AAG - That's Some Service!

by NachoTheBrony

Subject: Darling probable customer

Date: 2033/04/12 2036JST
From: Kasumi Miyamoto, New Product, Sexy Time Movables <misty@sexytime.co.jp>
To: <t.swartz@ritz_charlton.co.eq>
CC: <h.fukumitsu@ritz_charlton.co.jp>
Subject: Darling Probable Customer

Darling probable customer:

I is in Pony-land. I is need to investigate service.

I use service in 5 rich spas today. I is sad with service: dark and unclean.

Boyfriend me says man-side is no good: latrine-like.

I is offended. Boyfriend me is offended.

I has ideas. I has Master Degree in Body Posture Design. Boyfriend me has Degree in Industrial Design. I make service good.

PS: horseman is bigger than Africa man. Boyfriend me need use arm now.