The Cassandra Chronicles

by CassandraMyOCisBestpony

Cassandra makes the Breezies episode better

"Pinkie, did you bring the episode script I asked for?" said Cassandra

"Yuppy duppy!" said Pinkie, handing it over.

"Ah dun see what th' big deal is" said Applejack, "ah thought it was a great episode, almost as good as mah two other favorite shows, Jersey Shore and The Big Bang Theory."

The others were dubious before, but now they understood Cassandra's concern.

"So what is this new device you wanted to show us?" asked Twilight curiously.

"This," said Cassandra, "is called a paper shredder." She took hte episode script and fed it through. WIth a shrill grinding noise, the episode script was no more.

"But what do we do about the Breezies?" asked Fluttershy, "without them, who will eat twice their weight in food and contribute nothing to our society?"

"Parasprites" replied Cassandra.

"Oh that's a relief" said Fluttershy.

"But your concern is admirable" said Cassandra, "and for your kindness, I grant you this flower." She pulled out a perfectly formed decadent rose, colored gold and sparkling with a rainbow to end all rainbows, the triple rainbow. Instantly the ponies knew that as long as Cassandra was around, everything would be just fine.