//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The Dream Shack // Story: Green Fields // by Jakomi of the Rose //------------------------------// The cider-race ended up in a loss but when the taste caused the ponies to scare the kooks out of town we got the farm back. Having nearly died from exertion I could relax knowing that I still had a place to call home. And it was a beautiful day to do just that. It was Saturday. Sleeping in the morning without worry. No jobs from the carpenters-office. Just the perfect morning to sleep away. Inhaling the good scent of hay from my bed. “Are you sure he’s asleep?” a young but gruff female voice asked near me. Oh no. I groaned as I tried to block out the voice, just so that I could get some more sleep. “Scootaloo. Leave Ben alone. Ya know he worked hard yesterday tryin’ to help us.” Apple Bloom said loud enough ruin my chance to get sleep in. Maybe if I stayed like this they leave me alone and go away. Something moved closer and I felt a warm breathing on my face. I groaned again and pulled the blankets over my face in annoyance. “Hah! See? I knew he was awake!” Scootaloo scoffed at a loud enough volume and close to my ear to make me wince. Huffing, I removed my blankets and squinted my eyes to adjust to the light of the sun. I was welcomed by a small orange muzzle and purple eyes looking at me curiously. We looked at each other for a while, me wearing a scowl and her wearing a smirk. I groaned again. “Good morning, Scootaloo.” I said croakily and fought back a yawn. She backed up slowly and looked at her friends. I sat up to look at Apple Bloom and the light gray filly Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister. Whereas Scootaloo had a smirk, Sweetie was trotting towards me and hung her head. “I’m sorry she woke you up. We only wanted to look for something but she insisted on checking if you were awake.” She apologized quickly, her voice squeaked several times when she did. But I found it adorable. I sighed, trying not to fall back to my pillow. I looked at the three fillies with a tired smile. “No worries. Had to wake up sooner or later.” I said, dismissing her apology. As I stretched a pain flared through all my muscles as I did so. Even the gasp caused by the pain made my chest hurt. I knew this would happen after yesterday’s “fun”. I groaned again and this time in pain. Apple Bloom closed in. “Ben? Are ya alright?” she asked worryingly. I massaged my left shoulder with my right hand to work off the stiffness. I looked at her with a smile. “No worries, Bloomy. Just a little sore from yesterday.” I explained while rolling my shoulders. Looking around for my clothes I noticed them hanging on a chair near a table Apple Bloom read her homework on. “Bloomy, could you fetch my clothes for me?” I asked sheepishly since I was only in my boxers. Why was it sheepish? When you’re an adult in the morning you should know what I’m talking about. Apple Bloom nodded and tugged the legs of my pants so that my pants and my shirt fell down altogether. She dragged them over to me and smiled at me. I pulled my shirt over my head and looked at them for a short moment. “Turn around and don’t peek.” I said, motioning my hand for them to turn around. They did so but I could hear Scootaloo mumble something like: “I don’t get why he’s embarrassed. My dad doesn’t act like this in the morning.” Sipping the fly I reached for my socks and walked out of the bedroom stiffly, leaving the little fillies to do whatever they saw fit. The descent down the stairs was stiff but I felt the muscles gradually loosen up by each step but I massaged my chest as my heart and lungs still stung when breathing. Looking into the kitchen I saw Granny making tea and gazed out at the sunny and all around beautiful early autumn day. She turned to me with a smile. “G’morning, Ben. How do ya feel?” She asked tenderly. Giving her a smile of my own I walked to her and gave her a hug which she recuperated without a doubt. It felt like hugging my grandma, accept that she was smaller. Letting her go I sighed and massaged my chest again. “Stiff and slightly achy but I’ll manage.” I answered and she took the sign of my chest-rubbing to get my medicine. I would’ve gotten it myself but she did offer to help. She rummaged in one of the cupboards and grabbed a vial in her teeth. She placed it on the table and motioned for the fridge. “Breakfast’s in the fridge. Ya look like ya need it.” She gave me a motherly smile. “And Ah suggest that ya take it easy today.” I searched the fridge for the bread, butter and an apple. The apple juice was on the door and I took it second. Placing them on the table along with a plate I began cutting two slices of bread and took my medicine. The bitter taste was going to last for a while. Something I never will get used to. Granny placed a teacup to my left and poured some tea for us both. I gave her a nod as thanks and sipped it before biting down the bread. This was the same tea that I bought from Zecora. The tea that eases the heart and helps if you’re under stress. Granny didn’t have a heart-problem for her age but she seemed to like the tea nonetheless. As I chewed the bread a thought came to mind. “Where’s Applejack and Mac?” I asked through chews. She sipped her tea with a smile then looked through the window. “Big Macintosh is workin’ the fields since this mornin’. Applejack went to town hall for an errand.” She pondered the latter for a second. “Oh, she also told me to tell ya about that. She has somethin’ special for ya.” She smiled at that. Swallowing I nodded. I drank the tea and my juice. “Mac’s out the on fields? Why didn’t he wake me?” I asked as I moved to the apple. She blew her tea and sipped it. “Ya almost died helpin’ us yesterday. He an’ Applejack wanted ya to rest up today. Seeing as yer in a sore state Ah guess they’re right.” She smiled as she explained. I took a big bite out of the apple and chewed it slowly. Sure, I was slightly sore after yesterday but the medicine already did its job on my chest and… Wait. Applejack had something planned for me? As if sensing our thoughts the door opened. “Granny? Is Ben awa—Ah, G’morning, Ben!” Appljack said as she looked into the kitchen, flashing me a smile. I gave her a wave with my left hand since my right had my half eaten apple. I chewed quickly as she neared the table. “How’re ya holdin’ up?” she asked. I swallowed and gave her an honest smile. “I’m just dandy. A little sore.” I answered and took another bite of my apple. She nodded with a smile of her own. I didn’t notice it until now but she had her saddlebags and she in turn noticed where my eyes were fixed. She glanced at me, giving me a smile. “Ah have somethin’ for ya. Got time?” She asked, almost looking like she was about to bolt off… like Pinkamena rubbed off on her. “Just going to finish my apple and do the dishes and I’ll be off.” I replied and got up from my chair. Granny moved up to me and took my dishes. “Ah’ll take care of yer dishes, Ben. Ya just go with Applejack an’ see what she has for ya.” She said as she placed the dishes on the counter. I was about to protest when she chuckled. “Give this ol’ timer somethin’ to do. Go ahead.” She insisted. I placed my apple on the table and hugged her again. Taking the apple again I followed AJ out the door. It was warm today. Light breezes, crisp air and the sight of the trees changing color. All around a beautiful day. I finished my apple and threw the core into the pig pen and followed Applejack who almost had a skip in her steps. We were leaving the farm. “Ben.” She said as we walked the dirt roads leading off the farm. “Couplea nights ago, ya know, when we talked in the barn, Ah saw the sketches of yer house buildin’ projects.” I nodded. I did make plans for a house. Building one or renovate an old one. But the letter I wrote to Celestia didn’t give me room for a long planned stay. “I did. Always wanted to make use of my carpentry. I got a job but I wanted to get my hands busy with something. And I can’t live with you longer.” I explained. Applejack seemed to almost stop but kept her pace. “Yeah, well, ya know when Mr. Cabbage died about a week ago his house was for sale.” She continued glancing at me. Mr Cabbage grew, as his name implied, cabbages during his younger days. He did die from old age and I think I only met him three times. He seemed grumpy but he always greeted me with a smile when I saw him in town. “Yeah, I met him. Sorry he died.” I grumbled, looking at the ground. Applejack nodded. We kept walking and the dirt road seemed to lack the apple trees and looked more like Whitetail Woods despite it being miles away from Ponyville. “Well, his house was on sale after that with no buyers. So Ah took a chance an’ bought it. All Ah need is for ya to sign the deed an’ the house is yers.” Applejack explained with a bright smile. With that she stopped, still wearing her smile. I stopped by her side and looked at whatever she looked at. Sadly, my smile didn’t really match hers… I wasn’t really wearing one. “Well, whaddya think?” Applejack asked, glancing at me. I looked at the house for a while, not saying anything. I licked my lips, not taking my eyes of the house. “A question.” I said, drumming my fingers on my legs. “Did Cabbage die of old age or did they file the house for murder?” Applejacks smile turned to a frown while huffing at my attempt to make a joke. She walked to the house entrance while I doubtfully followed. The house itself wasn’t really that bad but I was surprised that the wind didn’t make it fall apart. It was worn down, like; The-old-house-on-the-old-road-that-no-one-cared-to-repair-worn. To put it simply: It was ruined. To give Cabbage credit… the house was fairly big. I opened the door carefully to not risk taking it off its hinges. I was immediately welcomed by a wind of rotten stench of moldy old wood. I almost gagged while AJ didn’t react. She kept her trot as she talked about the deal of the house. “It’s a little down but Ah think that ya have what it takes to repair it. It is big enough for ya to live, two stories to use and lots of space for any furnishing ya’ve planned.” She spoke and I saw her ascend the stairs that I worried would collapse under her. When I heard her from the upper floor I walked to the kitchen. I pulled my notebook from my pants thigh-pockets and a pencil from my chest-pocket and started writing. The kitchen gave me no room for comfort. The faucet rumbled when I turned it on and a brown liquid poured from the crane. Water with rust. A sign that the pipes were in bad shape. I opened the cupboard where the pipe connected to the sink. It granted me just as little comfort when I noticed that they were rusted to the point that they leaked. I stroked my hand only to have some of the pipes crumble and water splashing on my hands. Frowning I wiped my hands on my pants and wrote it down along with the sight of leakage from upstairs visible on the brown stain on the roof. The salvageable in the kitchen was the stove that surprisingly looked like the old ones from the late 1800’s. Took a moment for me to get the name into my head: a wood burning iron stove. I moved on to the living room. Flipping the next page I took notes. The flooring creaked and was as moldy as the rest of the house. The couch in front of the fireplace looked like it was about to fall over by a simple touch but the fireplace itself looked as good as the stove in the kitchen. Made from what looked like white rock with polished finish and various etchings of flowers. It was covered with ashes on some places but nothing that couldn’t be cleaned off. Paintings and such was taken away to his family and they left only that which couldn’t be saved. Something that caught my eye was the door down to the cellar. Something I had to check later. Applejack descended from the stairs and looked at me when I exited the living room. I had to make sure to make additional notes of the upper floor when I get the chance later today. We stepped outside and looked at the house, oddly enough from the same position we found each other doing about an hour ago before entering. I looked through my list of things to do on the house. Sadly, it was enough to get me occupied for the next three weeks by myself. I wanted a challenge. I’d say that she got me more than I bargained for. But in a way I couldn’t help but to smile. “Well, Ben, Ah have to say that this is what ya wanted.” She said proudly as she smiled at me. I smiled back and handed her the notebook. She looked at it, then at me. “The hay’s this?” she asked as she grabbed the notebook. I looked at the chimney. The bricks looked like it was ready to crumble. “Just a little rundown on what I saw on the lower level. All I’ve written is what I need to take care of. Replacements of piping which I will need a hand with, removing the floors and check the upper level.” I said as I grabbed my notebook. She looked at me for a short while wearing a straight face. I smirked at her while folding the notebook and placed it in my pocket. “How much did you pay for the house anyway?” I asked as we started to walk away. Applejack stared at the road while walking. “’bout 700 bits.” She said causing me to trip on a rock on the road and almost kiss the road. “700 bits?!” I asked in disbelief. She nodded without a reaction. “But Ah did ask for help iffin ya need it.” She continued, smiling. “Well, did they accept it? At that price?” I asked a little skeptically. “Eeyup.” She responded simply. I stopped for a while, thinking. 700 bits was a little more than the house was worth but if it included getting help on the behalf then it could be worth it. “Fantastic. Let’s get to town.” I said and quickened my pace. Nodding, Applejack trotted next to me as we began our walk to town. (About two hours later…) I pulled my cart of supplies from Sweet Apple Acres to my soon to be home. Having just signed over the ownership from Cabbage to me (and I swore I heard someone snicker at the office when I signed the deed) I went to the farm to pick up the things I needed; My drawing table, hammer, crowbar measuring tools, various of drawing equipment and finally my tools. Setting the cart aside I set my drawing table up and grabbed my notebook. Time for a scan of the upper level. Leaving the door open to vent out the moldy stench I walked up the stairs that creaked under my weight combined with the rotting of the wood. The upper floor was in no better condition than the lower. The tapestry hung and seemed to peel away by a simple pull; the floor creaked here as well. I pulled my notebook out and began writing. The bathroom made me gag and I could almost taste bile. Not even bothering to check the toilet, I moved on. Following the corridor down to the bedroom that seemed to be in just as bad of a state. The bed was of metal that had its share of rust forming. Noting it down I was snapped by the following *Crack!* “Oh?” I muttered confusedly as I lifted my left foot to where the noise came from. A floorboard broke under my foot. Another crack sounded when I backed away. “Oh.” I said as the next crack escalated and gave in when I fell through the floor. “OH!” I yelped as I landed on the couch that gave in and slammed into the floor with a heavy thud. Debris fell on my face as well as dust. I coughed violently and squinted as the rotten wood fell in my eyes. As the splinters kept raining I thought of a possible detail; removing the upper level. “Okay.” I said as the splinters stopped falling. Removing the upper floor. Should be easy enough. Hiring a few pegasi to do the heavy lifting. No problem. “Okay.” I said again when I got up to a sitting position. Wincing as my back pained after the fall. Damn couch was harder than it looked. I made my way to my cart to grab my sketchbook, pencil and eraser. I walked around the house, staying on one side to draw, then moving to the next and doing the same until I had a rough sketch of the entire house. Clean-drawing on the draw board to make a proper image of the house and possibly the finished results. I set up the drawing board, placing the papers and the sketch on the side. Now I began my favorite part: design. I made a clean sketch from the sketchbook. All sides drawn nice and easy. Afterwards I placed a second paper over the first to draw only the lower level. Making adjustments to see how I could place the bedroom and bathroom. The piping had to be dug up and checked and if I was going to make a new bathroom it was for the best to get pipes for both bathroom and kitchen. A strong gust almost blew away the papers and surprised me since it was going to be no winds today. It all came clear at the greeting: “’Sup, Ben?” Hovering behind me was Rainbow Dash with a smile. She landed softly and looked me being sprawled over the table to keep the sketches from blowing away. I sighed when I saw that they didn’t leave the table. I looked back at her to find her at the table. “Just sketching on the house. Thinking in removing the upper floor and build out one of the sides.” I explained as I continued sketching. Rainbow looked at the papers, raised an eye-brow and then looked at me. She looked at me sketching which couldn’t help but chuckle at. She looked curiously at me and seemed to be interested. “Dude, how do you draw so well?” She asked, impressed, as I finished up. I smiled at her and looked at the house. I looked at my sketches and made for the cart to grab a crowbar. Rainbow cocked her head. “Dude, I only asked you a question.” She joked as I walked to the house. “I’m going to check the floor. I got the house just this morning so I’m going to renovate it as a personal project.” I said as put the crowbar on the floor and pulled. As I suspected, the floor wasn’t rotten; it was falling apart. Rainbow followed me but doubled back by the steps. She frowned. “Dang, it reeks in here!” She exclaimed as she seemed to gag. I chuckled and went to the next floorboard. Not as rotten but certainly in a bad shape. I looked at the walls and tore down the wallpaper on a section to check. The walls didn’t look as bad but could go for an isolation to keep the heat to the inside. The outside looked worn and had to be replaced with new wood. The framing had to be checked for rot so that the whole damn thing doesn’t fall apart on me. I could ask a unicorn to make a spell to renew the wood… is it even possible? Could save me loads of time and effort. And money, too. I walked out to my drawing board again and took notes on things that needed to be bought, checked and replaced. Equipment for a new bathroom. I’m really glad that I saved up bits for this. Beside me Rainbow started to get bored. “Look, Bennet, as much as I love to see you draw, I’m getting bored. See ya.” She said as she started to take off… And is she calling me ‘Bennet’? “Benjamin.” I said to stop her mid-flight. “It’s Benjamin. Not Bennet.” Rainbow looked at me for a short while. She then shrugged. “Eh, Bennet sounds better.” She said and took off. I looked at the spot she used to be for a few seconds and then returned to the table. When are they going to get my name right? This is why I ask them to call me Ben. It’s not that hard. I went back inside to remove the flooring. A four hours’ work made complete which both surprised and didn’t. The floor practically fell apart. With windows and door open I barely smelt the scent of rotten wood. The windows themselves were dirty but the wood was surprisingly in good shape. Only needed to replace the padding, clean the glass and paint the frame. The couch could become a good base for a bonfire… doubtful but fun. The ground for the house was gravel. Looking into the old teachings I knew that concrete was the best alternative as a base. I looked through the doorway on the gravel. Placing a metal railing connected to the fireplace would help with heating under the new flooring. My stomach growled and I smiled at the timing. I needed to pick up a few things in town anyway; amongst the list was the same herbal remedy I used at the contest yesterday. *** A quick bite at Sugarcube Corner and I went to my next destination. Getting concrete delivered to my home and then the iron railing. The name of the former still caused me to stifle a laugh: Rock Hard… I found it funny the first time I got here. The stallion in question was a unicorn with dirt brown coat and his mane was a lighter shade of grey from older age. He looked at me with a smile as I walked in with notebook in readied hand. “G’mornin’, Ben. How may I help ya?” he asked in what I could describe as an Australian accent. I walked to him and gave him the description. He read it through and smiled as the list went on. “Tell ya what.” He said as he went under the reception and placed the order-receipt. “Give me a detailed list on what ya need and I’ll have them delivered tomorrow.” I nodded and cleared my throat. “I don’t have the proper measurements of the pipes but I need concrete and metal railing.” I said and he wrote it down. “The piping is of no concern. When my dad built his house he kept record of the measurements of the piping so I have you covered.” He smirked as he finished writing. I stared at him for a few seconds before smiling and placed the notebook in my pocket. I walked out just as I heard him talk to his co-workers. That took care of that. Now to order wood. The wood-works was not far from Rock Hards’ shop. Going inside and order should be easy enough. The chief was a mare this time. She was cataloguing the wood when she looked at me. She was a middle-aged unicorn with brown coat and black mane that seemed worn and uncombed. I gave her a wave as a greeting and she motioned one of her colleagues to help me out. It was a young mare with a blue coat. She looked between me and her boss with a slight frown. “You have to excuse Pine Leaf but she’s focused on getting new orders so she’s counting.” She explained as we looked at her boss. The mare shook her head and turned to me. “Anyway, Ben. ‘Sup?” I took out my notebook and gave her the detailed explanation and she wrote it down. That took care of the wood. And only a few places left. *** Close to evening I was back to resume my work on the house. Deconstructing the upper floor was a bit of a challenge but manageable. And by the time it was night I had removed the stairs. No need for an upper level if I live alone. I did a thorough check of the beam that looked good enough to be reused. It was long into night when Applejack walked to me with a lantern in her mouth. “Evenin’, Ben. Are ya good?” She asked with the lantern dangling as she spoke. I nodded and looked at the work I manage to do until now. Tomorrow was going to be the removal of the upper floor, floor base and digging up the pipes. Next was going to be placing the floor. But for now I decided to get some sleep. Applejack and I walked the roads in silence save for the occasional metallic clink of the lantern in Applejacks mouth. “Wake me up when you do tomorrow, would you kindly?” I asked when we were near the door to Sweet Apple. Applejack set down the lantern and blew out the light. “Why’s that?” She asked when we walked in. I smiled wide. “More time for me to work on the house. What else?” I raised my eyebrows with a wide smile. Applejack shook her head with a chuckle. We walked up the stairs to our rooms. I found Apple Bloom already passed out on her bed. I soon followed when I lay down on my hay bed. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like she promised, she woke me up short after 4 in the morning. A quick breakfast, bagging a few vials of my medicine and I was on my way to my house with shovel in hand. It was a misty morning and slight shill in the air. I placed the bag gently on the cart and downed the vial of herbs to dig up the pipes. The vials worked a bit like a mix of Red Bull and Gainomax except that it tasted nowhere near as good. Three vials and about two hours later and I managed to dig up the pipes. Like I suspected they were blocked by roots and had to be replaced. And just in time to see Rock Hard and his co-workers with the concrete. I walked over to my cart to pick my breakfast; a red apple and a light sandwich with my herbal tea in a thermos. Rock Hard motioned his workers to move to the piping and the others to the concrete. They got to work and I told them what to do and how I wanted it. Sure, this was a personal project but with my heart I could only do so much. Thank God for the generosity and kindness these ponies had. It was a bit before lunch when they were finished and even an hour before the pegasi workers came to help remove the roof and the upper floor. The manager of the group was a slightly muscular mare with sky-blue coat and white mane that followed the chart I drew them. I had just helped a little. The cart that had the tossed wood was drawn by a stallion I knew from before. It was now one in the afternoon when I looked at the now missing upper level. Now my real work began. I looked inside and ran a careful stroke at the concrete. It was not dried and couldn’t dry until a few more hours. “Hey, Ben? Could’ya help me out?” Applejack called from behind me. Wiping my finger on my pants I nodded. “The concrete needs a few more hours to dry so I could use a few hours to kill.” I responded and followed her. What she needed help with was fixing the fence to the pigs. And Mac was busy working the fields. And since I’m a creature who can hold a nail and hammer it I was the best choice… where were Apple Bloom anyway? *** I returned to the house to continue. It was now 2:30 pm and I was determined to get as much done as possible before the end of the day. The floorboards were just next to the doorway as well as my new door. I walked in only to stop dead in my tracks. On the newly dried concrete was imprints of hooves… foal hooves. And from the kitchen area I heard the voices of little fillies. “You really think this is a good idea, Apple Bloom?” the voice of Scootaloo sounded. Small clopping of hooves on the dried concrete told me exactly where and who this was. “Ben can’ build this house by himself. That’s why we help’im.” Apple Bloom’s voice said as the three fillies came to view. “Yeah, we could be ‘the Cutie-Mark Crusaders house building helpers’!” Sweetie Belle chimed happily. I stared at them and at the hoof-prints on my floor. Only managing a sigh. “Oh, hiya, Ben!” Apple Bloom’s voice happily greeted. I looked at them and only whispered: ‘Oh bloody hell’. As I searched for words. They were dirty by the concrete that still remained on their hooves when they approached me. I kneeled down to their level and looked at the three fillies that each had an expression of happiness, awkwardness and uneasiness. “Bloomy.” I started and took deep breaths to calm my nerves. “Why are the three of you in my house, on the newly dried concrete and covered in concrete?” They looked at each other when Apple Bloom smiled wide. “We wanted to help ya! Ah heard from Applejack that ya got this house and we wanted to help ya build it!” Apple Bloom happily answered. If it weren’t for the fact that she was so damn cute I would’ve hugged them. But they were covered in concrete that was going to be the base of the house. I ushered them to get out and they obliged. I looked at the floor again with a sigh. I was going to cover it anyway so why bother being irritated. They played a little in a small tub of water I had nearby when I helped out with the concrete and as they did I approached them. “Okay, before I start I wanted to ask you what you could help with. You’re not really that big to lift heavy objects.” I said with my arms crossed. They stopped playing to look at each other. At least they were clean enough. “Apple Bloom thought that minor things could be of use like if you needed us to fetch stuff while you were busy.” Sweetie Belle answered while Scootaloo just shrugged. I thought about that. I had errands around town that needed taken care of. I was going to tear down the outer walls to isolate and get wallpaper. I started to smirk when that thought came to mind. They could run those errands for me while I work on the house, decreasing the time it would take for me to effort the project. “That doesn’t sound so bad. But help around the house is needed but I do have a few thing I need taken care of in town. You three could help me out on that.” I explained. “Okay!” they chorused happily. I smiled and picked up my notebook. They stepped out of the tub and shook themselves dry, giggling in the process. I wrote down the needed things in town, where to find them and where they should have the objects delivered. I tore out the page and handed them to the little fillies who read it. “This is what I need you to do. Tell the shop to deliver the listed things here. I pay you 20 bits each if you can do this.” I told them and at the sounds of bits they each looked at me. With that they galloped to Scootaloo’s scooter and the wagon attached to it. They cheered as they sped off whereas I only laughed. Better get to work then. More time to work on the floor and to make an extra room for the bathroom. It was after a few hours when I was almost finished with the floor when the sounds of flapping wings caught my attention. I looked out to see an orange pegasus mare with red mane and tail land in front of the door. She peered inside when I placed the next floorboard down. What I was thankful for was that Equestria had laminate flooring. Easier and smoother to walk on. I gave her a wide smile even if I was tired. “Hey, Miss Grace. How may I help you?” I asked even if I could guess why she was here. She looked around the house and then at me. Her purple eyes immediately recognizable. “Hello, Ben. I was wondering why my daughter was on her scooter in town with her friends.” She asked. I placed the next floor and slid it to the next. I got up, my back popping on the right places and my knees soon followed. “Well, it’s a beautiful autumn day and my guess is that they do as little fillies do when it’s a beautiful day.” I deadpanned, walking out of the house to work the stiffness out of my body. Grace, or as her full name was, Autumn Grace followed me when I took the crowbar and my saw from my cart. I walked to the back and pried some of the planks that covered the back where the stairs used to be connected. Autumn followed me around the house and licked her lips thoughtfully. “Yes, but not many fillies her age go from store to store ordering building equipment. And I’ve been around the sky long enough to know that you’re the only one building.” She sat on her haunches as she waited for me to answer. I removed the plank before answering with a grunt. “Your daughter alongside her friends wanted to help me out so I gave them a task fitting for them. I need to get this house done as soon as possible so I asked them to get the stuff I need and get it delivered here. Don’t worry, I pay them.” I said and pried another wood off. She was quiet for a moment but I couldn’t help to think that she raised her eyebrows in disbelief of what I had told her. I took out my measuring stick to make a measure of how much I needed to remove to get a proper bathroom set up. I walked to the other side and took the last vial of herbs and went to work. Autumn still sat there as I worked. “How much are you paying them?” She asked as I took a screwdriver and screwed the beam into place. I took the next beam to the other side and bounded it with the next. “About 20 bits per. You can tell Scoots to spend them wisely. I simply wanted to give them a little something for helping out.” I said as I screwed together the next beam. She shook her head and flexed her wings, ready to take off. I saw her fly away but waved to me as she disappeared into the clouds. I decided to keep going until nightfall again. And at that time I had managed to complete the flooring in the living room, kitchen and half the bedroom. Tomorrow was going to be the piping and hopefully the isolation and replacing the outer wall. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Waking up as usual, I took a quick breakfast and quickly got to my house. The mist was just as thick. I had my lantern ready just in case. I looked at the house. Connecting the piping from the kitchen and the bathroom was on the agenda. Better get to it. I took out the vial of herbs and drank it down, cringing at the taste. I placed the empty vial on the cart and looked inside the bag. I only had one vial of herbs left and four of Zecora’s medicine. Hopefully I had to make do until Celestia sent answers to Twilight. I took my tools to the other side and got to work. For being early autumn it was fairly good weather and warm enough to work. The sink had to be replaced and rebuilt. So that had me for a few hours yesterday. And now I had that bit of fun to do. The connected pipes looked good and I got to the bathroom. I focused on getting the shower built. It took me until breakfast but I wanted to get this done before eating. The last vial was devoured and I had enough energy to build the walls around the bathroom. I was just to connect the piping to the bathtub when I heard a high-pitched: “Good morning, Ben!” I yelled out loud and looked at Pinkamena who stood smiling behind me. I placed a hand on my chest and tried to calm down my beating heart. “Pinkie! Please, think of my heart.” I breathed. She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. “Oops. Sorry. Forgot about that.” She apologized and closed in on me as I kept working. She glanced over my shoulder as I wrenched the piping, connecting it to the water supply. I smiled all the while. I don’t know why but it was always something like this that made me relax. Something to do with my hands always had a relaxing aura to it. It was also surprising that Pinkamena focused her attention on what I did. Every other time I saw her she usually bounced in place or ran around with unnatural amount of energy. I finished up and sat down to catch my breath. My chest started to ache slightly when the herbs effects wore off. Pinkamena seemed to notice this for some strange reason since I showed no signs of being in pain. She disappeared for a few seconds and came back with a vial in her teeth. “How did you…?” I asked as I grabbed the vial. “You had your eyes tight shut and looked really tired so I got an itchy ear and tingly hooves that told me somepony was in pain and you were nearby so I took the chance.” She explained as I drank down the vial. I nodded my thanks and thought about this. “I’m not unthankful, Pinkie, but why did you come here?” I asked as I got to my feet and felt the knees pop. Pinkamena thought for a few seconds and then smiled so wide that I was afraid her face was going to split in half. “I haven’t seen you in days so I was wondering where you had gone so I met Applejack in town and asked her where you were and she told me that you worked on your house and that you don’t eat properly so I decided to get some breakfast for you.” She said in one breath and walked with me following. She led me to the front of my house and what caught my eyes was the cart of food that stood parked just next to my door. She bounced to the cart and offered pretty much a lunch for three. I walked to her cart and felt my stomach growl. “I don’t have a table. Sorry about that.” I said a little embarrassed. Pinkamena shook her head and pulled out a blanket. “No problemo, Beno. We can have a picnic, instead!” She grinned as she placed the numerous amounts of food on the blankets. We sat down and started eating. I ate the pancakes that tasted just as good as if they were made by the restaurants I visited in London. She offered me a cup of coffee and I obliged. I took a sip as I kept eating. By the time I had finished a third of my breakfast Pinkamena had already finished hers. She was looking at the house curiously. “So, you made this yourself?” She asked with her head tilted. I swallowed and nodded. “I’d be lying if I said yes and no.” I said and drank down my coffee. She made ‘Huh?’ that made me chuckle at how cute it sounded. So I elaborated: “I removed the wood from inside myself but the upper floor was removed by the pegasi builders. Applejack got me this house about a few days ago. By then it was a two story one. I got help with the piping and laying base of the floor. I can only do so much considering my condition.” She nodded after almost every word. So much that I thought she was going to get a concussion. I kept looking at the house with a smile when I was thinking of how I was going make the roof. I might need help from the pegasi again but it wouldn’t be too much. I stood up and thanked Pinkamena for the breakfast. I helped her out as compensation for the kind gesture and the delicious breakfast. She attached herself to the cart and zoomed off. It was now closer to lunch so the breakfast was more like brunch. Isolation was easy to set in but now without my herbs I had to take it easy, increasing the time it took for me to make the required progress. The option to get the pegasi to help got the better judgment. Only decided to make a bed that I since a whole year back. So off to town and get the help… Joy. *** The builders’ office was under activity but short story was that they could loan me four pegasi to help out. Giving him my thanks and a bag of bits I left to return home. Connecting the piping all day made me wonder on the furnace. It was located in the basement and that was the only place I haven’t checked. I guess I could go see Zecora while I’m up and about. *** Zecora’s hut was inside Everfree Forest. A forest that had many ponies spooked. I didn’t blame them. I was inside the forest a few months after arriving here and during the time I met with creatures I only read in mythology. But I did get a map to her hut, thank goodness for that. Why she lived here I questioned once. Turns out that certain herbs and plants only grow here. Her hut came into view and the masks decorating it as well. I knocked on the door and various scents oozed from the hut as the door opened. The zebra mare with a Mohawk peeked outside and looked at me, a wide smile forming on her muzzle. “Ah, Ben, my friend. How may I help you on this days end?” she asked in a rhyme-like question. An exotic accent I could guess was Swahili. If that country existed here. She let me into her hut, several scents causing me to get a slight headache. She was cooking up some herbal remedy in the middle of the room that smelled somewhat sweet in contrast to the other smells in the room. “I’ve rarely seen you around this time. What brings you to this home of mine?” She asked again as she stirred her pot. I looked around the hut. I’ve been here a few times and the thing that catches my attention is the masks she had around the house. Reminded me of tiki-masks. “I need some of your potions. The usual.” I said, not taking my eyes of a particular mask colored green. Zecora’s hooves sounded behind me as well as the sound of glass bottles. I turned around to see her laying a few bottles in a basket. Two of the bottles were slightly bigger than the others. “A stronger batch I made for you. But a warning I have too. The potions for working will work better than before. It can, however, leave you sore. Take only a sip, nothing more.” She explained and put a hoof on the bigger bottle. I nodded. A stronger potion but with a kickback…. “The other potion should work just as well. Only if to you I sell. You are a friend I hold dear, but for your health I always fear. I may have many friends since arriving in Ponyville. But I do not want your life to end against your will.” She explained as she closed her distance. Being the only one of her species I felt a connection. I had the same connection with Spike. Him being the only dragon, me being the only human. Soon to be back in my own world. I couldn’t help but feel a slight tug on my heart when I thought about coming back home. “Zecora…” I began to try and find the right words. She turned to me curiously. “If I said that I was going to return to my own world… what would you say?” At this she looked down on the floor, saddened. Her ears were splayed back and she gave sighed. “Though I am sad to hear that you’re going to leave, it’s both sad and good news I receive. I hold you very close to my heart, and to tell you the truth, I will be sad to see you depart.” She said in a low voice but looked at me to meet my eyes. “But if it is what you want, I will hold you no grudge. I will be sad, but hold you back I shan’t and missing you will be a tough way to trudge.” I smiled bitterly and knelt down to give her a hug. I will miss a lot but at least I will come home. We broke the hug and I took the basket, leaving a small pouch of bits. She waved me off as I continued back to Ponyville. *** It was close to nightfall when I returned to my house. The pegasi had worked on most of the roof and looked almost ready to move in. I had only few things left and probably a few days to do them. The furnace had to be checked tomorrow and the bathroom had to be properly set up. Furniture… if I had time I had to talk to Rarity about cloth for them. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I decided to wake up earlier today just so I could finish the house. I had almost everything ready and only needed to check few things. The potion Zecora made for me worked like she said and only after two sips I felt the energy coursing through my body. Finishing the isolation was made well after breakfast and well into lunch until I noticed how hungry I actually was. The pegasi finished the roof and paid well for it. I made a quick break with a packed apple. I looked at the house with pride and sighed in content. I took the lantern in hand and lit it. The cellar had to be checked out. Despite the darkness and the musty smell it was a pleasant coolness to the place. A few cobwebs and a few spiders but nothing that couldn’t be cleaned out… despite my few freak-outs. The compartment with the furnace was in good condition and the furnace itself looked old but not new either. Had to check for warm and cold water later. “Ben?” the muffled voice of Fluttershy was heard from outside. I guess it was only a matter of time until she was coming to check up on me. I continued my exploring of the cellar. It was big. Maybe half the size of an apartment. Could be used as storage or even a small brewery. The glint of light on my left caught my attention. It looked like a cellar door… huh. How come I never noticed it before? “Ben? Are you here?” Fluttershy again called. It sounded like she was on the other side. Maybe by the door. The cellar door on the other hand had a lock. I set down my lantern and tried to open it but it was rusty enough that I didn’t have to pry it but hard enough to give me a challenge. “BEN!” *Thud!* “Son of a bitch!” I cursed as the sudden voice of Fluttershy caused me to bang the back of my head against the door. I finally got the damned door open and looked at the green eyes of Fluttershy who seemed to blush at the distance we now had between each other. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head as the pain flared. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were here.” She said meekly as she landed on the ground. I stepped out of the cellar, squinting my eyes with the sudden light from the sun blinded me. “I was checking my cellar. Thought that I needed to replace the furnace.” I explained shortly. I walked to the front and opened the door to my house. I walked to the sink to check if I had water. It flowed to my joy. Both warm and cold water although the warm water had to take a while to warm up. Otherwise it was perfect. Thank the ponies that helped me and Zecora’s potions. Fluttershy’s hooves sounded against the floor as she looked around. I gave her a smile when her eyes kept looking at the walls. The only thing my kitchen needed was cupboards. Otherwise it was almost perfect. “You manage to remake the house yourself?” Fluttershy asked rather shocked and impressed. I shook my head. The walls needed wallpaper and I needed to either make or build furniture. Building them would be fun. “I did get help. Other than that it’s hours of work I spent alone.” I said in short. Got me thinking how fast I actually made this done with some help. Thank God it wasn’t a house from my world. That would’ve taken weeks. At this she seemed to smile. “That’s wonderful. You finally have a house to live in.” She said and fluttered into the air with pure bliss on her face. I however… didn’t smile. “Yeah. But not for long.” I whispered. This caused Fluttershy to land on the ground and look at me in confusion. “What do you mean? If you don’t mind telling me.” She looked me straight in the eyes this time. She heard that… damn it. I took a deep breath. Better pull the cat out the bag. It could only be kept a secret for so long. “I’m going home. To my world.” I said, kneeling down to her level. At this, she looked at me in shock, backing a few steps. “Your world?” She faced the ground, hurt as she looked for words. “Why?” I sighed. Why did it tug on my heart so much when I thought that I was going to return home? I was happy. Shouldn’t I feel happy about it? “I miss my world. I have my own family who’re waiting for me. I need to come back to them.” I told her only for her eyes to start watering. Her lower lip was trembling. This almost broke my heart but I had already chosen. “But…” she began only to sniffle. “… What about your family here? Us? Your friends?” She tried to regain composure through this. “I have people waiting for me back home, too. I have friends I miss a lot and even a girlfriend who must’ve been heartbroken when I disappeared. I need to return to them.” I explained with more force than I intended. “To make sure that I’m alright.” At the word ‘girlfriend’ she almost broke down. I knew she had a crush on me. But I didn’t want to hurt Madeleine by doing this. She had a few things in common with Fluttershy. At this point, Fluttershy was sitting on her haunches, tears falling from her eyes by what I had said. “But…” she sniffled again, breaking into sobs. “… I love you.” She said and sobbed more. “I love you, Ben. What if you can’t return? If you had to stay here?” I sighed, rubbing my hand on my chest. “I’m sorry.” Was all I could say. “But my decision is final. And Celestia already said she could bring me back. I just wanted to return now.” At this she closed her eyes and took off. About a few meters she turned to me for a few seconds before flying away without pause. I could only stand here. The idiot I was. I broke her heart but I had to tell her as it was. Even if she hated me… I wouldn’t be around to hear or see it. I sighed and walked in to my house, getting a few things done before night. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It was a harsh day. The entire day I spent getting final things set up took its toll. The conversation with Fluttershy weighed down my conscience and made me feel even worse. It was now short into nightfall when I saw Applejack trotting towards me. The closer she got, the more I could see… tears? She stopped in front of me with the look of hurt and anger. She breathed a few times before finally breaking the silence. “Ah talked to Twilight earlier today.” She said, her voice cracking slightly. If I could guess, she had been crying for a few hours. ”She told me about that there letter ya wrote to the Princess.” I breathed hard. Looking at her, the expression of hurt. This hurt more than Fluttershy. She breathed hard, huffs coming from her nose as she tried to choose between anger and sadness. “Ben.” She swallowed, shaky breaths escaping her. “Ah thought ya didn’ mean what ya told me a week ago. About wanting to return home.” She sniffled and tried to fight back her sobs. If she knew, did the rest of the Apples knew? She looked at me, snorting as tears matted her fur. “Why on Celestia’s green lands didn’ ya tell me about this?! That ya planned on makin’ the letter an’ go home?” She practically yelled at me. “Ah thought Ah was yer sister! An’ this is how Ah get treated?” She bit down hard to compose herself. I could only look at her with tears of my own. I just stood silent like an idiot as she was on the verge of breaking down. “Because I wanted to make sure I could go back.” I said. She glared at me, forcing me to continue. “I told you that I wanted to return home.” She stomped her hoof on the ground. “But not telling me?! Holding this away from yer family?! After everythin’ we done fer ya?! Giving ya a home? A job?” She paused to collect herself. “Ah would have been fer ya returnin’ home but only if ya told me after ya wrote that Celestia darned letter! Not this long after!” I was going to answer but she forced her words on me. “Ya know how Ah found out?” She asked. “Ah visited Twi earlier and she were tired. Tellin’ me about all the things she had studied but Ah knew this was only a small part. Ah made her spill the beans. Be glad that the others don’ know.” She started to shake with anger and my chest started to hurt. In pain I became angered. “I. Had. No. Choice!” I yelled. She didn’t waver so I continued. “Do you know why I didn’t tell you? Because you would’ve stopped me!” She cocked her head. I kept going, tears burning my eyes. “I can’t live long here! I need a surgery to be able to become healthy. In a whole year they found squat. What would you rather have me do? Stay here and live till 40? Or return home knowing that I could live to 70?” I sat down as my chest hurt. I drank the remedy down and looked at her. Her face had softened. “If I stay…” I breathed slowly and sniffled. “… I may never live to see Apple Bloom grow up and get married. Neither you nor Mac either. Sure I’ll be gone either way. But at least I’ll be alive. I. Don’t. Want. To. Die.” I explained. We both sat there. Not looking at each other for the longest moments until Applejack cleared her throat. “But when ya go…” She searched for words. “What will Ah tell the others?” I shook my head, wiping a few tears away. “I don’t know. I don’t care. You can hate me all you want. But my decision is final. I won’t be here for you to hate anyway.” I said, my voice low and now devoid of emotion. When Applejack was going to respond she stopped as the sounds of galloping hooves made us look to the road. There, Twilight galloped full speed. Her face was desperate and by her side she levitated a scroll. She stopped in front of us and panted, her eyes locked onto me. “Ben!” She raised her voice as she panted. I stood up and noticed that her eyes had tears. “Celestia! She…” She panted again as I took the scroll. “She had sent a response…”