When I Cry

by Brony Hectic

Liquid Emotion

Edited by 'NightShader'. Proof read by 'TexPony' and 'multiple bronies'.

"In A Society That Has Abolished All Adventure The Only Adventure Left Is To Abolish That Society"

This is such a bad idea Dim Shadow thought to himself as he stared at the door in front of him. After a long sigh he knocked
on the door three times. Nothing good will come out of this. But it gives me something to do. He waited for a moment or two before a tall brown pony with a gelled back black mane in a red bow tie opened the door and looked at Dim Shadow in the eye.

"And you are?" he spoke in a tone as if Dim was interrupting something and was being a burden.

"My name is Dim Shadow, sir. I'm here to see Silver Spoon." Dim stated in response.

The butler cocked an eyebrow before pressing and holding down a button on an iron slate on the wall. "Ms.Silver, I have a Dim Shadow here to see you. Shall I send him up?" he took his hoof of the button and stood in place for a moment before a shot static sounded with a response shortly after.

"You can let him in, Rupert." Silver Spoon said, as if she was holding something in her mouth.

"Ms.Spoon, do you have something stuck in your throat? Should I send assistance?" the butler asked, although he didn't sound concerned in the slightest.

"I'm fine," the sounds of air being pushed out could be vividly heard "just let him in." Silver replied which once again,  sounded like there was something in her mouth. The butler moved out the door way and extended his arm toward a long staircase. "Third floor, second door on the right. I'd advise you knock before entering, enjoy your stay. You might want to get in quick little one, I heard the weather ponies should be building quite a large storm some time soon." the butler nodded off before returning to whatever tasks were at hoof before.  Dim glanced back at him before he stared at the staircase in front of him and made his way up.

        Dim Shadow was still questioning if this was a smart idea. Well actually, he was pretty sure it wasn't, but he was still thinking. Could this be just another trap he allowed himself to walk into, or perhaps Silver Spoon actually wanted to talk or some how justify her actions over the past days. Third floor, second door on the right. Dim thought to himself as he finally got to the third floor, losing almost no energy at all, surprisingly.

Dim walked down the hall and was presented with a fine hoof crafted wooden door with Silver Spoon's cutie mark engraved in what appeared to be pure mahogany wood. Well, this should be fun.

Silver Spoon had never concentrated so much on any form of measurement, really. She had to be as precise as a sniper with something like this, however. The smallest mishap could make the pony go crazy with love and too little would have little to no effect. The area in the middle was so small, some might even say that this was a black or white process.
        The needle-like object injecting the neon purple potion into the cup of water let out a trickle of it's contents. Bright purple danced around in the cup as it dispersed. Silver Spoon let it sit for a moment before adding a few grains of salt. The salt had erased the remains of the faded purple concoction, Silver Spoon smiled as her plan was falling perfectly into place.

"Shouldn't take more than a couple secon-" She was interrupted by a knock on the door, Silver was about to answer before she remembered that the pitcher of the potion, beakers, graduated cylinders, and bag of salt were still out.

"One second!" she called at the door as she opened her closet door and shoved the science and measuring equipment in there without care. She wasn't about to let the potion be out in the open, after all if Dim or anypony in general had seen it there would definitely be trouble and tons of questions.
        Silver quickly opened her combination safe. Moving various gems and jewelry aside, she made room for the pitcher and placed in there, shut the door, and spun the lock around a few times to lock it back up.

Outside the door Dim could only hear muffled groans. An invisible timer went off above his head. I understand why he told me to knock...

A few more awkward moments passed before Dim could hear the slow creaking of the wooden carved door open. Dim just stood there with a look of annoyance. "Silver Spoon, why do you have to be so dramatic about everything? Just answer the door like a normal pony." Dim waited for a moment with no response, all he could hear is the air conditioner cooling the large house.

"Ugh!" Dim  looked threw his head back. "If you plan on doing anything fishy I swear..." Dim quickly and lightly pushed the door open but no pony was present in Dim's view. The entrance into her room was like the small hall like entrance to that of a hotel room.
Dim Shadow slowly made his way into the room. From what he could see and feel, the floor was carpeted and the walls were white, however, there were no light switches next to the door, which Dim found odd. He took this fairly creepy moment to evaluate the day, The pony who organized five others to beat me up and put me in the hospital, invited me  to her home all within a few hours and I agreed to go. Now I'm in a dark room with no light switch and said pony is no where to be seen when I heard her voice not even thirty seconds ago. Good on me.
Dim finally walked out of the small hallway like part of the room and could now see the whole room and the one occupying it.

"Hello, Dim Shadow, take a seat and a glass of water, this will be a while." Silver Spoon turned her head away from the window to see Dim Shadow walking backwards with a roll of duct tape tapping a long line across the room with said tape. "What are you doing!" she yelled.

"Don't cross the line." Dim stated as he dropped the tape next to him and looked over at Silver Spoon.

"Where did you even get that?" Silver Spoon questioned.

"Doesn't matter, why did you want me here?" Dim asked standing at the duct tape border.

"Okay first of all, you can't put duct tape on a carpet floor!" Silver Spoon said walking to her side of the border. "Ugh, it doesn't even matter." she said turning around back back the window. "I asked you to come here because I-I..."

"Want to say sorry?" Dim said, finishing her sentence.

"No, not at all. I need to confess something. I feel as if you'll be the only one to understand." her voice weakened.

"Can I remind you, you literally just put me in a hospital, and now you want me to comfort you? Honestly, what in Celestia's name is wrong with you? That bugs me in the head you know... Interesting if you're telling the truth though...” Dim finished, rubbing his chin.

“Are you done rambling on yet, you blank flank loving brute?” she said looking at Dim Shadow.

“Oh how mature, you know the only thing separating us is tape right?”

Silver Spoon glared back. “The real question is who it’s separating who from.” she stated firmly.

“Oh, I see how it is, little miss-” Dim was suddenly lunged at  And here we go! Dim couldn’t move his  front hooves and but he was unmoved from where he was sitting, he hadn’t been tackled but Silver Spoon was restricting his front hooves and nothing else. Then suddenly, she muttered something in Dim’s ear.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything. I haven’t always been like this!” she sobbed into Dim’s shoulder, tears running down her face.

“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. What do you mean? What’s wrong.” he couldn't move his arms above his head to try and hug her back and he honestly was trying to.

“Wait, you-you’re not mad? Why are you-” Silver Silver Spoon asked confused and in sorrow.

“It’s what my mark is for, I can’t just not help a pony that bear hugs me while crying and saying sorry. No matter how much they’ve wronged me. This includes you, now tell me what’s wrong.” he stared into her tear filled eyes with a smile.

“Thank you.” she said as she broke the hug.

“What do you mean you haven’t always been like this?”

“It started just a little bit before I moved to Ponyville, just a couple months actually.”

“And you’re you’re gonna do what?!” the young pony taunted the boy he had cornered against the old brick wall.

“I’m sorry, just let me get to class. I need to keep up my perfect attendance.” the other young pony begged.

“Well too bad! Do you know how much that bat cost, and then you have the nerve to ‘accidentally’ knock it over!” the angered pony yelled spitting. “Oh, it’s not only for hitting baseballs-” the pony began to pick up his brand-new titanium bat and lift it above his head about to swing. The pony against the wall was shaking in his hooves, and just before he got a couple of his bones broken, luckily, the school’s new worst nightmare walked outside and was running to them.

“You, drop that ten bit bat now before I have to use it!” The gray maned and coated pony said in demand as she slid to a halt.

The pony holding the other against the wall let him go and turned to Silver Spoon, allowing the the victim to run off. “Thanks!” he yelled back.

“No problem!” she shouted back and immediately turned her attention back to the assaulter.

“Now as for you.”

“Now who exactly are you, you little filly?” the pony taunted.

“Enough Brick Bones, what just happened is over. I’ll give you one more chance and if I see you doing ANYTHING like this again, you will regret it.” Silver Spoon yelled threateningly. “I’ll see myself out, never speak to me.” Silver Spoon turned away and was headed back on the track to her original destination.

“I don-” he hardly had time to speak.

“Listen, I don’t think you know how much money and power my family has. If I chose to, I could make sure you never play baseball, or any other sport ever again. Or if you want me to, I could get some ponies who will do to you what you were about to do to that colt. Have I made myself clear?” she turned around and stared him in the eyes. He didn't reply. That was all the agreement Silver Spoon needed.

“And that’s only one of the many times I had to step in and rescue idiots like him.”

“You used your money to scare ponies into not bullying any other ponies... not my style but I like it, whatever works, works.” Dim complemented. “Any times you failed?” Dim asked, to which Silver Spoon immediately looked up as if she was insulted. “What?”

“I’ll just pretend you never asked that..” she turned around and glanced back with a smile.

“So… why did you become this?”

“Excuse me, I will not be referred to as a ‘thing’" she said. “But if your question is why did I stop, I’ll tell you. Dim Shadow, you’ll notice there are almost no problems with the Ponyville community at all, and when there are, they’re quickly resolved by the Element Bearers who all reside here. And if you mean ponies like me, there are almost none and if you want to get in trouble you have to find trouble. You can’t just accidentally stumble upon a situation like the one at hoof. You wanted it to continue, you’re the reason everything is where it is.”

“You didn't answer my question.” he said, ignoring that final statement.

“I believe I have, like I said, there were almost no ponies like me, except for Diamond Tiara and I. Speaking of which, I met her during the summer, way before I knew who she truly was and what she did. Only when that school year started she convinced me to be more like her or ‘give it a try’ as she said. Making fun of idiots for being idiots is much more fun than saving them, it gave me more of a thrill.”

It’s like an addiction? Dim thought to himself.

“And you, you've been giving Diamond Tiara and I the time of our lives for the last few days. No one stands up for themselves and Cheerilee almost never notices. We always wanted a challenge.”

Dim continued to ignore the statements about him feeding the problem. “Couldn't there be some other alternative to what you’re doing. Something else that makes-”

“Makes me feel what, happy?” she said as if Dim had offended her.

“Well… yeah.”

“When did I say this makes me feel happy? It doesn’t make me feel happy.” she turned around and walked towards the window and opened it to let a breeze in. “It only makes me feel something!” she suddenly yelled with tears running down her eyes.

Dim walked over to her by the open window. “Silver Spoon, what do you want to feel?”

Silver Spoon was about to answer but then Dim broke out into a coughing fit. “Woah, what’s wrong?!” she asked.

“The flowers on the windowsill-” coughing interrupted him “I’m very allergic to flowers.” more coughing took over him.

“Sorry!” she quickly closed the window. Now’s my chance. She grabbed the glass of water off the dresser. “Here, drink some water.” she handed the glass to Dim.

Dim quickly drank it all down in an effort to stop his coughing fit. After a second the water soothed his throat. “Thanks for that.” he looked at Silver Spoon who was suddenly a little too close for comfort.

“What did you ask me?” she put on a little smile and blushed. Silver Spoon then put a hoof under Dim’s chin and directed his head towards her so they were looking in each other's eyes. “What do I want to feel?”