The Mysterious Death Of The Wonderbolt Leader

by RikaChan

Suspect Spitfire

Spitfire took the stand next to Rainbow Dash’s.
“Hello Spitfire,” Detective Twilight said, “Would you be kind enough as to tell us what you were discussing with Soarin’?”
“O-of course,” replied the nervous Spitfire. She wasn’t sure why it was needed, but no matter the reason, she would tell them anyway. She didn’t want it to seem like she was the murderer...
“W-we were d-discussing whether t-to let Rainbow Dash into th-the Wonderbolts or n-not…”
“And what did he decide?” asked Detective Twilight.
"W-well he said y-yes..."
“And why was that?”
“B-because he f-finally thought sh-she h-had what it t-takes t-to become a W-Wonderbolt…”
G-good...Spitfire thought. She thinks th-that it’s R-rainbow Dash...Spitfire sighed in relief, not realising her mistake.
“What are you so relieved about?” Detective Twilight asked Spitfire.
“U-Um…” Spitfire stuttered, starting to panic. What had she just done? “I-I was just h-happy that...that…” Spitfire had busted it.
“You were just happy that I suspected Rainbow Dash?” Detective Twilight guessed, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes…” Spitfire gave in.
“Well I won’t let you off that easily.” Detective Twilight said. As expected from a detective.
“W- why am I a suspect anyway?” asked Spitfire.
“Because you were with Soarin’ three hours before his corpse was found by the police.
“Well,” Spitfire was ready to blame Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash was with me, so she would have saw me do it.” Spitfire thought she had won.
Detective Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. “Were you an accomplice to Spitfire?” she asked. But she obviously didn’t expect Rainbow Dash to say yes.
“A what?” Rainbow Dash looked clueless. There was no way she had ever been in court before.
Detective Twilight sighed. “Did you see Spitfire do anything suspicious?” she asked Rainbow Dash.
“No,” was the clueless girl’s reply.
Detective Twilight turned back to Spitfire.“Did you see Rainbow Dash do anything suspicious?”
Spitfire obviously was going to lie. “Yes!” she said, in such a high voice that it even made the judge jump. “She was giving a drink, and it could have had poison in it!”
“Yes, it could have. But it didn’t. Because Rainbow Dash gave me the same tea.” It was so unexpected for her to talk. Rarity had been silent for so long...but now Rainbow Dash had an alibi, and Rarity was going to make sure to get it through to everyone.