//------------------------------// // Fiction to Reality // Story: The Mechanic // by Clintr //------------------------------// It been a few days since I arrived here in Equestria and I gotten pretty much used to it. There are times when I assist Twilight along with Spike with her studies, and other times I make modifications to my inventory. Ponyville park 9:00am The sun was high the breeze is nice, who wouldn't have ask for a nice stroll through the park. I continued down the pathway until I saw Fluttershy. She was in a tree but on the branch she was perched on had like a diagram of a bird flapping it's wings and it also had two baby birds in their nest. Fluttershy then flapped her wings to lift her slightly off the branch, the birds then flapped as well causing them to lift off the ground. But then the silence broke by the sound of Rainbow Dash. "Four more months, four more months, four more months! I bet you're excited, huh?" "Oh, my. I, uh, I could be excited. I don't really know. I wasn't really think—" Fluttershy tried to answered but was cut off by Rainbow Dash. "Come on, you gotta be excited!" "Oh, well, I guess maybe I'm a little kinda sort of excited." "I thought so!" "Yeah... So, um, why am I excited?" Fluttershy asked. "I too want to know why." I added. "Hey Torrent!" Rainbow greeted. "Hey and hello to you too Fluttershy. Now what's got all excited Dash?" "Because the next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today! That's how exciting it is! So what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh?" Rainbow Dash voice over 'Will she at long last stalk the Fortress of Talicon? Only to be forced to contend with its dreaded and impenetrable arrow defense? And if so, could her skill, quick wits, and courage possibly carry the day? Or will her next adventure bring her face to face with the vast and horrible Ahuizotl himself?!' The creature for whom was called Ahuizotl roared then started chucking weapons at her. 'Would she cower, turn tail and run? Or would she fly at him, full bore, knowing full well against all odds that the greatest challenge she ever faced was still surely no match for—' "Look out!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Hit the deck." I said. We both got out of the way but Dash soon crashed into the tree with the birds flying overhead. "Oh, I'm not so sure she's gonna last another four months..." Fluttershy said in a concerned tone. "I second that." I added. - Twilight's Library 9:00am (5 day timeskip) Rainbow Dash soon then opened the door. "Heya, Twilight! Aren't you excited that—" She was soon interrupted by a party horn. "So glad you've finally made it!" Twilight said. "What's everypony doing here?" Rainbow asked. "We're having a holiday party!" Pinkie answered then blows a horn. "National Random Holiday Party Day! Woo-hoo!" "I've never heard of it either." Rarity said as she sips the punch. "But the punch is quite tasty." "You might say the secret ingredient is... a secret!" Pinkie whispered loudly. "How come nopony bothered to invite me?" Rainbow questioned. "Me and Torrent came to invite you personally, but it seems you were a speck too busy reading the last Daring Do book for the twelfth time." Applejack answered. "Yeah, well, in three months and twenty six more days, I'll be able to read the next one." Rainbow said as she took a punch glass. "Oh, haven't you heard? The release of the next book got pushed another two months." Rainbow soon then spat the punch in Twilight's face. "Two more months?! I've been waiting so long already! I don't think I can take another two months! I'll never make it!" she panicked and flopped to the floor. "Yeah. I can vouch for that..." Fluttershy said. "Me too." I said. "Did they give a reason?" Rainbow asked. "The publisher just said author A.K. Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months." Twilight answered. "Cupcakes?" Pinkie soon then chomped down on one. But Rainbow gave a slight growl. "How could you possibly know that before me? I'm the series' biggest fan!" "I'm just as big a fan as you! In fact, I'm the one who first introduced you to the books, remember?" Twilight protested. "Oh. Right" Twilight soon continued. "A.K. Yearling just might be my favorite author. I know everything about her. Where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book..." "Where she lives?" Rainbow asked Twilight. "Uh... no, though I could probably find out somehow. Why?" "Don't you get it? The new book is obviously delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday nonsense is distracting her from spending her every living breathing second writing! So I– I mean, fans like me, can get to read the new book ASAP! Think about it! We could help her with her laundry, buy her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever! Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?" "Hmm, I don't know... What she probably wants most of all is respect for her privacy." Twilight replied. "She can always just say no." Rainbow Dash answered. "Mmh... I suppose you're right..." "Of course I am. So... how's about getting that address?" Remote part of Equestria 1 hour later Me and the mane six were walking through the forest while Pinkie on the other hand had a paint can and brush and was making a trail from when we left Ponyville. "Pinkie is that really necessary?" I asked. She turn her head towards me than nodded. Twilight soon then spoke. "You see what I mean? Why would she live in this remote part of Equestria except to keep folks from intruding on her privacy? We should respec—" "I think I spotted the house! We're super close! This way!" Rainbow interrupted her. "Wait!" Twilight called out. But as we approached A.K. Yearling house, it has been ransacked. "Oh no. What happened?” "Apparently somepony has intruded on her privacy pretty hard already..." Rainbow answered. Rainbow knocked on A.K. Yearling door, only it to end up crashing. We all peeked inside to see that it was the same as the outside. "Hoo-wee, somepony really trashed this place." AppleJack said. "That maybe a possibility." I said. "Hmm... Maybe... or maybe A.K. Yearling's just a terrible, horrible, unbelievable slob!" Pinkie added. "Well, that too." I replied. "I hope A.K. Yearling's alright!" Rarity said. "Oh no! What if something terrible happened to her?" Twilight asked. "I know! There might be no more books!" Rainbow said frantically. But received an unamused look me and Twilight. "Uh... But, of course, I'd be worried about her, too. Heh." "What are you all doing here?" said a female voice. We all turned around to see A.K. Yearling. "Uh... A... K-K... Yearling...?" Rainbow said with a squee and made this face. "We didn't do this! We swear!" Twilight said. "What have you done to my house?" A.K. Yearling asked. "We didn't do this, Ms. Yearling— whoa!" AppleJack said but was tripped over when A.K. Yearling pulled the rug. "We're awfully glad to see you're alright." Twilight said with relief Rainbow was looking at some of the papers that were near A.K. Yearling desk but started whistling when she neared it. "Okay, clearly this isn't the best time, but I've just gotta say how much we all really love your books..." Rainbow said as she laughed nervously. But A.K. Yearling then pulled the book that she was standing on. She soon started clicking the binds of the book, which opened up to reveal a golden ring. A.K. Yearling then sighed in relief. "It's safe." "Great!" Rainbow exclaimed "Maybe now would be a good time for me to ask her how we can help move the new book along a little faster. Chop chop!" Twilight soon took hold of Rainbow by her magic. "Rainbow Dash, a minute please!" she said sternly. We all soon walked out except for A.K. Yearling. "A.K. Yearling has made it pretty clear that she wants to be left alone. We need to respect her wishes!" Pinkie Pie soon popped up in between us. "You should tell that to those guys." she said as she pointed her hoof to the roof. We all turned to see three stallions entered through the opened window. We look through the floor window to dee the three stallions creeping behind A.K. Yearling. She soon threw her cloak, her hat and her glasses at each one of them, but it revealed non other than Daring Do herself. "A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!" both Rainbow and Twilight said at the same time. "A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same! My mind is officially blown!" Twilight exclaimed. "Aw, come on, I knew it all along." Rainbow replied. As one of the stallions took the ring took it from her hand, Daring Do kick it out of his. "Amazing!" AppleJack said She then caught the ring then kicked the stallion that was behind her. "Incredible!" Rarity said. Two of the stallions then dog piled on Daring Do but during the tussle, the ring was launched into the air, spun off the chandelier, then landed in the fireplace. The middle stallion then prodded the first stallion to go grab it but Daring Do's whip caught it first. She flung towards the table which it was cooled by the pitcher of liquid. "Wow! So much action! Whee!" Pinkie exclaimed. Daring Do held up a chair as the stallions cornered her. "Daring Do!" Rainbow called out. But before Daring Do could react the stallions then caught her off guard then started beating her. The ring then landed towards the door where another stallion picked it up. "Many thanks, Daring Do." he said. "As you've probably surmised, our earlier search for this treasure was... unsuccessful. So kind of you to find it for us." "Give it back, Caballeron!" Daring Do said as she grunted. "That's Doctor Caballeron to you." he corrected her. Rainbow Dash soon then spoke to Twilight in a hushed tone. "He's from book four: Daring Do and the Razor of Dreams. He wanted to partner with Daring Do on her adventures." "I know, but she refused! I can't believe it! The real Daring Do and the real Caballeron! Wait, where's Torrent?" Daring Do soon then continued speaking to Caballeron. "So let me guess: Ahuizotl has put you up to this? You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talicon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy!" "Close, but... no. I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retire from archaeology in splendor." he answered. "Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!" "To market, henchponies!" but as Caballeron was just about to exit the door, his face met with my fist, causing him to fall back. He soon than groaned then got back up. "Who are you?" he questioned. I soon then emerged from the doorway. Caballeron then got a surprised look on his face, along with the henchponies and Daring Do. "Wait a minute, I know you. Your that human that everypony been going on about." he said. "That's right." I answered. "Hmph, well let me ask you this. What is a human doing interfering with another pony's business?" "I have my own reasons, but due to your little stunt I've seen you and your henchponies did, I simply can't let you take the ring that easily." "HENCHPONIES TAKE CARE OF THIS OBSTACLE!!!" Caballeron demanded. The henchponies then ran over towards me than circled around me. The one wearing the shades lunched at me first, as he tried to land a punch on me I counterattack by blocking his swing with my right forearm then slugged him in the face with my left fist. The other one that was wearing a hat took hold of me as the burly one was cracking his fist. I soon then step on the foot of the stallion that was holding me, causing him to loose his grip then I threw him to the side. But the burly one's fist impacted on my chest causing me to skid a few inches. "You hit like a weakling." I replied. But as soon as he was about to make his next move, I took hold of his vest and with my strength I threw him out the door. But as I soon turned back to Caballeron, he soon hit me across the face with a chair, causing me to fly off to the side. "Torrent!" the mane 6 called out. "As I was saying," Caballeron then spoke "To market, henchponies!" Caballeron and his henchponies soon took their leave along with the ring. While the mane 6 were dumfounded by the events, Fluttershy broke the silence. "Uh... should we go in and help her, maybe?" "Oh, right." they answered. As Daring Do was tying a splint around her injured leg the mane 6 soon approached her. Rainbow soon then gasped, "Are you okay?" she asked as she stuck her hoof out. "I got this." she answered as she slapped her hoof away. "Um, she was just trying to help, Ms. Do." Fluttershy said. "Daring Do doesn't need help. She handles her business herself. And as for him," she pointed towards me "tell him I said thank you." Daring Do than flew off. They soon hustled over towards to my position. "Torrent are you alright?" Twilight asked. "Yea, I'm fine. Just a bruise." Rainbow then flew out the house to see Daring Do flying in the distance. "We've gotta go help!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You heard her! She says she works alone!" Twilight protested. Twilight and Rainbow Dash soon got into a quarrel on Daring Do's past adventures. "How can we just stand by and do nothing? You know what's at stake here! Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin since book three!" "True, but in book four, she defeated Ahuizotl and secured control of the Amulet of Atonement, dispelling the dark magic of the Quetzalcóatl Empress, and thus protecting the basin with the Radiant Shield of Rasdon!" "But the Radiant Shield of Rasdon is vulnerable to the dark enchantment of the Rings of Scorcherro!" "But are you forgetting that the Rings were scattered to the four corners of Tenochtitlan, thus rendering the dark enchantment powerless?" "Only if you assume that the Rings have yet to be retrieved, and the ring Caballeron just stole isn't the last to completely restore the dark tower and its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan! Did you ever think of that?!" "You gotta admit, Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good point." Pinkie agreed. "Say what?" I asked. "We gotta help Daring Do retrieve the ring for safekeeping before it's too late!" Rainbow said in anxiety. Twilight Soon then let out a sigh "Okay, but sounds to me like we're in way, way, way over our heads. We're going to need a carefully thought out plan..." However, Rainbow Dash just zoomed of to catch up to Daring Do. "I'm coming, Daring Do!" she exclaimed. "That's not a plan!" Twilight called out an annoyance. "It always the "Act first, ask questions later" routine with her." I dully said. I soon walk past the rest of them. "Come on, let's go find her." I said. - Timeskip the next day As the rest of us continued are trek through the forest, we soon spot Rainbow Dash sitting in a small clearing with a depressed look on her face. "I figured we've find you here." I said as we neared her. Rarity soon then gasped in relief "Thank goodness you're alright!" "Quick, where does it hurt?"Twilight asked. "In here." she placed her hoofs on her chest, "Daring Do and the ring have been captured by the dreaded Ahuizotl, and it's all my fault." The rest of her friends gasped in shock except for myself. "Dash, I'm sure whatever you did was an honest mistake." Twilight tried to ease her. "Whatever. Let's just go home." Rainbow said as she started walking in the other direction. "We can't go back now! Looks a mite like she needs our help more than ever!" AppleJack said. "Trying to help is how I got in this mess in the first place. You were right, Twilight. We should've stayed out of this." I soon crossed my arms then stepped in front of Dash's way. "Look, there is more going on here than meets the eye. In every Daring Do book, there always is! We can't turn our backs on her!" Twilight replied. "She doesn't want my help, Twilight." "Perhaps. But she might need it anyway." "No. My hero's way better off without me." "This don't sound like you." AppleJack protested. "Where's the Rainbow Dash who would help anypony at the drop of a hat?" Pinkie asked. "Or pith helmet, as the case may be." Rarity corrected. "She's here where she's got no business being. She should be at home." Rainbow answered. "It's fine to look up to Daring Do, but you've put her so high up on a pedestal, you can't even see your own worth anymore! She's in the fortress, and we're here, and we wouldn't be who we are if we didn't go in after her! And neither would you! So, are you with us, or not?" Twilight asked. Rainbow soon looked at me. "You can sit and mope here all you want Dash, but Twilight is right. If you turn your back on Daring Do now you'll not be only be putting her life in danger, but ours as well. So, are you going to step up to the plate and go back there or are you going to give up and let down your hero for sure." - Fortress of Talicon trap I soon helped Rainbow Dash hoist Daring Do to the ledge. Daring Do then cracked the restraints off her hoofs. "I was just about to save myself, y'know." she said. "Of course. I just thought you might need this." Rainbow said as she slid Daring Do's helmet. "Have I mentioned yet that I work alone?" she replied. "Have I mentioned yet that you're lucky I don't?" Rainbow answered. Daring Do then sighed in defeat then smiled. "Hey girls?" I asked. They both looked at me in confusion. "You think that you can hand me those chains?" I asked as I pointed to the chains that was suspended from the pole. Both Dash and Daring Do flew up then grabbed them. Judging from the way they were straining to bring it here they seem pretty heavy. They soon dropped in front of me. "What do you need them for Torrent?" Rainbow asked. "I was thinking of the same question." Daring Do added. "Let's just say that I have something brewing in my head." I answered as I threw it around my shoulder. "Let's go." I said. - Fortress of Talicon main room As we made our way to the main room we heard rhythmic thudding of the stallion's spears. But just as soon as Ahuizotl was just about to place the final ring, he was interrupted by AppleJack. "Drop the ring, Ahui... whatever your name is!" "Hmph, place the ring, quickly!" But then Pinkie then caught it then spun it like a hula hoop, then launched it off her arm. "Get it!" said Ahuizotl. AppleJack soon then caught it, but was soon tripped over by a stallion's spear. He soon tossed it to Ahuizotl but Fluttershy than caught it. As Ahuizotl gave chase to her, Twilight then took it from Fluttershy then disappeared just when two stallions just about pounced on her. "Torrent! Catch!" Twilight exclaimed as she threw the ring at me. I soon caught it but as I turned around the stallions cornered me against the wall. I placed my back against the wall. I looked around then saw a War-hammer sitting on the same wall. "Yes just what I need." I took the hammer from the wall, took out the chain, then started combo building. The stallions look at me in confusion, but one was hit by the head of the hammer then retracted to the handle. I twirled the hammer then firmly grasped it in my hand. "Come on." I replied. I swung the hammer but the head separated to knock all them back I soon tossed the ring back to Twilight but Ahuizotl then caught it. He looked back to see Daring Do and Rainbow Dash lifting the final ring. "Stop her!" he screamed. I looked over to them then groan. I brought back the hammer then ran to the pedestal. "Rainbow! Daring Do! Keep the ring suspended!" "Wait a minute, what's he up to?" Daring Do asked Rainbow Dash. "I think I have a good idea on what he's going to do." With the hammer in my left hand, I swat it against the pole casing it to shatter, along with the temple. "Ponies! Run! This place is goin' down!" Rainbow Dash said as she was straining. The Wilhelm screams of the stallions was heard as the temple was crumbling. "Daring Do! I will have my revenge!" Ahuizotl screamed. Daring Do and Rainbow Dash held both my arms as they flew out of the collapsing temple. Then threw the ring away which cracked. "Could never have done this without you, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow soon then hugged Daring Do after she said that. "And Torrent, thank you. Now I've got a book to finish!" Rainbow Dash's house Rainbow Dash voice over 'Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else.' There was a knock on Rainbow door. She opened it to reveal the messenger pony. "Package from A.K. Yearling." he said. "Sweet! The new book a week before anypony else gets it!" "Let's see what she made." I said. We soon opened are parcels, then Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" she exclaimed. I soon tun the cover. "Hey Dash?" "Yea?" "Look." I held this picture up from the book.