The Mysterious Death Of The Wonderbolt Leader

by RikaChan

Lawyer Trixie

Trixie looked around. Where was Spitfire? There she is! thought Trixie. Why is she glaring at me? Wait so she’s hiding from me as if she doesn’t want me to see her, yet she’s glaring at me like she wants me to say sorry to her. Trixie shook her head in confusion as she sighed. She wasn’t used to this... Hey, is that Rainbow Dash? Why does she get to stand up there? And Fluttershy! she and Fluttershy had been friends for a while. Spitfire didn’t like it though, because Fluttershy and Soarin’ used to date. Poor Fluttershy, Soarin’ dumped her because of Spitfire…
“We think you might be the murderer, for you were there on the day that Soarin’ was murdered.” said the brown haired guy. Hey, he gets to stand on one of those stage things too! Trixie was slightly envious. She sighed. This was all so complicated, just because of one death? I mean ya, sure, it was her friend that died, but he hated her anyways...Trixie gritted her teeth. On October 14th he had called her saying he was going to die, and his last wish was that Trixie quit the Wonderbolts. It was ridiculous! And here she was now, Spitfire’s loiler, what ever that was. Couldn’t she be Fluttershy’s loiler or something? But again, she couldn’t do anything except for do dumb tricks...or could she do more? Could she become a loiler and become famous? World wide famous?
Like, everyone would know her?
“Trixie please sit down.” the voice came from the pink Afro lady. Trixie hadn’t realised that she got so excited and stood up. She
quickly sat back down, blushing.
“B-but I was at the animal care shelter, and before that when I talked to Soarin’ Lotus came in with some tea...and Aloe cleaned the room afterwards so they saw me leave the room when Soarin’ was still alive…b-but I know who the-” Fluttershy may be shy, but she still stands up for herself, thought Trixie.
“Do you have any proof that you were at the animal care shelter after you left? You could have just gone back afterwards so that it looked like you weren’t there.” Caramel was a good prosecutor. He wouldn’t give up.
“Yes, actually, I do.” said Fluttershy.
“Is she or he here now?”
“You may call her.”
“Um...Trixie...could you tell him...please?”
A lot of people might not have heard her, but Trixie did. She wanted to help Fluttershy, in fact, she sort of wanted Spitfire to be sent to jail, where no one could ever see or hear from her again. That would be a dream… thought Trixie. But her thoughts were shattered by Fluttershy.

“Yes, sorry about that.” said Trixie, coming back from dream land. She walked down the stairs to… “Where am I supposed to go?” she asked Fluttershy.
“Um...just back to where you were sitting, except standing up.”
“Oh, okay.”
Trixie walked back up the stairs. What was she going to say? What was she supposed to say? If only she had researched this, she could have impressed everyone and maybe become a professional lawyer! But she didn’t. She never did the right thing...she always messed up. Fluttershy could tell she wasn’t ready.
“Could you please tell Mr.Caramel about what I was doing with you at the animal shelter?”
“Well, um, Fluttershy was...feeding her…”
“At what time?”
“ think. I'm not quite sure.”
“We found the body at six…”
Yes! thought Trixie. I did it!
“There.” said Caramel. He had made this:

Rainbow Dash
Where they were at what time:
Fluttershy: 3:30 - Animal Shelter
Rainbow Dash -
Spitfire -
Fluttershy - there was a broken bowl of salad outside Soarin’s room
Rainbow Dash - a red strand of hair was found in Soarin’s room
Spitfire - sweat with her DNA was found in Soarin’s room

“Could Lotus and Aloe please come in?” Twilight suddenly said, apparently having called them. The doors opened, and in they came.