Shogun Deezutra vs. The Past

by trahzo

Act 5. Rainbow Dash vs. King Sombra!

Rainbow Dash was face-to-face with a badass bad guy! Rainbow tried to hit him but, he turned into mist, and then circled around her! spikes then popped out from the inside the ring of mist! He tried to shred Rainbow to shreds but she was just way too fast! Sombra used a spell to hold her down. Then he started punching her, with no mercy!

"After I'm finished, that damn dragon & Princess of romance are next!"

Rainbow Dash was able to use enough sheer force of will to break through the magical binds & counter punch him really hard in between the eyes & nose. She then used her skills as a black belt in karate to unleashe a beat down that didn't stop! King Sombra then turned into mist and went behind her! He then drop kicked Rainbow! Sombra then kicked her while she was down! Rainbow had a hard time to get up, but then...

"Leave Rainbow Dash alone!" Cried out Scootaloo.

Sombra was distracted allowing Rainbow Dash the edge! She managed to get up. Rainbow got her revenge by starting off by kicking him in the left ear! Then a chop to the forehead. Rainbow went in for a punch, but then Sombra grabbed it, and slammed her into a wall! Then he held her up by the neck. Rainbow struggled to get him to let go. He threw Rainbow Dash to the floor! Sombra picked up Rainbow then dropped her down so his knee got her in the back, then he kicked Rainbow causing her to roll. Rainbow Dash used a long stick to pick herself up off the ground. She saw King Sombra coming in fast! Rainbow hid the stick behind her back! Then she smacked Sombra in the face! Rainbow Dash then continued hitting him with the stick then soon it broke in half! Sombra got very angry!

"You are a very durable bitch, you know that!" Then he started becoming giant.

Sombra then tried to crush her but she was too fast!

"Catch me if you can sucka..." She completely forgot about the magical binds!



Rainbow was still breathing.

"Grah! I can't believe you're still alive, but just barely! I'll leave you alone to die!"

She couldn't get up, her breathing was shallow, her sight was going blank, but then...

"You can do it Rainbow Dash!"

Scootaloo's words got her to wake up & not give up! Then a gloved hand offered yo get her up.

"So, ready to go super?"

"If it'll help me defeat King Sombra, then sure!"

Then all 7 Chaos Emeralds surrounded them...wait a minute, Chaos Emeralds!? She teamed up with Sonic the Hedgehog! The both of then transformed into Super Sonic & Super Rainbow Dash! They flew towards King Sombra who was still searching for Spike in the chaos of the war!

"Hey stupid!" Yelled Rainbow!


"Let's do this Sonic!"


Then they killed King Sombra with a fusion of Sonic's boost & Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom!


Then for a 2nd time in a row, he blew up!

"Whoa, looks like you can explode twice!" Spike commented as he & Pinkie took down a cyclops.

"Alright, I gotta go! I was only passing by!"

"Later!" She told Sonic as he ran off & killed all of the enemies in his path outta Ponyville.