//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 // Story: A Silver Summer // by Fanboy //------------------------------// Chapter 13 Never before had Silver Spoon enjoyed a dinner this much. In fact, she hadn’t even known that having dinner could be fun. The Apples had been chatting and laughing all the time. Most of it had been a retelling of the night of camping the two fillies had spent together, as well as of the events that had led to it. And, of course, she had to tell the story of her cutie mark once more. During that, Big Macintosh had surprised her again. While the rest of his family, even Apple Bloom, had listened curiously to her story, he had fallen awkwardly silent. Somehow even more silent than before. Not like the uninvolved spectator he had been at first. At that moment, Silver Spoon had been certain; what she had seen in his eyes up until then had been sadness. And at that time that sadness had been more prominent than the whole day before. Still, that hadn’t spoiled the evening in any way for her. When she had finished the story he had been back to what she had come to know as normal from him. Which meant that he hadn’t talked any more after that. But somehow, none of the others had seemed to be bothered by that. As fun as the evening had been, naturally it had to end eventually. That came some time after Granny Smith had fallen asleep at the table, when Applejack declared that she would now walk Silver Spoon home. Apple Bloom had begged to come along, but Applejack had told her that it was getting too late and she should be getting ready for bed. So, after the two foals had parted with the promise of seeing each other the next day, the grey little filly and the blonde farmer walked through the late evening Ponyville. Silver Spoon had never been out this late. Usually her parents would make sure of that. But her parents were at their summer house and she couldn’t be happier about that. By her side was now the – according to Apple Bloom – best big sister in the world. If she really deserved that title was beyond Silver Spoon’s knowledge, but she could definitely say Applejack was kind at heart. How? She wasn’t sure. But something in that smile the mare kept wearing was so honest and friendly, she couldn’t help but like her. And as it seemed, a lot of ponies felt that way. She got greeted left and right by lots of strangers. Most likely that weren’t strangers to Applejack, but Silver Spoon knew none of them. A few she had seen before. And a few of those seemed to be slightly surprised to see those two walking across town together. “You sure are popular,” commented Silver Spoon shyly just after an elderly mare had thanked Applejack thoroughly for some baking tips the farmer had obviously given her before. “Well, that goes along with workin’ at the market for some time.” “Yeah, but that doesn’t make them like you just like that, does it?” “No, Ah’ guess not.” Applejack chuckled. “But yer welcome to try it out for yerself if you like.” Silver Spoon smiled. “You would really trust me with helping you at the market?” “Why wouldn’t Ah’?” “Well, I heard of the last time you had help from a filly…” “So, Apple Bloom told you what she did?” “Yes,” admitted Silver Spoon still amused. But within the second she added hastily: “But she was definitely not proud of it.” “Ah' know, sugarcube, Ah' know. She’s not one to be proud of the stupid things she does. And Ah’m glad that there isn’t much she could be proud of in the first place.” “I wish I could say the same for myself…” “What do you mean?” “I did a lot of things I shouldn’t have been proud of. But I guess Apple Bloom has told you about the most of them.” “Yes, she did. But more importantly, today she told me that you are honestly sorry about all that.” “And I’m glad that she was willing to give me this chance. As far as I can see, I have to thank you for that as well, right?” “Me? Didn’t Apple Bloom say that Fluttershy told her to try talking with you?” “Yes, but that’s not what I meant. As much as she talks about you and what you taught her, I guess you are a huge part of her actually being nice enough for all of this.” “Does she really talk that much about me?” “Even more. Part of the reason why we didn’t get along so well. The way she made you out to be I was always jealous of her. And now that I know you, I am even more.” Those last words had come out of her mouth before she had chance to rethink them. Hoping she wouldn’t be blushing too hard she looked for Applejack’s reaction. And what she saw was a flattered smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment. As long as yer not tryin’ to adopt me.” “Is that even possible?” “No, Ah’ don’t think so,” replied Applejack immediately, making Silver Spoon wonder why she had brought it up in the first place. “But you don’t have to. If you’d ever need ma’ help, just come talkin’ to me.” “In that case, there is one question I have already.” “Yeah?” “How are you so accepting of me?” “Why shouldn’t Ah’ be? Apple Bloom trusts you. And if she does after all Ah’ve heard about you, that’s good enough for me.” “That is not exactly what I meant. How should I say this… I’m not asking why you are so nice to me. What I want to know is how you are able to be so nice to me. I mean, after all you had heard of me...” “You make it sound like that is some kind of special skill.” “Isn’t it? I don’t know if I would be able to do that.” “But, didn’t you already?” “Huh? What do you mean?” “When you agreed to go campin’ with ma’ little sister, weren’t you willing to accept her despite how bad you were thinkin’ of her?” “Well, I guess, but I was at fault for thinking that way.” “And so was Apple Bloom, that has nothing to do with that.” “She… was?” “Of course. She thought you were a nasty little filly who just loved bullying her and wanted nothing but make her feel bad about herself.” “But, that is exactly what I did.” “Didn’t you tell her that you only did everything because you were jealous and lonely?” “Yes I did. But what does this change?” “It means that Apple Bloom was wrong about you. Whatever you did, it wasn’t for the reasons she thought you had. Had she talked to you sooner about all this, she had known.” “Wait, are you actually saying that she is at fault for what has happened between us?” “No, Ah’m not. Don’t get me wrong, Ah’m not talking about who is to blame for that. But what Ah’ am sayin’ is that she was at fault for makin’ you out to be just a bully and nothing more.” “Well, the way I acted, that was easy to think.” “But it still turned out to be wrong, right?” “Yes, but what are you getting at?” “Now tell me, why did you think about Apple Bloom the way you used to do?” “Because…” was all Silver Spoon said before she saw where this was going. Nodding, she finished her own sentence: “…of how she acted.” “Exactly. Of course, she never tried to be mean to you. But from yer point of view, she still was, after all I heard today. Even though it doesn’t justify what you did, Ah’ can somehow understand why you did it. And that’s why there’s no reason for me to not give you a chance.” “But you didn’t know of that when we met this morning, did you?” “No, but that is part of what Ah’m trying to tell you here. If she hadn’t invited you to campin’ for a chance to really getting’ to know you, how would she have ever found out about yer true self? If you hadn’t been wilin’ to take that chance despite what you thought of her, how would you two’ve ever become friends? If Ah’ hadn’t given you a chance for an explanation, how would Ah’ve ever known what was really goin’ on?” “Talking about an explanation, when did Apple Bloom tell you about all that?” Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “When we had dinner. You sat right next to her when she did.” “Really? I missed that…” “Maybe because you were too distracted by ma’ big brother?” Silver Spoon gave Applejack a sidewards glance. Just to make sure her smile hadn't vanished. Certain that this hadn't been an accusation, she said: “Yeah, maybe…” “You know, he is the one who taught me all this; give ponies a chance and don’t judge them before you know them. And even more important, never give them a reason to misjudge you in the first place. Even if it is hard work, always be nice to them. “That’s what he taught me. What he got taught by our dad. And what Ah’ taught Apple Bloom.” “Do you think I could learn that all too?” “Of course, sugarcube. Ah’d even say you already have. At least you’re more mature about all this than Ah’ was at yer age. And so is Apple Bloom. Not just yer age, even when Ah’ had been a few years older.” Now there was no doubt about it. She was blushing. “I think that’s the first time anypony called me mature. Do you really mean that?” “Compared to me at yer age, definitely. You can believe me, Ah’ wouldn’t have put up with what you had been doin’ so far. Ah’d taught you to stop it, one way or another. Well, Ah’ guess it’s a good thing we all grow up sooner or later.” “Better sooner than later.” Applejack gave her a strange smile. Somehow amused but at the same time pained. “Yeah, usually it is…” “When isn’t it?” Silver Spoon asked cautiously. At first Applejack just grimaced like she was angry at herself for saying something she shouldn’t have. But then she sighed and said: “How should Ah’ put this? You see, sometimes ponies are… forced to grow up. Sooner than others. Due to things nopony foresaw.” For some time, neither of them talked. Silver Spoon had an idea what Applejack was hinting at. But she wasn’t sure if she should start talking about such a topic unless Applejack did so herself. But then again, she remembered how it had been with Apple Bloom, who just didn’t care in the end. Or Fluttershy when it had just been a misunderstanding. So she decided to give it a try: “Are you talking about your parents passing away?” For a moment, Applejack gave no reaction. Then she briefly closed her eyes. “Has Apple Bloom told you about them?” She sounded not the least bit surprised. “Yes, it came up when I told her how I got my cutie mark.” “Okay, if you already know about it; yes, that’s what Ah’ meant.” Again, Silver Spoon waited a moment before she spoke again. “Say, now that this came up, is it also the reason that your brother always looks so sad?” This time, Applejack's eyes widened. She stared at Silver Spoon, almost walking into another pony passing by. “You really think he looks sad?” “Yes, I just can’t shake that feeling. Apple Bloom already said that he just always looks that way and it doesn’t mean he’s sad. But somehow I just know he is.” Applejack stopped walking. She didn’t answer right away but looked at Silver Spoon as if she was searching for something. Then slowly her gaze turned to amazement. With unexpected joy she said: “Yer an impressive little filly.” Silver Spoon wanted to rejoice in this moment. Usually it were the other foals around her to earn such praise. She would have expected herself to celebrate the moment somepony would actually say something like this about her. But something held her back. “What was so impressive about thinking your brother is sad?” “It's not you thinkin’ it. But you seein’ it that is impressive.” “Really?” “Yeah. Yer actually the first pony to ever ask me this question.” “Maybe the other ponies just don’t ask?” “Could be. Yet there are a lot who ask me about him. But none of them ever asked if he’s sad.” “So, does this mean he is?” “Unfortunately, yes,” Applejack sighed. “You hit the nail with yer guess. As a colt he was really lively and chatty. But ever since that day he just turned silent.” Silver Spoon tried to imagine the huge and quiet Big Macintosh she met only hours ago to be running around, playing and laughing. Maybe being more like Apple Bloom. She couldn’t even see him as a foal, being something else than a hulking stallion. Maybe it was because she only knew for so little time, but in her mind he had to have existed the way he was since, well, whenever he had been born. “Ah’m sorry.” Applejack’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Ah’ didn’t mean to upset you. Ah’ guess Ah’ shouldn’t have started talkin’ about something like this with a little filly.” But Silver Spoon shook her head. “No, it’s okay. Isn’t there any way to help him? With some medicine maybe?” Once more Applejack smiled as if to cover some pain. “Not for that, no. Medicine won’t work for him. I don't even know if there is a medicine for this case. Maybe a psychiatrist could help him. At least that’s what the doctor said, but Big Mac refused to see one.” “A psy-what?” “A psychiatrist. That’s a pony like a doctor. But instead of hurt bodies he treats hurt souls.” “Such ponies exist? How do they do that?” And why hadn’t anypony told her before? It sounded like she could have used one of those psychiatrists not too long before. “How exactly they do what they do, Ah’ don’t know. Ah’ just know it involves a lot of talking and you need to be really smart to be one. And yes, they do exist. It’s not some pony tale ma’ granny made up. Unfortunately, there’s none in Ponyville. And that’s why Big Mac refused to see one.” “Just because of that?” “To him, it isn't 'just that'. He didn’t want to leave the farm. Didn’t want to leave all the work for us. He simply said that he didn’t need no therapy and time for that would be better used for applebuckin’.” Silver Spoon wanted to say something about it, offer advice or help. But she had to admit to herself that there was nothing she could do. Even nothing somepony else could do. “Hey, don’t concern yerself too much about it,” Applejack tried to cheer her up. But Silver Spoon heard clearly the forced optimism carrying in her voice. “It’s not like he’s lost in any way. He’s gotten better over time and Ah’ still think he might recover one day. Take this evening for example. He talked to you quite some bit. More than Ah’ usually hear him talk at once to somepony who isn’t related to him.” Silver Spoon eyed Applejack carefully. The answer might have been made up more by hope than by reasonable facts. But the smile the mare had while she was talking was finally once again the same honest smile she had had before. Still, Silver Spoon said: “But I really wish I could help. You have all been so nice to me…” “Ah’m glad you want to help, sugarcube. But it’s been this way ever since Apple Bloom was a few month old. Expectin’ you to solve it after one dinner with us would be a bit much, don’t you think?” “Yeah, maybe.” “Not maybe, definitely. Listen here sugarcube; you don’t have to repay us for kindness and hospitality. All we expect from you, if you’d liked our company, is to give us the honor of bein’ our guest sometime soon.” As Applejack said those words they turned the last corner before heading straight on towards Silver Spoon’s home. The sight of her home was a welcome distraction for the filly. With each step they came closer the more Silver Spoon' curiosity grew to see any kind of reaction from Applejack. Soon she became so focused on the mare by her side that she jumped a little when a voice from in front of them started talking to them. “Now that’s a surprise. Never expected to see this sight.” There was her family’s gardener standing right before them. But as much as she had been surprised by his sudden appearance, it wasn’t that what kept Silver Spoon from replying. It was rather the look of pleasant recognition on his and Applejack’s faces. “Green Thumb. So this is the ‘rich guy’s place’ yer workin’ now at?” “Yepp,” he replied, smiling his amused-by-everything smile Silver Spoon had seen so often from him. “Much to do, but also lots to earn.” “Do you always work this late?” “Nah, usually not. But with this heat I had to wait until the sun started to set to water the lawn and the beds. But say, what are you doing here with the young lady of the house?” “Walkin’ her home. Why, what does it look like?” “Okay, stupid question,” laughed Green Thumb. “But I’m just surprised to see you of all ponies doing that.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I thought, after all I heard around the house, that you are – how should I say this? – not exactly their favorite family in this town.” Silver Spoon winced at these words. Up until now the young filly had already been fighting her unease. Never had she cared for the name of that one pony who mowed their lawn. And here was Applejack treating him like an old friend she had known for years. But this last statement made an unpleasant heat rise on her face. “No, that’s not… okay, it was… but now it isn’t!” she exclaimed, embarrassment pressing the words out of her mouth. For the first time since she knew him, Green Thumb lost his smile. As permanent as it had seemed to be, now it finally made way for perplexity. “It’s alright, sugarcube,” laughed Applejack. “He can’t know what happened today.” Then she turned back to the gardener. “It was really nice meetin’ you, Green Thumb. But Ah’ guess chattin’ will have to wait for next time you come by at the market. Silver Spoon should really get back home.” Not changing his expression, he kept looking back and forth between Applejack and Silver Spoon. Even in her still nervous state Silver Spoon saw perfectly that there was something on his mind he pondered whether to say it out loud. She knew that feeling all too well by now. But in the end he just nodded, put his smile back on and said: “Guess you’re right. I’ll see you the next days. And of course a good night to you, Miss Silver Spoon.” “Good night,” said the filly. Then she and Applejack walked the last part of the road leading up to the front gates. “So this is where you live,” commented Applejack. “Apple Bloom didn’t exaggerate when she told me about it.” The hint of awe in her voice was enough to calm the lingering shame Silver Spoon still felt. “Yes, I hope you like it.” The mare averted her gaze from the mansion towards her. “If Ah’ didn’t, would that change anything?” Silver Spoon only smiled in response. “Ah’ guess yer dad had to sell a lot of carriages for this,” said Applejack. “Which reminds me, you never said what carriages yer dad sells.” “Well, I don’t really know. But I know they’re very popular with rich ponies. And that dad named them ‘Marecedes’, after my sister.” Her last words had an unexpected effect on Applejack. Her head jolted around. The farmer’s expression, as far as Silver Spoon could tell from her angle, shifted between shock and understanding. Following her gaze, the filly saw that she was staring after Green Thumb who was casually strolling down the way towards Ponyville Town Hall. Then, slowly, her head turned back to Silver Spoon. And all the way the filly could see how whatever Applejack had felt vanished at the same speed. Its place was taken by the dawning of a revelation. A shiver ran down Silver Spoon’s spine when she became more and more aware that the farmer wasn’t looking at her, but stared right through her into nothingness. Cautiously, almost whispering, the filly asked: “Is something wrong?” “No…” answered Applejack absentmindedly as if caught in a dream. “It’s just that…never expected…Marecedes…” “What about my sister?” “Yer sister?” Applejack shook her head, her eyes finally focusing once again on the filly in front of her. “Oh, yes, yer sister. Ah’, um, didn’t know Marecedes was yer sister.” “You know her?” asked Silver Spoon skeptically. But it wasn’t so much that fact that irritated her. It was that she saw Applejack's cheeks taking on a distinct shade of red. “Yes, we went to school together. She was a few grades lower than me.” Still, that was no answer to what Silver Spoon wanted to know. “And did something happen between you two?” “Yes, Ah’ guess you could say that,” sighed Applejack. “It’s nothing Ah’m too proud of.” “I know that feeling.” “Believe me, whatever you did wasn’t as stupid as what Ah’ did.” “Really?” Now Silver Spoon really had to know. “Come on, what was that?” Applejack obviously tried to avoid eye contact with her. Nervously, she scratched the back of her head all the while looking up towards the large mansion Silver Spoon lived in. “Well,” she finally said, her tone speaking of reluctance. “Let’s just say we had a really bad fight once. The kind of one a pony can’t just say ‘Ah’m sorry’ about and everything’s forgotten.” Silver Spoon waited a few moments if Applejack would say anything more. But she kept silent, keeping on ruffling her own mane with her hoof. It gave the filly a strange sensation like she wasn’t talking to a grown up mare right now. This all seemed to have a slightly familiar feeling. Applejack’s demeanor more and more reminded her of the way she had felt more than once during the last evening. “Ah’m sorry.” Applejack broke the silence. “Ah’ shouldn’t have brought this up. It’s nothing to talk about with a little filly. Not even a smart one like yerself.” Silver Spoon considered protesting this decision. But she knew from experience that it would be pointless. When a grown-up had decided that something was ‘nothing a little filly needs to know about’ then there was no sense in trying to argue about it. In the end, all she had achieved those times were her parents being annoyed or even angry at her. Still, there was something she had to tell Applejack: “Still I’m glad you told me about all this.” The farmer gave her a quizzical look. “Why?” “Do you remember what I told you about my sister?” “Which part of it?” “That she never fights with anypony but me.” “Oh, yes, Ah’ see.” “I know I shouldn’t be glad about something like this. But knowing it isn’t just me is kind of nice.” “Well, Ah’ guess there’s no shame in that. “ Applejack’s kind smile had finally returned. “And Ah’ think we’ll have to say good-bye now. It looks like there’s somepony comin’ to pick you up.” This last statement confirmed to Silver Spoon she hadn’t imagined hearing the grating of gravel under hooves. She turned around and saw a figure closing in on them through the unlit path leading from the gate to the mansion. Or, in that pony’s case, from the mansion to the gate. Even though she couldn’t make out the face, she knew immediately who it was. That figure and posture definitely belonged to their head-butler. “You are correct, Miss Applejack,” he said in his dry voice, looking her over, almost like when he inspected the results of the daily housecleaning routine. “Have we met before?” Now that was a question Silver Spoon hadn’t expected from Applejack. “No, we haven’t. But I do know you quite well, I might say. Good enough anyways to wonder what had brought you to the company of Lady Silver Spoon.” “Ah’ walked her home.” Applejack did her best to keep her usual friendly way, but Silver Spoon heard how irritated she was. “And why exactly did you feel the need to do that?” “Because Ah’ wouldn’t want a young filly out alone that late, of course.” “That’s admirable.” He sounded more like he wanted an apology for that. “But what I wanted to know is, under what circumstances did you come to walk her home?” “She spent the day at my home. Apple Bloom invited her over. She had dinner with-“ “Apple Bloom? You mean the filly with the red mane the young Lady had accompany her yesterday?” Silver Spoon stared speechless at her family’s head-butler. She had never seen him talk so much to any guest of her home. Granted, technically Applejack wasn’t a guest, but still, she felt this behavior was terribly inappropriate. She thought of stopping him, but so far, Applejack didn’t seem to be actually offended. Her irritation, though, grew audibly with every question she answered. “Yes, that’s her. She was mighty impressed with yer mansion here and was keen on showing Silver Spoon our home.” “I’m sure she was. And this Apple Bloom, she is your…” He didn’t finish his question, but simply kept staring at Applejack. Silver Spoon was sure his eyebrows had moved up a few millimeters and his head might have tilted ever so slightly. But it was hard to tell in the dim light of lanterns at the front gate. “Sister,” Applejack finished his sentence. Now Silver Spoon was sure the farmer was starting to get beyond irritation. She dutifully kept her smile, but there was unmistakably a hint of sharpness in her tone. “Sister, of course. Well, I suppose I am inclined to express my gratitude for bringing Lady Silver Spoon home. Even though I also have to point out that I would have appreciated it if you just had sent her home at an appropriate time. Maybe you don’t see the importance of it, but she does have to go to school tomorrow.” “No, quite the contrary,” Applejack replied, now letting any facade of politeness slip. Her voice was stern and she went from a smile to an almost challenging stare. “Ah’ do see the importance.” Then she turned to Silver Spoon. At the same moment, her smile was back. “Well then, good-bye and good night, sugarcube. Ah’ hope you’ll visit us again soon.” “Good night and thanks for everything. And, um…” She thought for a moment, then hugged Applejack, whispering in her ear: “I’m sorry about all this. Usually, he isn’t like that.” As soon as Applejack had started her way back the way they came and they had turned to move up the path towards the mansion, Silver Spoon asked: “Whatever has gotten into you?” “I am sorry, Lady Silver Spoon, but what do you mean?” “What do I mean? I mean the way you treated Applejack. What was that all about?” “I was simply heeding my responsibility towards you in the absence of your parents. This mare and her family are no acceptable acquaintance for a lady of your standing.” “That is not for you to decide.” “I am afraid that, like I said, during your parents’ absence, it is. And that is why I do not wish for you to follow her offer to visit them again.” “You can’t-“ “Yes, Lady Silver Spoon, I can. Your father has made it clear, preceding his departure, that I am held to be personally responsible for your care until your parents’ return. And with that authority, I forbid you to enter that farm again.”