A heart of a racer

by mixdrum0071

Chapter 2

Thunder Joe had stayed in his house most of that day resting after yesterday’s training. His body had gotten used to it, but it still took a small toll on his body. He looked out the window of his room to see the bright sunny afternoon.

“I wonder how my Doubledecker is doing? I haven’t seen him since my training started. I may as well visit him.” Thunder Joe said. While traveling to his destination, Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere behind him.

“HEY! Whats up Thunder?” Thunder Joe jumped high in the air and landed on the ground with his face.

He looked up at her and replied “Oh, nothing much. Just here visiting my buddy.” he slowly got up and asked her “Do you always sneak up on others like that?”

Rainbow Dash responded “No, not really. It’s just that you were open for a surprise and I took that opportunity.” She giggled at Thunder Joe “You gotta admitted though, it was pretty funny.”

Thunder Joe smiled at her and replied “OK it was a little bit funny, don’t sneak up on me like that anymore.” She rolled her eyes nodded, then Thunder Joe asked her “Well, is there anything I can do for you?”

“Well you asked me yesterday that we should name our team,” Rainbow Dash was smiling “I was thinking a good name for the team would be Dashing Thunders, you know, dashing for my name and thunders for your name.” She was still smiling thinking she had come up with the greatest team name ever.

“Can we talk about this later a little later, I kind of want to meet up with my friend. I haven’t seen him in a while.” Thunder Joe told Rainbow Dash.

“Ok then.” she had a slightly disappointed tone in her voice because he didn’t choose that team name immediately as she had hoped. “If you’re free later though, come over to my place.” She smiled at him and took off.

Thunder Joe waved as Rainbow Dash was flying to wherever she was going. Then he thought to himself “I’ll head to her house later, but first I should go see Doubledecker.” and he continued walking towards his house.

Thunder Joe arrive at Doubledecker’s house. Just before he knocked on the door, he noticed a letter taped onto the door. He took the letter off the door and he started to read it.

“My good friend Thunder Joe,

I will not be here for three weeks. I’m going to to visit my family in Manehatten. I wish you good luck in your race, and I cheer you on in spirit.


Thunder Joe said to himself “Well, I guess I’ll head to Rainbow Dash’s house. But I think I’ll take a short nap in the park.” He arrived at the park a few moments later. He laid down in his favorite spot and started to doze off.

Thunder Joe found himself face to face a very elegant cloud building. It was the Racer Hall of Fame building in Cloudsdale. Thunder Joe opened the door and he was entering, he saw many pegasi in line looking at him. Most of the ponies were just average normal ponies, and there were a couple legendary racers among the crowd. From afar he saw Blazewing and Rainbow dash who were standing next to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They were smiling at him. He started to approach them slowly and as was passing through the crowd of ponies, he heard them cheering.

“Way to go champ!” one of the legendary racers shouted.

“Thunder Joe! We’re your number one fans!!!” a group of pegasi trying to get Thunder Joe’s attention.

Thunder Joe looked at the posters around the hall of fame. They each had of a picture of him say Best Racer of all Equestria. As soon as he reached his team and the princesses, he stood proudly next to Blazewing and Rainbow Dash, and smiled at them. As they line up, Princess Celestia approached them.

“Rainbow Dash and Thunder Joe. You have won this year's championship and I’m honored to present this trophy to you.”

The Wonderbolts came out with the trophy to Blazewing, Rainbow Dash, and Thunder Joe. They look at the trophy and their jaws dropped to the floor when they saw the size of it. After the Wonderbolts presented the trophy to them, they flew back and stood next to Princess Luna.

Princesses Celestia smiled at them and said “I also would love to welcome your team into the Hall of Fame Club. Let me be the first to congratulate you. Now if you would like to take a few words, the time is now.”

Thunder Joe took a step forward and silenced the crowd.

“I am grateful for all this glory and all, but I couldn’t have done this without my teammate Rainbow Dash. As well for my coach Blazewing. They’re an awesome group to work with.”

After he said that Rainbow Dash and Thunder Joe saw their picture hanging in a frame, making them part of the Legendary community. Both of them were jumping up and down full of joy. Rainbow Dash said to Thunder Joe.

“Wow! I can’t believe we made it this far! You’re the best, well, we’re the best in equestria.” she smiled at him.

Later celebrating post race season and the new champions, everypony was talking and dancing to music. Thunder Joe headed towards the table to get a cup of cider, and as he grab the cup, Spitfire up to him.

“Feels good to be popular. Doesn’t it?”

Thunder Joe looked at her, took a sip from his drink and said “Yeah it does, but I still have to get use to it.”

“I wanted to ask you a question Thunder Joe.”

“Sure, what do you need?” giving his attention to her.

“Well I just wanted to ask if you’d care to join the Wonderbolts?” she asked him giving him a smile.

Thunder Joe thought about it for a while but, he was not all that interested in the Wonderbolts. He did not care in doing any air shows, his passion was racing. He replied to her question.

“I know you guys are known to be the best fliers in Equestria and all, but I’m going to have to decline your offer, but thank you for asking.” putting a big jerk smile

“Oh well. It was worth the try. Are you sure you don’t wanna join?” looking a little bummed out that Thunder Joe declined.

“Yes. I am sure of it, but you should ask Rainbow Dash. She has always wanted to join you guys.”

From behind Thunder Joe, a group of pegasi were lifting the barrel of cider. They got into position above of him, and splashed him in it.

Thunder Joe woke up startled and wet.

“Whoa what a dream.”

He saw Rainbow Dash hovering above him with a with a bucket of water. She landed and stood alongside an orange earth pony who was wearing a stetson and three red apples as a cutiemark. He got up and looked at both of them. They started to laugh.

“What are you both laughing at if I may ask?” Thunder Joe asked politely.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack look at eachother and then back to him. Rainbow Dash said to him

“At you. Who else would it be?” she couldn’t help herself from laughing again. “You’re all wet. Here let me help you dry up.”

Thunder Joe looked at the empty bucket that was laying next to Rainbow Dash. “You think it’s funny to splash water on somepony while they’re taking a nap?”

Rainbow Dash quickly responded “Nap? You’ve been asleep for a couple hours!”

Applejack chimed in “Ah’ma sorry ‘bout that sugarcube, although ah have ta admit ta ya, it was pretty funny ta wake ya up like that.”

Thunder Joe looked down at the ground then back “I guess it would be funny if you’re not the one being woken up. Please don’t do it again. It’s annoying.”

“Applejack’s the name, and it’s certainly nice to meet ya.” Applejack said to Thunder Joe

“Likewise to you. I assume you run the Sweet Apple Acres?” Thunder Joe inquired.

“Yep. It’s a family run farm. Ya should come on over ta see it some day.”

“Maybe I will.” Thunder Joe then turned to Rainbow Dash

“Hey Rainbow Dash, I was thinking the name The Dashing Thunders would be cool. What do you think?”

“Well, I think it needs to be, well you know, cooler. How ‘bout Thunder wings, because our wings go thunder fast.” Rainbow Dash said it with a big smile on her face.

Thunder Joe thought about it for a bit and then nodded. “Sure. Let’s go with Thunder wings. It sounds cool.”

Applejack looked at them “Well, ya’ll look quite busy with yer team. Ahm gonna head back ta the farm. See ya’ll later.” Applejack walked casually in the direction of her farm.

“Let’s see if Pops approves of the name, but now that I think about it, I have not seen him around lately. Have you?” Thunder Joe asked to Rainbow Dash.

She stared at him with a puzzled look “Huh. I thought you would know where he was.”

Thunder Joe was surprised she didn’t know where Blazewing was either.

“Well, maybe he’s at the registration place for the race on Saturday.”

“That sound right. Alright then I’ll see you at the race. Right now I’m gonna head off to Cloudsdale and take care of some stuff.” She sounded as if what she needed to take care of was important.

“Alright. See ya later.”

Thunder Joe looked around and noticed it was getting dark.

“Wow. Looks like I slept longer than I should’ve. It’s pretty much dark now.”

Thunder Joe walked to his house to finish up the day.