." said Luna.
"Nice, Tia and Lulu." I said smiling.
"We have to think up a nickname for you too!" said Luna.
"That would be nice!" I said. "Hm...how about...Birdy?" I said laughing. "I've always been fascinated by birds."
"Ok Birdy!" Celestia said, laughing too. Then we all laughed together.
"I can't wait to go to the beach tomorrow," said Luna.
"Oh!" I said. "My stuff! they're still all at Carrot Top's place! Sorry! I'll be back!" I said as I teleported myself to my former room.