My life

by Najee_uzimaki

Applejacks Secret

After I made about five more pies. I heard a soft crying sound coming from a distance. I thought it was just a little girl crying outside because she dropped her ice cream or something, but it wasn't. It even turned out to be that the weeping wasn't even coming from outside. It was coming from upstairs. Wait, that means that this was Applejack was crying. I turned around and I crouched on the floor so I can sneak pass, now sleeping Grannysmith. As I got to the stairs I heard somepony coming in through the kitchen. I think it was Big Mac. I quickly hurried up the stairs and hid behind a door. The weeping was louder and more closer to me. The door to Applejacks room, or what I thought was Applejacks room, was slightly open. I peaked inside and I saw that Applejack was holding a picture. I couldn't see the picture that well so I tried to get a little closer. The room was really small. It had wooden walls that were painted green and blue. The floor was straight regular wood and the bed was big enough for one pony to sleep in. Applejack is laying on the bed. He mane was all messed up because of how stressed she was at the moment. I just wanted to know what was wrong with her! She put down the picture and headed for the door, wiping tears from her face. I quickly stepped back and hid behind the door I did before. Luckily she didn't notice that I was there because of all the crying she was doing. She went downstairs to do something. This was my chance. My curiosity got to me, and I went into her room. I saw the picture on the drawer beside her bed. It was a picture of her and another pony. That pony was also orange. The one on the left was one of Applejack. The one on the right was one of somepony else. I never seen that pony before. He had a yellow mane and a cowcolt hat on. His cutie mark was of a hammer. So I was guessing he was good at making things. He was smiling in the photo while holding Applejack in his whooves.

“Who the heck is this?” I asked myself. I heard some hoof-steps coming upstairs. I quickly reacted and jumped into the closet that was beside her door. I didn't have time to close the door all away, and that was a good thing. I could actually see what was going on. I heard her close the door behind her and lock it. She then turned her light out and got into the bed. Oh no. I just realized that it was already nine o' clock. Snips. This is bad. I am suppose to be home at the moment. I wonder why Applejack did not go looking for me. She might of thought I had went home. Oh no this is bad. I have to sneak away from a sleeping AJ. That seems really easy. To top it all of. In this situations, I somehow always have to pee when I hide from people. I sigh and start to make up a plan to leave without getting caught. Oh buck. If she finds me I will probably lose my job, and she would hate me forever. Well. I am bucked.

I waited for about ten to fifth-teen minutes before I even made a move. I started to hear a faint yet odd snoring coming from Applejack.

“Oh so Applejack is a bit manlier than I thought” I said to myself trying to hold back the chuckle.

I slowly start to open the door, as I do a really loud screech sounds through the room. I Freeze when the door is half way open. Gosh, I hate it when things are louder in the dark. Why can it not just be the same. I wait for about another five minutes before making another move just in case.

Okay, this time I will be more quick. They say the faster you open things in the silence the less sound it makes. That was so not the case. I opened it really fast and as I thought I was free the door hit the wall and the picture on the wall fell. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. I slowly looked up to see what Applejack did. To my surprise she was still sleep.

“Wow what a rough sleeper” I say. As I said that Applejack woke up. Sigh my luck.

“W-who is that? Who is there?” She said with a sleepy yet concerned voice.

I froze and I was hoping she would not turn on the light. I heard something hit something then that something fell. I guessed it was the lamp. At this point I had butterflies in my stomach. I then took a deep breath, said to myself “YOLO”, and dipped out of her room. I ran, nearly feel, down the steps and I went clean out the door. All I heard behind me was Applejack yelling “Thief! Call the Pony Police Force, call the Colts Operation your Protection, call somepony!”. I was so happy that I got out of there alive. I started to laugh at how mad AJ was.

When I got home the smell of dinner came from the kitchen. I smiled at the smell, and just for one second. I thought to myself how would I survive without Sunshower in my life. Although I dismissed the thought right after because I did live fine until she came. I turned on the light and sat down, I noticed the food was still warm. So she must have stayed up a really long time to keep it that way. Near the plate I saw there was a note. It read.

Um. Eric, I am sorry I could'nt stay up and see you come home
But um here is some food I cooked up for you just in case you are hungry.
Eh. I was worried but I kinda know you can handle yourself so I just went to sleep
I hope I see you later.

After I finished reading that my face turned a bright red.
“Who, this mare is really weird.” I didn't think much about anything as I went upstairs. I saw here in the bed sleep. It was kind of funny and Ironic that she snores as well. I giggle to that. I slowly pulled down the blankets and got into bed. I slept good that night.