//------------------------------// // Awakening // Story: My heart belongs to you // by Windchester //------------------------------// Deep in the everfree forest, A injuried stallion began to stir from his sleep under a fallen oak tree. The stallion open his eyes and saw the blury world around him. With easch passing second his vision slowly returned to him, The stallion, began to rembered why he was stuck under this tree and why he is cursed for all entirnety, He rembered everthing that the mare did to him, She had killed his friends and cursed him. The stallion roze his head from the puddle of blood and look up at the Canterlot, He let out all his rage. "BUCK YOU CELESTIA BUCK YOU AND ALL WHO WORSHIP YOU" the stallion takes another slow and painful breath before continuing "YOU DARE LET ME AND MY BROTHERS DIE FOR YOU, YOU SAID WE WERE THE BUCKING CHOOSEN ONES AND YET YOU LEAVE ME TO DIE HEAR LIKE A BUCKING DOG." He was able to shout out his last part of his message before the pain from the arrow in his chest caused him to grasp his chest in pain and cough up blood. The stallion could feel his hooves go num and go cold indicating that death was coming, The stallion looked towards Canterlot, And sucked alittle bit on air into his bleeding lungs and continue his message to his brothers, "My brothers I have failed you." The stallion was going into a mental shock "p-p-please some p-p-pony send m-m-me some f-f-f-flowers............." The stallion finished his message by coughing up alittle bit of blood and wiping the blood off with the sleve of his torn tuks. The stallion smirked as he layed in a puddle of his own blood. His eyes felt heavy, and the darkness consumed the stallion. The miserable stallion sleept - The stallion awakened from his deep sleep. And looked up at luna's moon he smiled "We'll at lease I can trust one damn princess in this hell hole." The stallion thought as he looked behind his back and saw the fallen oak tree on his back that broke threeof his ribs and pushed the arrow deeper into the stallions chest cavity causing him to yell in agony and cough up alot of blood "Damn, I was more injuried than I imagined. I need to get out of here." The stallion said, While thinking of a way to get of the tree. The stallion look infront of him and saw that his sword, Was only a couple feet away. Maybe if he can....... "No way... No way in hell am i'm gonna cut myself in half to get out of here." After about several attempts the stallion finally came up with a way to get from under this oak tree. The stallion slowly planted both of his foreleg hooves' infront of him on the blood covered soil and began to take short deep breaths. He then began to push off the blood covered ground and force himself and the oak tree off the ground. The stallion began to lose strenght and started to decend slowly back into the puddle of blood. But then he rembered his promise to his brothers, A promise that he made with them and always will keep, Make the princess pay for killing them, And cursing him to walk the earth forever. The stallion's rage fueled his strength the tree began to rise off the ground with each passing thought "She cursed me to live forever" the tree roze higher "She killed my brothers" The tree slowly roze high enought for the stallion to stand on all fours. "She killed my FAMILY" The tree was finally resting on the stallions back. "I WILL KILL CELESTIA, MOTHER OF THE SUN" Suddently the whole tree rolled off the stallions back, Taking some skin and small pieces of fabric. The stallion suddently felt weak and fell on his side in the puddle of blood, The stallions rage soon subsided and the pain resumed. The stallion bite his bottom lip, As the pain came and left, He started to feel light headed and his eyes fell heavy "I need no gods" The stallion said. The stallion looked up at the Canterlot and said "Can I die know, Huh, Can I die now and be lifted of this curse you have put on me, Mother of the Sun." The stallions fell into the darkness but was disturbed by a figure, Celestia came out of the darkness and stood before him. The stallion's breathing began to go down and his heart was pounding like zebra drums in his ears, That night.... That one damn night repeated itself, Celestia stood infront of the stallion, Her eyes and her horn glowing like the sun, And looked down at the stallion and said those dreadful words "Soldier you are content with what you are, so then you shall remain until we meet again, as I now go to my mother you must one day come to me" Celestia aimed her horn at the stallion. And shot a ball a magic at the stallion. The stallion held his head as Celestia's words repeated itself, Hammering itself inside his head "Until we meet again......". Suddenly that stallion awoke up from his sleep and his mouth opened as air was forced back into his lungs. And he started to breath. The stallion looked up from where he was laying and saw his famous sword that he had fought Celestia with. He slowly put his left foreleg forward then his right. He needed his sword. He keeped pushing, Ignoring the burning pain in his chest he kept pushing until he saw his sword right infront of him, He reached out and grabbed the handle with one foreleg, He slowly hoisted himself off the ground. There the stallion stood, On his hind legs holding his sword that was stuck in stone, Holding the handle with his forelegs. With alittle bit of his new streght that he had mustered, He pulled the sword out of the stone and held it above his head, A storm cloud was forming above him, He sucked in as much are as his blood fill lungs could hold before bellowing out, Just as the sky exploded with thundered, "HEAR ME EQUESTIA, I SHALL KILL THY PRINCESS, I SHALL AVENGE MY BROTHERS, THY PRINCESS SHALL DIE BY MY SWORD, THOU SHALL KNOW THY PAIN." The stallion quickly shoved his sword into his scabbarb and threw the strap around his neck and look to the south and trotted in that direction, His warm blood dripped off his blood soaked clothes and the stallion smirked as cursed under his breath "you win this round......Princess." - The stallion looked behind him, A large trail of blood was behind him, And with each passing second he was losing more. It soon came down to the point that the stallion was shuffling in and out of conciseness. Every where he looked the blur and the darkness was getting closer. The stallion heart was pounding hard and he started to panick. The stallion started to run, Around trying to find somepony the stallion was about to lose hope until a small light far off in the distance caught his eye. He slowly made his way to the light until off in the distance the stallion could saw a small cottage. The stallion started to pick up the pace. But then the stallion's hindlegs gave out due to exhaustion. The stallion fell forward but caught himself using his front hooves. He looked far off in the distance, The cottage was closer now and his hope roze. He put one foreleg forward, Then the next. He started to crawling to safty, Blood was leaving a big trail behing him but the stallion didn't care. He didn't care about anything at the moment, He even didn't care about the pain in his chest, Or pain caused of pulling himself against the dirt. The stallion finally pulled himself over a small wooden brige over a moat. The pain in the stallion's chest was inberible. The arrow was being pushed deeper into his chest and causing the stallion to stop to catch short painful breaths or to cough up blood from his lungs. The stallion looked up infront of him, A door seprate him from help. The stallion grabbed the door frame and pulled himself to his hooves. The darkness was almost completly surronding him. The stallion roze a bloody hoof and with all the strenght he had left he hit the door with a mighty thud. There was a squeak comming from inside the otherside of the door, Indicating some pony lives here. The stallion losing all his strenght fell to his knees. He thought he must have scared the hell out of the pony that lives inside the cottage so he clears his throat and says in a very low tone "Please somepony anypony please help me..... I am badly injuried." The stallion looked back at the bloody hoove print on the door. The stallion closed his eyes, And started to fade into the darkness. But suddently the stallion ears perk up when they hear the door open. The stallion open his eyes only to see one of his brothers stand in the door way A white pegasus, His eyes red like blood and mane was black as coal. "Animal Heart" The stallion whispered. The stallion blinked and his brother was replaced by a yellow pegasus, Her mane pink like cotton candy, But her eyes were blue as all the oceans in Equestia. "please.....Help.....me" The stallion said again repeated his message. Suddenly his hooves when num and he fell forward, But fluttershy caught the stallion before he fell on his chest. For the moment, they both look like they were hugging. The stallion smeared alittle blood on fluttershy's coat. At this time fluttershy was both scared and terrified, But this was a very badly injuried pony. She quickly pulled the stallion into her cottage and closed the door, She put him on her couch. She looked at the stallions face, His death gaze was already appearing. Fluttershy flew up into her kitchen and opened her emengency medic supplies. She flew back to the stallion and set her medical supplies on her coffee table. She pulled out a hard plastic cyclinder stick and put it in his mouth, She then grabbed the arrow with her small hooves and with all her weak might pulled out the arrow. The stallion stood up on the couch and bite down on the plastic and yelled in pain. But quickly passed out again. She quickly ran into her kitchen and pulled out, And pulled out a book called 'Medical remedies' that she borrowed from Zebcora. Fluttershy flew out of her cottage and quickly collect the herbs from her garden before quickly flying back into her cottage. She put the herbs into a bowl and rapidly started stirring the herbs into a powder. She quickly turned her and flew over to the stallion who was dying. Fluttershy stood over the stallion and started pouring the herbs into his wound. Suddently the stallions eyes open wide and the stallion wrapped his forelegs around her neck before pulling her into a deep kiss. Even though fluttershy had never met this stallion before she enjoyed this kiss. But she didn't know why, It just felt right to her. Finally the stallion released his grip around her neck and fluttershy looked into the stallion's pink eyes, His expression turn to a panik dying gaze into a calm relaxed face. Before he blackout again the stallion whispered in her ear, "I love you." Still blushing fluttershy quickly began the hard work on closing the stallions wound. - Fluttershy wiped the sweat from her forehead leaving a red smear above her brow but she didn't care, She was done closing the stallions wound. She put the sleeping stallion on her back and trotted up to her room, And placing the stallion on her bed. She tucked him in and went into the bathroom, To get herself cleaned up. She took a quick shower and dried herself off with a towel, She looked out of the bathroom window and saw Celestia's sun rising over the moutain, She smiled to herself, Because she couldn't wait to tell her friends. She went back up to her room to check on the stallion, Who was sound asleep. She turned and took to the skies heading to ponyville, Still blushing and wondering why the stallion kissed her.