//------------------------------// // The wrong bus // Story: Portal to Canterlot // by RikaChan //------------------------------// I was walking home from school, when I made a huge mistake. I got on the wrong bus. At first I just thought it was no big deal, since they all end up at the same station anyway, and from there I would be able to get home. But then I realised my mistake. Suddenly, the bus started going unbelievably fast. “Help!!!” I started screaming. But everyone was calm, as if this was normal. A few people looked at me like I was crazy. Suddenly a huge pink, blue, and white swirl formed in front of the bus. “Stop!!!” I yelled. “The bus is going to crash!!!”. But the bus driver just continued driving. A few more people looked at me like I was crazy. I wondered if this was going to be the end of my life. All because I got on the wrong bus? Suddenly my whole life flashed before my eyes. I had so much longer to live, so many more things to fulfil...Then the swirl in front of the bus started to shine. For a second I thought I passed out as everything went dark. Suddenly there was a big crash, and I thought that would be the end, but I was just fine. There was not a single scratch on my body. I looked around. My eyes widened. Around me, sitting in the bus, where a bunch of colorful horses. I had gone mad.