The Mysterious Death Of The Wonderbolt Leader

by RikaChan


As she stared at the lifeless body lying in front of her, sweat continued to drip down her face.
"What have I doneā€¦?" She whispered, not having the energy to do anything more. Had she really just murdered this poor innocent person, and for no reason at all? Was she really that heartless? She looked around the room. She wouldn't let anyone know...Even though she knew it was wrong, and maybe she did deserve to jail... she still didn't want to be known as a murderer for the rest of her life... She had to hide the corpse. She looked around the room to check if anyone was watching. But there was. There, at the window, a horrified girl was standing. She did something that looked like a gasp and ran away.

She looked around the room, until she was completely satisfied that there was nothing left that would be obvious that it was a murder...she looked at the yellow carpet covering the splotches of blood that were on the ground. What had she done...she tried to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. She couldn't cry. It's not like there was a need to. She would be fine. Nobody would find out - right?