Portal to Canterlot

by RikaChan

Vacation plans

The last thing I saw of the 2 sisters was Luna talking to Celestia about what happened. Then I heard hooves cantering after me, so I was pretty sure that it was Carrot Top.
"Wait up Kotori! What did you just do? You just looked at Princess Celestia and walked away! Don't you know how rude that is? The weirdest thing is that she actually stopped crying when you-" But Carrot Top was stopped by another pair of hooves galloping towards us. I turned around, to see Princess Luna and Princess Celestia - I think that's what Carrot Top just said - right behind Carrot Top.
"Your majesties," I bowed. Carrot Top spun around to see them, then quickly did the same.
"What brings you here again?" Carrot Top said, trying to hide the disgust in her voice, but failing. Luna looked a bit shocked at her tone, but Celestia just ignored her.
"I'm sorry I never introduced myself. I'm Celestia, though you probably already know that by now."
I just smiled.
"Well Tia, I think you're going to be very good friends with Kotori." said Luna.
"Yes, I think so too, and I also think I need to have a break from my royal duties, and go on a vacation! Would you girls like to come?"
"Absolutely!" I said.
"Finally!" said Luna.
"Um...sure...?" said Carrot Top.
"Then it's settled! A girls beach day!"
We all cheered except for Carrot Top, even though I didn't really understand what was going on, I was happy. I had wanted to have a vacation on a beach for a while now, and now I finally got to have it, along with royalty!