For The Enclave

by RainbowBob

Chapter 6: I Don't Feel Anything

Bad: There's still the ponies from before, moving much too slowly to get away. You can use them as human... erm, mutant shields. Plus, using one of them as hostage could get Celestia closer and you having a better chance at blowing her brains out.

“Don’t worry, I got this covered!” I said to the AI.

Why does this not reassure me?

Holding back a sharp retort, I stared off to the distance where the escaping muties were heading. “I’m gonna get some cover,” I said, locking onto my target.

That’s some pretty small cover with respect to your size.

“It’ll be pretty good cover whether the princess of the freaks is willing to kill off her subjects.” I was already started my charge towards the ponies. Speed at maximum, with leg movements swift and unhinged. I was a train that just ran off the tracks, and I wasn’t going to stop, even if an RPG hit me right between the eyes.

You’re taking a huge risk on the ‘whether’ part of that thought process.

I didn’t bother to reply. My target was approaching fast, and I needed to reach it before the mutie princess decided to blast me with whichever projectile of mass destruction she was charging up. Didn’t matter if I squished some of those freaks under my boots along the way. I only needed one of them in relatively alive conditions to shield myself with.

Already they had spotted me, barreling at them with no hint at slowing down. Twilight, of course, was directing the others to move faster, shouting and dragging her friends as fast as she possibly could. Quite pathetic, really, thinking she and the others had a chance of survival.

So she was my best bet as a meat shield.

Each step that brought me closer to the group also brought a growing sense of dread. I wasn’t moving fast enough, even with 10 AG. Damn SPECIAL cheated me out more than any other abilities indicator. I swear, the scientists back at the Enclave put it in as a joke. Seriously, how can you measure luck, much less how much charisma someone had? Frickin’ eggheads and their techno mumbo-jumbo.

But it wouldn’t matter much longer, because at the moment I was only a couple of yards away from my prize. Though, like everything else is this fucked up world I was inhabiting, something had to screw it up.

Frank, we have a projectile, incoming!

I could barely hear the AI’s voice over the constant clicking of the rads indicator. It was in the ‘you’re dead, and if you aren’t, then you’re definitely going to wish you are’ zone of the measurement bar in my visor. I could scarcely see a brightening of white light from the leftmost section of my view.

I rolled to the right, throwing my shoulder to the ground in an instant to get better distance between myself and whatever just incinerated the spot I was just running in. Popping back to my feet in one fluid motion—which is much harder to do in power armor than it looks—I looked to the skies.

“Holy mother of God,” I whispered.

Frank… run!

Celestia was overshadowing the sun directly behind me, but I might as well have been staring directly at it. Whatever she was building up in that horn of hers… it was off the rad scale. I couldn’t quite comprehend it, but it actually broke the frickin’ scale. The clicks just stopped, having probably been blown out trying to read what radiation that mutie was pumping.

Frank, run you moron! We’re going to be burned to a crisp if you don’t!

“I noticed!” I shouted back, hightailing it away from the meat shields. While using Twilight or one of her friends as cover was an appealing option, they were too far away and out in the open, which would mean my ass would be cooked from a direct attack from Celestia again.

This time, more than ever, I was running with a nuke aimed at my backside. Not the best of circumstances, but hell if I’m a complainer. I was looking out to keep myself from becoming a new pile of green goop that often times covered the Wasteland.

Frank, you need to increase leg speed movements more! Permission to apply the use of the GRX-II prototype implant?

“What the hell is that?” I asked, running as fast as I could to the nearest building for cover. Of course, those whackjob docs back at the Enclave put all types of weird technologies inside me. Some on my suit, some in… less discrete places. I at least liked to know what happened before they were activated, in case I suddenly go spazzing on the ground or something worse.

Slow time drug effect from an implant in the frontal lobe. Technology bought from the privately owned defense contractors at the Big Mountain Research and Development Center during pre-War times.

“I don’t need a frickin’ history lesson! I need an answer for what it does to me!” I snapped back.

It reduces real time to about 30-35% of its original speed while keeping the recipient’s speed and movements at normal time.


It makes everything really slow and you really fast.

I glanced behind me. Celestia was following in my wake, though slowed, probably from the huge ball of pure, unfiltered radioactive destruction she was powering up on her horn. Not much longer left, I reckoned. And my only solution to this problem was running through the abandoned town square. With no cover. Just wonderful!

“Why haven’t you used it before?” I asked the obvious. Would’ve been really useful when dealing with that troublesome mutie that killed me from before.

Safety reasons. There’s a reason the II and prototype are in the name. The contractors and researchers the early beginning of the Enclave hired never got enough funding to complete the project. So after the War, Enclave scientists had to improvise. The results have been less than satisfactory.

“Mind explaining to me those results before I get turned to dust?” I asked. Already I could see the temperature indicator of my suit slowly tick higher and higher. Definitely not the best of signs.

They’re too numerous to list in the approximate half minute of time we have left, but it would usually lead to total destruction of motor functions and higher thinking. Along with spazzing uncontrollably on the ground.

“Wonderful,” I muttered under my breath.

Weighing my options heavily, I reached clear conclusion. I wasn’t going to die twice in one day. And if I did, I’d rather blow my brains out from the effects of a time altering drug than die at a mutie’s grubby paws.

“Hit me,” I ordered.

Injecting GRX-II prototype immediately.

In an instant I felt a sharp spike of pain on my forehead. Or rather, behind it. Like someone was stabbing me in the brain right behind my skull. Made me almost lose my balance, actually.

Now Frank, the side effects should be taking effect in approximately five seconds. The effects are hard to get used to at first, but bear with me. Also, it lasts near fifteen to twenty seconds, depending on body weight, current physical activity, food consum—

The AI’s voice slowly began to blur and fizzle out. Like it was being stretched out, each word taking a monstrously long time to be pronounced. I could barely understand anything it was saying.

Hot damn, I should’ve been using this stuff years ago!

Taking a quick glance around me, I realized the AI hadn’t been lying. I caught sight of distant butterflies stopped in midair, moving so slowly I couldn’t tell what direction they were heading in. But the most important part I noticed right after looking over my shoulder, was that the incoming flaming ball of radioactive annihilation Celestia had released was moving incredibly slow. Points to the brainiacs at the Enclave. When they made a slow-mo drug, they really do themselves credit.

I felt like laughing now. The ball of flames was way behind me, and I was still moving at top speed. Nothing was going to hold me back from avoiding the blast, and then beating the crap outta that Celestia scumbag once I get back.

Except, of course—because karma is a cruel, heartless bitch—for my foot falling out from under me. It was so sudden, I didn’t even notice I couldn’t move it until I was already tumbling on the ground. The metal of my armor scratched and scraped with the dirt and cobbled street as my knees fell out from under me, along with my chest and finally face. I didn’t so much as roll as just lay flat on my chest as the sheer weight of my suit dragged me forward. My armor kicked up dirt and dust as I continued along my path, the drug still in effect since it felt like hours before I finally came to a rest.

GRX-II has been depleted. One day wait for reuse.

“What?” I shouted. My head was swimming in a pool of addled confusion coupled with generally being pissed off to high hell. And the more I tried to swim out of the confusion, the faster I sunk to the bottom. Opening my eyes only led me to be blinded by bright red and white blurring lights and streaks that left me in a daze.

Frank, there seems to be some unknown side effects the GRX-II is exhibiting.

I struggled to heft my body out from under me. My arms felt like they had been torn apart by a deathclaw, and my legs felt like they were going to fall apart. I didn’t know what that drug did to me, but it threw me out of whack far worse than I could have guessed.

Hormone endorphins have increased and your body temperature is slowly mounting upward. The GRX-II prototype appears to drastically affected your cerebral cortex, leading to eventual falling-outs with your brain time perception.

Before I can ask for the plain English of what the AI just said, my vision white walled so much that I was nearly blinded. “What’s going on?” I screamed, holding my hands to my visor to protect my pained eyeballs.

Frank, move it! The projectile is heat seeking!

That was all the urging I needed to hightail it outta there. Slamming both fists to the ground I put my back into heaving myself up by applying force from my hands while also pushing upward with my legs. It managed to do the trick, somewhat, for I was up and stumbling my way forward.

Move, move, move it! A direct strike from that thing can irradiate you to a crisp!

“You don’t think I know that?” I yelled back. I nearly tripped, but caught myself at the last second and just upped my speed as much as I could. I didn’t know where or when the projectile would strike, but I didn’t want to be in the blast radius when it happened.

Frank, just—

Anything else the AI was saying was muffled and slow, like he was speaking through cotton. I then noticed how each effort to move my feet was a tedious task that felt like I was running through syrup. I was slower than before, and I was only getting slower by the second.

My mind was even affected as well, my thought processes moving at a snail’s pace as I vainly tried to understand what was happening. The AI did mention the GRX-II was having some unknown side effects on my body. Was I slowing down instead of the world?

My answer never was answered, mostly because what I felt next was being engulfed in a world of white fire and rarely felt pain.

“Man, it’s a dump out here,” Brian reflected what we were all pretty much thinking.

“What do you expect?” I asked. “It ain’t called the Wasteland because it’s a picnic.”

Brian shrugged, which was pretty hard to do in the encompassing protection of his power suit. “Well, yeah, I expected that. But nothing for miles upon miles, except bones, desert and ruins. I thought there’d at least be something to come back for.”

I adjusted the plasma rifle held tightly in my hands. We were right on the edge of camp, doing our nightly guard duty of keeping watch of any dangers the Wasteland could throw at us. Unfortunately, in the three month they had been stationed there, dangers of any kind were hard to come by. At least the verti-assault teams could leave the camp and scour the Wasteland for slaves to mine the Mariposa Military Base, but for the guards at the camp right at the entrance of the base, all they did all day was order slaves around while extracting whatever that green goo down below was.

“We don’t come back for anything. We just do our job and be done with it,” I said firmly.

“But aren’t we supposed to be reclaiming America for the Enclave?” Private Brain sweeped his hand before him, holding his rifle too lazily for my tastes in one of his hands. “But look what we have to reclaim! Nothing but dust and radiation. Makes me think sitting back at the oil rig would’ve been a better idea. At least there we had civilization.”

“At least here we have a job,” I pointed out. “A job that acquires us to zip up and pay attention.”

“Ha, like you ever gave a damn about listening to orders, Frank,” Brain laughed at me. Even though I was a good head taller than Brian and of equal ranking with him, he still treated me lower. Everyone at the base did. “What, you’re going to care more now that you’re a private? Where was that attitude when you were up in the big leagues as a Secret Service agent?”

“That… wasn’t my fault,” I objected.

Brain waved me off. “Sure it wasn’t, Frank. It’s your psychological problems that make you tick like a psycho. Better take the red with the blue pill before you lose it!”

Three things at that point pissed me off. One, my apparent mental problems were the main reason everyone at the base treated me like shit. Two, Brian’s snide laughter made me want to shove his breathing respirator right down his throat. And three, I had to take the red pill with the green pill, the blue pill is for when I sleep.

“Just shut up and guard, jackass,” I muttered under my breath. I really didn’t want to get into anymore trouble if I did get into a fight with Private Brian and beat him to a barely living pulp, which could lead me to being locked up. Or worse, forced to work down in the lowest levels of the base mining that green goop crap.

“What’s there to guard against, exactly, Mister Big Shot?” Brian walked in front of me and pointed his plasma rifle willy-nilly to the desert before us. “Because all I can see is miles of sand and shit! We haven’t seen one living thing other than slaves that arrive in or radroaches we stomp beneath our feet. It’s frickin’ retarded we are forced to stay out here and watch nothing for months on end!”

Well, looks like Brian had finally cracked. Happens to the best of us… more than I’d like to admit. Even with the high maintenance training from the Enclave, any soldier can go whacko after a few months of a strenuous job that’s as boring as this one.

In a fit of pent up rage, Brian removed his helmet and threw it on the ground, kicking it out into the desert. “Fuck this job, and fuck that too!” he shouted.

“Are you crazy? Get your helmet back on, soldier! The radiation out here can kill you!” I demanded.

Brian replied to my concern with a wave of his hand. “Fuck that, man. Rads out here are nil. Only thing you gotta worry about is the stuff in the mines, which we’re making those fucking slaves sods dig out for us. I don’t have to worry about anything out here.”

“Not wearing your helmet on duty is a direct violation of—”

“Piss off with your direction violation shit!” Brian cut me off, waving his rifle in my direction. “You violated more rules than all of us put together, so I don’t want to hear shit from you, Frank!”

It was at this point that I was ready to grab the idiot by the scruff of his neck and march him down to the commander’s office right away. But then, I remembered something. I hated Brian, and if he was going to die of radiation poisoning out in the Wasteland, that was fine by me.

“Go ahead and die you piece of shit,” I muttered, backing up a few steps from him. “See if I care.”

Brian smiled at me. Underneath his helmet, it could be said he was attractive. Sharp cheekbones, strong jaw, and bright blue eyes. A handsome young man in his prime that represented everything the Enclave stood for with Pre-War American values and good ol’ patriotic showmanship.

Everything I didn’t have, and never would.

Of course, at this moment his chiseled good looks were ruined when a walking corpse of rotten flesh took a bite out of him.

It happened so suddenly, I didn’t know what to do. From one moment he was smirking at me, and then the next some freak mutant from the Wasteland had jumped on his back and was eating at his exposed face. The first thing I noticed was the ping of my rad meter. Then I heard Brian’s screams.

The next thing I did… I did because I freaked. It was the right choice they told me. It needed to be done, and I probably saved Brian from a long painful death later on. But I saw his eyes. I saw them when he died. They were never thankful.

Just like from training, I raised my rifle and pulled the trigger. Both Brian’s face and the mutant’s was blown off. Mostly the mutant’s, since I aimed right for it, but some of the backlash still caught Brian.

Lowering the rifle just as the walking corpse hit the ground, I noticed Brian was still standing. It was like someone had taken a meat cleaver to the entire right side of his face. It was just meaty mush and shrapnel from broken bones now. The left side, however, was still the still the same from before—sans a few blood stains.

As Brian’s body hit the ground, I shouted, “Red alert! We got muties! I repeat, red alert! Backup needed!” An alarm sounded throughout the camp as Enclave troopers decked themselves hastily in their power armor for the imminent attack.

I heard them before I saw them. Snarls and screams, anguished and hungry, like an animal’s. They were running ecstatically but with a purpose. To kill and feed.

As my rad meter continued to ping quicker and quicker as more of the muties ran towards my position, I raised my rifle. I waited for their decomposing faces to get in my line of sight. Make every bullet count, and kill as many as possible before I have to reload.

Just as the first one came sprinting at me, I pulled my trigger. The word was lost to white from the muzzle fire.

Frank, get up! Get up! That’s an order! Get up right now!

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was no longer white, but it sure as hell was fuzzy and unclear. Strange, since it was coming from my visor.

Frank, please, get up! If you don’t, we’ll both be dead!

“What… h-happened?” I slurred.

You were hit, that’s what. It’s a miracle your suit survived at all, considering the brute force of the blast. Right now, we’re down to 589 Hit Points.

“I… don’t feel anything,” I muttered. My entire body was numb. I felt like a disembodied head, with the AI chatting it up with me.

That’s because you have enough Med-X to kill a small elephant pumping through your system right now.

“What’s an elephant?”

Damnit Frank, stay with me! You have to get up!

I remembered Brian’s face exploding. The mutant chomping on his cheek. Those dead eyes. “I… can’t.”

That’s it. Frank, if you don’t get up, you’re dead! You’re too much of an important asset to the Enclave to die! Is that what you want to do? Disappoint the Enclave?


Then get up!

The numbing sensation was slowly dissipating. Only to be replaced by pain. Pain that led to anger, and then rage, and finally an unrelenting fury at that mutant son of a bitch that did this to me!

“Aaaaargh!” I screamed, slamming both my fists on the ground and forcing my legs to pick myself up. I was in a crater of some sort, with dust and smoke blinding any clear line of sight. But I didn’t need clear vision to see. From the red light that made up my field of view, I saw what I needed to do. Celestia was just outside the crater, shining like a bright beacon in the fog.

From the way I jumped out of the crater with my knife extended at her throat, I was certainly a sight for poor eyes. Looks like I finally got the drop on her.

As my knife closed in on her neck, another one of her shields appeared out of nowhere to protect herself. But it wasn’t going to stop me. My mind was still feeling the effects of the GRX-II, because I swore I saw my knife shatter that shield like glass as it exploded from the impact. As did several other shields, only inches apart from one another, that my knife went through like hot butter.

The next thing I knew, she was gone, and my knife only had empty air to cleave through.

Turning around on the dime, I fired directly behind myself. “You think I’ll fall for that twice?” I shouted. Celestia was certainly surprised to see my quick reaction time, and even more so by the bullets nailing her in the side.

The spinning of my gatling gun stopped as I lowered it, smoke still pouring out of the barrel. Celestia was down. Even throwing up more of her shields didn’t protect her from direct fire.

Walking to her, I noticed she was still bright white. And moving. Looks like the mutie just didn’t know when to die.

I could see where the bullet struck her. Right in the side, probably close to an organ of importance. The wound sure was bleeding heavily, which I was glad to see. Her breaths were becoming more strained and panicked, her hooves kicking uselessly in the dirt as he struggled to move.

Bending down, I picked her up by her horn. “Well, well, well, look what I just got in the bag,” I chuckled, bending her horn back so that her head bent back as well, giving me a satisfying cry from her.

“Please… no,” Celestia coughed out, along with some blood.

I ignored her and placed the edge of my knife on her throat. “You sure gave me a run for my money, but it wasn’t enough to take me down,” I said, pressing the knife closer on her throat. “You think I can be killed that easily? That I can just die like any of you mutie scumbags? Then you’ve never met Frank Horrigan. But now that you have,” I drew blood from the skin of her throat, “you’re gonna find out real fast why I’m the best the Enclave has.”

“Frank, stop!” a voice called out from the distance. Looking up, I noticed it was Twilight. “You don’t have to do this.”

“All you mutants had to do was take me home!’ I shouted back. Lifting her leader up high and waving my knife at her neck, I said, “But instead, this is what you made me do! But at least you saved me the trouble of having to resist the urge to kill every one of you bastards!”

“Release my sister at once!” a new voice called out. From next to Twilight appeared in another bright flash of radioactive light a new mutant. Much like Celestia, but darker in hues, and slightly smaller. Still had those damn extra appendages though, and probably a high rad count to boot, if my meter hadn’t broken before. “Or else feel the power of my wrath!”

“Like I give two shits if she’s your sister or your wrath!” I replied back, lifting Celestia up high like a trophy. “This bitch is dead!”

Frank, we have trouble.

“What?” I yelled, slamming the palm of my free hand against the side of my helmet. “What can it possibly be now?”

The mutant right there has a radiation level almost as high as Celestia’s. Along with the support she brought with her as well.

“What fucking support?” I growled. My answer came pretty quickly when I looked up to the sky.

Dozens upon hundreds of those damn flying mutants were overhead. Looking to Twilight, I noticed more of her kind lining up alongside her. These were soldiers, clear enough from how quickly they assembled and the sameness of their uniforms.

“If you don’t release my sister, monster, then I swear you will never see the light of the next day!” the mutie next to Twilight shouted, her voice unusually loud. Did these mutants have megaphones here?

Frank, this is bad! You’re already near half your Hit Points! The GRX-II is still having bad effects on your body, and now the mutants have reinforcements! We can’t keep on going like this!

I felt my limbs weaken. The Med-X was taking its toll, and my brain still felt fucked up from the GRX-II. I was exhausted, and the only thing keeping my standing was the unbridled hatred I felt for every single one of these bastards. And if I didn’t do something fast, I was going to die for the second time that day.

Karma Decision:

Good: Let Celestia go. You can’t keep on going on, and the AI is right. You’ll die if you try to confront too many mutants at one time. Better to save your strength and fight when the time is right. As for now, you feel like you’re about to collapse. Let’s just hope no more bad dreams.

Neutral: Keep Celestia hostage. Threaten to slit her throat if they don’t do what you want. And what you want is a way home! Do that and you won’t even kill anyone! You just want to go back home at this point. Back to the Enclave, where they need you.

Bad: Let Celestia go. Have whoever that other strong mutant is go to her rescue. Then, when they’re both in your line of sight, shoot and never stop. If you’re going down, then you’ll be sure as hell that they will as well.