//------------------------------// // Epilogue: In which, Pepper beats Boomer nearly to death; Boomer gets ready to blow Pepper to dust, on purpose; Princess Luna becomes a Godmother; and Giggles uncovers a secret, support group? // Story: Boomer's Crisis // by WEKM //------------------------------// Epilogue: In which, Pepper beats Boomer nearly to death; Boomer gets ready to blow Pepper to dust, on purpose; Princess Luna becomes a Godmother; and Giggles uncovers a secret, support group? Just over one year later: Giggles was livid. How could Princess Luna forbid her from helping on this latest mission. I mean, for crying out loud, even Pinkie Pie was helping on this one. Why couldn't she? It's not like she couldn't find out what was going on. Even as she walked down this street, half way across Equestria from her brother, she could still feel the edges of the beating poor Boomer was taking. Giggles could literally be there in a blink. But no, she was forbidden. Instead, she was sent here to investigate a secret society, and then report back to Princess Luna. Giggles was to simply locate, observe, and report back. She ground her teeth. Her high and mighty princess could just get stuffed. Her brother was in trouble, and by all the gods, she was going to go help him, orders be damned. Despite the pain he was in, Boomer had obviously picked up on her intentions. And, despite the distance, she heard the thought he pushed at her. "You come here, and I swear, you will never see me, Pepper, or any children we have, EVER!" Giggles flinched. Although his thought was filled with anger, it was tinged with fear; fear for her. She stopped dead. He was getting his brains kicked in, but he was deathly afraid of her coming to him right then. Just what was going on with them? A voice from behind her broke through her musings. "Are you coming to the meeting?" Giggles spun around, startled beyond all measure. She wasn't making any effort to be present, so, she should have been all but invisible. Even though she was more discernible at night, as it now was, she usually had to make an effort to be seen by somepony not familiar with her. And that number was rather small. The pony now before her was in fact not part of that number. However, Giggles was passingly familiar with the bright white unicorn with the lavender mane and tail before her. She was in fact the very pony Princess Luna had sent her to investigate and report on. Giggles looked around. Sure enough, she was the only other pony on the street. "I'm sorry. Were you addressing me?" The other pony's face fell to sorrow. "Oh my poor dear. How long has it been since you've been acknowledged by any of us in the land of the living?" Giggles blinked in true surprise, "Wait, not only do you see me, but you know that I'm a ghost?" The other brightened, "Oh, wonderful, you're aware of your status. It is always so hard when some pony comes to us unwilling to acknowledge their nature as one of the deceased." Giggles was flummoxed. How was this pony able to see her, and why was she not only not surprised, but not even bothered that she was a ghost. When the bright white unicorn said, "Why don't we hurry on in. If we dawdle, Okiku will have all the coffee drank before we get there." Giggles found herself stepping along without thought. The compulsion was very light. The mere fact that she'd caught it at all was more testament to the training she'd received as one of Princess Luna's Knights of the Night, than any personal skill. Giggles slammed herself to a stop and growled at the other unicorn, "Don't EVER do that again. You really wouldn't like what happens it you piss me off." The other unicorn actually flushed in embarrassment.. "I'm so sorry. I've gotten so used to having to herd new ghosts I come across, it's become habit. Please forgive me. That was terribly rude of me. My name is Violet Shadow by the way." Giggles was still wary. Violet must have sensed it, as she immediately spoke up, "Don't give me your full name, just something I can call you. Without your full name given by your own lips, I can't exert any power over you against your will." That didn't do much to settle her nerves. "My name is Giggles." Violet smiled happily, "Oh! The one Princess Luna was sending to meet us? How wonderful. You must come and meet the others." And with that, she continued leading Giggles to a nearby home. Not sure what else to do, she followed along. The living room of the house had been set up with a table along one wall, which held coffee and tea pots, as well as several different snacks and cookies. A group of chairs had been set up in a circle in the middle of the room. There were two other tiny ghosts already in the room. One was eating a large cookie, that looked even larger for the fact that it was as big as the teeny ghost pony, however, the look of joy in his eyes, behind his spectacles, clearly demonstrated the quality of the treat. Another was head down in a coffee cup, making happy slurping noises, as well as a merry hummed tune. Her little hind quarters and tail the only things still outside the cup. Violet Shadow went over to the circle of chairs. “If everyone is ready, we’ll get started.” Giggles sat down, and the two little ghost ponies came over to take seats, bringing their treats with them. In fact the one in the coffee cup floated the whole thing over; not righting herself in the cup till it was drained and licked clean. Then, she leaned back like she was in a grand bathtub, with a sigh of contentment. Violet continued, “To start with, I have some good and bad news. On the bad side, Sir Henry will no longer be joining us. The good news is, with the last of his great grandchildren taken care of, he has decided to let go at last, and move beyond. As well, you may notice we have a new member here with us. This is her first time here at the Ghost Support Group, and I hope you will join me in welcoming her. I thought we could start with introductions, and then after, you can each take turns telling about yourselves, and what you would like get out of our group.” The other two ghosts were Okiku, and her brother Ukiko. Giggles didn’t quite follow the explanation for why they chose to be so tiny, as Okiku’s coffee had apparently kicked in, and Giggles had trouble following the 9000 words a minute speech of the happy little ghost. Ukiko had the opposite problem. He just stared at Giggles wide eyed, and all he managed to say other than his name was, “Wow. You’re really pretty.” When at last it was her turn to share, Giggle was a little hesitant. But, she decided to just spill everything out in the open, and see what others thought of her odd tale, and her afterlife. She took a deep breath, and started from the day more than twenty years before. Half way across Equestria, Boomer staggered back to his hooves. Every part of him screamed from the pain. He knew Pepper was significantly stronger than he, but to be on the receiving end of that strength when used in violence, was another thing entirely. Those glowing red eyes and that deep echoey voice, coming from his wife's mouth, was almost more than he could bare when it mocked him again, "Just give up. You can't bring yourself to raise a hoof against your wife and unborn child. Let me go, and as soon as I can find another vessel that isn't so hindered, I'll release her. There may not even be any lasting damage. You keep thwarting me, and I will consume them both. Then where will you be?" Boomer planted his hooves. He nearly went down from the shock of pain. Oh yes, his back leg was definitely broken. He steadied himself after taking the weight off it, and faced down the specter in his wife's body. "I was given a charge. Stop you, at ANY cost." He started pumping his rage and frustration into his magic. Instantly, his horn went white hot, and his body started to glow as well. "You're vulnerable when in a physical form. I'll have to kill her, but I Will destroy You." The look on Pepper's face shifted from smug to slightly panicked, "You can't! She's your wife!" Boomer ground his teeth as all the energy burned through him, and he lifted off the ground in a bubble of angry force. It was too much. He didn't think he could hold off long enough. But, one way or another, this had to end here. "I will hate myself forever, but I have a duty to Equestria!" And he aimed the stump of his horn squarely at the love of his life. Tears of iridescent fire ran down his cheeks. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Pepper's body crumpled to the ground, as a sooty red energy tore itself from her. That deep echoey voice raged, "Noooooo!!!" as it pulled free of her. Struggling to hold his power back just another second or two, Boomer bellowed, "Koi, Pinkie, NOW!" From the tree they had taken refuge behind, the two ponies jumped out. Holding a massive book bound in deep green scaly leather, with silver accents tarnished nearly black with age; they opened the massive tome, dropping it on the ground. They leaped over to Pepper's body, and clung to it for all they were worth. Dark lightning poured from the open book. Boomer could feel its horrid power clawing and pulling at their souls. But they were safe, anchored in their physical bodies. The specter however, wasn't so lucky. The dark lightning contacted the sooty red energy of the specter, and instantly, all the tendrils of lightning converged on it, like an octopus finding an oyster. The specter was dragged down into the book, screaming in protest and horror. Then, the book slammed itself closed. Shifting his aim, Boomer unleashed all his deadly rage on the book. Ponies all across Equestria were awoken from their sleep when the ground shook. Boomer crumpled to the edge of the great crater before him, all his energy spent. As he collapsed to the ground, directly behind him, The three fillies clinging to each other became visible. Pinkie's eyes were wide, and her mouth hung open. "The flash, I saw his bones." She whispered in awe. Koi poked her head up, "I have to agree with you on that one. That was so bright, I think even I saw it." From the bottom of the pile, Pepper groaned, "That's a heck of a feat, seeing as you were born without eyes. Now, would you two mind getting off me. The baby makes it hard enough to breath as it is, she doesn't need any help from you." Boomer started to slip over the edge of the crater, but he didn't have enough strength left to move even a single hoof. It was a long way down to the bottom. "How sad," he thought. "I save all of Equestria, only to be killed by my own crater." He lost sight of his three fellow knights as the lip cut off his view. In a way, having his view of them cut off was a good thing as, just before his head slipped over the edge, all three had looks of horror on their faces at seeing him sliding over to his doom, yet knowing that they wouldn’t be able to get to him in time. At least he wouldn’t have to look them in the eyes as he died. He closed his eyes, and just hoped it was quick. PAIN! Oh holly gods! Boomer screamed as the pain in his broken lake flared like a super nova He looked back up to see his broken leg bent at a ninety degree angle over the crater lip, with the broken bone poking through the shin area. Then, he slipped a bit more, and Pinkie Pie was dragged partly over the edge, desperately clinging to his hoof. Of course karma, that evil bitch, would have Pinkie grab his broken leg. And now, he was going to end up dragging her over as well. Perfect. Boomer tried to stop screaming in pain so he could tell her to let go, before she fell to her death; when she slipped over the edge completely as well. Then, rather than both falling, a blue glow surrounded them. They were lifted back up out of the crater. Koi stood with her hooves planted wide, and a grimace on her face, sweat beading her brow, as she floated them back away from the crater edge. She set them down, and blew out explosively, and collapsed. “Whew. I’m not a young filly anymore.” she gasped. Boomer looked from her, to Pinkie Pie, and croaked out, “Thank you.” Before letting the darkness swallow him. With any luck, he wouldn’t wake up till he was in the hospital. No such luck. Boomer awoke screaming, as they were loading him aboard Princess Luna’s Night Chariot. True, they had barely tapped his broken leg, but it had dragged him out of oblivion, back into a world of raging pain. As he passed out again, his only thought was, “The chariot? How long have I been out, that they have made it here?” Fortunately, he didn’t awaken again, until he was at the hospital, and apparently already in a recovery room. Groggily, he looked over. They were all there, Pepper, Giggles, Koi, Pinkie Pie, and even Princes Luna. Who addressed him, “My champion, we are grateful beyond measure to have ye back with us. Thy quest was successful, but methinks ye hath been again, as Pinkie Pie so adequately put it, blocking punches with thy face. We would ask ye to kindly refrain from such in the future, as it doth distress thy wife greatly.” Boomer chuckled, then groaned in pain. Koi spoke up, “Well, they were able to put your leg back together. However, because of the compound fracture, they are not able to put a cast on it yet. Her highness here thinks she can use her magic to heal the break, and the cuts enough for them to put a cast on, but she says it will hurt, a lot. Do you want her to?” He nodded his head. “Make it quick, before I think about it, or wake up any more.” Princess Luna’s horn glowed, and he tried to scream. He really did. But it hurt so much, all the muscles in his body cramped and spasmed, and he couldn’t open his mouth. When it was over, Koi grinned, “Great. Now they can get a cast on it, and when you’re healed enough for them to take it off, then we can start on physical therapy.” Boomer looked at Pepper pleadingly, “Please, throw me back in the crater.” Koi cackled in glee. However, everyone was frozen when Pepper stiffened, and exclaimed, “Oh my!” Boomer’s eyes bulged. “Now? But you’re early!” Pepper nodded. “Well, at least we are already at the hospital. And it’s only a few days early; well within expected times. Honestly, with what we just went through, I’m amazed she waited till we got here.” Koi patted Boomer’s shoulder, “Don’t worry. By the time they get done with your cast, and have you in a wheelchair, you’ll have missed all the long drawn out boring parts, and be ready for the important stuff. I’ll get your wife checked in, and send the doctor in to take care of you.” She turned to everypony else, “All right everyone, that wraps up the show in here. Y’all clear out, and we’ll go set the stage for act two.” Pinkie Pie led the precession out of the room, bouncing and singing, “I’m gonna be an auntie!” Koi was right. He was done, and in Pepper’s room in plenty of time. Granted, he looked funny trying to coach her from his wheelchair, hooked up to as many monitors and IV bags as she was. But he held her hoof all through the worst of it. After several hours, at last, they delivered a healthy pegasus girl, of shiny midnight black. Her mane and tail were a deep blue, with a single lock of white in her mane, and one in her tail. The doctor figured it was from some sort of trauma while she was still inside, but other than that, she was fully healthy. Yeah, that last bit before she was born could definitely be considered trauma. Boomer was just thankful she hadn’t been drained away, and been born all white, and dead. It had been close. Too close. Once everything was cleaned up, and the baby was resting in her mother’s arms, Boomer looked up at Pepper. “We still haven’t decided on a name.” Pepper smiled, “I think that idea you had would be perfect.” He looked back at her, “Are you sure? She may not agree…” Pepper patted his hoof. “We’ll ask her, and if she says no, then we can decide on something else then. But let’s find out, and then we can have the rest come in and meet our daughter.” Boomer debated on asking a nurse to go fetch her, but before he could reach for the call button, there was a knock at their door. Princess Luna poked her head into the room. “My champion, ye have need of me?” Boomer looked to Pepper, who smiled and nodded her head. He looked back to his princess, and motioned for her to come in the room. As Boomer and Pepper held hooves, he addressed Princess Luna, “We are getting ready to name our girl, and we would like to name her after her godmother.” Princess Luna cocked her head a bit, but didn’t interrupt, so he continued, “We would like to name her Luna, if that is alright with you.” The princess cocked her head the other way, “But I thought ye wanted to name thy child after…” Her eyes went wide, and her hoof went to her mouth. She sat frozen for several seconds. Tears began to form in her eyes and she lowered her hoof. She bowed her head slightly, and with a shaky breath, “I would indeed be honored, and I do accept.” Giggles poked her head through a wall. “Is the princess done crying yet? I was sent to see if it is safe to send everypony in. There are some restless ponies out there who want to meet the newest member of the clan.” Then she stopped as she met the eyes of her new niece. She looked at her brother, “She has mom’s eyes.” Boomer smiled and nodded, “Mom’s, any yours. Go tell everyone that baby Luna is now receiving visitors.” Giggles grinned at the princess, who was wiping away a tear, and went back through the wall, headed for the waiting room. Pepper looked down into the bright eyes of their daughter. “I hope you’re ready for this. We have an odd family, but I know that they will all love you very much.” Baby Luna seemed eager to meet them. And at the head of the precession into the room, other than Giggles, (who could float through walls, the cheater) were baby Luna’s two newly christened grandmothers, both beaming with pride. As if they were the cork in the bottle, as soon as they entered the room, a flood of family, friends and well wishers poured in, along with a lot of love. The End, for now.