//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Black Coated Filly // by bellensnow //------------------------------// "Wake up silly pie." Pinkie said as she shook her daughter. "Hgn-no, MOM!" Marble squealed as pinkie licked her. "Ewwww, now i need to have a shower!" "Then you better get going silly." Pinkie said as she ushered herself out of the room. "Celestia damn it mom!" Marble said to no one in particular. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 mins later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marble had just gotten out of the shower just as breakfast was finished cooking, so the moment she opened the washroom door the smell of buckwheet pancakes and hay bacon hit her nostrils like a slap to the face. "Yum, dads buckwheet pancakes and hay bacon for breakfast." Marble said as she made her way down stairs. "Dad only makes these for special occasions. Whats going on now?" Marble wondered out loud. Just then she had realized that she had stopped right at the stairs. "I better get downstairs before mom comes to get me." Marble thought out loud. Upon going downstairs she saw a grey filly, a white mare, and a silver stallion. Thats odd, the stores not open yet. Marble thought. She had also seen her parents talking to them, she had heard her name come up a few times. As she walked up to her parents she voiced her question. "I'm not in trouble correct?" "Correct." Her father pokey said "These ponies here are Blue Chip and Gold Spoon, Silver Spoons parents." At mention of her name Silver Spoon peeked her head out from behind her mother. "Marble!" She whisper-yelled. "Yeah?"Marble questioned as she walked over. "I'm really sorry about this, my parents are a tad over protective. They've never meet you and they didn't know you were Pinkies child, so they had to come over here and meet you and your parents." Silver Spoon said. "Thats alright." Marble said. "My parents- "And where is this wonderful filly?" Blue Chip inquired cutting Marble off. "Um, I'm right here sir." Marble said as she magicked a spot light over her head. "Ah wonderful." The white mare said. "My name is Gold Spoon, and this is Blue Chip, We are Silver Spoons parents." "Nice to meet you Gold Spoon." Marble said as she gave a small curtsy. "No need for such formality." Blue Chip said. "We are not of royal status." Marble smiled sheepishly. She was always formal when meeting ponies who were older than her. "Well now that we've gotten introductions out of the way how about some breakfast?" Pokey asked. "Oh me!" Pinkie said as she bounced off into the dining area. ---------------------------------------------------------------- about an hour later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ok off to school you girls go." Pinkie said, ushering them out the door. "Ok mom, i love you see you after school." Marble said as she was pushed out the door. It was only a few minutes after that moment that the two fillies started talking. "Well, that was... eventful." Silver Spoon said staling to find the correct word. "Yeah it was." Marble said. "Is it me or are both of our families crazy?" "I think both of our families are crazy. But you dad makes really good buckwheet pancakes." Silver said. "Thanks, you should try the cakes he makes for cute cenerieas. So what did your parents say about me sleeping over?" Marble asked. "They said that if it was ok with your parents then you were aloud, But they'll be gone for the weekend." Silver said. "Maybe we could invite a few other ponies to stay for a few hours and we can have a small party." Marble said. "Oh my Celestia. That would be awesome. But who would we invite?" Silver asked. "Well i was thinking Sweetie, Bloom, Scoots, Rumble, and Pip Squeak." Marble said. "Well i don't know about Bloom and them, but Rumble and Pip Squeak are ok." Silver said. "Its ok, I'll ask Bloom and them and we can both ask Rumble and Pip." Marble said. "Deal, We can ask Pip and Rumble," Silver Spoon looked up. "Right now, because their right in front of us, come on lets catch up." Silver said as she ran towards them. "Hey Pip! Hey Rumble." Marble said when she was close enough so that they could hear her. "We," Silver motioned to herself and Marble. "Were wondering if you would like to come to a party at my place tonight say around 6?" Silver asked. "Sure!" Pip said. "What about you Rumble?" Marble asked, she was trying her hardest to sound like she didn't like him as more then a friend. "Um, S-sure," Rumble stuttered. He blushed as he said he would come, he really liked Marble but she didn't know that. "Awesome!" Silver said. "So we'll see you at 6?" "Hell yeah!" Pip said. "But wait whats your address?" "Oh its 5723 Ponyville road." Silver said. "Oh and can you not tell Diamond about this, shes not invited, she really dosn't like Marble because of how she stood up for Bloom and them." "No problem." Rumble said. "If you want we can walk with Marble the rest of the way so D.T doesn't think you were walking with her." "If you wouldn't mind... Sorry Marble but diamond hates you." Silver said. "Its all good Silver, I don't like diamond anyway, but i'll be the bigger mare and be nice to her anyways." Marble said, "Now you go so that she doesn't get suspicious." "Thanks Marble, I'll see you after school." Silver said as she hugged Marble. "Bye guys!" Silver said as she walked away from the group. "Bye!!" Rumble,Pip and Marble said together. As the small group of three was walking towards the school Pip kept pushing Rumble into Marble. Everytime that Pip would do that Rumbles wings would stiffen, one reason for balance the other because of the close proximity between himself and his crush. Marble being a unicorn noticed his wings but thought nothing of it because she didn't know that they stiffen because of arousal. "Hey Marble can you walk ahead a little while i talk to Pip in private?" Rumble asked. "Yeah i can do that." Marble said. "The school is close anyways, so i'll see you to after school." "Yeah um i'll talk to you later. Bye." Rumble said as Marble walked off. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her flank and Pip just so happened to notice. "You like the new girl?" Pip asked as soon as he thought Marble was far enough away that she couldn't hear him. "Yeah... Which is why you pushing me into her was pissing me off you idiot." Rumble stated. "Well sorry princess," Pip said sarcastically. "Whatever lets just go to school." Rumble said.