The Mysterious Death Of The Wonderbolt Leader

by RikaChan

Lawyer Rarity

“How can you be so sure that it was the same tea?” asked Detective Twilight.
“Because she was so proud to have given it to Soarin’, and it was my tea cup, and she came back to me with his signature on it. Thus, I am sure it was the same tea.” Rarity was confident in herself. She would not disappoint Rainbow Dash. She couldn't!
“Hm…” Was Detective Twilight’s reply. It must be hard to be a detective, thought Rarity. Little did she know, but Detective Twilight was precisely thinking at this moment, Why is it so hard being a detective? Rarity started fidgeting, which was unusual for her. She normally was so formal, with such good manners, so why was she fiddling with her bag and getting distracted? And why at such an important place? Why at such an important time? What was wrong with her? She was starting to get sweaty…
“Miss Rarity?” Rarity jumped, her thoughts shattered. She hadn’t realised that someone was talking to her… “Miss Rarity?” that’s when Rarity realised that she was supposed to answer.
“Oh! Yes?” she replied.
"Would you mind bringing in that tea cup tomorrow? I am afraid that we will have to continue this case tomorrow as it is getting late.”
“Of course I would not mind!” replied Rarity, recovering from her confusion. She looked at the huge clock hanging on the wall of the court. Oh my! she thought. It’s already 6:30. Time flies...
“You may go now,” said the judge. Everyone got up, and there was a waterfall of people trying to push through the humungous doors. Rarity sat there, waiting until everyone left so that she could leave without being pushed. When everyone else had left, she got up to leave. Just before she walked through the doors, someone bumped into her. “Oh my! Are you ok?” she asked the person who had just ran into her. She turned around to see who it was. Oh. It was Spitfire. She just ran out of the door, not even saying sorry to Rarity.
Then Rainbow Dash came to meet up with Rarity. “Hey Rare,” she said. “Thanks for helping me back there, I needed it.”
Rarity smiled. “Of course. That’s what friends are for, right?”
“Totally!” Rainbow Dash hugged Rarity. “And you are one awesome friend.” They walked out of the room laughing. But Rarity still couldn’t help thinking, why did Spitfire want to blame Rainbow Dash so badly?

“AHHH!!!” Rarity’s horrified scream echoed through the house as the teapot shattered.
“What’s going on?!” Rainbow Dash rushed over to help her at such speed, she almost stepped on a piece of the shattered teapot. “Rarity? What’s wrong?” she asked, trying to calm her down.
“Th-th-the window...l-look out the w-w-window…” Rarity stuttered. Tears were falling down her cheeks.
Rainbow Dash looked out. That’s when she saw the problem. “…” Rainbow Dash was speechless. Right in front of her, outside the window, was Applejack’s corpse.

“I-I didn’t do it...I swear...I-I didn’t d-do it!” Rarity was so upset, she just couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I-it just appeared there...I-I was just going t-to open the w-window f-f-for some f-fresh air b-but then I-I saw it…” Rarity sobbed.
“Rarity, you are a lawyer, not a suspect, so this is a different case, though this does affect Rainbow Dash’s innocence.” said Detective Twilight. She had a tone of sympathy in her voice, as if she really wanted to believe that Rarity didn’t do it. Detective Twilight walked up to the judge and told her something in a low voice.The judge nodded, and she came back down. “Come Rarity, I have something that might calm you down.” Twilight talked to her as if they were friends. Rarity nodded, trying to stop crying and followed Twilight.

They stopped in front of Twilight’s office. “Come in,” she told Rarity. She tried to smile as she walked into the room, but deep down, she was afraid that Twilight suspected her. What if Rainbow Dash was accused all because of her? Even if she didn’t do was still her fault...Rarity bit her lip. She wasn’t about to start crying in front of everyone again.
“Thank you,” Rarity tried to sound formal, but she just sounded like a crying kid that had just been approached by a stranger. Rarity cleared her throat, and tried again. “Thank you.” that sounded much better.
“For what?” asked Detective Twilight.
“For...helping me out there.” replied Rarity. Twilight smiled. That was the first time Rarity had ever seen Twilight smile...but it was a very sad smile. There was a sad look in her eyes...a wishing she wanted something she knew she could never have...Rarity felt like inviting her to have some tea together and calmer her down, telling her she could tell her what her problem was, but now wasn’t the right time.
“I don’t think you killed Applejack.” said Twilight.
“But I didn’t ki- don’t?” Rarity had expected Twilight to tell her that she was a murderer, but she had just said the exact opposite.
“No, I don’t. I think it was someone else, though it would not be fair to that person if I told you who it was.” Twilight said.
“Of course.” said Rarity, though she really wanted to know. “May I ask, who is Spitfire’s lawyer?” Rarity had been curious about this for a while, and she was hoping she would turn up today.
“Spitfire’s lawyer was Applejack.” it almost sounded as if Twilight showed sympathy for Spitfire...but Rarity strongly believed that it was Spitfire who murdered Soarin’. “Today a new suspect is coming in.” said Twilight.
“Oh?” Rarity had not known about this. “And who ever might that be?”
“You mean the one that works at the animal shelter?”
“Yes.” Twilight sighed. “So that tea cup… even though it’s broken could you still bring it in?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you. Come, I think we need to get started at court.”
How could she be a suspect… thought Rarity. She’s so innocent! just couldn't be her...could it?