//------------------------------// // Mind- Meld // Story: A Broken World // by Moonlight Melodies //------------------------------// He came awake with a start sat up in the cot. He frantically looked around at his surroundings, when he didn’t recognize a single thing he began to panic. He scrambled out of bed and promptly fell to his face. A groan escaped his lips as he realized just how sore his body was. He rolled onto his back and began to put pressure on certain parts of his armor in a sequenced fashion. After a few seconds the front popped open and he slid out of the heavy suit. Underneath his armor he wore a white and silver jumpsuit that had lights that ran from his flank to his neck. With slightly shaking legs he got to his hooves and looked over his body. The wounds that he had received were still there but they seemed to have been healed. After checking himself over he began to look at his surroundings. There were several tables and chairs spread around haphazardly. The walls were made of dirt with wooden reinforcements to keep the structure intact. As he looked around, he took note that there were no windows and only one door. He limped over to the door and tried to open it, it was locked. He returned to his cot and sat back on his haunches. Whatever had healed him no doubt had him locked in and was probably watching him. He walked over to his armor and popped off of the visor. He put them to his eyes and turned on the heat-detecting mode. As he spun in a circle he saw a pony like shape sitting behind the wall adjacent to him. He smiled and walked over to the area where it was. He began to tap along the walls, looking for a soft spot or a hidden switch. When he found none, he simply sat acing the wall and stared at it. After a few minutes the door handle began to turn quietly, as if not to let him hear it. He shot upright, ears flicking madly, and scrambled over to his armor. He popped out a side door, grabbed a small cylindrical item out of it, and hid behind the suit for cover. The door opened slowly, allowing a small sliver of light to be cast across the room. A shadow interrupted the light as the creature looked into the room. He could feel his heart beating madly as the door opened even further and it entered the room. It came in cautiously at first, constantly stopping, but eventually fully entered the chamber. He began to lift his head a couple inches off the floor to get a peek at his captor when suddenly bright lights came on and momentarily blinded him. He shot to his hooves and began to point the item he had grabbed at the intruder. When his vision normalized he found a tall purple mare staring back at him. Intrigued he began to lower the item but raised it again when she began to walk towards him. She stopped and sat on the ground then cocked her head to one side. “Who are you?” she asked in a strange language “What are you called?” He looked at her and shook his head “I don’t understand your language”. He sat on the ground, mimicking her pose “do you know any others?” She shook her head as well “I don’t understand your language” she sighed. She got up and turned to leave. “Wait!” he said hurriedly “don’t go, maybe we can figure something out”. She turned back to him and muttered in her strange tongue. Eventually she sat down and began to make motions at him. He watched her and began to understand what she was trying to do. She pointed to herself and said, “my name is Twilight Sparkle” she motioned to him and looked at him expectantly. He took a wild guess and said, “I am Pr… um Fang”. He looked at her to see if she had caught his hesitation, when he found none he relaxed and motioned to his horn then to hers. She looked up at her horn and back to him “what about my horn?” she asked him. He moved closer to her and again touched his horn and pointed to hers. She frowned “you want us to touch horns?” she emphasized this by pointing to her horn with one of her hooves, pointing to his with the other, then bringing her hooves together. He nodded and began to move closer to her she backed away and he stopped. He reached his neck out as far as it would go and waited for her to join him. She hesitated, but eventually went to sit across from him. He looked up at her from his stretched position and nodded for her to complete the distance. She stared then slowly moved her horn over to his. He waited patiently, not wanting to scare or force her into it and eventually she closed the small gap in between their horns. Almost immediately, information flooded both of their minds causing them to reel slightly. He began to sort through information until he found the thing he was looking for. He closed his eyes in concentration as he began to relay information formed as words and sentences into her brain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Hello” said a voice in her brain “how are you?” she gasped and looked at him in shock. His eyes were closed and sweat was beginning to saturate his face. “I cannot sustain this mind-meld for long so sit back and listen for a minute”. He gasped from the effort and tightened his eyes in concentration. “As you probably know, I am not from your world. I came from a dying planet on a last hope wormhole spell that brought me here. I assure you that I will be of no harm to your subjects and will try my best to learn your language.” His legs gave out and he slumped to a lying position, gulping air. She looked at him with wide eyes and began to move toward him but he waved her away. He crawled over to his cot and pulled himself into it. Within seconds he had passed out completely. She trotted over to him to make sure he was okay. His body was glistening with sweat and his heartbeat could be heard from several feet away. She sat and stared at him as she tried to process what he had just said, or rather, thought to her. He had called them her subjects, which meant that in his world alicorns held power as well. She got up and trotted out of the room, closing the door behind her. She had a lot to think about, and she needed ponies to think with. She went upstairs and called spike to her. She instructed him to go and gather her friends and bring them to the library. With a salute he dashed out of the library as fast as his little legs would take him. She frowned in thought as she watched him go, just what exactly made him want to leave his planet so hastily? What had caused those wounds? What exactly did he mean by ‘a dying world’? She filled her head with questions and tried to connect the dots as she waited for her friends to arrive.