Trixies redemption,

by Thecutesoldier pony

An unexpected companion.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" To say Trixie is panicking would be an understatement, she tries to literally rip the amulet of her neck and yet it will not budge. “This isn’t happening!” Trixie looks pleading at Maidis, “Please Maidis I need your help!” SMACK!
Trixie looks at Maidis who struck Trixie on her muzzle,

“I DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!” Maidis screams as she is crying. “Leave us Trixie! We don’t want anything to do with you, we are no longer friends! SCRAM!” Trixie just stares at Maidis who nearly have broken cause of sorrow and anger. Horrisos hides behind Maidis as a trembling little foal.

Trixie speaks in a very weak tone, “okay Maidis” and then she gets up, turn around, and run away.

Trixie runs in no particular direction, she was to torn up inside to care. After a solid minute of running she just stops. She stands alone in an abandoned street, “well Trixie you knew this could happen,” Tirixie looks down at the amulet, tears begins to form in her eyes, “but why can’t I take this accursed thing of!?” Trixie tries to take it of once again but again to no use. Trixie tries to break the amulet of this time, pulling harder and harder as she gets more and more frustrated. "Why can't I take you off?!" Tears is pouring down from her eyes,

Trixie hears an evil dark stallion voice behind her, “are you ready to become one again my precious? We have a lot of caching up to do.”

Trixie turns to see the shadow is standing a couple of meters away from her and then sights, “I guess there is no helping it, I just can't understand why. why would they, I just don't understand." As trixie hangs her head in defeat, a couple of tears lands on the street.

The shadow moves closer to Trixie “Such is the nature of ponies Trixie, once they have something to be afraid of they care of nothing but to get themselves to safety.” It moves a hoof towards the amulet Trixie is wearing

Trixies expression suddenly changes from sorrow to realization. “Wait a minute!” Trixie grabs the shadows hoof when it is nearly half an inch away from the amulet and push the shadow away, she starts running back towards Maidis and Horrisos.

“Where are you going? You have no pony you can ask for help!”

Trixie simply stops and turns her head “I will be the judge of that!” Then she keeps running.
As Trixie turns around a corner she sees Maidis trying to comfort Horrisos, as Trixie approach them Maidis spots Trixie and place herself between her and Horrisos speaks with a trembling voice,
“w-what do yo, ,”

“SHUT UP!” Trixies interruption silenced Maidis instantly, she continues in a calmer yet strict tone. “Why didn’t you run away Maidis?”

Maidis expression changed from fear to a mix between fear and confusion, “what? It is because there is nowhere to run! Your influence is everywhere!”

Trixie stares at Maidis for a moment, “how come you didn’t do what I told you to do?” Maidis scowls,

“why would I do anything you tell me to?”

“BECAUSE IT WOULD MAKE SENSE THAT YOU WOULD DO IT, AND IT WOULD ONLY BENEFIT YOU AND HORRISOS!” Trixie inhaled and exhaled, “I told you to do a specific thing if you ever saw me with the amulet around my neck, when we were friends back when you trusted me, and you agreed it would make sense to do it! So how come you do, not, DO IT?”

Maidis just looks at Trixie dumb struck, even Horrisos is more confused than afraid right now.

Trixie speaks up again, “you did not run because you did not know that I and Maidis agreed that if she EVER saw me with the Alicorn amulet around the neck, she should run. Run as fast as possible away from me, run to safety and try to get help!” Maidis and Horrisos begins to get an angry yet calm expression and just stands in silence, “so one last thing since you two obviously not are maidis and Horrisos, who are you?”

The silence was a deadly tone in itself, Maidis and Horrisos begins giggle in the Dark stallion voice, the giggle becomes a chuckle, the chuckle becomes an evil laughter.

Trixie scowls, “did you honestly thought you could fool an Illusionist with a change of scenery?”

As the laughter died down the skin and fur of Horrisos and Maidis begins to crack and fall off, only to reveal the three dimensional shadow under it. “I was close to succeed, but now that I have been revealed.” All the doors on the street opened and a horde of shadows walks out to surround her, “I will take what is mine a little more, forceful. And don’t get any ideas of running away, even if you escape all you can do is wander in to the illusion since you obviously can’t break it.”

Trixie puts up a small smirk, “illusion? This is no illusion, I was wondering why you didn’t just assault me. Then it hit me, the lack of pain, the strong emotions. This is a dream! And the funny thing about dreams is that it is the dreamer that is control!”

The shadow in front of her takes a step back, “no you can’t,”

Trixies horn lights up in a bright pink light “I can.” A bright Flash blinds everything Trixie can see and she feel herself wake up.

Trixies eyes shot up and sees that she is back in her bedroom, she is taking deep breaths to calm down, the shadow have taken a couple of steps back and look stunned, while it tries to recover Trixie shoots a magical blast at it. The blast knocks it to the ground, “maybe you shouldn’t have used all your reserves to break me. But now that I have you attention,” the shadow turns its head so it is face to “face” with Trixie. “I will come for you, and I will throw you back in whatever pit of Tartarus that have spawned you! Mark my words, your freedom will be short, now BEGONE!” Trixie shoots her strongest dispelling magic beam at the shadow.

the shadow disappears completely. Trixie stands in the bedroom she close her eyes and concentrate. "No uneasy feeling, no chill down the spine. It is gone for now" A little smirk develops on her lips. "Time to lock that thing back up again," Trixie begins packing immediately.
Saddleback, compass, map over Equestria. Her eyes stops at her sword, “should I take that with me? Even though I never needed it in my earlier travels, just the thought of using it on some pony.“ Trixie felt a natural chill come down her spine “it would be unforgivable.”

After half-hour of packing. A ding-dong comes from the door, Trixie opens the door to see Maidis and Horrisos smiling and cheerful as always. "M-Maidis? Horrisos?” Trixies crystal glow shines at its fullest and she pulls them both in to a hug, “thank princess Cadence!”

Horrisos who is quite taken back from the hug responds, “look miss Trixie you just forgot your change for my icecream. I just came to bring it back, it's no problem," He levitates a little pouch to Trixie, who accepted it.

Trixie Stop hugging them “sorry guys im just so glad,”

Maidis speaks "oooookay, look I heard that you ended up in a fight with six earthponies so I come to check up on you, but judging from this outburst you must be fine."

Horrisos makes a short laugh "Pff miss Trixie can take any number of ponies anytime, she wouldn't be the master duelist she is if she couldn't." Trixie gives Horrisos a stern look, "Horrisos! What have I told you about boasting on my behalf?"

"But it's just Maidis and, ," Trixie just holds her stern look on Horrisos, "sorry," he says with shame in his voice,

Trixies face softens "It is fine Horrisos, just don't do it again." As Horrisos looks up and nods he catch a glimpse of the saddleback Trixie have been packing and his eyes widens,

"Is that a real sword?" Maidis looks over Trixie and see it to,

"Trixie what are you doing with a sword in your house?" Trixie simply close her eyes and sights, she knew that now they have seen it, there was no avoiding the explanation.

"Well you better come in, it is quite the story." Trixie steps aside, as Horrisos, and Maidis enters. While Trixie and Maidis settles down in the living room, Horrisos looks at the sword with great enthusiasm.

Horrisos looks at Trixie with puppy eyes "Can I see it miss Trixie? Please please pleeeaaase." Trixie smiles and levitates the sword to her she pulls it out slowly and displays it, as she hold it in her hoof. Horrisos eyes widens in amazement, it is a simple sword with no special decoration.
"Is that steel?" Maidis questions as she examins the sword,

"Oh yes cold tempered steel with perfect balance or so I have been told, bought in Manehatten as a souvenir, fortunately I never had to use it before" as Maidis looks a little relieved Horrisos give Trixie a questioning look. "If you don’t use it why have you packed it with your saddleback?"
Tixie sighs, “Horrisos, Maidis. I will be leaving for a couple of weeks, I need to journey to Equestria.”

Maidis look surprised “why? You do nothing but complain about the Equestrians judgmental nature.”

Trixie took a deep breath, “Maidis what have I told you about the Alicorn amulet?”

Maidis and Horrisos shares a nervous glance, Maidis swallows a lump and speaks, Trixie you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“Maidis please, it’s about time I stop avoiding that subject, so please tell me what have I told you about it?”

“you told me that it is a cursed artefact that empowers a pony natural magical ability to the extreme, but in the progress you become as you put it yourself, evil and does terrible things to ponies just because it pleases the wielder.”

Trixie nods, “yes but that isn’t the whole truth.” Maidis looks at Trixie who looks down at the floor, “I’m sorry, I diddn’t mean to keep this from so long but there never seemed to be a right moment.”

“You told me there was no more to it! Amulet attach, it bond, pony gets power, and pony goes bad. Are you telling me that it does more than that?” Trixie nods, Maidis face shift from surprised to anger, “I really thought we were through with all these dark secrets Trixie, how many times do I need to prove that you can trust me with these things! Next you properly tell me that you have publicly humiliated the elements of harmony,”

Trixie yells at Maidis “I didn’t tell because I was ashamed and scared! I was scared that if I told you I would involve you in this sick and twisted game of hide and seek!” Trixies eyes is now wet with tears, “it is ALIVE Maidis, the amulet itself have a conscience and a cunning and evil one! It will hurt or enslave anypony who stands in its way!” Trixie speaks in a lower tone, ”and I would never be able to forgive myself if you two got hurt because of me. And if you two are going to get angry with me for trying to protect you then so be it!” Trixie have stopped glowing at this point.

After a couple of silent seconds Horrisos begins to speak “m-miss Trixie what is going to happen now?”

Trixie turns to her saddlebag “simple, I return to Equestria, find the amulet, seal it up again, and return to here. If everything goes as planned I will be back in three to four days.”

Maidis have stopped glowing too at this point “Trixie please, why does it have to be you? Why can you not just let Equestria take care of it? They properly have plenty of methods to do it.”

“And just let it get stolen again? I did leave it to the Equestrians, it held two years until it was stolen. No I’m going after it and makes sure it stays sealed and won’t hurt anypony again.”

“And how are you going to find it? Do you have a plan? Not to mention that you are banished if the guard catch you, you will be thrown to jail or worse.” Trixie just sits in silence a couple of seconds, “I didn’t think so! Please Trixie I don’t want you to go on some stupid quest and get yourself hurt.”

“And even if you find it, won’t it like mind control you to wield it again?” Horrisos, Asks

Trixie answers while she still have her back at her friends “Horrisos, Maidis, I understand your concern. But I do have a plan, and I do know where it is because when the amulet bonded with me we can somehow detect each other over long distances very precisely if I might add,”
“That also explains how it could find me so easily now that I think about it.”
“And as for the mind control, well let’s just say I know of someone who might be immune to it. It is not a foolproof plan but it is a plan nonetheless, now if you will excuse me I need to pack”

Maidis close her eyes and Takes a deep breath, "well I see I can’t change your mind. So when do we leave?"

Trixie blinks a few times, "we?"

Maidis makes a weak smile. "Well of course Trixie, I can't just sit by when my best friend wanders on a quest that can kill her."

Horrisos jumps up and down, "Oh oh me to! Me to! I want to go on adventure! And see Miss Trixie seal the amulet away, how are you going to do it anyway?"

Trixie sights, "I am going to put it in an enchanted box."

Horrisos frowns a little "how dull,"

Trixie makes a very serious look. "But neither of you are coming with me," the words hangs in the air a couple a seconds,

Maidis responds with a quiet "why not?"

Trixie takes a deep breath, "Maidis, I know you are a pretty stubborn mare. However, neither you nor Horrisos are coming with me, because this is a dangerous trip. Besides, as I said I could not forgive myself if any of my friends got hurt because of my past mistakes,
And as you said I am banished from Equestria. Therefore, I need to be subtle, and a unicorn wandering around with two crystal ponies in Equestria is not subtle. That would make you more a burden than help,"

"That and I would not want them to see what I am willing to do if things gets really out of hoof."

Horrisos speaks up "but miss Trixie, won't you need help to deal with whatever badguys that stole the amulet?"
Trixie responds with a raised eyebrow, “Horrisos this is not some kind of story where the hero is always victorious, this is serious! Ponies can get hurt because of what I am about to do,” Horrisos frowns a little and crosses his forelegs. "But to answer your question, no I don't. The great and powerful Trixie is a mare who can take care of herself."

"Trixie you are beginning to speak in third person again" Maidis states deadpanned, "and I am coming with you! If whatever pony that stole that thing is able to break in to whatever kept it away, they are proberly more than mere thugs. Trixie you know you can't change my mind!"

"And if she goes I go to!" Horrisos says as he stomps his hoof,

Trixie looks at the floor and answers, "I know. And that’s why I am doing this for your own good," Trixies horn lit up and she surprisingly pounces Maidis down and pins her to the floor, Trixie shoots Maidis with a pink lightning. She quickly turns to face Horrisos who is very shocked to see what Trixie just did,

"miss Trixie what are you doing?!"

Trixie shoots the same lightning at Horrisos who instantly cowers himself with his hoofs, after a few seconds both Maidis and Horrisos movements quickly stops as they try to move.

"Don't worry" Trixie says, "It is just a paralyzing spell, completely harmless. You'll be able to move in an hour, and by then I will be on my way."

"I just hope they won't be to angry," Trixie think as she packs the last of her equipment into her saddlebag and left her home with her paralyzed friends. “Just slam the door when you leave.” Trixie yells to the two paralyzed Crystal ponies. Then Trixie runs to the station.

"Congratulations trixie, you can now add 'attacking your friends' to the list of things you regret." As she arrives at the train station, Trixie Tries her best to ignore the guilt and nervousness that builds up in her she sits down and wait for the train.

"what if they won't forgive me? If they tell everypony about it? Then it will be equestria all over again! Then where do I go?" Trixie took a deep relaxing breath, "It's not that bad Trixie, you have been forgiven before. Like the time where you destroyed Maidis priceless crystral necklase, or when you accidently hit Horrisos with a blast. His parents forgave you quickly, but then again. This time it wasn't an accident, ARH! what shall I do? I cannot wander around aimlessly again! Maybe if- - -"

"All aboard for the train to Equestria! Last stop Hoofington." Trixie almost jumped as the stallions announcement stopped her trail of thoughts,

"maybe I should focus on getting that amulet first. I can always get a panic attack later" Trixie confirms to herself

Trixie digs through her saddlebag and finds a white rope that covers all of her body, she equip it and covers her head with the hood. She enters the train and walks down to the last wagon of the train and takes a seat, since it is not the busy hour (and there's often more ponies travelling to and not away from the crystal empire.) she haves the small end wagon for herself. Trixie rest her head up at the window “There should be no problems until the border to Equestria,” Trixie just sits and relax. When the train begins to move she is still alone in the wagon, or so she thought.

"ah Ah AH CHO!" The sneeze came from one of the seats, or rather under it. As Trixie looks she see a young Colt with butter yellow fur and a black mane smiling nervously, he swallows a lump in his throat and says "hello miss Trixie."

Before you could say Chimeycherrychunka Trixie pulls Horrisos out and place him on a seat, staring at him with a furious look. "Please don't be mad miss Trixie, I just want to help you, not that I don't think you are weak or anything. But when you sai-"


Trixie slaps Horrisos on the cheek, "HORRISOS I TOLD YOU THAT IT IS TO DANGEROUS FOR YOU TO HELP ME! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DEEP TROU-ble, , ," Trixie slowly stops her yelling when she see that Horrisos is quivering his lower lip and have gotten very teary eyes he have put his front hoofs to his cheek to mend the pain , Trixie looks down in shame. She lets out a weak "sorry," she turned and placed herself so she looks out of the window. As Horrisos looks at Trixie he slowly move over to her and place himself next to her, and gives her a hug.

"Miss Trixie, Please don’t be sad I am sorry for disobeying you."

Trixie returns the hug, "I'm so sorry Horrisos. I just, , , I just cant stand see you cry.” Horrisos did not say anything “and sorry for paralyzing you Horrisos, it was maybe a little to extreme."

Horrisos sniffs a little "i-it's okay miss Trixie I wasn't cying, you did what you thought was best right? Besides I've tried worse." Trixie rolls her eyes and smiles at him, when she break the hug a thought hit her.

"Wait a minute. How did you break the spell? You should have been paralyzed for at least another 40 minutes,"

Horrisos looks a little surprised "you don't know?" Trixie remains silent, a smile develops on Horrisos face. "You don't know! haha I finally did it! I Found a magic trick you don’t know!"

Trixie begins to feel a little annoyed, "okay okay yes, I don't know. How about you tell me?"

Horrisos answer with his arrogant smile is glued on his face, "heck no! You are the one who tought me that a magician never reveals his secrets." Horrisos giggles

Trixie answers with an annoyed expression. "Oh har har har! You really think you are funny huh?” Trixie looks at Horrisos who is practically sparkling now that his sad mood is completely forgotten, “maybe this won’t be too bad after all,”

Trixie eyes Horrisos up and down, "reckless little one, no travelling equibment, no food, he just got up and followed me."

“well Horrisos, since the train is already moving I am left with only one option. I will need some more provisions and some equibment for you.”

Horrisos looks at Trixie "what kind of equibment?"

"Well you need a rope like mine so ponies won't notice that you are crystal pony."

"Awesome! Can it be black? It would look so cool! Man, I am SO going to kick some flank!"

Trixie calms Horrisos down from his excitement, “Horrisos this is going to be a long trip and you have already exhausted yourself from my lesson earlier today, so I want you to try getting some rest before we need to get off the train.”

“But miss Trixie I’m not even tired,” Trixie just looks at Horrisos with a stubborn face. “Fine,” Horrisos lay down on the seat next to Trixie

As he closes his eyes he asks "You know Miss Trixie, you didn't tell me where we are headed."

Trixie answers "You are right I didn't." Taking the hint, Horrisos tries to rest. Trixie looks out at the Horizon, she see nothing but the barren snow land that is between the crystal kingdom and Equestria.

"Well I ended up having some backup anyway, but of all the places that bloody amulet could choose to hide, it of course had to be near ponyville. This is going to be interresting."