//------------------------------// // Hide and Seek // Story: A Royal End // by Yappyjack //------------------------------// "Ready or not here I come" Celestia yelled as she looked around with mischief on her face, as she began to search the castle looking for her silly little sister, who happened to be hiding in the kitchen closet. "Tia will never find me in here." Luna giggled. Celestia looked in Luna's bedroom to see if she was hiding under the bed, then Celestia was going to have some fun, she used her magic to see were Luna had gone, and it worked! Celestia got to the kitchen and stopped the magic spell, "Since that gave me a hint, now I know she's in the kitchen, so I will find her on my own now." Celestia looked around and saw no place to hide except... "Boo!" Celestia yelled as she slung the door to the closet open, but she wasn't there! Celestia giggled and used her magic to make Luna appear again, "I found you!" Celestia said. "Aw man, I thought you would never find me!" Luna said, as she thought. "Come on let's go to my room." Celestia said. Celestia and Luna flopped on the big bed, Luna giggled as Celestia began to tickle her little sister. "Your Majesty!" A guard said bursting into the room. "There is an emergency. You student, Princess Twilight Sparkle sent us a letter saying that she and her friends went into the Everfree Forest and were captured by strange figures!" Princess Celestia put on her crown, horseshoes, and chest peace. "Have you captain and his guards take me to the Everfree Forest immediately!" Celestia ordered. "But,Tia, I thought we were_" "I know but I have to go, there is a possibility of a new threat in Equestria, I'm sorry." Celestia interrupted, she walk over to luna and smiled, she hugged her sister and left. Yeesh, when she puts on that crown she gets really up-right! Luna thought. Luna went to the library and found the book that she had started to read. A couple of hours pasted and Luna did a lot of things around the castle to keep her from being bored, but it didn't help, she was sooooo bored! "Why did Tia have to go!?" Luna said, "Twilight Sparkle can take care of her and her friends!" Luna went to her room and laid on the bed on the bed and went to sleep. "Princess Luna! Help!" Luna woke up and looked around and gasped, she saw a very wounded guard on the floor in her doorway, inside Luna was freaking out!