Power Ponies in Hostess Ads

by Grenazers

Special: Mare-Do-Well

Mare-Do-Well vs The Mechno Monster

The of city of Maretropolis, home to a group of famous super heroines, the Power Ponies. These courageous heroines have save the city multiple times in past. With everything they've done, the ponies of the city decide that heroines needed a break.

So they convinced the Power Ponies to go on vacation. At first they refused, but the civilians insisted and soon enough they were already gone.

However, before they left, the team called in a another hero to watch over their city as they went on their vacation. This hero they called in goes by the name of Mare-Do-Well.

This purple costumed, cape wearing, and fedora wearing heroine hail from the city of Trotham City. She is well known because she she able to defend her city all by herself, without the aid of anypony else. Its how she prefer doing it, solo.

Our heroine is currently on top of tall building. She was standing near the edge of the building, keeping watch for any criminal activities. The streets below was fairly quiet, then again it was early in the morning and most ponies are still asleep.

Regardless Mare-Do-Well still remain vigilant, always listening and watching. Still she does enjoy the serenity of the moment she's currently in.

Then all of a sudden the tranquility was ruined when the sound of a large explosion came from the distance. Hearing the noise, the costume heroine trace the source and made a beeline to it.

Arriving moments later, Mare-Do-Well found the cause of the explosion. It was a large grey mechanical creature. It stood on two legs, it had two arms with three fingers, and a helmet like head with metal jaws and a hole above it, showing two glowing yellow eyes.

Mare-Do-Well recognizes the robotic beast as the Mechano Monster, a regular villain of the Power Ponies.

The Mechano Monster was destroying the building around him, the mare needs to act quick.

“Hey buddy, catch!” Mare-Do-Well yelled.

The giant metal robot turned around and saw three pellets being thrown at him. The pellets hit his body and soon his body was slowly in case with foam.

Mare-Do-Well was about to turn the robot off, until the robot broke through the foams.

“Ha, foolish hero you think you can stop me!” The Mechano Monster roared. “It took all the Power Ponies to stop me, what chance do you think you can do against me!”

The robot then return to the destroyed building, used his large metal hand and grabbed something. It pulled it out and was about to toss it at our heroine.

Mare-Do-Well was about to evade it, until he saw what the Mechano Monster was holding.

“Wait Mechano Monster!” Mare-Do-Well shouted. “Don't throw that!”
“And why shouldn't I?” It questioned.

“Those are Hostess Twinkies!” She answered. “They are Equestria's greatest snack cakes, it will be a great waste if you throw them away!”

The Mechano Monster lowered his arm and stared into his metallic hand. In it was a huge bundle of soft yellow Twinkies.

“You are right Mare-Do-Well!” The robot stated. “Hostess Twinkies are a great delicacy. They are the softest of cakes and filled with delicious white cream.” The tone of the robot's changes, from a threatening one to a one full of pure bliss.

“Wait a second, how can you enjoy Hostess Twinkies if you're a robot?” Mare-Do-Well questioned.

The Mechano Monster then stopped and took in what the mare just said. “You are right, how I can a machine knows the deliciousness of a Hostess Twinkies? It just does not compute!”

Inside its head, the computer brain was trying to comprehend what it had just said. It desperately was searching for a logical answer, but came up short. Soon the Mechano Monster's head was smoking. This total breakdown destroyed its brain, causing it to shut down.

After that ordeal, Mare-Do-Well smiled at her accomplishment. She had tricked the robot into thinking about the Twinkies. Its logical mind couldn't comprehend its desire over it and was forced to shutdown.

And thus the day was saved all thanks to the Hostess Twinkies.

You Get A Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies.

Mare-Do-Well in Harsh Criticism

Today was the tenth annual Baking contest for city of Maretropolis. Ponies from all across Equestria gather here and show off their amazing baking skills.

Why even Mare-Do-Well is here participating in this contest. While she was putting her cupcakes in the oven, her eyes caught the sight of pony she hadn't seen in a long time.

It was Ms. High Standard, the meanest critic in all of Equestria. Everywhere she goes she leaves behind a trail of crushed dreams and crying ponies.

Mare-Do-Well needed to do something or else she'll crush everyponies passion for baking. She created a new batch of cupcakes and put them in the oven. Once done she added the chocolate frosting over it and added a finishing touch to it.

The results of her quick work was a chocolate cupcakes, with chocolate frosting and whip cream line going in a loop.

Mare-Do-Well place the finished cakes on display, just in time for Ms. High Standard to arrive.
“Well if it ain't Trotham greatest heroine.” She said in a mocking tone. “Hope you are good at baking as you are fighting villains.”

Not affected by her mocking, Mare-Do-Well picked up a cupcake. “See for yourself.” She hoofed to her.

The brown unicorn mare grabbed the chocolate cupcake and took a bite out of it. She chewed slowly, analyzing the taste and texture. She then stopped upon realizing how delicious it was.

“My goodness this is the most delicious cupcake I have ever tasted. The rich chocolate flavor, the smooth doughy bread, and the sweet cream filling!”

“Mare-Do-Well your cupcakes are absolutely scrumptious!” High Standard praised the costume heroine, who blushed under her mask.

“Well technically to be fair this was recipe for a Hostess Cupcake.” She answered honestly.

“Doesn't matter you win!” She announced. “Better yet everypony here is a winner!”

All the pony contestant cheered joyfully and celebrated with the biggest party ever in Maretropolis.

You Get A Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.