Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree

by Ponyess

A Different Class: 21

This will be a class for you young Unicorn fillies. Don't worry, I'll try to make it as fun and exciting as I can. Though you'll get to appreciate this more, once you've grown up to Mares!” Rarity started the class.

Only this time, apparently Sweetie Belle is also by the table. She is after all a Unicorn filly, just as the rest of us. I guess this will be interesting. Rarity poured up boiling water in our cups, one at the time.

Careful, the tea is hot!” Rarity pointed out with a smile.

I carefully lift the cup up, before exhaling over the unusually heated tea. I look at the steam as it slowly and deliberately move upwards, as the tea cool down to a comfortable temperature, before I take my first sip.

This isn't so bad. Almost like a birthday party, just stricter, and with different 'Friends'!” Diamond Tiara responded with a somewhat amused tone to her voice.

If you can keep that feeling to your life, you would be well-off. Life's too short for struggle and strife!” Rarity pointed out.

I like to see life like a cup of tea!” I pointed out, with a big grin.

Wait, if you rush it, you just get burnt, and if you're careless, you have a mess in your lap!” Sweetie Belle teased.

I think I'd rather eat my vegetables, then have a boiled tongue!” Diamond Tiara slipped with a mock sour face.

Vegetables, I usually like mine. At least so long as they feel fresh!” Sweetie Belle responded.

The pain of having your tongue boiled would just be awful, not fun at all. I couldn't wish that on any pony!” I pointed out.

That's why I told you fillies to be careful!” Rarity put forth.

Is this what classy Unicorns do?” Diamond Tiara enquired curiously, as she realised she never were truly introduced to anything important.

Yes, even the Royal Princesses themselves are doing it. Maybe I could actually take you to see Celestia and Luna, some day so you can see for yourself!” Rarity offered in a jovial tone of voice with a small giggle on her voice.

I certainly could get used to this, and if even the Royal Princesses do this, I guess I have to manage it too!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed in a low but excited key.

With your aspirations, I am certain this will be an experience well above and beyond what you have done before, and it just may help you out as well!” continued Rarity.

Are you offering me to actually see Ponies of true Importance? This would change everything for me. It's what I have been dreaming of, for as long as I can remember. Sounds like an Opportunity of a Lifetime to me!” stated Diamond Tiara.

That's exactly the point. Unlike other Ponies, I don't have hidden agendas, it's just a straightforward deal for your personal benefit. We'll be going there together and see the Princesses Their duties are heavy, so I need to plan when it's best to go. We can as well pass the time, enjoying a good cup of tea, practising how a proper Unicorn behaves!” Rarity pointed out.

Oh, I know everything about these Ponies and how they warp the deal up in impossible terms, hiding what is included!” Diamond Tiara stated with a devilish grin on her muzzle.

These Ponies and their ideas are corrupting you!” I said.

Exactly!” confirmed Sweetie Belle.

Your Loyalty is admirable. You just need to know whom you're loyal to and why, or it will get in the way of you and hindering you following your ideals!” Rarity concluded.

I have seen how Rainbow Dash struggles with her Loyalties. Just as I have seen how Apple Jack struggles with her Honesty. True ideals are hard to live by. I have also seen how well they are doing for themselves. If I could do half as well for myself in what I am to do, once I've grown up, I would be lucky and happy!” Diamond Tiara stated.

This would explain a great deal, at least now we know. I think you would be better off, just ignoring the Ponies you don't like!” Sweetie Belle suggested.

If you want to be admired, we certainly can help you realising the goal, without stepping on other ponies hooves too. Do not become a new Trixie, she isn't having as much fun as we may think!” I stated.

She enjoyed us staring at her. But you certainly ruined more than just her show, Silly. The way you ignored her would most likely put any Pony off!” Rarity said.

The show was over and I was bored. Why bother keeping it up, just for her enjoyment?" I enquired.

Apparently, my cup was empty, so I lifted the kettle and filled it up. Steaming water slowly flowed down into my cup and I enjoyed the moment of admiration from my fellow fillies.

Your turn, I know you can refill your cups too!” I stated, with a grin playing devilishly in the corners of my mouth.

My turn. This looks like fun!” stated Sweetie Belle, as she picked up the kettle shakily, pulling it to her cup and managed to fill it up with reasonable precision.

I can see that you are my Sister, Sweetie Belle. You can prepare your Tea all by yourself. Just some more practice and you can show your5self among important Unicorns!” Rarity appraised her Sister.

Thanks, Rarity, and I think we would all enjoy to see our Princesses!” Sweetie Belle responded, with a grateful smile on her face as she looks at her sister for a moment.

That makes it my turn!” Diamond Tiara suggested, as she did her best to lift the kettle, but barely managed to make it budge the first time around.

She made a serious of funny faces as she focused on the task ahead. Her effort obvious on her face, as her displeasure from her initial failure.

It's common to have problems with even as simple a task as the levitation of light objects the first times, Diamond Tiara. Don't worry. Just feel the magic flow, feel how it flows through your horn and focus it on lifting the kettle!” Rarity suggested in a friendly tone of voice.

Rarity moved the kettle a few inches closer to Diamond Tiara, just to demonstrate how it works. The distance can't make any difference, but feeling magic when you're focused on it did give her a feel for what she was looking for.

Woah, that's how magic feels like. I never had any idea. Thanks, Rarity!” she responded as she started to canalize the flow of magic and made it work her errands.

I could get used to this!” she then continued as the kettle lifted off of the surface of the table, as reluctant as it was.

The kettle soon gathered its wits and moved towards Diamond Tiara, before it even managed to get up high enough to pour up the hot water into her cup.

Serviceable, but you need more practice to master it. Then you will enjoy it!” Rarity commented with a reassuring tone to her voice.

You managed to get your cup of tea and you have a feel for magic, so you can practice on your own!”I added.

Yes, I have a cup of tea. It feels strange to handle magic like this. I never knew how it would feel, I guess I have wondered about it, from time to time!” Diamond Tiara pondered.

I certainly know how that feels. I felt much the same about Pegasi, but I don't need to worry about either anymore. I guess fate, or destiny had other plans for me. You will get to know that feeling too, Diamond Tiara!” I pointed out.

We all saw you fly. Though your choice of wings would be less then common or appreciated among Ponies of Ponyville!
Diamond Tiara pointed out.

Ponyville isn't exactly where Pegasi hang out and we were visiting Silly Filly's Parents, who live in Cloudsdale. They are quite nice, I think!” Sweetie Belle stated.

Our trip to and visit in Cloudsdale was quite nice and memorable. I've been there are few times, only this was a very special visit and in a very different way!” Rarity said.

That certainly was an experience I had never expected!”stated Sweetie Belle.

Going to Cloudsdale, as a Bat Pony, I certainly could see how you wouldn't expect that experience. I wasn't born a flyer at all, so how could I have expected this? As an Earth Pony, I had never expected to be speaking with you three like this either. How could I? It's a bit confusing, but I do enjoy this, nonetheless. I just need to integrate it into my life too!” Diamond Tiara pondered, trying to make sense of what had been passing during the latest event she was intertwined in.

As exciting as this may be to you, you may consider hiding your new gift!” Rarity Pointed out.

You're right, it is exciting. You challenged enough of things, just by showing up as Bat Ponies. If I'm sporting a Unicorn horn now, they may take me for a Changeling?” Diamond Tiara suggested.

It's Possible, but even if they don't, Ponies would find it very hard to handle you as a Unicorn!” Sweetie Belle pondered.

They have grown used to you as an Earth Pony, and a Bully. Maybe you could drop the bullying, and just avoid them? That would be nice to most of us. You don't have to be our best friend openly, just remember the joy you can have with us!” I suggested.

We certainly have fun together like this. Besides, I'm looking forwards to see the Royal Princesses. What Pony wouldn't love to see them in person, just once?” Diamond Tiara pondered.

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