//------------------------------// // A Night on the Town // Story: Sweet Beats // by Jot Notes //------------------------------// The train station was bustling with activity when Bon Bon arrived. Ponies stood in line at the ticket booth, while others rested on or near the benches next to the track. Fillies and Colts darted between the legs of the adults, who stood around chatting amiably. Bon Bon noticed Lyra and their friends standing next to the ticket booth talking amongst themselves. Lyra spotted her and, with a grin, waved her over. "Glad you could make it!" Lyra greeted her. "About time!" Minuette chimed in. "The train will arrive soon." "Sorry," She apologized to her companions. "Inventory took longer than expected." Bon Bon had actually dropped her key somewhere in the store, and had spent nearly half an hour trying in vain to find it. She couldn't tell her friends that, though. They'd never let her hear the end of it. They had a funny way of bringing up embarrassing moments at the worst of times. Carrot Top waved dismissively. "Don't even worry about it. We've got your ticket already." Lyra produced a ticket, which Bon Bon accepted gratefully. Stuffing the bit of paper into her bag, she looked around the train station. "So, has anypony heard from Berry yet?" "Nope," Carrot Top replied simply. "Nu-uh," Lyra seconded. "I went by her place this morning. It was locked up, so I think she might be on a trip." Minuette said. Weird. Normally Berry didn't leave town much. And on the rare occasions she did leave, she brought a friend along. Berry really wasn't fond of leaving Ponyville, for any reason. Bon Bon hoped her friend was safe. She'd be much happier if she knew where her friend was. Lyra gave her a smile. "Aw, quit worrying! I'm sure she's fine. Besides, it's not your job to care, right? What are you, her mom?" "Guess not." Bon Bon said with a small smile. "Nope! They're like sisters!" Carrot Top teased, earning a few laughs. Bon Bon tried hard to suppress a giggle. "Sisters? Come on, you can do better than that!" She fended off her friend's jokes. "That's right, they're not sisters at all!" Minuette grinned evilly. "They're lovers!" Bon Bon halted at that comment. "Lovers?" She repeated, confused. "Lovers!" Minuette said. "That's why she cares so much about her, she misses her marefriend!" It stopped being funny after that. Bon Bon fell silent, and Lyra fixed the unicorn with a stare. Minuette saw Bon Bon's reaction, and her teasing nature was cut short. The four stood still for a second, to the point where the silence became uncomfortable. Everypony knew Berry was a fillyfooler, but while they all accepted their friend no matter what, it was still something they took very seriously, especially after Berry had reacted so poorly to their teasing. Bon Bon suspected that was why Berry spent less time with her friends than normal. She still hadn't got over some of the careless things they'd said. Minuette kicked at the platform, sheepishly. "Too far?" She managed to say. "Too far." Bon Bon said flatly. "That's not something you joke about, Minuette." Lyra scolded. Now she sounded like the mom. "Even if they were a couple, you don't get to talk like that!" "It was just a joke!" Minuette defended. "I know they aren't a thing!" "Still..." Carrot Top didn't look nearly as upset as Lyra. She just looked like she was following the crowd. Minuette exhaled loudly. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it." Bon Bon hadn't realized that she was talking to her. Quickly she regained her senses and stared at her chastened friend. "It's cool, I know you didn't mean anything." Minuette relaxed visibly at her words. "There!" Lyra said satisfied. "We're all good again." "Besides," Carrot Top commented mildly. "If Bonnie was into mares, she'd tell us right away." "Yup." Bon Bon said with a devilish grin. "You'd be the first to know, Goldie." "Oh, shut up." Her friend rolled her eyes and laughed. Bon Bon growled playfully at the earth pony and pounced at her, causing her to squeal in surprise. Bon Bon chased her in circles, the duo running around the platform. Lyra and Minuette watched in amusement as the duo barreled around for a minute until they sat down out of breath. A few ponies glared at them, but the majority appeared confused, which only compounded the hilarity of the moment. Finally, the train pulled up, drowning out their raucous laughter. The friends got to their feet and crowded around the entrance as a stallion wearing a uniform climbed out. "All aboard for Canterlot!" The train whistled in response. Bon Bon and company flashed their tickets and climbed aboard, hunting for their seats. Lyra, compulsive spender that she was, had went the extra mile, scoring first class seats near the front of the train. Bon Bon settled into one of the seats and sighed. Her bed wasn't even this comfortable. Her friends did the same, relaxing in the seats as they waited for the train to start moving. Slowly, the noises outside began to fade, and the train began to lurch forward. Bon Bon found herself looking out the window as the familiar landscape disappeared, making way for rolling hills and faraway mountains. "So, what do we have planned?" She asked her friends. "The better question is what don't we have planned?" Minuette joked. "We're going to head to the hotel from the train station." Lyra said. "Which hotel?" Bon Bon asked curiously. "Canterlot Towers!" Lyra replied eagerly. "It's one of the greatest hotels in all of Equestria!" "Really?" Bon Bon looked at her friend in surprise. "Isn't that a bit....pricey?" Lyra waved her away good-naturedly. "Oh please! All it takes is good connections!" "Oh?" Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "And who exactly do we know?" "That's easy! I know a mare--" Minuette began. "--who knows this mare--" Carrot Top cut in. "--who knows this stallion's cousin-- Lyra piped up. Minuette shot her friends a look before finishing. "Who works at the hotel." Bon Bon blinked. "What was that all about?" Lyra winked mischievously, but didn't say a thing. Minuette grumbled something under her breath, but nopony paid her any attention. "And after we get checked in, we can check out some of the local stores!" Lyra enthused. "They've got so much cool stuff in Canterlot, I can hardly stand it!" Carrot Top agreed. "So hotel first, followed by shops, then the club?" Bon Bon asked. The mountains had drawn closer, to the point where the strange blue illusion that was created by distance slowly dissipates, revealing the majestic mountains in more vivid detail. "Exactly! And the next morning, we go out for breakfast and catch a movie after some sightseeing!" Her friend said. "Sounds great." She smiled broadly before turning back to the window. The land continued to roll past, moving past the stark stone giants towards the city of the princesses. Bon Bon found that her eyelids slowly began to grow heavy. "I think I'm going to doze for a bit." She said with a yawn. "Good thinking." Minuette yawned as well. "I could use a nap." Carrot Top didn't respond. She just yawned before falling asleep. Before Bon Bon went to sleep, she remembered something important. "Lyra?" She turned to her friend. Lyra showed no intention of falling asleep like the others. She appeared wired, caffeinated even. "What?" "If I wake up with a mustache again, I'll kill you." She turned over and went to sleep, despite Lyra's laughter. One need only see the city of Canterlot to understand why it was so popular. Aside from being the home of the Princess' Catsle, not to mention the Princesses themselves, it housed much of Equestria's most prestigious citizens. It was a home of great architects, artists and master cooks. Because of this fact, it was also the home of the wealthy and famous, making the city a shining example of decadence and glamor. It was a drastic change from her routine, and while Bon Bon could certainly understand the need for a change of pace, she secretly longed for some sort of familiarity hidden amongst the hustle and bustle of the city. Bon Bon and her friends dismounted the train upon their arrival, where they stopped at the platform to get their bearings. The city was incredibly large, and even though she'd been here before, it was difficult to recognize. Carrot Top appeared to have the same impression of the city. Lyra, on the other hoof, appeared absolutely comfortable with the grandeur of her hometown. "Isn't this great, girls?" She squeaked in excitement. She looked over the colorful buildings with a childish vigor that Bon Bon had to admire. "It's pretty impressive." She stepped out of the way to allow a well groomed stallion to step past her. "Oh! There's our hotel!" Minuette pointed excitedly at a building nearby. Bon Bon looked at where she pointed and laughed in amazement. Canterlot Towers was a sight to behold, a large, mostly glass and stone structure that almost outshone the Princesses' Castle. It was tall, taller than any other building in the city, and the very definition of modern art. A dazzling crystal elevator ran up the side of it, rising and falling in a soundless tempo, stopping for mere seconds on each floor. And to top off the entire effect, there was a second tower erected next to the first, a mirror image connected by two large bridges, one near the top and another by the bottom. "I can't wait to get checked in!" Bon Bon declared to her friends. "Let's get moving!" She began approaching the tower at an impatient pace. Her friends followed suit, all except Carrot Top. "Wait for me!" She shouted, struggling with her friends bags. Minuette and Lyra lent a hoof, using their magic to pick up the luggage. Lyra lead the way to the hotel, pointing out some of her favorite locales along the way, reminiscing about childhood memories associated with each particular spot. Canterlot held a great deal of importance to Bon Bon's friend, to the point where you wondered why she had left the luxurious city in the first place. The four mares made good time while paying attention to her stories and soon found themselves at their destination. Bon Bon took a look at the hotel, and stepped back involuntarily. If the hotel was impressive at a distance, then it was near monolithic up close. The doors themselves were made of finely polished crystal--probably from the Crystal Kingdom itself--and were completely spotless. Behind the transparent front doors was an exquisite looking modern foyer that seemed to capture a rare blend of luxury with a contemporary look. Bon Bon didn't have an eye for home furnishing like most ponies, but she still found herself in awe of the sheer decadence of the entire display. From the main room, one could tell that this hotel was a place of refuge from stress. It was a place you couldn't stand to leave. Bon Bon and company approached the front desk slowly, almost like their very existence in this room had made themselves more dignified. She wouldn't have been surprised if they'd all sprouted wings and horns if they stayed here long enough. The mare behind the desk was every bit as grand as the room, her mane styled to reflect the high authority she held as the receptionist. "Good afternoon!" She greeted the quartet with an aired voice. "Hiya!" Lyra beamed at the mare. "Do you have a reservation?" She asked, turning to a computer on the desk. "Yup! It's under Minuette." The blue unicorn piped up from behind her counterpart. Lyra slapped her lightly on the muzzle. "Minuette, hush! The adults are talking!" She cut down her friend. Turning to the receptionist, she relayed the exact same information. "Could you check under Minuette please? It should be there." Minuette rubbed her muzzle ruefully, while Carrot Top tried to suppress a laugh. The receptionist checked her computer before procuring two key cards for them. "Your rooms are on the seventh floor, girls. Please enjoy your stay." She smiled kindly at them as they departed for the elevator. The elevator was sent to their floor almost in an instant, and when Bon Bon pushed the button for their floor, it shuttled upward just as quickly. There was no muzak echoing through the elevator like most. Instead there was the near silent sound of air buffered glass rising upward. Bon Bon tried to avoid looking downward, as the floor was made of crystal too. "Hey Lyra?" Minuette was still rubbing her muzzle. "Hmm?" "Was hitting me really necessary?" She stared at her friend. "Of course not." She laughed. "Then why'd you hit me?" "Because its fun." Lyra said with a smirk, earning a look of exasperation from her friend. "It still hurts, you know." Minuette grumbled. The doors slid open, and the party stepped into the hall. As luck would have it, their rooms were opposite the elevator upon exiting. "Oh, lighten up." Lyra opened the door to the first hotel room, and the party shared a collective gasp of delight. The room, if anything, was a dream come true. With two large beds dominating the far end of the room, there were several items of interest that added to the luster of their temporary retreat. A large hot tub was featured in one corner, with a massive TV on the wall facing it. The room was plush and comforting, the scent of vanilla lingered in the air. And above all, one of the walls was comprised completely out of crystal, and from it you could behold a breathtaking view of the entire city. Bon Bon stood close to this window, absorbing the scenery, while her friends took stock of their belongings. While she wasn't even close to the top of the building, it was possible for her to feel in control from this vista. It was an amazing change of pace for her, and she was glad for the break in routine. She thought back, for a moment, to Octavia back in the store. Maybe her Hearts and Hooves Day surprise had been her way of breaking routine, too. If so, it was probably a good idea, now that she'd thought about it. A routine was nice, but a change in routine was always welcome. In some cases, it could be outright amazing. She sincerely hoped that there was a change in pace waiting for the couple. They seemed like they might need it. Then again, the cellist was dating a pony who spent her nights partying. Bon Bon suspected there wasn't much routine there to begin with. Bon Bon thoughts were interrupted when Lyra called to her from the door. "C'mon, Bonnie! We're losing daylight here!" The other two were already out the door. Bon Bon hurried to catch up with Lyra as they entered the elevator. The shopping district of Canterlot found Bon Bon and her friends doing a great deal of window shopping before actually buying anything. The four friends stared, fascinated, at the wide variety of garments that each new store contained, with something bright and colorful catching their eye beyond every pane of glass. There was truly something for everypony to fawn over, even though none of them were that interested in fashion. Lyra had her eyes fixated on a large, white sweater made of some fabric Bon Bon couldn't even pronounce. "I love it!" She declared looking through the window. "Then go buy it." Minuette encouraged her friend, leading her into the store. "I wanna buy a scarf while we're in here, anyway!" Carrot Top followed suit, looking back at the other earth pony. "You coming, Bonnie?" She considered, briefly, before shaking her head. "I'll just wait here." She watched the other ponies wandering about the district. It was always strange being in a public place in a different town. There wasn't anypony you recognized, nopony to strike a conversation with. It was actually kind of lonely, really. Bon Bon wouldn't have minded at all if she saw somepony she recognized, anypony at all in fact. She glanced behind her, where her friends were watching Lyra model the sweater. Maybe, if she didn't have anypony to talk to, she should go in the-- "Hey Bonnie!" A loud, exuberant voice caused Bon Bon to flinch, squealing in surprise and falling into the dirt. "Oh man, this is awesome! I never thought I'd see you in Canterlot!" The familiar voice caused the earth pony to cringe. No, no, no, no, Bon Bon thought with dread. Not her, anypony but her! She got to her hooves, and turned to the familiar white unicorn. Vinyl grinned at her like a madmare. A large, transparent soda cup hovered alongside her, filled with a sweet purple liquid. A white saddlebag was slung across her back, with her cutie mark on the flap. "Hi, Vinyl. It's so..." She struggled to think of a word. Pleasant? Unexpected? Totally against all odds, a cruel twist of fate's hoof destined to mess with Bon Bon's weekend? "It's awesome to see you, too, pal!" Vinyl's grin grew wider, if that was even possible. "Who would have guessed you'd be in Canterlot at the same time I was?" "Yeah...talk about luck." She replied lamely. "What are you doing here anyway? I never figured you'd be the type to go shopping." Vinyl looked around her into the store, where Bon Bon's friends were finishing up their purchases. Bon Bon shrugged. It was one of the few things, thankfully, that she and the DJ actually had in common. "I'm just waiting for them to buy some stuff so we can move on." "Great!" I'll keep you company until get out of the store, and we can all hang! It'll be fun!" Vinyl too a sip of her soda. "You don't have to do that, Vinyl, I'm sure you've got things to do." Bonnie protested. The weekend was supposed to be about escaping routine. Having Vinyl tag along would not be any different from her days in Ponyville. "It's cool, neighbor! I'm just killing time until my show!" She didn't look like she had anywhere she would rather be. She struggled to find some excuse. "What about the club? Shouldn't you be making sure that the speakers work or something?" "You know, Bonnie, I'm starting to think you don't wanna hang with me." Vinyl almost sounded hurt. "We never hang, and I don't know many ponies in Canterlot. Let's just chill for a bit." It occurred to Bon Bon that she might have a point. She was as much a stranger in Canterlot as she, and she might feel just as lost as the earth pony was. Of course, neither of them were truly alone. Bonnie had her friends, and Octavia was wandering around here someplace. Vinyl didn't know that, though, and to tell her would spoil the surprise. "Well, I guess--" Bon Bon relented. "Awesome!" Vinyl gave her a quick squeeze. "This'll be awesome! We finally get to hang out!" Bon Bon suffocated a bit from the embrace. "O-okay...lemme go..." At this moment, the rest of her friends stepped out of the store. Vinyl dropped Bon Bon to greet them. "What up, everypony!" She was jubilant. The others seemed incredibly taken aback by Vinyl's sudden appearance. "Oh...hello Vinyl." Carrot Top was the first to speak up. "Wow! What are the odds that she'd find us here of all places? It's like she's following us or something!" Minuette said. That made Vinyl laugh out loud. "Don't get any ideas, Minnie! I'm just here for the music!" "Minnie?" Minuette blinked, confused. "Where are you fillies headed?" The DJ asked the group. "Well, the four of us we actually doing a bit of shopping." Lyra took a moment to glance at her reflection in the glass. "Make it five, then! I wanna come!" Vinyl was full of enthusiasm, the kind that seemed almost unbreakable. "Sorry, Vinyl, but this was supposed to be a mare's night out." Lyra replied bluntly. "So...why can't I come?" Vinyl looked genuinely confused. Lyra noticed her fault and tried to recover. "Not that you aren't a mare." She added quickly. "It's just..." She couldn't think of anything to say. Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "Just let her come with us, Lyra. I'm sick of shopping anyway." "It's pretty much twelve o'clock." Carrot Top noted, staring at a nearby clock. "Let's go get some lunch." Lyra sighed. "Oh, alright." She relented. She stared at the DJ uncertainly. "Do you want to tag along, Vinyl" "Hell yeah, I do!" The mare thrust a hoof in the air in triumph. Her celebration knocked her soda from the air, where its contents spilled out over the area, covering everypony nearby in a fine spray of purple juice. Bon Bon, fortunately, was spared, as was Vinyl. Lyra and her sweater, however, were not. Minuette and Carrot Top stared at Lyra, her mouth agape as she stared at her ruined sweater. She looked at the sweater, then to Vinyl, then back to the sweater again. Bon Bon feared she might start screaming. "Ah, buck, this again." Vinyl stepped closer to the green unicorn, who didn't react. "I did the same thing with Tavi's blouse once. I'm such a klutz." She turned around and started down the road. "Don't go anywhere!" She called over her shoulder. "I know how to deal with these stains!" She turned around the corner and vanished from sight. Lyra reacted the moment the unicorn turned the corner. "Come on, girls. Let's get out of here." She tugged off the purple sweater, and stuffed it inside her bag. Bon Bon was taken aback. "What about Vinyl? She said she was going to fix the stains." Lyra tapped her hoof impatiently. "Exactly why we should leave before she gets back. She's going to make things worse!" The other three were had already turned to leave, leaving the cream colored Earth pony standing alone, conflicted. On one hoof, she wasn't looking forward to spending any more time with the DJ pony than necessary, but on the other hoof, her moral integrity wasn't making it easy to ditch her neighbor, either. She closed her eyes and tried to reason with herself. On a routine basis, she would hold her ground and wait for her neighbor, no matter how inconvenienced she might be. "Bon Bon! Hurry up!" Bon Bon obediently stepped into line, following her friend. It was supposed to be a weekend away from her routine, after all. Vinyl rushed around the corner with another sweater, exactly the same, right down to the size, or so she assumed. In truth, Vinyl wasn't any good at getting stains out of things. It just wasn't her style to undo messes. She was good at spending money, though, impeccably good, so it was no big deal for her to go and buy Lyra a replacement sweater. Vinyl was thoughtful like that. However, as she returned to the place where she had left her companions, they were nowhere to be found. They appeared to have left abruptly, leaving behind her half empty soda and little else. She peered into the store for a minute, trying to see if her friends had taken refuge inside, but her search was fruitless. She looked at the sweater she bought, and stuffed it into her bag. She'd give it to Lyra the next time she saw them, she promised herself. Without much else to do, Vinyl picked up her soda and started wandering aimlessly down the road, trying to find something to do to kill the time.