//------------------------------// // Bits // Story: Portal to Canterlot // by RikaChan //------------------------------// "Are you even looking at any of the clothes?" asked Carrot Top. We were out shopping for beach clothes. It was true, I was sorta excited and zipping through the clothing racks. "Of course I am!" I answered, although I wasn't sure myself if I was. "Aren't you going to get anything?" I asked Carrot Top. "Ponies don't normally wear clothes..." she said blushing. I was really excited about going to the beach. Princess Celestia even said she would get us each specially made bathing suits! I can't wait! I thought. It was just going to be a nice, calming, vacation. I was so worried about turning into a horse, yet I'm going on vacation! I thought to myself and giggled. "What's so funny?" I heard Carrot Top ask. "Oh nothing, just thinking about how nice it will be to go on vacation and get away from all this stress." Thats when I realised, actually...I never was stressed! I was always facing fun adventures here! Well I guess that's good thing, I smiled. "Maybe we should get back home, we've been here for an hour, Kotori." said Carrot Top. "Yeah...maybe we should." I said. I walked over to the counter, and dumped all the clothes there. Carrot Top winced. "You ok Carrots?"- that's her new nickname - I asked her. "Yes, I'm fine...it's just that..." "that...?" "Well if you're getting all of that it'll be expensive..." "Oh! Well I have 100 dollars, that should be enough right?" "Um...remember, you're in Equestria?" "Yeah, what abou-oh." Right, I thought. In a pony world, they have pony money. I face palmed - or well hooved - myself. "Er...do you have any currency exchanging machines?" I asked. "Do we have what? said Carrot Top. "Um...lemme put back some of the clothes..." I said as i randomly took half the pile of clothes and put it in the 'Return Box'. "There!" I said. "Um...ok..." said Carrot Top as she pulled a bunch of gold coins out of her bag. "Wow!" I said. "Are those real gold?!" I ran over to the counter. The shop lady - or shop pony, I guess - looked at me like I was crazy. "Of course!" she said. "Have you never seen a bit before?" "A bit?" "Yes. A bit." "Like...a bit?" "Yes!" "..." I thought about it for a moment. A bit as in a little bit...or...oh! they must call their money bits! oh... I laughed. The shop pony looked still looked at me like was crazy. "Er...lets get going Kotori. We're done here." said Carrot Top. "Kay kay!" I said. She took the bag, and walked out of the shop, her head hanging down, like she was a guilty criminal. I could tell, I had upset her.