Will She Love Me Too?

by Liechtenstein

No Complaints

It was with a happy, contented sigh that Twilight saw her friends out of the door, before closing the door after them. I mean yes, I'm sad for Rainbow and what she had to go through. And yes, I understand how bad Rainbow probably feels around about now, but hay, at least I know that at least four of my friends definitely don't hate me. Or at least not enough to voice any distaste they may have, which is really the best anyone can ask for. Applejack could always hate my guts... but four out of five is still pretty good. I should probably talk to Dash later, about her foalhood 'problems'; it does definitely seem like the thing a good friend would do... could even get a letter to the Princess out of it. Hmmm... come to think of it I should probably send a letter to the Princess describing my 'situation' anyway. And maybe, after all of that, I could admit my feelings for Rainbow Dash. Yeah, and goats may fly.

Actually that isn't a bad idea. The letter to the Princess, that is, not the admittance of feelings. Of course there is always the fear that she may hate us 'fillyfoolers'; she has lived for millenia, she may be 'old fashioned', like Rainbow's father. But Princess Celestia doesn't strike me as the malicious type. True she did banish her sister to the moon for a millennium... but she did have a valid reason to... I mean I wouldn't banish my sister to the moon, but things were probably much different back then. Regardless of what may or may not happen I'm writing the letter anyway; as my personal teacher and mentor she deserves to know. Plus she is basically a divinity, so she will probably find out sooner or later. No, it's better she finds out straight from the pony's mouth. I'll write this by myself, no need for Spike to know anything he doesn't need to. His is just a baby dragon after all.

Twilight levitated some quills, ink and parchment towards her. As if it was second nature to her she was able to set up her writing station, juggling all her utensils simultaneously. Okay, let's start this thing:

Dear Princess Celestia
I am writing to you to say that recently I discovered that I harbour romantic feelings for ponies of the same gender. I understand that this may come as a shock to you. I would also understand it if you hated me for this. However, I write this as I believe it to be relevant to my studies, as I have discovered that, even in your uncertainty, true friends will continue to help, support and guide you. And while the results may not exactly be what you had planned, friends will still be there for you when they can, even in the most uncomfortable of circumstances.
Your Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle

Twilight looked over the letter, spell checked it and then rolled it up, ready for delivery. It's not my best work, but it gets the job done, I guess. It says everything it needs to, and the Princess can make of it what she wants.

"Spike!" Twilight called to her draconian assistant, "I need you to send a letter to the Princess."

Almost immediately Spike burst into the room, holding quill and parchment.

"Okay, Twilight, what do you need me to write?" Spike asked, with an unusual amount of enthusiasm.

"That won't be necessary, Spike; I've already drafted the letter."

"Oh, you could've just asked me to write the letter up, Twi, it's really no bother." The depressed dragon reluctantly took the piece of parchment he was handed and with a flash of green flame it was gone.

Nary a minute had passed before a response was received. It wasn't a cold, heartless letter, like Twilight had been expecting, instead before teleported the great, white figure of Princess Celestia, beaming with joy.

"Oh, Twilight Sparkle, I am so proud of you!" These words were certainly not the words Twilight had expected to hear from the Princess, and was took slightly aback by them.

"P-pr-proud? B-but why?"

"You've finally been able to accept yourself, I have been waiting for this letter for sometime. I'm just pleased you were finally able to admit it, and not only to yourself, but to your friends as well! You have done well, my little pony."

"You mean you kne-"

"Of course I knew, Twilight, you've been my personal student for years, there are certain thing an all powerful celestial being picks up on, you know?" Celestia was smiling widely, and this only served to make Twilight even more confused.

"So... you don't hate me?"

"Of course not!" Celestia sounded somewhat offended, "I am not a closed mind, bigoted pony, I thought you would know better by now. You are my student, and I love you no matter who you love."

"Oh... sorry Princess, its just that I heard some ponies... hate ponies that are... like me." Apologetically and nervously, Twilight attempted to excuse herself.

"As much as it pains me to admit it, yes, there are some mean ponies out there. Stupid ponies, who hate ponies who are different to them. This is probably something you will encounter as you progress. But I promise, as your personal teacher and mentor, that I will do my utmost to try and protect you from this."

"Thank you, Princess, that means a lot to me." Now smiling herself, Twilight felt much calmer, more relaxed. She was happier in general.

"Now, unless you want me for anything I shall head back to Canterlot. Just remember Twilight, you can tell me anything; I'll always be there for you." With a magnificent flash Celestia vanished as quickly as she came. Now it seemed that the only pony Twilight would have to talk to was Applejack.

"What was that all about, Twi?" Asked a confused and somewhat startled Spike. Maybe I should just tell him about this whole situation; I would hate to keep him knowingly out of the loop.


WHOO! Feel a bit cheap going for this route with this whole chapter, but I also think this was probably the best way to go with this; get a lesson out of the way, and a confrontation with the deity herself. Not sure if the next (presumably Applejack chapter; I've been foreshadowing it a bit much.) will be up tomorrow, but if it isn't then you it'll be up midweek.

Once again, listened to a lot of Beck writing this. It seems to fit late at night, for some reason.