//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Journey Beyond // by Derpyditzydoobubbles //------------------------------// "Riolu, where are you? RIOLU!" A husky man shouted angrily in the dense forest. The man waited impatiently for a few moments, cuffing his ear and listening to a fast paced rustling that intertwined itself with the wind. He then looked over and saw a small black and blue creature with yellow fur around his neck run swiftly out of a nearby bramble thicket while carrying a arrowhead in his mouth. He strolled up to the man and released the arrowhead from his mouth and into the man's palms. "Good, a ruin is nearby. Come on, Get off your butt and lead the way riolu!" The man screamed. Riolu whimpered as he lead the way through the dense undergrowth. Riolu loved the man. He trusted him, and he respected him, but he knew that the man trained him and nurtured him just for collecting money. Unlike most trainers, he wanted to earn fame through riches instead of skillful practice, and that is exactly what he was helping his master find as they marched through the forest. He leaded his master softly over the undergrowth of the trees until finally they reached a small clearing with a large ruin in the center. "Perfect, almost every ruin in this bloody region has had some valuables laying in it. Go on Riolu, lead the way. I need you just in case there are some small holes that only you can crawl through. Now, go!" The man shouted. Riolu then continued leading at a slow pace and lead the man into the ruin. It was drafty in there with the stone walls arching over there heads, looking as if they were ready to fall on them and kill them for trespassing. Riolu could sense the cold chills that ran up his trainer's spine. Once they got to a dead end of the ruin, riolu started taking in the scenery. He started padding around softly and sniffed the rocks and rubles. He noticed that his trainer was examining the dead end's wall very carefully. It looked as if his trainer was taking into mind every detail of the dead end. He then started looking at the walls that were on the dead end's sides. An expression of satisfaction crept on his face as he turned his head to examine the right wall that joined with the dead end. "Aha! A hole in the wall just for you. I told you that I might needed you for this part of the mission. Now, get in there and don't come back until you found something useful to my taste!" The man shouted. Riolu then stopped sniffing the rocks and padded slowly and melancholically toward the hole. As he passed by his trainer, he felt the sharp kick of his trainer's boot land straight into his rump, which caused Riolu to whimper in pain. "Come on, you slacker! Time is money, and it's time you moved faster so I can have more of both!" The fat guy shouted even louder as he rubbed his index finger and his thumb together as a recognition for cash. "Plus, don't forget. Find me the things that would acquire perfectly to my taste. Surprise me if you have too. Now, hurry up and get a move on Riolu!" His master demanded. Riolu nodded his head to his master and fastened his pace as he entered the hole. The hole was long and had yielded many labyrinth-like twists and turns. The further he went on the darker it got, until a few moments later the passage started to get brighter. It got brighter and brighter until Riolu finally exited the hole and came into a small room. The room itself was jammed pack with boatloads of gold and beautiful sapphire jewels, but what impressed him the most was a peculiar statuette that was placed on a flat ruby encrusted pedestal. Riolu padded slowly up to the item and examined it in wonder. It was a carving of two horselike creatures with wings and horns mounted on them. They looked as if they were bowing there heads at each other in greeting. Both their eyes were closed shut, but looked rather as if they were just sleeping, as if they looked ready to wake up. Riolu remembered what his master said to him before he journeyed into the tunnel, and decided to take this artifact to him. So, with a quick swift of his paw, he took up the item and placed it in his mouth and padded triumphantly out of the room. He padded slowly and carefully through the narrow tunnel and emerged back at the main part of the ruin. His master gave a disappointed look to him. "So, this is all you could find? Not a stash of gold or gems at the end of that tunnel?" His master questioned madly. Riolu thought back about the gold and the gems that were scattered everywhere in that room. He just wanted to please his master. He realized that his master did not deserve this undesirable and unacceptable object. "Well give it here, you disappointment!" His master shouted as he leaned in to grab it. Once his master got a grip on the artifact, Riolu lurched it back from him, thinking that he himself could simply exchange it for the desirable objects his master wanted, but he was so worried about the angered look that had come upon his master's face that he lay frozen with confusion and fear. "I think you had misheard me, Riolu. I said give it here and that is exactly what I want you to do!" His master shouted as he got a grip on the artifact once more. Riolu awoke from his fears and got a good grip again on the artifact as he and his master started tugging at the artifact viciously. Riolu growled through his teeth while his master started sweating great beads of angered sweat. He too was growling. As Riolu was gripping a hold of the statuette through his jaws and daring not to see his angry trainer directly, he looked at the statuette and saw the eyes of the two horselike creatures. It looked as if there eyes were squinting at him, but he ignored it and started tugging even harder against his greedy and confused master. Riolu's saliva was now pouring on the statue while his master's rage was steaming over it. "You know riolu, sometimes I wish you would just die. I really don't need you! I never did need you! I only needed you for money and protection from people that would want to give me a good slap in the face! If you think that I'm the only bad greedy person out there in the world then think again! No one will ever love you in this world, or any other world for that matter. They will only want to use you, just like I did. So, why don't you go and die already you dumb disappointing animal!" His master shouted hatefully at the very top of his lungs. Suddenly, the eyes of the two horse like creatures flung open, causing his master to let go of the statuette in a fearful shock. The force of his master's release on the statuette sent riolu to the ground with a thud. Riolu opened his eyes just a crack to see the statuette glow a bright red in his jaws. Not caring anymore about himself or his master, he closed his eyes tight once more. The statuette then flashed a blinding light at his master, making him fall onto the floor and cover his eyes in pain. He then looked up, and saw nothing but a small faint shimmer of red light. * * * Riolu never thought about life throughly until his master had told him about what he felt toward him. He felt hated. He felt as if he had felled being a worthy Pokemon for his master. He knew that no matter what he did, he would always fail at it. He was not worthy to have a friend. Not caring anymore, riolu opened his eyes to see the fierce rage of his master. Instead, he opened his eyes and saw ruins, but something was different with these ruins. They were a lot bigger, and in front of him were two big chairs with a tapestry above each one. One of them had a blue horse like creature with a huge moon behind it, and the other had a white horse like creature with a bright sun behind it. It had look as if a fight had happened here a long time ago, as if the ruin was left here on purpose to decompose. Riolu got up and studied the tapestries closely. The two horses on the statuette were in the same form of the two tapestry horses. Shrugging, riolu calmly walked down the hall and toward two metal doors. With his might, he pushed them open and gazed outside, seeing nothing but a dark forest that glowed in the eerie light of the moon.